The Kidnapping Of Kallie Jone...

By Franta_21

157K 2.6K 750

Kallie Emma Jones is 14-year-old daughter of 'The Savior' Emma Swan and Killian 'Hook' Jones. With Henry all... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (Part 1)
Chapter Seventeen (Part 2)
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chatper Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty (Epiloge)

Chapter Twenty-Five

2.5K 51 16
By Franta_21

KA L L I E ' S P O V

This was a dream....

This wasn't real....

Henry wasn't dead. He's Henry Mills. The Author. The son of the Savoir. My older brother. My brother who was now dead because of me....

He wouldn't have been on Neverland if it weren't for me...

This was MY fault.

"No no no." I whispered running over. I fell to my knees beside my mom as I stared down at Henry. His skin was so pale and cold to the touch. "You have to do something!" I begged my mom and Regina. "Please." My mom sighed, wrapping her arms around me.

She pulled me closer. "I'm so sorry Kallie."

"This is all my fault." I breathed out.

"No, it's not." Regina spoke, then flickered her eyes up to my dad. "It's his fault." She rose to her feet, glaring at him. "Henry wouldn't have even known to come here if it wasn't for your message."

"Regina, I wouldn't have sent that if I had known Pan was gonna-"

"Kill my son." She finished, cutting him off. He stared at her for a long moment.

"He's my son too." He whispered. His eyes dropped down on Henry as did Regina's. "Is- Is there really nothing you can do?" His eyes flickered up at Regina once again.

She shook her head no.  "Not without Ella here." She glanced down at her son again, tears streaming down her face. I couldn't stop staring at Henry. We needed him.

I needed him.

"Can- can I have a moment alone?" I asked my mom in a whisper. She nodded kissing my head. She slowly stood up and walked few feet away with my dad and Regina, giving me space. I sighed heavily, my breathing shaky.  "I'm so sorry." I paused for a second.

"I love you, Henry." I whispered, then leaned down and kissed his forehead.

A wave of energy rippled throughout the cave. My parents and Regina quickly turned around as his eyes slowly opened. 

"I love you too." Henry spoke, staring back at me.

I gasped. "Henry! You're alive!" I threw myself at him giving him a huge hug as he sat up a little.

"Kallie." He hugged me back tighter. He pulled away after a long minute, looking at me again. "You- you saved me." His head shook confused. "But how?"

"True Love's kiss." My mom spoke staring at us in shock. Our heads turned to my parents and Regina as my mom smiled, relieved Henry was okay. It quickly turned into confused look. "But Henry, your heart-"

"Emma." My dad spoke staring at something behind him. My mom and Regina looked behind them. We looked over between my dad and Regina. A wave of yellow light surrounded the ashes. It got brighter and brighter covering it completely. After a second, it disappeared, revealing a pink and orange glowing heart.

Henry's heart.

"What the hell?" Regina questioned, staring in disbelief. She turned completely around and picked up her son's beating heart. She inspected it and grinned. "It's really Henry's heart."

"But how?" My dad questioned. "True Love's kiss can't bring back a crushed heart."

Regina looked at my dad. "Apparently, your daughter's true love kiss can."

"Kallie actually brought Henry back from dead?" He questioned, but already knew the answer cause Regina was holding the result in her hands. My dad glanced over at my mom who gave him relieved, yet worried look.

Relieved that Henry was alive, but worried about my powers.

They watched as Regina came over to us and kneed down beside me.

She looked at Henry. "This might hurt a little." She took a deep breathe, then shoved his heart back into this chest. She pulled her hand out. He gasped holding onto his chest. His eyes flickered up to Regina. She looked at him with a serious look. "Henry Mills, don't you ever come back to Neverland again."

He chuckled. "I love you too, Mom." She smiled giving him a tight hug. After a minute, Regina helped Henry off the ground as I stood up. He turned around as our mom came running over with my dad.

"Henry!" She cried running into his arms, hugging him tight. "Don't you dare scare me like that again." She whispered after awhile before pulling away. Henry looked at my dad.

"Come here!" My dad smiled pulling Henry in for a tight hug. "I love you son."

"I love you too, dad." Henry whispered. My dad glanced at my mom and chuckled smiling. He pulled away and smiled at his stepson. Henry heavily sighed grinning at my dad.

"Now can we get back to Storybrooke?" Regina asked.

My mom sighed. "Not quite yet. There's some else we need to do first." Regina looked at my mom confused for a moment but then reminded-

"Tinkerbell." She spoke. "She's still in Pandora's Box." My mom nodded. "Where is it?"

"Felix took it." Henry spoke, then glanced at my dad. "When Pan... almost killed you."

"Thanks for reminder, Henry." My dad said. Henry's eyes turned away. "What do we do with Pan's lost boys once we get the box back?"

"Bring them back to Storybrooke with us." My mom replied. "Get them home." We all nodded agreeing. She sighed grinning at us.

"Now, lets go find Tinkerbell."

* * * * * *

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