The Lost Fairy

By goldendragon225

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Over 400 years old, part of a secret scientific experiment by that era's Magic Council. F/n L/n, a wanderer... More

Chapter 1: The Hurting Hero
Chapter 2: The War Begins
Chapter 3: Phantom's Arrival
Chapter 4: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 5: Lost Shirt
Chapter 6: Trains...
Chapter 7: Womanizer M/N?!
Chapter 8: Break The Ring
Chapter 9: M/N's Anger
Chapter 10: New Home/ Nightmares
Chapter 11: Ninja
Chapter 12: Truth's Revealed
Chapter 13: The Ultimate Roar
Chapter 14: Arrival In Edolas
Chapter 15: Edolas M/N
Chapter 16: Return To Earthland
Chapter 17: The Cloaked Man On Tenrou Island
Chapter 18: The Power Of A God
Chapter 19: Training/The 7 Year Time Skip
Chapter 20: An Ancient Dragon Slayer
Chapter 21: Focux
Chapter 22: Neptune Vs. The God of Dragons
Chapter 23: Pushed To The Limit
Chapter 24: Horace and Bora
Chapter 25: The Original Dragon Slayers
Chapter 27: M/n's Enemies
Chapter 28: The Fight For Humanity
Chapter 29: Rage of The Dragon God
Chapter 30: We Don't Trade Lives
Chapter 31: The Light Alliance
Chapter 32: Feelings Revealed
Chapter 33: The Grand Magic Games Begin
Chapter 34: The Grand Magic Games Pt.2
Chapter 35: Pandemonium
Chapter 36: Dragon Force
Chapter 37: Mercurius Rescue
Chapter 38: The Hungry Wolf Knights
Chapter 39: The Death of The Dragon God?!
Chapter 40: The Party
Chapter 41: We have a pool?
Chapter 42: The Eclipse Spirits
Chapter 43: The Sun Village
Chapter 44: Love
Chapter 45: Tartaros Begins
Chapter 46: Tartaros Vs. M/n
Chapter 47: Rockwell's Sacrifice
Chapter 48: Rage of The Water Dragon
Chapter 49: The Will
Chapter 50: Father and Son
Chapter 51: Fairy Tail Zero- The Lost Fairy
Chapter 52: The Dragon God Returns
Chapter 53: A Darkness Within
Chapter 54: Ankhseram
Chapter 55: Neptune's Final Atonement
Chapter 56: Armageddon Part 1
Chapter 57: Armageddon Pt. 2
Chapter 58: Broken.
Chapter 59: The Strongest Dragon Slayer
Chapter 60: Wood God Dragonslayer
Chapter 61: A Broken God
Chapter 62: Magnolia

Chapter 26: M/n Vs. Thor

2.2K 64 20
By goldendragon225

Your POV

I stare him down as his hair begins floating to, then, in a flash of lightning, it turns bright gold.

Thor: "Are you ready to pay for your crimes?"

You: "You hurt her... You won't live to regret that..." I say, the venom in my voice was obvious. I was pissed, no, I was enraged... He Hurt Her! 'M/n... Use everything you have, it's time this asshole learned his place.' I smirk and nod. I agree, dragon. We charge each other and as our fists connect we both go flying backwards. I extend my claws and sink them into the ground, helping to slow me down.

Thor: "You've grown weak over the years, while I've grown strong. You cannot defeat me anymore F/n. I, am the new Dragon God." 'That's it.' I suddenly feel an extreme amount of power begin to rise in me. W-what the hell is this? I fall to a knee as my entire body feels like it's burning. 'This... This is what you will be capable of once you break that ring...' I stand back up, and hold my hands out in front of me, opening and closing them. "What is this...?" I look up to him, then begin walking towards him.

Erza POV

M-my god... W-what is this? This is nothing like any of M/n's other power ups. This was on a whole other level. H-he made even Hades look weak, and with this power, he could probably even stand up to that Black Dragon...

You: "How dare you disrespect my Dragon... I am, and always will be, the strongest. Never, disrespect myself or my Dragon again... Now, we are going to show you our true power!"

Erza: "What is this?" M/n's power had skyrocketed to an entirely other level... His eyes were now silver, along with a fiery silver flame that would rise upwards around him.

You/Etherion: "How dare you hurt her... Now, you will pay... Thor..." What? Who's voice was that? "This is our power. This, is what the Dragon God is capable of." Then, he disappears, leaving an afterimage of himself. He's gotten this fast? He appears directly in front of Thor, and easily dodges his attacks. "You can't hit me." Wait, this isn't right... He sounds way too calm now, he was furious just moments before...

Cana: "T-this is incredible, I've never seen anything so fast..." She says in awe.

Wendy: "I wonder what this is? Usually his hair turns white, yet it's still the normal color. And the flame around him, it's white and silver, not just white, and there's no F/C either... It's weird."

Erza: "Yes, this is far different from his normal transformations."

You: "I will end this within a minute."

Thor: "You and I are still among the same level of power F/n."

You: "Enough talk." The Thor strikes forward, but M/n tilts his head and the bolt goes flying by. M/n proceeds to punch him in the gut, then as he keels over he elbows him in the back, forcing him onto the ground.

Thor: "W-what...?" He croaks out.

You: "13." He then holds his hand out and a silverish ball of energy forms in it, then he blasts it at Thor. He jumps back and lands in front of me, I almost immediately begin sweating, and I fall to a knee due to the pressure.

Thor: "DAMN YOU!!" I look up and see lightning shoot out everywhere, then Thor emerges from the ground. "I'll Kill You For That!"

You: "31." He charges M/n, only to have M/n dodge every single attack, he didn't even have to block... Eventually he strikes back, punching Thor in the face effortlessly. He goes careening backwards as M/n begins walking towards him. "47." As he reaches him, he blasts him again. Then jumps back to us. "58, 2 seconds early... My bad." I look up and see Thor lying on the ground unconscious...

Wendy: "Whoa." He turns to me, and tosses a small blue crystal necklace. "W-what's this?"

You: "If you are ever in trouble, break the crystal." Then he disappears.

Mira POV

As we arrive at the lakes for our clock piece Lisanna jumps in, and the lake begins draining.

Elfman: "Looks like she found something."

Mira: "Good work Lisanna!" Everything was going great, until Elfman threw the piece, I look over and see the woman from the previous attack on Fairy Tail standing there.

Mary Hughes: "Thank you for finding this for me."

Mira: "It's you, from the attack earlier." Elfman charges her, but just ends up attacking us due to her manipulation wand thingy. Then, I feel an incredible power above us. I look up, and see... "M/N?!" He was extremely serious right now, it was odd to see him like that. He jumps down and lands between us.

Mary: "Oh, you will be fun to control." She points her wand at him, but nothing happens. "What? Why isn't it working?"

You: "Shut up. You people are pissing me off. Give these people the clock piece. Right Now."

Your POV

She then points the baton at Mira, and she begins screaming.

You: "Stop! Stop this right now!"

Mary: "Then I'll just make you my puppet instead!" Damnit!! Her screams grow louder, then, something's is ripped out of her...

Elfman: "H-her..."

Lisanna: "Satan Soul!" The satanic Mira begins attacking the 2 of them.

You: "You... you better stop this right now. I don't have time to waste, I believe some friends of mine are in trouble."

Mary: "I'd worry about these ones first."

Mira POV

When I come too, I see my Satan soul holding Lisanna by the head, and M/n... He was on a knee, and looked exhausted. Was he beaten by this thing?

Mary: "This was fun and all, but now I think it's time I put you out of your misery." The puppet charges up an extreme amount of energy into a black ball, then fires a wave of it at me, the next thing I know, M/n is standing in front of me...

Mira: "M/n...?"

You: "Master told me to never let anyone push you over the edge, he said you'd lose control. So, I am going to be ending this. Your family won't be torn apart anymore than it already has." He simply holds out his hand and stops the blast, like it was nothing...

Mary: "What? Just Who Are You?!"

You: "Enough of this bullshit. Leave the clock piece and run away, or else." Whoa, I've never heard him speak like this.

Mary: "HA! Why would I run away?! I'm in control here, don't forget that!" M/n steps forwards, and the ground begins to shake.

You: "No, I was simply recovering enough energy to transform again... You were never in control. I was, none of you can match my power, especially when I'm fighting for others."

Mary: "FINE! Then I'll Just Take It To Stage 3!" Then, she absorbs my Satan Soul, and charges M/n, but, he simply grabs her fist, then she punches with the other one, and strikes him dead center in his face, but he doesn't budge, not a muscle. "W-what...?"

You: "Bad." Then he punches her once, and she goes flying backwards into the mountain.

Elfman: "Knocked unconscious in a single blow... Unreal..." M/n turns to us and nods, then wings grow from his back and he takes off at an insane speed.

Your POV

Lucy, you may have to use that distress crystal already, I don't know if you, Natsu, and Romeo could defeat Byro, even if you work together... Rockwell, please help them until I get there. 'Of course, F/n, the one is a Heartfilia, and another a Dragon Slayer. Byro will not hurt them, do not worry, I will help until you get here. I relax, knowing they'll be safe until I get there.

Lucy POV

Byro and Natsu stare each other down, then there's a massive tremor, and I feel an insane magical energy spike. I look around, and see 2 sea green eyes within a tunnel. And that Rockwell guy walks out.

Byro: "Hmm..."

Rockwell: "Enough Byro. No more, give Ms. Heartfilia the clock piece."

Byro: "You know I can't do that."

Rockwell: "Fine, so be it. But just so you know, if you are only an equal to Gildarts... You have no chance of winning."

Byro: "The Light Alliance? Interesting."

Rockwell: "I am sorry, but you will not be hurting Ms. Heartfilia today."

Byro: "Really?"

Rockwell: "Yes, now leave, and return that clock piece to Ms. Heartfilia immediately." Rockwell? Why did he come back?

Erza POV

Wendy and Cana help me to a stand, but as they do. I hear him groan. I look over as he pushes himself back up.

Thor: "F/n... You idiot..." He grunts out. "How did you manage to access that form? You haven't broken the Ring of Pride yet..." Then he looks over to us. "You mortal humans... You Have Ruined Everything!"

Erza: "What have we ever done to you?"

Thor: "You pathetic parasites have ruined the Dragon God! F/n has grown far too compassionate towards you ingrates."

Cana: "Stop talking down to us like that! We're just as good as you!" His pupils shrink down, and he turns his body to face us.

Thor: "What did you say...?" He growls out at us.

Erza: "Cana, take Wendy and run. I'll buy you some time." Then I see a whip of lightning appear in each of his hands. Damn, I'm in no condition to fight right now. After just one hit from this guy I was down for the count. Then, Wendy steps up beside me. "Wendy?"

Wendy: "M/n told me to use this if I ever was in trouble and needed help... I trust him." Then, she rips off the necklace and throws it onto the ground. It shatters, and the fragments... melt? Then a vortex of water forms to our right. And he comes flying through it.

Erza: "What?!"

Wendy: "What?! M/n said help would come!"

Thor: "You gave a human a summoning crystal?!"

Neptune: "I owed M/n a favor, and this is who he must have chosen for me... And I accept it, given she is a Dragon Slayer after all."

Thor: "That weak little girl? Impossible." I look over as Wendy shies away and looks down.

Neptune: "I suggest you don't call her that again." She looks up, obviously surprised at what he said. "I'm here to protect her. So, unless you want a fight, leave now."

Thor: "I am your leader, I order you to stand down Neptune."

Neptune: "I don't take orders from you anymore. You were about to hurt one of our own. That is UNACCEPTABLE!!" A blue aura surrounds him and his hair stands on edge. "You 3 and the cat, run away now. This is going to get ugly. Thor and I are on the same level, and neither of us has ever been able to best the other in 1 on 1 combat. This isn't an area you'd want to be in right now."

Erza: "Let's go Wendy, he can handle himself." She hesitantly nods, but then Neptune turns to face me.

Neptune: "Y-you're hurt...? W-who did that?" He says, although, he sounded frightened...?

Erza: "That man did." I say pointing to Thor.

Thor: "Do not call me a "man" I am above that title."

Neptune: "You fool..." What?

Thor: "What?"

Neptune: "You... You hurt her? Out of everybody in the world... it just had to be Erza Scarlet?" He said running his hand through his deep blue hair.

Thor: "Why would that matter? She's just a human?"

Neptune: "Just a human? Really...? I don't understand this... Something isn't right..."

Thor "What is it?"

Neptune: "You hurt her..." This is weird, why is this Neptune man talking about me like I'm something different than Wendy or Cana. "How are you still alive?"

Thor: "What? Why wouldn't I be?"

Neptune: "You hurt Erza Scarlet... and F/n was present... How are you still alive?" Then, Thor's eyes go wide, and his jaw drops.

Thor: "N-no... No it can't be... He wouldn't have, there's no way..."

Neptune: "You hurt Erza Scarlet... The one F/n has chosen... I have no idea how you're still living, but you should be thankful for it."

Erza: "What are you 2 talking about? What do you mean M/n's chosen me?"

Neptune: "There was a legend told to us about F/n... That when he finally chooses his mate... That anybody who would ever harm her, would cease to exist... And years ago, almost 2 centuries now... someone killed a young girl F/n had been caring for... And now, nobody can even remember his or her name... They were erased from existence..." Holy... M/n could do that? "F/n has chosen you as his mate Miss Scarlet... You will be the Goddess of Dragons." Then there's a flash of gold, and Thor was gone.

Erza: "T-thank you for coming." I say in a daze. Neptune turns to, and walks towards us. But he walks by me and stops in front of Wendy.

Neptune: "Here, keep it, just in case." And he hands her back the crystal, in one piece again.

Wendy: "R-really? I mean you did come help us..." He nods.

Neptune: "Yea, you are a Dragon Slayer after all. We need to stick together, I'll protect you, Wendy..." And with that, a vortex of water forms at his feet and he disappears into it... The Goddess of Dragons...? Erasing someone from ever having existed? This Light Alliance? Multiple century old Dragon Slayers of unimaginable power? A chaos wreaking clock? Just what is going on? M/n...? What secrets do you still have...? And why, why did you choose me...?

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