Heed The Roar: Hogwart's Lion...

By AshleyGryffindor

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I'm Y/n Lily Potter, eldest daughter of James Fleamont Potter and Lily Evans/Potter, and Big sister to Harry... More

My Houses!πŸ¦πŸ†πŸ¦…
🦁Me; The Author🦁
Prologue & Chap 1 - 11th birthday!
Chap 2 - Leaky Cauldron & Diagon Alley!
Chap 3 - 9 3/4 & New Friends!
Chap 4 - Sorting & My housemates
Chap 5 - Classes & Godfather
Chap 6 - Snitches & Detention
Chap 7 - Leaving and Summer
Chap 8 - Your Turn Harry
Chap 9 - Hogwarts is my Home
Chap 10 - Halloween Surprise
Chap 11 - Quidditch & Broomsticks
Chap 12 - Christmas & Mirror of Erised
Chap 13 - Creep & True Family
Chap 14 - A House Elf Named Dobby?
Chap 15 - The Burrow & Floo powder
Chap 16 - Back to Hogwarts
Chap 17 - Chamber of Secrets and Quidditch
Chap 19 - X-mas and Valentine's
Chap 20 - Chamber of Secrets and Tom
Chap 21 - Aunt Marge & Black Dog
Chap 22 - My Golden Boys & Memories
Chap 23 - Friends and Scars
Chap 24 - Legends & Truth
Chap 25 - Full Moon & Family
Chap 26 - Freedom & New Memories
Chap 27 - Days til Quidditch World Cup
Chap 28 - Quidditch World Cup & Fire
Chap 29 - News & Glory Await
Chap 30 - DADA & The Chosen Champions
Chap 31 - First Task & Battle
Chap 32 - O.W.L.S & Yule Ball
Chap 33 - Riddle Song & Second Task
Chap 34 - Final Task & True Bravery
Chap 35 - Saving The Family & The Order
Chap 36 - The Hearing & Sixth Year
Chap 37 - Umbridge's DADA & Rules
Chap 38 - Birth of DA & Nightmares
Chap 39 - The Marauders Never Die
Chap 40 - The Battle for the Prophecy
Chap 41- Final Year & Task at Hand
Chap 42 - Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
Chap 43 - What A Sister Must Do

Chap 18 - Butterbeer & Heirs

4.9K 140 73
By AshleyGryffindor

Y/n's POV

It is fall now as I headed to Hogsmeade with Fred, George, Lee and Cedric for our trip to Zonko's Joke shop, Honeydukes for our favorite treats and The three broomsticks for a pint of warm butterbeer. Normally I would be more excited but something did feel right with me since I noticed Ginny was acting weird so Freddie, Georgie, Lee Lee and Ceddy were going to cheer me up.

(Your wearing the fall outfit)


"Guys I just don't feel like doing anything right now...put me down Freddie!" Y/n shouted as Fred held their leader over his shoulder as they all helped pry her out of the compartment. Y/n pouted with while messing with the sweater fuzz on Fred's sweater after the group left Zonko's and headed into Honeydukes where Cedric made Y/n a sweet treat arrangement in black and gold wrapping as a bouquet which made the girl blush bright red and mess with her h/c hair as she saw her favorite treats. "Uhh...thanks Ceddy." She said while taking the gift from her fourth year friend while unknown to them a certain Weasley was glaring at Cedric. George and Lee pulled Y/n outside as they talk outside while Fred talked to Cedric until they all got a booth at the three broomsticks. Y/n ordered the butter beers with extra ginger and foam in hers, she took the drinks to the table passing them out as her friends picked their mugs up as Y/n did and raised them up high. "To us, The Marauders and Hogwarts, may our friendship be long and filled with trust. Cheetah, Hyena, Coyote and Badger you boys are my best friends and family to this once friendless Lioness." She said while smiling sweetly at the boys as they clicked their mugs before drinking down their butter beer. Y/n laughed at a joke that Lee made as George made faces behind him. Fred smiled at Y/n as did Cedric, the four were happy to see Y/n laughing and smiling again. "It's good to hear you laughing and smiling again, N/n, love" Fred and Cedric said as they glared at each other until Y/n looked over at them nodding. "Yep it's just weird though with that dueling club the faker Lockhart is bringing back, I hope I get to duel Flint and show that snake what us eagles, lions, and badgers are better then them." She said honestly before setting the pint down and looked at the golden warm liquid in her glass.


Y/n, Fred, and George watched as Lockhart strutted on the feast tables which he decorated with runic clothes in a fancy dueling robes. Y/n rolls her eyes as the faker complains the girl students and whispered to Fred and George. "Perverted old man, ugh let's slime him later Freddie and Georgie you two in?" She asked while smiling sweetly and made the twins smile nodding as they watched Snape metaphorically destroyed Lockhart in the demonstration duel. "Whoo! Go Snape beat that creep!" Y/n shouted out as Lockhart glared at her but she stuck her tongue out at the blonde. Y/n met Justin a muggle born Hufflepuff as they watched Harry and Draco duel til Malfoy shot a snake at Harry whom stood terrified. Severus was about to vanquish the serpent til the idoitc Lockhart shot it as it landed in front of Y/n and Justin hissing in anger, Y/n quickly walked in front of Justin as she and harry stared at the snake then began telling it to back off not knowing that they were speaking in a different language as the snake bowed to the eldest Potter until Snape blasted it away into dust as everyone looked at the Potters in fear. "What are you two trying to pull?" Justin said as the students backed away from them as Y/n and Harry looked at each other til Fred and George grabbed her while Ron and Hermione got Harry yet in different directions. Fred, George and Y/n were in the one eyed witch secret entrance as the twins asked her why she never told them. "Tell you what Fred,George. Why'd everyone look at Harry and I as if we are monsters?" Fred looked at George as he shrugged slightly as he told her. "You and Harry were speaking in Parseltongue, N/n it's the language of serpents." She looked confused at her friends before giggling lightly. "So I bet lots of people do that here, besides I was telling the snake to back off from Justin not hurt him or me." She said while noticing that her friends were looking at her weirdly and they explained to her how bad this was causing her to run off in the courtyard seeing the Hufflepuff students glaring at her and some first years backed away from her. She looked up seeing Cedric as she ran over to him only for the other Hufflepuffs to push her away calling her and harry Slytherin's heir. "Are you really going to let them call me this, Ceddy? I'm your best friend truly you can't believe this nonsense?" She asked while Cedric looked down at her before away and walked away as she followed him. "You of all know what kind of person I am, please I'm not anything like a Slytherin heir, I'm a Gryffindor girl not a snake, Cedric Amos Diggory look at me!" She was stopped by the Hufflepuff dormitory portrait closed in front of her. Y/n looked at barrels and was about to do the tap password yet she didn't walking away sadly as tears slide down her face.

Y/n walked into the Gryffindor tower dormitory seeing her fellow Gryffindors didn't want to be near her nor Harry except Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Lee, Ginny and Percy. Even Angelina and Katie wouldn't talk to her. As harry headed to bed after giving his big sister a hug as she gave it back then watched the fire and rubbed her shoulders lightly til she felt a blanket on her shoulders, she looked up seeing Fred as tears welled up in her eyes and he hugged her close and let her cry on his shoulder. "He didn't even look at me Freddie, Ceddy thinks I'm a monster even after three years of friendship....it's hurts everyone thinks harry and I are monsters" she cried softly as Fred rubbed her back while George and Lee walked into the common room holding a tray of their joke candy to test and to cheer her up. Y/n ended up falling asleep in Fred's arms as He, George and Lee looked at her before the all kissed her forehead lightly til Herimone and Ginny took her up to her dorm room to sleep.

*Next Day*

Fred, George and Lee confronted Cedric after their sixth class as they talked until Fred punched Cedric in the stomach harshly. "Y/n is our friend you bloody idiot! You ignored her yesterday cause you believed that stupid heir crap even though we all know her, you made her cry last night!" He snarled as he tackled Cedric as they fought while students surrounded them chanting fight while Y/n walked with Ginny and Herimone out in the courtyard hearing fight. The girls look over as Y/n's e/c eyes widened in shock and ran through the crowd as George and Lee tried to separate Fred and Cedric from each other. "STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!" Everybody looked up seeing Y/n glare at her friends with red and puffy eyes from crying, she walked towards Cedric and slapped him across the face. "That's for not believing me." She said while looking at Fred and did the same thing to him. "That's for fighting a friend, your both at fault for that until you all grow up...I don't want to be near you Frederick Weasley or you Cedric Diggory at all, come on, Lee we have got to go meet up with Peeves and don't worry Georgie I know you won't leave Frederick behind." She said before walking away leaving as Lee followed her while Fred and Cedric looked down at the ground since Y/n only used their formal names only when she was truly upset at any of her friends.

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