Truly-Madly-Deeply Assistant

By ZaraPenn

70.3K 2.1K 1.3K

Avery had big dreams but Jared, who can't seem to function without her, doesn't feel like letting her go. Is... More

Part One - First
All I need
She is gone
Breakfast at Jared's
Games by the pool
Ups and the downs
Chances pt. 1
Chances pt. 2
Chances pt. 3 - Leaving
Summer special - The show
Summer Special - The after-party
Bitter welcomes
Her favorite song
My way or the high way
One day
'A man on fire'
'A violent desire'
'Do you wanna cross the line?'
Morning Coffee
One in a million
This is us
Morning fluff
Flashback - Lily
Protective or selfish
Here goes nothing
Commit to the bit
Above the clouds
Flashback - You'll never know
Little truths
LA!Buzz - The gossip
The one with all the feelings
Out and About
Family issues
A year wiser
Flashback - All I have
The gift
Shadows of the past
A night apart
Take the car
Another day another girl
New Year's Eve - Morning
New Year
It's over
Flashback - The Oscars moment
Apart - phone calls
Apart - the bully
Apart - breaking point
Surprising Mr. Leto
Highs, lows and higher
His past
I don't
The Event pt. 1
The Event pt. 2
Morning news
Flashback - Backlash
LA!Buzz - The real deal
City of Exes
Flashback - Forever mine
Capricorn and the pushover
Hot and steamy
The test of feelings
Leaving night
Friend or foe
Tips and tricks
Flashback - Scattered memories
Comfort pt. 1
Comfort pt. 2
Long distance
Moving on
Choosing dreams
Back to us
Brother's leftover
Just saying...
Mother in town
Taking control
The new home
Stubborn mind, aching heart
Behind closed doors
Baby talk pt. 1
Baby talk pt. 2
A day in the life
LA!Buzz - Drama alert
Small town girl
Birthday surprise pt. 1
Birthday surprise pt. 2
Her past
Home big Home
Change is coming
Our life, our rules pt. 1
Our life, our rules pt. 2 - Ending


739 23 4
By ZaraPenn

Hei there, so as I already had this part figured out, I left the length, but now I am going to try writing shorter parts so I can continue uploading frequently. ^^
Thanks for the reads and comments <3

~I huffed as I unlocked my phone, opening the reminders app.

Fire Lora.

Can't say I felt bad for finally getting rid of her. And probably she won't even mind. She got what she really came here for. ~


I really meant what I had in mind. Not acting like nothing happened and not coming back, but here I was standing in the hallway of his house ready to clean up, yet again, another one of his messes.

I sighed burying my face into my palm when the bathroom door opened and Jared walked out in sweatpants, and some ridiculously over-sized, torn Jesus shirt, brushing his hair.

"I'm ready," he smiled. "You coming, right?"

"Well, I actually had some plans..." started as I turned towards the stairs; it's easier to say no if I don't look him in the eye.

"Av," he sighed and suddenly two strong, thick arms were wrapped around my neck and I felt his face brushing against mine. "Fine! I missed you! That's what you want to hear?" he said giving up, his hair tickling my bare neck, causing goosebumps on my arms. "I was an asshole blaming you for me feeling like a mess, I had stressful days. And I need you around, I really do," he mumbled the last sentence hugging me stronger and I almost fainted.

This one week must have been hell for him.

Lately he worked so hard on his image in the media. Must be hard to keep it up when in reality he is, well, yes, he is just another human.

He worked on building up this iconic celebrity image; working with Gucci, accepting record deals with other singers, starting Yoga, going to fashion Galas, making movies... being part of the elite 100.

The last two years he was rising in the eyes of millions, but in the meantime, he got disconnected from his friends, from his fans, from his family even. His music now taking the backseat, even Tomo officially left by now. Ad he barely has time for his hobbies.

And now people have these expectations of him. No wonder when he is home he just wants to lay down and take a deep breath, let it all out.

Most women who he has over for the night think they know him, and they expect him to act like he is in public. But the truth is, that Jared and this Jared are like fire and water.

That is why I could never leave him. Because even though he rarely shows it, I know that he appreciates the relationship we have, and he needs it for staying sane.

"Okay... Jared it's fine. I... I can come," I answered barely audible and I felt his smile on my face then he pulled away.

"Great, let's go," he smiled at me as he stepped next to me then hurried down the stairs.

I was barely able to stumble down and I couldn't help but leave that happy smile on my face as I followed him to his car.

"So, how did the photo shoot and Ball go with Gucci?" I asked after sitting silently in the car for ten minutes in the light LA traffic.

"Very good, actually, they loved me," he looked at me from the corner of his eyes, smiling.

Not a surprise, I thought.

"And today I'm gonna get rid of my beard, but don't think it's because of your little outburst," he stated and somehow I felt like I need to apologize.

"Jared, I am sorry, I was just stressed as well and I really didn't mean what I said," there it is; all my plan of me being strong and even quitting is down the drain.

"I know," he nodded.

I pressed my lips looking far into the traffic then turned to him once again.

"So, I guess Lora did come to the rescue..."

His genuine laugh filled the car.

"You never really liked her, did you?"

"I would say ever since the interview five months ago, I knew when she said she is so passionate about being a publicist she meant something else... You don't know how many nights I had to stay awake reconnecting every single platform because she can't even write a sentence without it being shady or missing information," I vented, just a bit.

"Why you never old me that?" he frowned turning towards me.

I shrugged.

"You had a lot of things going on; I didn't want to bother and I like doing publications."

"Well, then there you go, you can start it as soon as we are heading off to the tour," he said, and I bit my lips.

"About that..."

But we were already arriving to the studio and I didn't want to start arguing now.

The shoot went well. Most people who wanted to meet Jared has left already and only the ones who were really keen on meeting him waited for some chat and photos.

It really was a quick and easy shoot. A black background, bright light on Jared and he just had to lip-sing his song and just feel free do whatever he wanted.

One take. This was all. No wonder the others finished so early, even if there were a dozen of people.

I remember when all they had is the band; spending months to create scenes for their music videos and weeks to shoot them.

Still I loved to see Jared in his happy place. He did everything perfectly but when he sang his eyes shone brighter, his confidence got higher.

"You finally made it, you ass," Shannon looked to him as he just got back from somewhere when Jared finished up, still standing in front of the cameras.

"Sorry, brother, I had a meeting stretching out way too long," he shook his head and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure..." Shannon mumbled.

"Come hug me! I know you love me!" Jared sang opening his arm.

"No, I am mad!" Shannon stated with crossed arms but looked more amused.

Then Jared just started to sing loud with all his heart.

"Rescue me! From the demons in my mind! Rescue me, rescue me, rescue me!" his arms still wide open looking at Shannon who just chuckled and went to give him a bearhug. They swung left to right laughing so happily.

There you go. No one can stay mad at this man.

They patted each other's back then stepped away still giggling around like two schoolboys.

While Jared was off to his (weeks earlier) scheduled family dinner, I stayed at his house and got back on track with the e-mails. There was nothing else really to do as now he finally has a week off and everything about the tour is being handled by the manager.

I was writing thank you e-mails to some of the Hotels who gave the band gifts and free transportation when I heard the door open and shut.

"Oh hey there, you still around," Jared walked to the kitchen throwing his wallet and phone to the table from his pockets. He had black, ripped jeans on and dark navy-blue shirt, his hair pulled back neatly.

"I am. Wow, you look... normal," I smiled turning to him from my laptop.

"Yeaaah..." he nodded with a sigh, "Shannon actually brought me some clothes to wear for dinner with Mom... which is great, this way she could only make comments on my beard," he pulled a face and I just chuckled. "It was great to see them anyway. We had a great time," he continued grabbing for some water from the fridge.

He even seemed calmer and more put together now.

"Yeah, you guys been out long, but it is really good," I smiled. I didn't want to say, he needed this, but he did. Some tough Mom love, some brother nagging.

"Yeah," he said as his eyes were lingering on me but then just drank some water and rubbed his face, "Alright, fuck yeah it's my official week off," his voice raised as he turned to the fridge and picked out a bottle of white wine and two glasses from the cabinet.

Everything changed so sudden I could not put the pieces together.

"Um... you waiting for someone?" I asked as I closed my laptop. "I just finished up I'll leave; don't want to bother," I smiled packing my things into my bag.

I don't really like to be around when he has friends or lady friends over. Everyone acts so awkward around me, thinking like, "what the hell is the assistant still doing around?" Although, usually Jared gives me a heads up and gives me a day or evening off.

I do know him for eight years, but only in the last two I am basically living with him. The first six years were spent in a healthy work environment, with me having other relationships and unbelievable things like that. Well sort of. I spent much less time with him, that's for sure.

"No... no..." he laughed lightly putting a glass in front of me. "Today it's just me and you," stated as he poured a good amount of wine for me and smiled at me then poured to himself too.

"Oh..." I probably looked confused which made him laugh again and I giggled too tugging the sleeves of my over-sized beige jumper up and took the glass uncertain ready to drink eagerly.

"STOP!" Jared held his hand up looking at me like he is about to confess he put poison in there, and I stopped in motion, looking at him.

"I just want to say a couple of words," he continued, taking his glass too.

I just looked around then to him totally out of it. I had no idea what is happening, I even thought it is part of some prank. I pulled my messy bun back onto the top of my head as it slowly let loose again.

Jared was so flash, and fancy and I just had my casual Sunday chill style on and had no idea what is happening. Well to be honest, my "casual Sunday Chill" style was the only style I ever wore.

"So, first of all," he started clearing his throat then looked at me, "Happy late birthday. Don't worry, you don't look like thirty, at all," he smiled lightly.

Oh, wow... okay, so I don't know if it was a compliment what said that I look young, or a hint that I don't look anything like a thirty and single poster girl should.

"Well, thanks I... you remembered," I smiled.

"To be honest, Shannon reminded me today," he admitted," and I knew it damn well that it is sometime in May, it's just... It slipped out of my head, I guess. Also, I got to know from Shannon that... that you are going back home when we leave for the tour so.... There's that. Cheers to that, I hope you have a great... time off from me," he forced a smile, and definitely looked less enthusiastic about it. Even a bit sarcastic I would say.

So, seemed like they carved out a little time to talk about me at the family dinner. Fantastic.

But just how much Shannon told?

I was wondering. Maybe this all wine night is some pity night because Shannon talked to Jared about what we were talking about.

"Well... I... thank you for the Birthday recognition," I smiled, "and... about me going home and the tour... Shannon got me the ticket and I wanted to tell you and ask if it is alright, but..."

"Nah-a," he cut me off. "It is still my speech. It is alright. Have a great time home. You earned it. I might just have to bring Lora to help me out," he grinned, and I chuckled too.

"Yeah, good luck with that," I pulled my eyebrow. "Can we drink finally?

"Cheers," he laughed, and we raised our glasses and I took a big sip from my wine and smiled happily.

We sat in the kitchen chatting about music, movies and other work gossips while we downed the bottle of wine. We were slightly tipsy when decided to call it a night as we both were way too tired to grab the second bottle, although I would have went for it, but Jared was pretty exhausted.

He decided to take a shower before bed while I tided up the kitchen a bit.

I was just starting to walk upstairs to "my" room when I heard Jared calling my name from the bathroom.

"Yeaah?" I asked turning back on the stairs, listening.

"Come to the bathroom and bring my phone too!" he shouted, and I laughed,

"Jared, just how drunk are you?"

"Come on!!" he shouted impatiently.

I laughed as I picked his phone from the counter and walked to the bathroom.

The door was open as Jared was standing in front of the mirror in a robe taking out some shaving supplies.

"Are you going to shave now?" I asked surprised and he peeked at me.

"Yeah, so I will already have a stubble in the morning, and I won't look like a 50-year-old, who wants a baby face," he stated as he plugged in the electric razor.

"Oh, come on! First of all, you look more like a 50 with this beard and believe me if once that bush is gone, your eyes will steal the show from everything else anyway," I explained, and he looked at me wiggling his eyebrows.

"You are being very honest lately. I like it, " he said and I smiled lightly.

He turned the razor on.

"So why have you decided on getting rid of it?" I asked.

"Being on stage almost every day, I will sweat my head off already because of my hair, I'll skip the beard this time," he shrugged and took a deep breath and started to shave.

"Take a picture!"

I did as he asked, took a couple pictures from the stages of him shaving, making different styles on the way.

We both laughed; he was such a goof ball today and I loved it.

"Going to share some pictures, so my fans will recognize me when on tour," he laughed.

After a couple of more minutes he was all shaven and done.

He looked at himself in the mirror from all the angles and I checked him out too. I was right. His eyes got back the stage again, the curve of his perfect nose... damn, when a middle-aged man looks more beautiful than you.

"Were my lips this small all the time?" he frowned, and I chuckled.

"No, you just shaved that down too," I rolled my eyes. "You look great, don't worry."

"I'm not worrying, I actually kinda like to look at myself," he said still studying his reflection and I just held back a laugh.

He totally loved it.

"Now, no more hiding behind the beard. Pretty boy is back in the game," he winked at me and I laughed out loud and shook my head as I handled him the phone.

He already started to play with snapchat and seemed pretty amazed by his look. Good for him. Who wouldn't be.

"Okay well, as much as I would like to stare at you for the rest of my life, I need some serious eye-shut," I said and it came so freely out of my mouth, now hearing it back I blushed.

Alcohol is bad; I need to shut up.

He let out a heartfelt laugh, peering at me, but decided not to comment, which I'm thankful for.

"It's all right, I'm heading to bed too. It was a great evening," he said as he laid his palm on my back as we walked out of the bathroom.

"It was," I nodded.

"Good night Jared," I said after we got up the stairs.

"Good night, brace yourself for tomorrow!" he pointed at me then he walked to his room before I could ask.

Shannon definitely talked to him. Do I mind it? No.

I know he is easy going when he has nothing to do but this was the first time he actually involved me in things and not just as a help.

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