Bombshell Blonde-Owl City Fan...

By My_Gold_Dementia

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Ivy Duren, convict and criminal, possibly deadly and dangerous, and cousin to the adorably innocent Breanne D... More

Bombshell Blonde-Owl City Fanfiction
Poison Ivy
Interesting things happen when you put an introvert with an extrovert.
Good Morning Sunshine, Hope you are well.
Trouble. In trouble.
Moments of impact.
Three stages.
Wake Me Up.
Take my hand. teach me to dance.

It's you, it's always been you.

688 9 6
By My_Gold_Dementia

Four weeks, four weeks and they hadn’t exchanged a word, not a vowel, letter or breath between them. And honestly it was killing him. It was killing her. She had spent four weeks staring at his dark brown eyes, with dark circles under them and sadness displayed in them. Imagining what it would be like to run her hand through those chocolate brown locks, silky soft, as they were last.

He had spent four weeks taking in her misty blue eyes and attractive figure, her honey golden curls that ran down to her waist, looking nothing like her cousin, bar the eyes. Though recently her hair had been un-brushed and she barely left her spot on Breanne’s bed, as they traded places, Bre’s idea of course, demand rather. Her eyes have been full of tears that no-one ever saw or paid attention too and she was getting thinner and thinner due to lack of food.

Yet to each other they were just as beautiful, whether they just never saw the imperfections in their perfect looks, or because they didn’t want to, it didn’t matter.

Adam couldn’t help but think things he had never thought of when with his previous girlfriend-Annemarie, whom was as sweet and innocent as Breanne. No, with Ivy he was mass of hormones and sexual frustration, with those lovely tanned legs and bloody enchanting eyes, leaving him as wonderstruck as ever. Twice he had to have a very cold shower because of his thoughts over her.

And Ivy, she was different too, she was less short term and thinking more- This guy, could be the one guy I sit down and have a family with, I might want this guy for something more than his body, and he might want me for more than just mine.

In a short time of four weeks they had inevitably, fallen in love.


The management had booked places in the poshest hotel in Manchester, the Ramada hotel. Expensive as hell, the people there couldn’t even afford to stay even one night. Management had spent over £2000 pounds for one night.

It would’ve been a fairly good idea, in most occasions, he’d love that, until he found out that Management chose who was paired with who, and deciding they could trust him with her-placed Ivy with him, putting the other three girls together and the other two boys in the same room.

He didn’t argue, he knew that that wouldn’t change anyone’s minds, so he simply sat down and agreed, which meant he’d be spending a few nights with Ivy, not just in the same room, but the same bed as her, apparently it costs less to put the two in a double bed than separates.

He sat down, as far away from her as possible, almost as if she could carry a deadly disease or explode at the slightest touch. Girls were his main phobia, he just couldn’t do anything right around them, but near Ivy, he was petrified, he didn’t want to screw anything up. When would this feeling be over? When will it go? He asked himself over and over again. Of course no answer came back to him.

Every piece of his heart had evaporated, somewhere in the boundries of space, the atoms floated, but he couldn’t put up with it anymore, his fans had noticed him looking so drained and tired lately, he hadn’t slept at all, worse than insomnia, he just hadn’t slept more than three hours in four weeks. He was constantly dehydrated as he hadn’t been getting enough air, and the boyish grin and spark in him had fizzled out.

I thought there was a spark, but it didn’t light the flame.

He whispered quietly in his mind, realising he was in fact quoting a Charlie McDonnell song he had heard a while back, he couldn’t say he was a big fan but the boy had talent. Shaking his head, he buried his head into the soft pillow. He wanted to block out the world, he wanted to sleep, but now especially because she was there, he couldn’t.

A small hand landed on his shoulder, causing Adam to turn and face the gorgeous blue eyes that enchanted him every day. “Adam?” She whispered through the dark, he shifted slightly. “What happened to you?” She sighed, in the light of the moon,  he saw the sparkling tears, like beads of rain falling from a white cloud, just didn’t belong.

“What happened to you?”

Ivy had changed since that morning as well, she didn’t flirt anymore, didn’t want to, she didn’t smile and she was getting skinnier and skinnier, like she wasn’t eating. She looked tired and ill, like she had done so much thinking recently. “I fell in love,” She said bluntly, making the boy look up sharply. “Don’t even ask who with, because you know, Adam Young, you know exactly who it is, and I can’t-I just don’t fall in love, that’s not my job, I just flirt, I go out, get drunk, break laws, I’m not supposed to fall in love,” She was full on crying now, he reached out to her, but she flinched away. “What have you done to me?” She asked, her confused blue eyes boring into his.

“I don’t know,” He spoke quietly, softly, with the delicateness of a thousand butterflies. Gentle, caring, just generally being him, and that’s why, that’s all he did to her, he just smile, laughed, cried, and that was all he had to do to make Ivy Duren fall in love with him. Unbeknownst to himself, he seduced her with his awkwardness.

As for himself, he wasn’t sure just why he fell in love with a criminal, there was just something about her.

And that’s all he could think as he reached out and pressed his lips to hers, nothing like the previous kiss he shared with her four weeks ago, no, this kiss was the gentlest, most loving kiss, yet invented, with the feeling of a thousand excited butterflies in his stomach.

She pressed her tongue lightly against his lip, cautious not to scare him away. But he just opened up, like a book waiting to be read. It was him, not her, who reached out and began slowly, gently, with trembling fingers, opening the buttons to her shirt; it was him who pulled off her shorts and underwear, and it was him who whispered “I think…I think I love you,” In her ear, to have it returned.

And it was him who lost his virginity that night.

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