Three stages.

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((Remember me? Guise, hi! I'm so sorry, I literally forgot about this account and this book and I don't  even know where livs is but hi again :) -CJ))

Adam ran, the wind pelted in his face and ripped at his hair, his eyes watered and his feet bled, but he barely noticed. He couldn't even look after himself, but supporting a family? Then again, he certainly, never, could leave Ivy in a situation that he put her in. He was not by any means heartless.

I'm a silhouette, asking every now and then, is it over yet?

He huddled in on himself, pulling his knees up to his chest and crying into them, his bare feet scraped against the gravel, glass and stones cut into them and now they were bleeding freely; numb, he was so numb. 

Why was he treating this like a bad thing? He sat up quietly, realizing that this could be good, that he could get something out of this. He liked Ivy, loved her even, she was beautiful, contrary to belief also smart, funny and talented, everything he had wanted in a girl. And she was carrying his child, his son or daughter, possibly. A life that he helped create.

Will i ever feel again?

But could he bring up that life? influence it to be great, to treat people well and be a good person, something his or her's father had apparently not achieved very well. He inhaled sharply, what if he was a rubbish father? What if he destroyed not only his, but Ivy's and his child's life? Adam grasped firmly at the gravel that he was sat on.

I'm a silhouette, chasing rainbows on my own.

The hazel eyed boy stood up on his two feet, swaying slightly, the feeling of stinging, bloody feet settling in as he let out a cry of pain. With no idea of where he was, and the early panic rising in his mind, he collapsed in the floor.

But the more i try to move on the more i feel alone.

He let out a soft cry from his pale red  lips, his chocolate brown orbs blinking sleepily. His hand moved against the white chalky rocks underneath him. He blinked, vision blurring. Agony, he was in agony. The feel of shards of glass in his feet shot up his body like sparks being spat out of a fire.

So I watch the summer stars to lead me home.

He lay alone, waiting, the seconds bled through the air as his eyes finally closed, the cold engulfing him and his senses cutting off. The world spun and stretched and tore, it tangled in front of his vision then simply oozed away like some sort of ferocious creature deciding not to attack.

When he next opened them, Adam was alone in a completely different setting. a warm and gentle breezed cascaded over his skin. His feet were bandaged and he was wearing some sort of hospital gown. A soft sheet touched his arms and body, brushing lightly over the hairs that protected his skin; the room was built of whitewashed walls with no colour, emotion or expression. It was so dull, almost painfully so.

The brunette was still for a second, waiting for his senses to catch up with him before he sat bolt upright, scanning the empty room. Ivy, he needed Ivy. Concert, he had a concert in...he glanced at the clock, 6 hours. His heartbeat picked up and he slammed the button to call for the nurse.

She was a young, perky think, with an oval-shaped face and long brown curls, held up in a band. Her eyes were almond-shaped, the colour of clean-cut grass. She blinked and smiled at him. "Is there anything you need sir?"

"I have a concert I need to get to, and a girlfriend, I need to get to my girlfriend," The nurse took a clipboard from the side, scanning it.

"You can't leave until the doctor's discharged you sir, you'll have to talk to him, however I can make a phone call for you?" Adam nodded, scribbling down Ivy's number. She was his girlfriend right? He assumed so, she was carrying his child, it would be unfortunate if she wasn't at least that.

It was half an hour later, Ivy was tumbling into the room, wearing his old grey shirt and skinny jeans, her hair down in wild curls; her skin paler than usual and her eyes brighter and red-ringer. "Adam!" she fell onto his bed, hugging him, crying softly. "I was so worried, I understand you know, you're a famous singer don't have to take any part..."

"Ivy...Ivy..IVY!" He rarely shouted, not unless it was an important issue or his anger had sparked a war inside of him. Adam stared at her, looking deep into her eyes and holding her hands to his chest "I want to help you raise this child, it's mine as much as it is yours, and no child should go without it's father," He kissed her knuckles, smiling softly.

A sigh of relief whistled from between her teeth as he held her close. "Sleep, you look exhausted," Adam whispered, letting her curl up next to him on the hospital bed, enclosing his arms around her protectively.

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