Good Morning Sunshine, Hope you are well.

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When his eyes opened, they were unfocused and tired, despite the fact he had finally got sleep for the first time in what felt like a millennia. Beside him, a cascade of blonde hair was covering a sleeping girl. She moaned, turning over as her misty blue eyes fluttered open.



“Urm, was I drunk? Where you drunk actually, ‘cause since when did this happen?”

“I ur-I, no I wasn’t drunk, and neither were you,” He sat up, fiddling with his hands. “Nevermind, just forget it,” He slid out of bed, pulling his boxers off the floor and onto his body. Feeling dejected. The blonde nodded sadly, assuming he wanted to forget just what had happened. She pulled herself out of bed, pulling on her knickers, she grabbed Adam’s shirt off the floor.

“Why do you want to forget it?”

She asked as he looked at her, defeated. “I-urm, don’t, I assumed you wanted to forget,” Her cold eyes softened, boring into his, with a sigh, she grabbed hold of him and crashed her lips to his. He responded instantly, though almost shyly, his hands flailing before landing on her shoulder. She could feel his blush underneath her hands, as he moved his own to her waist.

It lasted for seconds, but it felt like hours, with her heart against his chest, beating in perfect sync to his. It felt wonderful, but painful, for physical reasons on her behalf, but he realised that sooner or later she’d leave him, she wasn’t a girl to be tied down, even if she did apparently ‘love’ him. She tucked her head into the crook of his neck.

Heart against my chest, lips pressed in my neck.

The familiar lyrics rang somewhere in his mind as he held her close to him, almost protectively. He spoke the question he had wanted to. “Tell me darling do you wish we’d fall in love?” She looked him dead in his dark brown eyes

“All the time, all the time,”

That was enough to make him smile.


They were both fully dressed, showered (for the second time, due to the fact that they made the mistake of getting in the shower together the first time and well…figure it out yourself) Unsure of what to do until they were called, they simply curled up next to each other, laughing and exchanging funny happenings.

“Hello lovebirds,” Adam groaned, turning to face the speaker. A grinning Casey Brown and Daniel Jorgenson stood side by side, looking somewhat chuffed, whilst Laura and Hannah looked like they were trying not to fangirl. Breanne, as expected, looked less impressed, glaring at her cousin.

“So what did you two get up to last night?” Casey asked, giving a suggestive wink.

“We slept, well she did, Insomniac remember?”

“Uh huh, I’m sure that’s all you did,”

“Are we going?”

“Yes, yes we are, coming or staying?”

“Do I have a choice?”


The couple hauled themselves up as their friends started to laugh and joke around. Except Breanne. She stared at the two suspiciously, knowing something was going on. And being Breanne, she was going to get to the bottom of it.

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