Trouble. In trouble.

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The air was still as usual, the night’s silence engulfing everything; except that silence was about to be disrupted, by a cell phone. The soft voice of the He is We singer rang out, startling in the silence and shocking awake the young girl whom it owned to. She stared at the unknown caller ID, piecing it together with the shocking time of night and sighed. “Hello, this is Breanne Duren, is this the police?” She asked groggily.

“I’m afraid so, do you know an Ivy Duren?”


“And an Adam Young?”

“WHAT?” The girls misty blue eyes widened. “What happened?”

“Miss Duren was caught in the act of theft, the theft of four liquor bottles, Mr Young was caught with her,”

“Oh Shit, there wasn’t any paparazzi or anything was there?”

“It was the middle of the night ma’am, I don’t think so,”

“Good, don’t let anyone else find out, or you’ll have me to deal with personally, I swear on my life,” She hung up, suddenly wide awake. “Oh Adam, what have you got yourself into,” Grabbing her jeans She yanked them on, walking out and grabbing a plain black top that evidently wasn’t hers from the hallway. Clearly a boys shirt, a black one that was a bit baggy on her, but not very.

She didn’t have time to figure out who’s they were, she clambered off the bus and took off at full speed. The night air whipped around her agile body, muttering endless curses into the wind, at Ivy for getting Adam into this mess, and to Adam, for not listening and being a retard.

“I’m here to see Adam Young and Ivy Duren,” She gasped out the sentence she’d never thought would include Adam’s name to the police. A burly policeman stepped forward and led her down the dim corridors. When they arrived, Adam was at one end of the cell and Ivy was at the other, clearly ignoring each other. When Adam saw her, his face lit up, upon seeing the expression on her own, it fell, gulping and casting his chocolate brown eyes downwards.

“You two are in SO much trouble,” Breanne had never spoken so icily in her life. Her usually soft blue eyes were fierce and harsh, like knives couldn’t cut as deep as her glare. Slamming money in the policeman’s hands, she ripped the forms from his hand, signing that she was bailing them out. Breathing deeply, she walked quickly, the other two trying to keep up.

“I swear to God Ivy, I’m going to hit you so very hard, I-I can’t even,” She trailed off, breathing heavily, glaring at the two. “What were you thinking, dragging Adam along like that?! For God’s sake Ivy, you could ruin his image if he got arrested for stealing!”

“I am right here you know,” Adam interrupted, eyebrows raised.

“Don’t even talk to me Adam Randal Young! I swear to God, I don’t KNOW you anymore, you’ve changed so much since you met HER, I’m just, you’re a stranger to me, pretending you’re all badass and all, you were better all sweet and innocent,”

“Breanne, you might not realise this, BUT I’M 26!, I’m not a child, I’m very much an adult, and I’ll do whatever I want with my life. This is my dream, but I’m sick of being a goody-two-shoes, OK?!” He turned on his heel and stormed off, leaving the cousins looking gobsmacked. Ivy gulped.

“What exactly have I done to him?” She received a poison glare that told her to leave. And she did.



“Go on Adam, live a little,”

“No Ivy, I am not…” He was silence with a kiss. “Well, I mean, you go and I’ll wait for you, I could do with a drink anyway,” The silence of the night was sobering, but not for Ivy who was as drunk as an intoxicated fish.

She slipped into the shop in the dimness of the night, spotting the camera, and creeping around it, making sure she was directly underneath it, she reached up and yanked down a plug, rendering it useless.  Now certain she could choose the best brands of liquor, she grabbed a few and stored them in her leather jacket.

The shop was deserted; there was not a customer in miles, but she failed to notice the shop assistant creeping up behind her. “And what do you think you’re doing?” She froze, turning, gulping she gave a weak smile, then took off like a jackrabbit. “HEY GET BACK HERE!” She grabbed Adam’s hand.


Surprised, shocked and slightly delayed, Adam took off after his girlfriend, who was balancing four bottles of wine in her hand. Now very much sober, she tore through the streets of Amsterdam without a pause. The sound of sirens were dizzying, and soon Adam was being cuffed, Ivy soon after.

“Well shit,” Ivy muttered.

“Is that really all you can say in this situation,”

“Remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you,” Adam groaned the familiar lines from films bringing him to reality with a harsh bang as he bit back tears. This could not be happening, not now, not to him. He wanted to wake up now, in his comfy bed on the tour bus.

He knew that wasn't going to happen.

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