Interesting things happen when you put an introvert with an extrovert.

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Breanne was worried about Adam. Ivy was dangerous, deadly even, like a bomb just idle, waiting to go off. She was a convict, a criminal. She did drugs at one point and was most definitely a delinquent. So what was it she wanted with Adam? The thing that she, and many others admired about Adam was the fact he was so innocent and pure, it's probably one of the very reasons that at some stage or another every girl fell in love with him. Except Bre.

She watched as the other members of the live tour band disappeared from the room, leaving with some excuse about needing to change. When she next looked up, expecting to be alone, she saw Casey staring at her curiously, his eyes searching hers. "Bre?" He asked, looking genuinely worried about the girl.

"S'up Casey?" She asked, feeling slightly tired.

"Are you ok? It's just, you seemed a bit spacey at breakfast and you know, mad,"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me,"

"But I am worrying about you, if you don't want your cousin here you have the power to tell her to leave, I mean she's known Adam for a day and she's all over him, even I take things more slowly than that," The blue eyed girl sighed, the words true and very much familiar to her, her cousin was everything she wasn't, including pretty. Standing next to the blonde she felt so very insecure and ill.

"Casey, do you think that Ivy likes him? And I don't just mean in a fling sort of way, I mean as in a possible relationship that might lead to marriage and kids sort of thing," Casey bit his lip, Ivy was like a bombshell, dangerous, Adam was like a fluffy teddy, the exact opposite, but there was just something about the two that just...clicked, like two pieces to a puzzle.

"Honestly? Maybe, I don't know, I don't know Ivy that well, she's certainly a flirt, I know that much and she seems intent on having Adam, and I mean that in two definitions, it's's almost like... he likes her back, Breanne processed his words and nodded.

"That's what I thought, but what does Adam see in her? She's a complete slut, and that's me being generous, I mean, look at her," the American lad understood his friends' thoughts, the blonde was in fact the sort of girl that guys look for a one night stand, not a relationship; the question still stands: what does Ivy want with someone as adorably innocent as Adam Young?

"I think...we should just wait and see," He breathed out, a low whistle escaped through his teeth. "It's all we really can do, if we're going to find out what sort of relationship they have, we have to do it without hurting Adam...or Ivy," Breanne reluctantly nodded. She didn't want to hurt her best friend, but her cousin had caused her so much trouble...She wasn't sure if she wanted to upset her or not.

A loud thud sounded from the other side of the bus and the two looked up sharply. "Ivy," They said in unison, Casey grabbed Breanne's hand in the spur of the moment as they made their way to the room that could only be Adam's. A moan sounded from inside.

"You don't think..." Breanne opened the door a crack to see something that made her jaw drop.

Adam and Ivy were locked in a hungry kiss, Ivy pressed up against the wall with her hands all over Adam's now bare chest. Her hands moved downwards, slipping under his pyjama bottoms, he gasped into her mouth.

Breanne stepped away from the door, her jaw near the floor. Casey had a quick look and came back looking shocked. "what do we do?!" She whisper-shouted, looking frantic.

"He's known her for a day. A day! Wasn't he a virgin last time I checked?"

"He is!" She whispered back.

"Blimey, he's intent on proving he's like the rest of us all of a sudden right?"

"Knock on the door," She sighed.

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