Alps ✰ Ethma

Par bxxgnxt

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"I assume you got my note, cunt. I can't believe I slept with your filthy ass. Like I said, if you tell anybo... Plus



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Par bxxgnxt


Ethan’s Range Rover

    “Ethan, nothing’s gonna happen. It'll be fine.” I dragged out, tossing my head back against the dark leather headrest that belonged to the passenger seat.

    “How do you know that? He’s unpredictable, Emma.” Ethan argued, his jaw clenching & unclenching as he looked both ways down the street before turning left.

    “Okay, well, unless you have around ten outfits that fit me and a girl’s bathing’s gonna happen. Who knows? Maybe my dad changed his attitude? Sobered up?” I asked, mostly to myself. Ethan bounced his knee up & down next to me, his knuckles turning paler against the dark material of the steering wheel they were gripping.

    “The last time you probably thought he ‘sobered up’ was right before I found you running down the sidewalk all sick and cold like a lost puppy.” He stated & I sighed at the memory, remembering the way his vehicle pulled up next to me at a convenient time & the look of confusion on his face.

    “But that was last time, this time could be different.” I whispered & Ethan groaned from beside me, shaking his head.

    “He hit you, Emma. I’m not letting that happen again.” He growled, his jaw jutting forwards slightly in agitation. I licked the inside of my cheek, thinking.

    “Well it’s my only option and it’ll take like two seconds to just go in, grab my stuff, and leave.” I explained & Ethan rolled his dark eyes as we came to a stoplight.

    “No.” He stated simply as if it was his decision. I get that he was trying to protect me & that warmed my heart, but this, going to my dad’s house to collect everything I need for our upcoming school trip, was my decision & it was necessary.

    “Just drive me there, Ethan.” I said, a hint of annoyance in my tone. I just wanted to get this over with, grabbing my clothes...& seeing how my dad is doing.

    “No, Emma. I don’t want you to get hurt. That’s final.” He said sternly, continuing to drive in the direction of his own house instead of mine.

    “Ethan.” I groaned, throwing my hands up in aggression. My gaze moved angrily to the car door & I hastily pushed the small button up, unlocking the door. I wrapped my hand around the door handle & pulled it forward, making it click as the door was able to open now if I pushed it.

    “The fuck are you doing?!” Ethan accused, glancing between me & the road in front of him with his eyebrows narrowed in anger & confusion.

    “I will jump out and walk to his house myself if you won’t drive me.” I stated & he scoffed.

    “Emma, stop. I’m serious. We can go buy you clothes and a bathing suit or two, you don’t need to put yourself in danger by going back to your house.” He explained, releasing a little pressure from the gas pedal & causing the vehicle to slow down slightly as he glanced at me again.

    “I’m serious too Ethan. Nothing’s gonna happen. Drive me back to my house to get my clothes...or jumping out of the car and walking there myself.” I deadpanned & the vehicle swerved a little as he looked at me angrily.

    “You won’t. Just shut the door.” He decided & I cocked an eyebrow challengingly at him.

    “Yes, I will.” I argued, pushing the car door open a large amount & unbuckling my seatbelt. Just as I was about to jump out, a large hand gripped my arm, stopping me from moving.

    “Etha–” I started to yell, but was cut off.

    “I’ll drive you there! Okay?!” He spoke loudly, his voice alert & I narrowed my eyes at him.

    “Awh, he does care about me.” I cooed, only half sarcastically as I relaxed back into the cool leather seat & slammed the door shut with great force. He didn’t respond, only letting go of my arm with an angry & defeated look on his face. I chuckled, reaching for the seatbelt & clicking it back into place.

    A few moments of silence passed as he turned the car around, heading in the direction of my house instead of his. His face held a tense look as he practically glared at the road before him. I smiled at his angry attitude & reached my hand over to him, poking his cheek playfully.

    “Oh no, is the poor baby all mad now?” I said in a lower voice as if I were talking to a younger child & he clenched his jaw, swatting my hand away from his face. “Rude.” I spoke, not giving up as I brought my hand back again, poking him in the junction of where his neck & shoulder connected. His head cringed to the side & his ear pressed against his shoulder as he let out an involuntary laugh.

    “Stop!” He yelled, shaking his head & rolling his shoulders as if to shake my actions off. I smirked in amusement.

    “Fine.” I laughed, looking out the window at all of the houses & cars blurring by. My house was only a few streets away & my foot tapped anxiously on top of the dirt mat that lined the floor of the car. I hoped my dad was doing okay, even if he hadn’t been the greatest father figure this past year, I still cared about him. He was the only close family member I had at the moment. I really hoped there wouldn’t be any issues when we get to my house either, I just want to grab the stuff I need, possibly make small talk with my dad & then leave.

    I needed my clothes & toiletries for the school trip we’re going on in a few days, on Friday is when we’re leaving. It’s Wednesday & that only gives me two days to prepare for the week long trip. All of the sophomores are going to Comondú which is in Baja California Sur, Mexico. We will be taking a cruise there, straight trip without any stops which I find kind of stupid. The whole point of a cruise is to stop at different places on the way there, but apparently not.

    There’s no specific reason we are going to Comondú, but it is conveniently located just below California in the West, so the cruise is able to just travel along the coast basically. It takes around a day to travel there & we will be staying there for a week, so nine days in total counting the days we will just be traveling there & back.

    It’s very tropical in Comondú & it’s surrounded by water, so we will be swimming a lot & even though we aren’t stopping anywhere on the way there, I’m pretty sure we are able to swim off of the cruise. The school is paying for whole trip which is really nice, since they had extra money this year.

    James, Ethan & I are all planning on definitely going as well as Hannah & Ellie, but Grayson might not be able to make it. It all depends on how he’s feeling Friday. He wouldn’t be able to swim or do anything crazy either if he went but I know James really wants him to go, after all the drama that happened between them they deserve a week of peace & romance. I hope that can happen for Ethan & I too. I don’t think there’s ever been a point in our relationship so far where there has been complete peace & we can just enjoy each other's presence.

    “Alright, let’s go.” Ethan suddenly spoke, sounding reluctant & drawing me out of my thoughts as he took his keys out of the ignition, shoving the, into his pocket & reaching for his car door handle.

    “No,” I said & pulled his arm away from the car door, placing it back into his lap as he furrowed his eyebrows at me, “you're not coming in with me.”

    “Emma. If I was forced to drive you here against my own will, then I should be able to at least go inside to make sure nothing happens.” He scoffed, tilting his head at me in annoyance.

    “You’re missing the point though, I wanna see how my dad’s doing and if he’s any different, but I can’t do that if you come in with me. He could possibly act different when you’re right next to me.” I explained & he sighed, swallowing nothing as he held an intense eye contact with me. He brought his hand up slowly & gently held my chin between his thumb & pointer finger, his eyes searching mine.

    “Promise me you’ll be safe.” He whispered & I nodded slowly, my eyes flicking down to his plump lips & then back up to his deep green eyes. He leaned in & pressed a soft, yet loving kiss to my lips & I kissed back, smiling softly into the kiss before pulling away.

    “I promise.” I whispered, a little breathless & he chuckled softly, dropping his hand from my chin as I unbuckled my seatbelt & opened the car door. I glanced outside, seeing my dad’s car parked right next to where Ethan parked, signaling he was indeed home.

    “I’ll be waiting.” He spoke & I nodded.

    “I know.” I smiled, shutting the car door softly & blowing him a kiss through the window. I turned on my heel & walked up the small length of cement leading to the familiar doorsteps. I swallowed the air in my throat as I arrived in front of the door. I exhaled deeply, puffing my cheeks out as my fingers wrapped around the metal door handle & I turned the knob slowly, pushing the door open. I walked through the doorway & was hit with the familiar smell of home that I had missed more than I thought I did.

    “Dad?” I called out, my voice echoing through the hallway & kitchen. Almost all of the lights were on. The was a shuffling noise that came from the living room & I furrowed my eyebrows, moving my gaze to look down the hallway in the direction of the sound.

    “Em?” I heard my dad’s deeper voice call out softly & I looked to my left, seeing that he had come from the kitchen, which was right next to the living room. I dragged my eyes over his appearance, slight shock falling over me. He looked...normal. A green t-shirt with thin blue stripes hung a little past his hips & he had his usual pair of black sweatpants on that he would always wear after work when he wanted to relax. His black hair, with a few grey strands here & there, was quiffed up like usual. His face held a hopeful smile, showing his teeth & he looked happy to see me, not looking drunk at all.

    “Hi dad.” I spoke & he shifted his mouth into a closed lips smile, holding out his arms for me. I glanced between his two thin arms, deciding if I should accept the hug or not. When my eyes moved back up to gaze at the genuine look on his face a smile spread across my lips, walking closer & hugging him back as his arms wrapped around me. I inhaled the usual scent of laundry soap that clung to the fabric of his shirt & buried my face into his shoulder.

    “I missed you so much, I’m so, so, sorry. I’m a horrible dad and you had every right to stay away. I’m so sorry.” He mumbled genuinely into my hair & I shook my head, a few tears coming to my eyes.

    “You’re not a bad dad, everybody makes mistakes.” I whispered honestly, my voice breaking only slightly as I sniffled, quickly getting rid of the unwanted tears.

    “I didn’t know if something happened to you when you ran out, I was so scared for my baby girl, and I regret every single thing that I ever did on and before that day. I haven’t drinken anything since then. I was just waiting for you to come home.” He explained, his voice shaking as he rubbed his hand up & down my back soothingly.

    “I’m proud of you.” I spoke truthfully into his shoulder.

    “I just—I was reminiscing about your mother and then I had a drink or two and I got attached to the feeling of not having to feel when I thought about her. And then I took my anger & pain out on you & I’m just so sorry.” He explained, sniffling above me & I squeezed him tighter, nodding my head as I processed the information I had been given.

    “Thank you for telling me.” I said & he nodded shakily, dragging his fingers through my hair comfortingly.

    “You deserved to know.” He admitted as he pulled away from the hug & both of our arms dropped to our sides as I gave him a soft smile.

    “I forgive you, but, I don’t think I’m ready to live back here just yet. I’ll still visit a lot obviously but it’ll take a little while for me to fully trust living here again.” I explained & he nodded, flexing his fingers out as if to gesture that he understood.

    “Of course, I respect that, but just wondering, where will you stay? Hannah’s place?” He questioned & I bit the inside of my cheek, debating if I should tell him that I’ll be staying with Ethan at his house. Yeah, that would go over great. ‘Oh you know, just at Ethan’s house, who’s my boyfriend if you didn’t know and we share a bed so yeah.’ I internally rolled my eyes at how horribly that conversation would go.

    “Grayson’s place. He was kind enough to offer the guest room to me at their house.” I mentioned nonchalantly, throwing in a shrug to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal.

    “Yeah, he’s a good kid. That’s relieving.” My dad laughed lightly, placing his hands on his hips as he shook his head with humor.

    “Yeah. Um, on Friday I’m leaving to Comondú on a school trip for a week, so I also came here to pack myself everything that I’ll need…” I trailed off, looking down at the floor as I scuffed the heel of my shoe against the wooden floor, making a small noise.

    “Sounds fun, kiddo.” He responded & I bit my lip to keep away any emotional tears threatening to spill over at the familiar nickname.

    “Okay, I’m gonna go pack.” I smiled softly & he nodded, giving me a corny thumbs up. I shook my head at him & turned around, heading up the stairs & walking down the hallway to my neglected bedroom. I pushed the white door open, revealing the cozy room that I used to wake up in every morning before all the drama of highschool happened. I can’t say I didn’t miss those mornings, but I also can’t say I did because now instead of waking up to the sound of my alarm, I got to wake up to Ethan’s soft snores in my ear.

    My breath hitched. Oh my God. That’s crazy. The last time I stepped foot in this room was when Ethan & I were still not on the best of terms, him not being as open with me & me not telling him my feelings for him or what was going on with my dad. We weren’t together the last time I feel asleep in my own bed. The thought of that made my heart skip two beats. It was odd to think about. I used to cry myself to sleep in this room because of Ethan & what he would do to me daily & now I would probably cry myself to sleep if Ethan wasn’t right next to me.

    I sighed, shaking my head with a small smile as I came out of my thoughts, grabbing my suitcase from under the bed. I unzipped it, tossing the flap open as I turned around & walked over to my closet. I walked through the doorway & my eyes lit up at the sight of all of my clothes, having missing the feeling of clothes that actually fit me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved wearing Ethan’s clothes, but trust me, wearing tight leggings with his large hoodie would look way better than joggers that are way too big.

    After sifting through the many different shirts, leggings, jeans & hoodies I owned, I decided on eleven solid outfits, packing an extra one just in case. I tossed three different bikinis into the suitcase as well, planning to swim a lot considering we would be on a fucking cruise most of the time. I had gathered all of the toiletries I needed as well, neatly placing them on top of my clothes that sat folded in the bottom of the suitcase. Just as I was about to zip the whole thing shut, a loud voice was heard from downstairs & I sighed.

    “Where is she?!” Ethan’s voice echoed throughout the house & I heard a small shuffling of feet.

    “What do you mea–Grayson? Is that you? Did you do something different with your hair?” I heard my dad question & I pursed my lips, quickly zipping the suitcase up the rest of the way & heading down the hallway, going down the stairs two at a time.

    “Don’t play dumb, where’s Emma?” I heard Ethan demand as I hopped off of the last step, rounding the corner & entering the hallway.

    “Ethan.” I called out, making Ethan’s head turn to look at me. He walked over to me immediately, gently grabbing me by both of my forearms, his eyes scanning over my body full of worry.

    “Are you okay? You were gone for awhile and I got worried.” He admitted his eyelashes lowering as he looked down at me.

    “Yeah, I’m fine. It took me a hot minute to pick out all of my outfits.” I laughed lightly & his facial expression didn’t change, still scanning over my appearance as if he was trying to tell if I was lying or not.

    “Emma, you didn’t tell me Grayson took you here. I haven’t seen this kid on forever!” My dad exclaimed happily, walking closer to us & Ethan’s eyebrows furrowed down at me in confusion.

    “Dad, this isn’t Grayson, this is his twin brother...Ethan.” I explained shortly & watched as my dad’s facial expression slowly dropped, in both confusion & what looked like a hint of anger.

    “Grayson has a twin?” My dad asked & I nodded. “Wait a minute,” He continued, “isn’t Ethan the guy who would be the reason you’d you cry yourself to sleep almost every night freshman year?” I clenched my jaw at the question, feeling Ethan’s eyes burning down onto me as I avoided eye contact with him.

    “What?” Ethan questioned.

    “Your the reason she was so depressed all of her freshman year?! The reason she would come home with bruises and say that she got the, from gym?! Get your hands off of my daughter, now you bitch!” My dad demanded & Ethan’s eyebrows narrowed at him, dropping his hands from my arms as he turned to face my dad.

    “Says the guy who gave his own daughter brui—” Ethan began to argue & I slapped my hand over his mouth, pushing him behind me as my dad took a step towards him.

    “Stop it.” I spoke, holding my arms out in between them in order to keep them away from each other. I looked at Ethan, then back at my dad, seeing them both with clenched jaws & lowered eyebrows.

    “Dad, Ethan’s changed. He did what he did for personal reasons and that’s not his fault. Now he’s helped me more than anybody ever could. I’m happy because of him. He’s perfectly safe.” I explained, receiving full eye contact from my dad’s bright blue eyes as he swallowed slowly, his posture relaxing.

    “Ethan, my dad apologized and we are working things out. But for now, it’s all fine.” I said as I turned to face Ethan, his eyes not moving away from my dad’s. “Ethan.” I spoke his name again, making his eyes slowly drag down to look at my own. “I promise.” I assured him & he unclenched his jaw, nodding.

    “Sorry for accusing you, Ethan.” My dad spoke out & I sighed, dropping my defensive arms.

    “Same here.” Ethan responded simply, receiving a nod from my dad. I looked between the two men, feeling an awkwardness growing in the air.

    “Okay, well dad, I love you and maybe I’ll see you in a week or two. We’ll see.” I stated & my dad nodded, biting his lip as he opened the front door for Ethan & I to walk through, Ethan taking the suitcase out of my hands.

    “I love you honey, stay safe.” I heard my dad say before shutting the door behind us. I sighed into the natural breeze that blew by.


Friday, Her & James’ Room On The Cruise

    “Oh my God, it smells like the ocean in here!” James exclaimed as we stumbled into the smaller room that had only one king bed & a large bathroom, yet was encouraged beautifully with many different Hawaiian flowers everywhere & many bright colors.

    “Really?” I asked sarcastically & he glared at me, tossing one of his three suitcases onto the bed & leaving the other two near the small white armchair in the corner of the room. I rolled my eyes at him & he glared back at me.

    “What?” He asked & I snorted, shaking my head as I dropped my singular suitcase onto the soft bed, a comforter decked out with the pattern of Hawaiian flowers draped over the mattress.

    “You bringing three whole suitcases on a week long trip.” I spoke, continuing to shake my head as he gasped in offense.

    “Excuse me, this face doesn’t just naturally look like this.” He sassed, running his acrylic nails through his quiffed up hair. I smiled to myself at his cocky attitude, missing the positive vibes he gave off. I was happy we were able to share a room together, but honestly shocked that I hadn’t been put with another girl. Then again, basically everyone in the school—including the teachers—considered James a girl. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he was on the girls list when it came to rooms on this giant cruise.

    “Emmaaaa,” James groaned, bringing me out of my thoughts as I raised an eyebrow at him, “cuddle with meeee!” I rolled my eyes.

    “No I’m not cuddling with you just because your boyfriend isn’t here. What am I? A replacement?” I asked.

    “Not even close to that, a little further down on the scale.” He responded & I gasped in fake offense, pressing my palm against my chest.

    “Rude.” I replied, shrugging my jacket off & tossing it onto the floor without care. Grayson hadn’t been able to come on the trip, as he was still in pain & he could’ve gotten worse if something even small were to happen to him. Ethan & I were relieved that we didn’t have to be overly cautious & protective about him, while James on the other hand, couldn’t handle the fact that he wouldn’t have somebody to cuddle with at night.

    “Well,” James sighed, sitting up on the bed & brushing his knees off, “I’m gonna go to Drew’s room and kick your boyfriend out, so you can share a room with him instead. At least Drew will cuddle with me.” My eyebrows narrowed at him as he stood up, grabbing his suitcases, all three of them.

    “Would that be considered cheating on Grayson?” I asked suspiciously & he shook his head.

    “Not when the friend you’re cuddling with has seen a picture of you and your naked boyfriend.” He explained with a small wink at the end & my mouth hung open slightly, blinking a few times before shaking my head.

    “Okay, bye, bye. Leave. I don’t want to hear anymore!” I shouted, shooing at him with my hand as he squealed & ran out of the room with his luggage. I shook my head, letting out a small chuckle before flopping stomach first onto the California king bed. I sighed loudly as the soft mattress molded to my body shape, perfecting my supporting my weight as I closed my eyes comfortably. I could get used to this.

    Suddenly large hands were felt on my hips & a tall body was pressed against my back, slightly crushing me as I jumped in shock at the sudden presence of a person.

    “Hi.” Ethan’s voice whispered into my ear & I smiled warmly.


Author's Note: new layout, who dis? thoughts on chap? hehe. HERE IT IS OML I MISSED YOU GUYS!!! well I gotta take a shower so I'mma make this short; I LOVE YOU & THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT!! <3333

crush update hehe:

okokokokokok SO when we were at the fair it was fun & yea he would be close to me alot & blah blah blah but THEN he asked me if I wanted to go with him to watch his aunt dutch dance & I ofc said yes. so while we were waiting for his aunt to arrive at the park, we sat on one of the benches there right? just talking, blushing, the usual. THEN this old man hobbles over to us & looks at ethan, then looks at me, then looks at ethan, then looks at me & he goes: "is that you're boyfriend? are you two dating?" I ALMOST FLIPPED MY SHIT I WAS BLUSHING SO HARD & SO WAS ETHAN & I JUST LAUGHED NERVOUSLY & BEFORE I COULD SAY ANYTHING, ETHAN GOES: "I mean..." AS IF HE WERE IMPLYING THAT WE WERE & BEFORE HE COULD SAY ANYMORE I TOLD THE OLD MAN NO TO SAVE BOTH MYSELF & ETHAN EMBARRASSMENT OR WHATVER BUT LIKE AHHHH!! WHAT DID ETHAN MEAN BY "I MEAN..." SKSKSKKS. then after that dutch dancing we went out for froyo & a couple of dudes were smelling some cocaine or something idk what it was & they kept looking at me & at one point one of them looked me up & down & asked if I wanted some of the stuff they were basically snorting & before I could respond, ethan goes: "No, she doesn't." HEART THROB. lmao that was my update of what happened at the fair.

ok. bye. <3

may or may not be smut next chapter iDk...

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