Enchanted: Phoenix Arise

By pigrabbit_09

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In the world where some things can't be explain were into Ares' life. The curse that he didn't wish to have i... More

The Encounter
New Moon
Shield of Sirius
The Master's Conclave
Bound To You
Minion of the Night
Moon and Stars
The End and The Beginning
That's Not Me
The Hybrid
You're My Remedy
Divine Flame
Divine Judgement
Sacred Beasts
Take Over
Deceived By Love
Into The Slumber
Sun and Moon
Rumour Has It
Yin Yang
Blood Poison
Eternal Darkness
Flames of Desire


439 30 24
By pigrabbit_09

Ares' POV

I was so inspired each and every day. First, I have Quinn always at my side; second, I made him mine and make love too; third, I acquired element of water too; and fourth, I decided to serve my baby as his shield... I'm also happy and hyped that he allowed me to protect him.

My life became beautiful everyday because of Quinn. Even my job became beautiful too and I didn't feel any boredom or tired.

Five days had passed, I was busy with my schedule and Quinn was always with me. Sometimes... not sometimes, it's always... I always make my baby happy too by making love with him in any places.

Yes, I can say that I am a wild wolf and I like some challenges. We mated at my dressing room, in a mall and cinema restrooms, in my car, and in a park too. I can't contain myself like everyday I want to make love with Quinn. He became my drug. And, I felt energy flowing in my body when I make love with Quinn.

But that doesn't matter. The important thing for me why I want Quinn is that, I LOVE HIM.

He was at school today and I just finshed my work around four in the afternoon. I called the restaurant that I booked yesterday if my reservation is okay. The lady that I talked with over the phone said that everything is set and I smiled.

I head out from the network station and drove my car to a flower shop. What made me stay in the flower shop for almost half an hour was I don't know what flower ti buy for Quinn. The lady helped me and I asked her what's the most expensive flower that the store has. But she didn't answer my question.

"Sir, before you asked me that, I want to ask you for whom are giving this flowers?"

I didn't expect that she really wanted to help me out from choosing the right flower for Quinn.

"For my boyfriend." I answered and proud too.

She was surprised when she heard my answer. Though it's already common nowadays that this kind of relationship exist in the world. She cleared her throat before she asked me again.

"Can you describe him and his personality too?"

"Hmmm... Quinn is the type that every man's gender can be bend. He's beautiful like he shines the brightest in a dark skies. He's a little bit of aggressive, caring, loving, huggable, lickable, and crazy too like me. But what I really like him the most is, his heart." I described Quinn to the lady with honesty and how I felt.

She nodded and smiled. I also showed her a picture of Quinn and her eyes got big.

"Damn! Are you sure that he's a guy?" She asked me.

"Yes, he is."

She pouted and cried. "Why is the world so unfair?! I got boobs, I got broad hips, and I have vagina too but why is your boyfriend too beautiful than I am?"

I laughed at her and she really nagged about how unfair is the world.

"Here, I think this flower suits her... I mean hin."

He took a white flower that its petals are joined together to each other.

"What flower is this?" I asked because I kind of like it too. Simple but stunning.

"That's a Moonflower. Can you see how its petals joind together and formed like the shape of the moon?"


That's great. That's why I like this flower because it's called Moonflower.

"On how you describe your boyfriend, I can fell that your intentions are pure as well as your love towards him." She said.

I smiled widely because this is the perfect flower for Quinn.

"I'll take this. Make it a bouquet please." I said and she immediately took care of my order.

While waiting for the bouquet, I texted Quinn if he's done with his class and he replied, 'NOT YET'. At least I have time to drive to the school after here. It took her almost ten minutes to arrange the flowers. I paid immediately and head out to the school.

When I entered the school, I saw Quinn walking, holding his phone, I guess his texting. I smiled and walked towards him but Vladimir came in the scene and put his arms around Quinn's shoulder.

"Do you plans tonight?" My brother asked.


"Really? With whom?"

"With your brother." Quinn answered and Vladimir looked at me.

He was a little bit annoyed and I went closer to them. Quinn was surprised that I fetched him. I was kind of busy the past few days because of my work.

"What brought you here?" Quinn asked me.

"The car brought me here." I joked and Quinn's left eyebrow raised. "That was a joke."

I laughed but Quinn seems annoyed.

"Would you care to have a little conversation with me?" Vladimir asked.

He's trying to make Quinn stayed longer here in school but I won't let it happen. I grabbed my brother's hand off from my baby's shoulder and I pulled Quinn towards me.

"We have plans tonight, brother." I said but in a good way.

"I'll catch up with you next time." Quinn said and I pulled him then walked out from the building.

I thought Vladimir will stopped us but he didn't. I took his books that he's carrying and held his hand while walked to the parking lot. He wanted to let go but I held his tightly and smiled. People are looking at us but who cares, Quinn deserves a boyfriend like me. And else, no one recognized me with my disguised wearing a shades, cap and face-mask.

When we were in the parking lot, I put his books at the backseat and smiled when I took the flowers that I bought. Quinn was about to get in the car but I stopped him by grabbing his left arm. I hid the flowers at my back and he wondered why I didn't let him in yet.

"I have something for you." I said sweetly.

"Really? Don't make me laugh Ares. You're not the type of guy who'll give some presents and..."

He was stunned when showed the flowers in front of him. He looked at the flowers and I can see on his face that he was surprised.

"Seriously?" He asked me.

"Yes. It's for you." I answered.

He smiled and took the flowers. He smelled it and looked at it.

"How do you know that I like Moonflower?" He asked me.

What the?!

I was surprised that it is his favorite flower. That lady was fortune teller... is she? But, thanks to her, I made Quinn happy by this flower.

"I just guess." I answered.

He smiled and he gave me a peck on my cheek. That was sweet and I can feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Thank you. I didn't know your capable of doing surprises." He said.

"Why? Do you think I can't give you a surprise?"

He shook his head and smiled at me. I acted like I was upset and he quickly grabbed my arm and said...

"Thank you, Ares. And I sincerely appreciate your effort." He said in sweet tone.

I leaned forward towards and wanted to lick him but he stopped me. He knew what I'm supposed to do at him.

"No licking please. But, I'm okay with this." He said and kiss me on my lips.

That struck me like lightning. Quinn's lips are kissable and I wanted to put my tongue inside him but he withdrew right away.

"Can we go home? I need to cook for dinner." He said.

"I'm sorry but we can't." I answered.

"And why is that?"

"I still have a surprise for you."

He looked at me like he's scrutinizing me but with a smile. I opened the door for him and he got in then I went to the driver's seat.

Quinn kept on asking where we heading for while were on the road. I didn't answer him but just give a smile. While I was driving, I had my left hand on the wheels and my right hand on Quinn's shoulder while playing his left ear. He keeps on smiling while looking at the Moonflower.

It was a long drive because we need to get up to the mountains. It was kind of a secluded restaurant that the view was fantastic.

We arrived at the restaurant around six-thrity in the evening. The guard opened the shotgun's door for Quinn when we got out from the car. I noticed that he didn't bring the Moonflower with him. A waitress came to us and greeted us. She guide us in and Quinn was kind of uncomfortable.

"Why is it we are the only people here?" He whispered at me while we're walking inside the restaurant.

I didn't answer and I just smiled until the waitress showed us to our table. We were at the terrace where we can see the city lights under the dark sky with a crescent moon above. I pulled out the chair for Quinn and he sat then the waitress gave us the menu.

It was an Italian restaurant and I don't know if Quinn will like it here.

"Can we order?" I asked him.

"Can I have one smoked salmon carbonara, one lasagna, one red wine, and four cheese pizza." He ordered.

That left me speechless.

"How about you, Sir?" She asked.

"Same as what he ordered." I answered.

She nodded and listed in on a sheet of small paper.

"We also had Gelato inside, Sir. You can order after." The waitress said.

"Can you add one cup of Salted Caramel please. I want to serve it later." Quinn said.

"Okay Sir." The waitress repeat out orders before she went.

Quinn was looking at the city lights and I can feel the breeze hitting on my face. It's cold up here and I wanted to give him my coat but instead of it, I took out something. I stood up and went closer to him. He looked at me and I kneeled down.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Kneeling down?"

He hit me on my left deltoid with his right hand. "I know and don't make me a dumb!"

"I didn't... but I want us to be official."

He was wondering what I said and took out a velvet box. I smiled while I showed it to him.

"I'm gonna say no! Marrying you isn't my priority now." He said and I chuckled.

"Who said that I'm marrying you?" I asked him and opened the box.

I took out the shiny necklace with a star on it a s pendant. It has diamond at the center of the star and I don't care how much I bought it. He was stunned or maybe surprised and I put the necklace around his neck.

"I am your Moon and you are my Star. We will be together in the dark sky and shine. Together we'll face the hardship, together will face the joyful moments, and together will create our life."

I saw Quinn's face that was full of surprised. He didn't know that I'll give him this but I'm making a promise or pact between us that together will move forward in life and together will love each other.

After I put the necklace on him, he took a deep breath and he held my face.

"Do you love me?" I asked.

"Why did you ask that? I already gave my body to you." It's not the answer that I wanted.

"Come on, Quinn... you're ruining my confession. I'm not talking about fucking you. I'm talking about..."

He interjected me with a kiss. The kiss that made me shut up and I kissed him back. My heart fluttered so much with joy, my blood rushed as it excites me that he fully gave himself to me, and my body strong arms and body wanted to protect this lad that I'm kissing.

"I love you, Ares. I know that we're too fast but who cares, I love you... and please be my shield." He said after he withdrew from pur kiss.

"Don't you think that you get the answer now?" I asked him and I smiled.

His smiled became wide because of joy. He hugged me tightly while I was kneeling in front of him then release me afterwards.

"I'm sorry that I got excited. Are you sure that you agree to be my shield?" He really gets into my nerves by asking me again.

"Yes. I am your shield now and I'll protect you at cost." I answered.

He hugged me again and I felt his happines run through my body. I don't know how why I can feel what he felt right now. Maybe, we were connected to each other like we were meant to be.

"I love you, Quinn."

"I love you too, Ares."

And now, we're official. I always wanted to do this but my work keeps me busy. Every day that passed by when we weren't official, I had this fear that someday I might lose him because I am not the only guy who's after him.

Before I got horny by hugging him, I released myself from our embrace. I stood up, took off my coat and I put it on him before I went back to my chair.

I can manage the cold because of my power but Quinn is still fragile in my eyes even he's the strongest witch. Maybe, that's our differences.

Our food was served while we talked some funny things during his childhood. Quite disappointing because I can't remember my childhood because of memory loss. We ate our dinner happily, drank the wine, and ate some gelato. I didn't know that Caramel is his favorite so I ordered another cup for him.

"By the way, why is it that we're the only costumer here?" He finally asked again.

I thought he won't asked me again.

"I rented it for two hours." I answered.

"What?'l he exclaimed. "You shouldn't waste your money just to dine in here."

I laughed when he nagged at me. This is the first time that I did grandiose in my life. I don't want to confess in such a cheap way because Quinn is special to me... he's the person that I really wanted to cherish for all of my life.

"It's okay. I want the best things in this world for you." I answered.

"No... I won't allow that you'll waste your money just for a surprise. I'm not a type of person who is too ambitious."

"I know but just let it through this time. I want it to be special because that's how I felt for you. Next time, will do it simple, okay?" I said.

He took a deep breath and nodded. I smiled and held his hand and it was cold. I stood up and carried my chair beside him then I hugged him.

"I'm okay. I can handle the cold." He said.

"No you're not. Your hands are too cold so let me wamr you up." I said.

He leaned his head on my shoulder while we were gazing the city lights. We also talked about our future after we did our mission. But that was still a blur because we don't know what will happen in the future. We still need to end the battle between the witches and wolves. And also, I wanted to convinced my father to stop.

As I thought of my family, the only thing I can do for them is to save my father from his greatest ambition. I know mother is doing it now but it's not enough. Someone should stop my father and that person is me.

I don't want that one day, I'll have to fight my father.

After we enjoyed our dinner, I drove my car back to the city. Some roads has no streetlamps so I drove slowly. I don't want to rush time because Quinn is beside me and I want to spend every second of it.

"Ares, can you stop for a while." He said and I followed his order. I stopped my car where there was light and Quinn flicked his finger then the light turned off.

"Did you do that?" I asked him.

He nodded and he looked at me differently. Quinn started to touch my face and trace my lips with his fingers.

"Hey, are thinking of making love in here?" I asked him 'coz that's what I felt right now.

He took off his seatbelt and he pulled the knob then pushed my seat backward. Things gets hotter when Quinn sat on my lap facing me then he kissed me. With his kiss, I got aroused. I put my hands inside his shirt and touched his back while we were kissing. I wanted to ripped Quinn's shirt but I didn't because I don't have an extra shirt at the back. I took off his shirt, touch his nipples and he gave me a moan. Quinn's body is my addiction. He's skin is soft and warm and his scent makes my sense of smell crazy.

"Ares, please do me." He said with his erotic voice.

I don't know what's in his mind why he wanted to make love with me. Though it was a perfect moment too, I also thought of this before I planned everything.

He unbuttoned my sleeves and he immediately touched my chest. I pulled his body towards mine because I want to feel the warmth of his body and kissed him passionately. It's not a kiss due to lust.

While we were kissing, touching, and hugging, somebody knocked on the window and panicked. It's funny how fast Quinn jumped back to his seat and grabbed his shirt when Czar was smiling outside.

Damn you, Czar!

He always caught us making love and this is the second time around. Quinn turned the light again and pretended that nothing happened. I lower down the windo and I can see that his smile is teasing us.

"Selene wants you to come home, Master." He said.

Quinn just nod and didn't say a thing.

"By the way Ares..." he said and came to closer to my ear to whisper. "Don't rip out Quinn's body with your dick."

I was about to punch him and he teleported backwards. I snarled at him while he was grinning then he disappeared after teasing me. I turned on the engine and drove back home and we just laughed it out.

The moment we arrived, my friends and Selene were standing when get inside the house. They were suspiciously looking at us.

"Master, are you and Ares in a relationship?" Selene asked him.

We looked at each other and he smiled at me.

"Yes. Is there any problem with it?" He asked her.

Suddenly, Selene casted a fireball spell on me and it didn't affect me. She casted another, a waterball spell and again, no effect on me. She got irritated and casted an earth element now and I showed her my stance to counter it but Quinn break her spell.

"Master!! You ruined my spell. I need to torture this wolf before he'll have you." She said.

"It's okay Selene. We can torture him when he acquired the remaining two elements and I'll let you join the fight." Quinn said and I was surprised.

"Hey, that's not fair! Two against one." I exclaimed.

"Yes that's fair!" Selene shouted like she's pissed at me.

Quinn grinned on me and Selene's eyes were on fire. I felt that she's against me having a relationsip with my baby.  However, it's still Quinn's decision and he's the one who will handle my final test.

Selene grabbed Quinn's arm and he dragged him away from me. I thought that I can solo my baby tonight but that's not going to happen when Selene is jealous.

"Ares, tell us. Is Master that hot? Is he good in bed?" Czar asked me with whisper voice.

I smacked his head and got mad at him. Dixon and Largo were interested to know too. I didn't answer Czar's question and I went to my room but they're still following me.

"Come on, Ares. It's just between us. We promise that we'll keep it privately." Dixon said too.

They're really interested but the thing between me and Quinn is very private. I can't share it to them. It's just for me and for me alone. No one should know how hot my baby is on the bed.

"Ares, please share. We also fantasized Quinn because he's beautiful, his skin is soft and we wanted to know if he moan with erotic voice, does he dominated you or anything."

I didn't know that Largo has this kind  of personality too. When I heard that he also fantasize my baby, I smacked his head. I screamed at them to get out but they kept on teasing me.

While we they kept on teasing me, I smell a different scent near from my house and so my friends. I looked at Czar and he nodded. He instantly disappeared to see who's outside. Largo and Dixon were with me and we looked outside from the window. We didn't see anyone but the scent is still strong. I'm sure it's not a wolf, it's someone else.

I felt uneasy knowing someone was on watch just like the night after I make love with my baby. Then, another scent, the scent that I smell on that night. They didn't even talk 'coz I can't hear voices.

While I heightened my senses, I saw Czar teleported and he was fighting with a man that wore a black suit and his face was hidden to. My friends ran out to help Czar and I followed.

When we stepped outside from my house and ran to Czar, they appeared in a flash from nowhere. They were like ninjas. My friends and I were surrounded by them then they started to attack. They're too quick but not quicker than I am. Dixon had a hard time because those men can do sneak attack too. Largo is useless because these men didn't use magic and he nust used his strength to fight.

Only I can keep in their pace. I managed to knock down four of them with my strength alone. I didn't use my fire and water element to fight against them. However, one of then striked me on my arm and I was bleeding. I ignored my wound coz it doesn't hurt me. I kept on fighting and I knocked another two of them. Fourteen left including the man that Czar was fighting.

"What do you want from me?" I asked them while they're on halt.

The man who strike me speak. "Who are you? Why I can feel magic in you from the Boswell Family?"

So, they knew the Boswell. Now I know that they're against the Boswell. They're planning to kill me and I won't allow them.

"It's none of your business." I said and I used my water element.

I created ice pillars that rise up from the ground but they dodged. The man striked the ice pillar and he shattered it with his thin sword.

Damn, this guy is sick!

I fight him now using the elements but he seems to read my moves and he threw two daggers on me. I managed to dodge it.

"Your quick!" The guy said and he ran towards me.

He's fast just like me and I go along with his speed. We fought with our speed and I used the elements as needed but I did more on brute strength as this guy is using only his strength too.

When we were in the middle of fighting, a magic circle appeared and we immediately escaped from it. The guys was surprised and he took out his mask. He's looks around in 30's. He's eyes are like those ravens, very black eyes and he has a scar on his left cheek.

"I didn't know that you're still alive, Raven."

Selene appeared and the guy was surprised. I think he knew Selene. The guy vanished and appeared right in front of Selene.

"You're alive, Selene." He said and his men stopped from fighting.

"Yes. It was your group who were in watched this past few days?" She asked.

"Yes... I felt magic from this guy." He said while pointing at me.

Selene grinned and I didn't like it. She thoight of something bad.

"That guy? He's an enemy." She said.

"What?! Are you crazy?" I exclaimed then a sword was at my throat now.

That guy was too quick to change his location and he's about to cut my throat with a sword while holding my arms from my back. He's so aggressive but what Selene did was unforgivabale. I wanted to rip her neck right niw for betraying me.

She suddenly laughed out of nowhere and said. "That's enough, Raven. You can't kill him now. We need him."

The guy released and glared at me. The guy walked back to Selene.

"I'm sorry if I failed to protect the Boswell. We were fooled by Andres and believed him that the dark witches attacked our Lady Vivian. It was my fault to dispatch my team." He said while he kneel.

"They're still alive, Raven. Lady Vivian and Master Gilbert are on the hands of Andres." She said.

"Let us join you Selene and fight for the Boswell. I wanted to pay those Martinez by cutting their throats from their neck."

I can feel Raven's hatred now and Selene looked at me. I thought she was going to tell Raven about me that I am Martinez but she didn't.

"Listen Raven, Sirius is alive." She said.

"What?" Raven was surprised when he knew that Quinn is alive.

"I don't know how we were alive at that time. I know Lady Vivian anticipated it to happen. But, today and tomorrow is important. Join us Raven, we need assassins to accomplish the goal of Master Sirius."

He nodded and stood up.

While they were talking, I felt my left arm got numbed and I felt a little bit dizzy. Then, difficulty in breathing follows until I fell on the ground and my friends helped me

"Did you cut him with your sword?" I heard Selene asked Raven.

"Yes. You know us assassin, we always enchant our weapon with poison." He answered.

"Sanctus Remedium." Selene casted a light on my wound and after a few minutes, the symptoms faded.

Selene walked back inside my house but Raven was thrown away when he's about to enter. He's quick to regain his stance.

"Let him in, Ares." Selene said.

"No I won't." I answered.

I'll used the advantage of the barrier of my house. I can't let anyone get inside my house. Selene rolled her eyes and then Quinn came.

"What's wrong in here?" He asked.

Raven appeared in front of the door and Selene called out Quinn. The assassin kneeled down in his presence.

"Who are they?" Quinn asked.

"They're the assassins of Boswell. They served under your parents." Selene answered.

"Young Master Sirius, I am Raven, the head of the assassin group. I served under Vivian and Gilbert Boswell, will now be under your command." The guy said and he really bowed down while kneeling in front of Quinn.

The Boswell is known to be a rich family before until they extinct. People who served them died after the attacked in their mansion. But I remember that father told me that their sons died in the attack.

Something was misleading my father. If he thought that Sirius is dead and then he found out that the most powerful witch is Sirius, he didn't act surprise when I told them about the most powerful witch. That means, father is really going to kill Quinn but the Sirius that I told him was the fraud Sirius.

Am I the one who mislead my father into a war that he thought he can successfully killed the fraud Sirius? I got uneasy because they'll battle out of their goals. But, mother knew who Quinn was.

"I don't want to force you to join. But you're serving under my parents command and the only thing I can order to you is to save my parents." He said.

"We'll do as you order, Young Master. My team will be your weapon under the shadows." Raven said.

Quinn nodded and Raven stood up. He took something in his pocket and I saw a badge that shapedike a shield with a moon in the center. The badge glows in a sudden and when Quinn tried to get it, it release a spark that made Quinn withdrew his hand.

"What is this?" Quinn asked.

"This badge is the Shield of Vivian... it's Gilbert's badge."

"How cone that it's in your posession?" Selene asked him.

"Before I dispatched my group, Gilbert gave this to me. It was unusual that he gave his badge that symbolize himself as a Shielf of Lady Vivian. It was stranged that Gilbert also knew what will happen to them and he told me ti give this badge to the next shield, which is your Shield, Young Master." He answered with a little of backstory.

Quinn looked at me and he thought that I should be the one to get the badge but I'm didn't take the final test yet.

"As far as I know, my shield has his own badge after he passed my test." Quinn said.

"I don't know Young Master but your father told me give this to you and give it to your shield. As far as I remember, Gilbert knew who's your shield and his name is Alexander."

Damn! Am I really meant to be the shield of my baby? Although I questioned myself about it but something bothers me.

I am killed by my father just to deceive Vivian to resurrect me. Father successfully get Vivian's power but not all of it. In other hand, Gilbert used the time spell in him and his wife. But, if they're the strongest witch and shield at that time, why is it Gilbert failed to protect his wife? He is the shield so he's stronger than my father in that time.

If that's the case, did Vivian intentionally give Gilbert's power to me when she's about to resurrect me. But something is still odd in my thoughts about this thing.

Mother knew about what happened and she wrote in that book that father resurrect me after he stole Vivian's power. But what if Vivian was the one who resurrect me and it took time for me to get conscious.

I was in a maze of my thoughts that I found an exit but it leads me to another maze again.

"Ares, try to get the badge." Selene said.

I did what she asked me and when I touched the badge, faces came in my brain, and some events filled in. That was too sudden but I got my memory back from that badge.

What surprised me was I already knew Sirius when I was a child. He was my friend, my playmate, and my first love. I laughed about the imprint. It wasn't the day that I almost mated with Quinn, it was back in our childhood that I imprinted him. I already imprinted him when we were kids.

The saddest part after I got my memory back was how my father killed me. He stabbed me with a dagger with poison on it. I was gasping for air, trying to stop my wound from bleeding until I lost my senses and even the beat of my heart. I even saw the face of my father before I died. His eyes were red and grinned like a demon.

"Ares, why are you crying?"

I heard Quinn's voice and I snapped from all of my memories.

"Nothing... I'm just happy." I lied.

"You are Alex? The scruffy boy who played along with Sirius?" Raven asked me.

"Yes... I am Alexander Ares Martinez."

The badge in my hand was absorbed by my body. And I thank Gilbert's badge to bring back my memories.

There are a lot of questions that I need some answers now. After I got my memories, my determination to become the Shield of Sirius rose up and I wanted to get stronger. I need to face my father, the root of this problem that we're facing now. Wolves and dark witches are going to fight until no one's left and I don't want those wolves to die in vain because they were deceived.

I want to know how I became a wolf when I was a child as it was to vivid for me why I imprinted on Quinn when I ten.

I want to know what's the real identity of my father. From my memory, he's not just a wolf... he is something else.

And lastly, I need to save Quinn's parents. I owe my life to his mother and I shall return the favor by protecting Quinn.

The only thing that I can do now is not to find answers but to face what is the truth. As what the mysterious voice once told me.

I need to seek the truth. The light will be my guide and I think the light that voice referred to was the Element of Heart.

pigrabbit_09 —

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