Tony Stark's Daughter [1]

By Stark_2023

696K 17.9K 8.2K

BOOK ONE OF THE TONY STARK'S DAUGHTER SERIES (OCxLoki) ~ "I can't remember who I am... who I was! Do you know... More

Chapter 2: Avengers Initiative
Chpater 3: HYDRA?
Chapter 4: Reindeer Games
Chapter 5: Chit Chat
Chapter 6: Lady Hope
Chapter 7: "I know a lie when I hear one."
Chapter 8: Coulson
Chapter 9: "I f*cking promise."
Chapter 10: The Battle
Chapter 11: The Battle part 2
Chapter 12: The Battle part 3
Chapter 13: Romeo
Chapter 15: Bad Nights
Chapter 16: FlashBacks
(Ironman 3)
Chapter 18: S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 19: Bucky Barnes
Chapter 20: Who's Maya?
Chapter 21: The Mandarin
Chapter 22: Monster
Chapter 23: Loki?!
Chapter 24: Chad Davis
Hope's File
Chapter 25: "War Machine rocks with an X, all caps."
Chapter 26: Gary Needs Ton- To Be Quiet About it
Chapter 27: What Should I do?
Chapter 28: The Alleyway
Chapter 29: The Alleyway part 2
Chapter 30: The Alleyway part 3
Chapter 31: Trevor?
Chapter 32: Extremis
Chapter 33: The Winter Soldier
Chapter 34: It's a Trap
Chapter 35: HYDRA Misses You
Chapter 36: I Will Never Join
Chapter 37: "Take 'em to Chruch."
Chapter 38: Home
Chapter 39: Christmas
Chapter 40: Birthday Wishes
Chapter 41: See you soon
Chapter 42: Asgard
Chapter 43: Infinity Stones
Chapter 44: ...What?
Chapter 45: Soulmates
Chapter 46: Back to Earth
Chapter 47: Gifts
Chapter 48: Long Time, No See
(Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
Chapter 50: Project Insight
Chapter 51: Sam Wilson
Chapter 52: Nick Fury
Chapter 53: He's My Mission
Chapter 54: Arnim Zola
Chapter 55: Highway Part 1
Chapter 56: Highway Part 2
Chapter 57: Best Friends
Chapter 58: Staying Hidden
Chapter 59: Helicarriers
Chapter 60: Aftermath
Hope's Updated File
Sequel is up!!!

Chapter 14: Aunt Tessa

13.4K 385 147
By Stark_2023

"Thanks for driving us Happy." I smiled at him. He nodded, still unsure. He thinks my dad should know about this, but I told him not to tell him. Romeo and I got out. I took him to get a few things at the mall. Who would have thought I would go shopping after an alien invasion and fighting a god.

Romeo looked around the woods. He grinned happily, but his eyes stopped at the cabin. He was nervous and scared. He was shy.

I smiled down at him. "I still think you should tell your dad."

"It's fine Happy. I'm sure he won't mind me helping a poor boy reunite with his family." I pointed to Romeo. Romeo looked at me. I winked at him.

He looked at Happy with a pout and puppy eyes. I smirked at Happy. Happy rolled his eyes

"Okay, okay! You know how many things I've done for you. Your going to have to owe me soon!" He yelled as we walked towards the door. He has helped me so much. He has kept a few of my secrets. I got in trouble, how could I not!?

Tony freaking Stark, the party animal is my care giver!

I felt Romeo grab my hand. I knocked on the door lightly. A pair of footsteps ran towards the door. The door swung opened. A boy and girl opened the door.

"Who is it?!" A woman yelled from inside the house. The little girl waved at Romeo. The boy stared at me. I smiled down at him. He blushed.

"It's a woman and a kid!" The girl yelled. The boy continued to stare.

"A beautiful woman and kid..." he whispered. I chuckled. He's adorable. I love kids! His name is Zac, and her name is Chantel. Zac is 12 and Chantel is 9.

I smiled at the two. Zac's eyes widened. "Your that girl from the News. Your Iron Witch! Iron Man's Daughter!"

"Hello kids. Yes I am. Is Tessa home?" I asked sweetly. I knew she was. They nodded.

"Oh my god! There's a super hero at our house! Come in! Come in!" The girl ushered us in. I like her. We walked in and Zac closed the door. "My name is Chantel and this is Zac!"

"Welcome to our humble home." Zac welcomed as he kissed the back of my hand. I chuckled awkwardly and pulled my hand away. Romeo was still shy. He hid behind me.

"Jeez you kids. I asked who's at the... oh!" Tessa walked around the corner. He eyes widened. "Hope Stark?"

"Hi Miss Jacobs. I'm sorry for barging in like this." I apologized.

"It's alright. I was just about to start cooking dinner. Some spaghetti for the kids. Please, call me Tessa." She told me as she raised her hand. I shook it. She smiled.

I had a few scratches on my face. I had one on my lip and eyebrow. And a bruise on my cheek.

I could tell she was looking at them. "Who's this handsome fella?"

"This is Romeo... Romeo Anderson." I looked down at Romeo. He gave her a small wave. Tessa's eyes widened.

Zac and Chantel looked up at Tessa confused as to why she was so surprised. Tessa kneeled down in front of Romeo.

"Hi Romeo. How are you?" She smiled at him.

Romeo glanced up at me.

How come he's so nervous around her and not me? I was a stranger to him in New York.

I nodded. Romeo smiled as he came out from behind me.

"I'm good. My mommy never told me about you." He spoke to her. Tessa nodded. Her face flashed hurt, but quickly changed into a smile before the kids noticed.

"I'm your Aunt Tessa. Your mommy was my sister." Tessa smiled. Romeo grinned.

"Its nice to meet you Aunt Tes." Romeo raised his hand for a handshake. Tessa chuckled.

She glanced up at me.

"Can we talk?" I asked. She nodded standing up.

"Can you guys go play in the back? Show Romeo your tree house." Tessa looked at Zac and Chantel. They nodded.

"Come on kid! I can show you my dolls!" Chantel squealed as she pulled Romeo. Romeo looked back at me. I smiled. He grinned back.

Zac wiggled his fingers at me. I smirked at waved back. He blushed and followed after the others quickly. Tessa shook her head with a small smile. "Sorry about Zac. He's a charmer."

"It's okay. I find it cute." I laughed. Tessa laughed too. We walked into the kitchen.

"Do you want something to drink? I know it's not fancy, but it's what we got." Tessa asked as she poured herself a cup of tea. I thought for a moment.

"A juice box? If you have any." I asked with a smile. She glanced at me, thinking I was joking.

I am not joking.

I tilted my head with a patient smile.

She walked to the fridge and grabbed a fruit punch juice box. "Thank you!"

"You are so much like Stark... but a kid version." She smirked at me. I shrugged. I looked out the window and saw Romeo laughing with the two siblings. "So, What did you want to talk about? Where is my sister?"

"Miss Ja-Tessa... um. I don't know how to say this." She tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"What happened? Where is my sister?" She asked again slowly. I gave her a look of pity and sadness. She shook her head. Tears threatening to fall. "She isn't... she didn't..."

"I'm sorry Tessa." I softened my face.

I felt my heart break as I watched the woman begin to cry.

"I found Romeo during the whole thing in the city. He was all alone. He told me his parents... didn't make it."

"Oh god!" She covered her mouth with her hand. Eyes glossy.

She bent over on the counter. Put my hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

I sighed.

"Romeo told me about her... she seemed like a wonderful woman." I spoke to her softly. She sniffled.

"S-she is... was practically my role model. She was so kind to everyone, but when you made her angry... she was not someone you want to mess with." She smiled sadly at the memory. "She has the life she deserved. A loving husband, an amazing child. But... we had a fight, I yelled something I regret. She tried to calm me down, but my big mouth couldn't shut up! I made her cry."

"I stooped to a level so low, I thought maybe the devil himself was disappointed. She told me never to speak to her again. I regretted it right after the words left my mouth. It been years since I saw her. I wanted to apologize, but I always thought she would still hate me..."

"Tessa. You can make it up to her..." she looked at me. Her eyes wide.

"How?" Her face stained with tears. I pointed towards Romeo. She watched the kids play together.

"He has no where else to go. You are his only option... or he goes into foster care. I think your sister would forgive you... or she already did. I don't know much about having a family, but I do know that having family is precious. You are her little sister. There's nothing she wouldn't do for you, or her son, your nephew. If she knew you were taking care of her son... I think she would be happy where ever she is, knowing her son is safe with someone she trusts."

"I...I... I don't know what to say." She looked down at her hands thoughtfully. She looked at Romeo. "I would love to have Romeo stay. He seems to be getting along with the other kids already.

"Hey Hope. Your dad just called... he isn't to happy that you have been gone for so long." I heard a voice talk to me through my ear piece.

"He asked me to find you. He thought you were still with Mr. Rogers. Your lucky I didn't rat you out! You owe me, even though I don't know why you just don't tell him about the kid." Happy's told me.

"Do you mind if I take a call?" I asked, pointing to my ear phone. Tessa nodded. I smiled gratefully and left her to think.

I walked into the living room. "Thank you so much Happy! I just have a feeling telling people about Romeo might cause trouble. I know I can trust Dad... but I feel like somethings going to happen." I whispered to him. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen. I don't know what though.

"A feeling? Hope if you know something..." Happy began. I rolled my eyes.

"It just a feeling. I don't know what it is, but I just wanna be sure no one else gets hurt. Just trust me." I smiled softly as I tried to convince Happy. He was silent for a moment.

"Okay... but if you know anything... you know you can talk to me." I smiled.

"Thank you Happy. I'll be out in a few minutes. I have a feeling that Romeo has a home." I walked back into the kitchen. Tessa smiled at me.

"Romeo can stay with me... if he wants. I owe it to my sister to take care of him. He is my nephew after all." She smiled as the kids walked in.

"Zac! I swear to god-!" Chantel pointed at Zac. Zac smirked.

"What? You'll tell on me? You won't!" He looked at me. Chantel grumbled under her breath. I laughed. Romeo watched the two with a grin.

"Hey Romeo. Can we talk?" I asked him. He nodded. We walked into the living room. We sat on the couch. "What do you think of this place? Isn't it cool?"

"Yea! I like Zac and Chantel! They're really nice! Oh, and so is Tessa! I'm happy she's my auntie! I like the treehouse too!" He grinned with excitement. I smiled.

"Would you like to live here?" I asked. He nodded quickly.

"Are you serious!?" He grinned at me with his hands together. I laughed and nodded.

"Your Aunt Tessa said she would love for you to stay with her." Romeo danced around the room excitedly. He smiled widely. I chuckled at his cute happy dance.

He stopped dancing. I tilted my head. He looked at me.

"Are you going to stay too?" He sat beside me again. I frowned at his excited face. He wants me too.

"No I'm not kid. I'm sorry. I have a home too remember?" Romeo sighed with a nodded. He was disappointed.

"Would your mommy and daddy miss you?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yes they would." I smiled as I thought of Pepper and Tony.

"My mommy and daddy probably miss me. I miss them too." Romeo looked at the ground. Awww! Poor baby!

"They do miss you. They are happy you're okay. I bet they are happy knowing you found a good home. Remember what I told you? They are in heaven... up in the sky watching over you." I reassured. Romeo smiled as he looked out the window. He was thinking about them. He was imagining them in the sky... smiling down at him.

I couldn't help but aww out loud. Romeo didn't notice though.

"Can I talk to Aunt Tessa? Alone?" He asked with a pleading look. I chuckled with a nod.

"I'll go get her." I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I told Tessa that Romeo wanted to talk. As they talked, I played with Zac and Chantel.

Zac was trying to flirt, but wasn't exactly the best at it.

I showed them some of my abilities. They were awe struck.

Tessa and Romeo were finally done talking. I grabbed Romeo's stuff from the car. We went shopping, but we couldn't put them anywhere so we left them in the car. Happy helped with his bags.

Happy smiled down at Romeo and started out the door. He looked at his watch. He pointed at it as he glared at me. I nodded.

He walked out the the car. I knelt down in front of Romeo. He kicked a rock off the porch. A frown present on his face.

"I promise I'll visit... I don't mean to leave you so sudden." I spoke softly to the boy. Romeo nodded. He sniffled. I frowned. He hugged me tightly. I smiled as I hugged him back.

"I know your needed somewhere else. You mommy and daddy are probably waiting for you." Romeo smiled at me. God! This child! He is so adorable! "Maybe next time I can meet the Avengers! Can Zac and Chantel come too!? And Aunt Tessa!?"

"We'll see kid." I ruffled his hair. He just smiled up at me.

I walked over to the car where Happy waited. I looked back and waved to the family. They all waved back.

Zac held his hand to his ear like a phone. He mouthed 'call me'. I rolled my eyes as I huffed a laugh.

Happy did a u-turn and we drove off.

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