My Story: Serena Snape

By emily7pop

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Serena Snape, the daughter of Severus Snape, must navigate through her years at Hogwarts, facing challenges s... More

My Story As Snape's Daughter and Draco's Girlfriend
Chapter 1- The Graveyard
Chapter 2- Its Time (3 Years Ago)
Chapter 3- Troll in the Dungeon (3 Years Ago)
Chapter 4- Don't Touch Anything (2 Years Ago)
Chapter 5- Get Out (2 Years Ago)
Chapter 6- Professor Lockhart (2 Years Ago)
Chapter 8- The Train Ride (1 Year Ago)
Chapter 9- Hypogrif (1 Year Ago)
Chapter 10- Defense Against the Dark Arts (1 Year Ago)
Chapter 11- Hogsmeade (1 Year Ago)
Chapter 12- Bruised (1 Year Ago)
Chapter 13- Draco (This Past Year)
Chapter 14- Mad Man (This Past Year)
Chapter 15- Dance? (This Past Year)
Chapter 16- The Mark (This Past Year)
Chapter 17-The Sleep
Chapter 18- Hatred
Chapter 19- Debt
Chapter 20- The Pain of the Mark
Chapter 21- Defense
Chapter 22- Umbridge
Chapter 23- Holiday
Chapter 24- Umbridge, Part 2
Chapter 25- Detention

Chapter 7- The Meeting (2 Years Ago)

114 3 0
By emily7pop

I sat in the Slytherin common room by the fire studying for my potions class.

"You're actually going to study for the potions exam?" Draco asked as he walked over. "I thought you said you know all of them."

"There's always more to learn." I flip to the next page.

"C'mon, tomorrow's our last day. Why not do something fun?" He asked nudging my leg with his hand. No matter how annoying he's been since we both started here, we've grown closer than we've ever been.

"Like what?" I closed the book and placed it on the table next to me curious for what he had in mind.

He merely shrugged "Mess with the Gryfindors?"

"Sounds like a plan." I smirked and got up as we began to walk out.

After a few moments of silence, Draco spoke up. "My father is here today."

"He is? Why?"

"Some meeting with Dumbledore about some diary."

I nodded as we passed the entrance for Dumbledore's office. I felt my side where I usually keep my wand and realize it's not there. "I gotta go back, I left my wand in my dorm. I'll meet you at the entrance to Gryffindor." We split up, Draco continued on and I doubled back towards my dorm. As I rounded around the round room which housed the stairs up to Dumbledore's office, I noticed that my shoe had become untied. I kneeled down to tie it back up.

As I was tying my shoe, Mr. Malfoy and his house elf, Dobby, excited Dumbledore's office. I stood and watched them for a moment when my shoe was all tied back up. Within moments, Potter came running out holding a book.

"Mr. Malfoy!" He called. "Mr. Malfoy! I have something of yours." He handed the book to Mr. Malfoy who quickly dismissed it and threw it at Dobby. I always felt bad for that little house slave. He really has to put up with some awful crap.

"Come Dobby." Mr. Malfoy instructed as he began to walk away.

Dobby opened the book up and a sense of happiness seemed to fill him. "Master has presented Dobby with clothes." Dobby help up a sock from the book's pages.

Anger spread over Mr. Malfoy's face. "You lost me my servant!" He pulled out his wand from inside his cane, so that's where he keeps it. His concentration was fully on Potter as he approached him, wand pointed.

Against my better judgement I hurried over and grabbed Potter's wand from him. "Expeliamus!" Mr. Malfoy went flying back like Lockhart had done only a few weeks before. Both my judgement and thoughts caught up to me at once as Mr. Malfoy glared at me. What had I just done? Surely he would report this to Draco, who would then never want to see me again, and to my father which would cause me to never hear the end of this all summer long. Not to mention he'd probably lock me in my room. My father and Mr. Malfoy were close friends, had been for years.

"Now I see who's side you're really on." He began to walk away. I could feel my heart beat fast. I had to think of something, now!

I pointed Potter's wand at Mr. Malfoy for the second time both in that day and in my life. "Obliviate!" For a second, Mr. Malfoy stops in his tracks, looking dazed before starting to walk again.

"Why did you do that?" Potter asked snatching his wand away from me. "I can take care of myself!"

"Relax. I basically just saved your life." I rolled my eyes at him and began to walk away. He grabbed my arm.

"You didn't answer me. Why?"

"Why not?"

"Because you hate me."

"I may hate you, but that doesn't mean I should just let you die. Besides, he won't remember any of this so the only true witness is you. But, if you tell anyone I'll make you regret it, I promise." I shook my arm out of his grasp and continued away. He better not tell anyone, that could ruin me. Or at least my reputation.

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