Girl Group Reader Inserts

By hysteriiia

261K 5.5K 993

Stories of Y/N getting in relationships with Idols. Usually gender neutral until stated otherwise. Inconsiste... More

• Requests Open •
Sana | Regret [Male]
Sana | Regret ∆ REDONE
Nayeon | Pabo
Momo | All roads lead to you
Chaeyoung | Date
Chaeyoung| Date ²
Mina | Gam3r
Mina | Gam3r ²
Mina | Gam3r ³
Tzuyu | Loss & Found
Dahyun | Tour
Twice OT9 | Think Twice
Twice OT9 | Think Once
Twice OT9 | Once Again
TWICE OT9 | Too Twice
TWICE OT9 | To Twice
Jennie | Shattered [Male]
Wendy | Chatrooms
Mina | Did you think?
Irene | Fought for You [Male]
Chaeyoung | Stay Home
Nayeon | My Happiness
Sana | ... and it's not you.
Sana | ... and it was you. It was always you.
Sana | Date of Birth
Sana | Date of Death
Jennie | Memories
Jeongyeon | Lifeline [Male]
Jennie |.. On second thought.
Jihyo | Thank you for everything
Jeon Somi | Wait For Me [Male]
Red Velvet OT5 | Foreign Attraction²
Jisoo | Point Break [Male]

Red Velvet OT5 | Foreign Attraction

7.1K 142 48
By hysteriiia

/A few months after Yeri joined Red Velvet. Also, Italic is ENGLISH/

"Oi, grandma. Hurry up."

"Yah! Wendy! I'm not that old!"

"You're like halfway to your 90's." Wendy had to run away to avoid the wrath of Irene.

That was normal for the five of them. Well, at the very least right now. Both of them.

"I'm trying to sleep gUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Seulgi screeched from her room.

On the other hand, you were wandering the streets near their dorm house. You were a foreigner, and spoke literally zero Korean.

Except Oppa Gangnam Style, of course.

So, getting directions for where you needed to be was a pain, and the book which had basic Korean phrases did nothing to help your pronunciations and their looks of confusion.

You eventually wound up in front of their dorm building and decided it was better to ask help from there as it was getting late.

You walked up to the security guard, who stopped you. You then tried to explain that you were lost and needed help, but he just shrugged and let you through for whatever reason. Though, he did have to check your bag.

"Oh. Um. Alright? Thanks?" You stumbled on towards the building. You didn't know why, but you started to get intimidated a little bit.

It did have a security guard at the gate, after all. Was this some rich person house? Why did he let you in anyway? He clearly didn't understand what you said.

You walked up to the front door and knocked, hearing people shouting and.. did someone just fall over? There must be children here.




You didn't know what they were saying, but that seemed.. passionate. At least you knew that there were adults here as well. Maybe one of them would understand you.

Someone opened the door and you started reading from the book.

"I am lost. I am in need of directions back home." You said, but that girl, like the others, stared at you in confusion. It was here that she also closed the door.

"I- Oh. Never mind then." You turned and started walking away. Maybe you'll find someone who understands English, and you can finally get home. Who knew being a tourist would be this difficult? You also didn't want to admit it, but you were getting desperate. And afraid. You wanted to get back to your hotel, and being somewhere you didn't know added to your anxiety. It also didn't help that people kept turning you away.

"Who was that?" Yeri asked, peeking out the kitchen with a biscuit in her mouth.

"I don't know. It was some person reading a book to me in broken Korean. I couldn't see that person's face though. I thought they were a diehard fan. So I shut the door and hoped security got to them first." Irene said.

"Really? Reading a book to you? What book was it? 'What To Do Once You're 90'?" Wendy snickered.

Irene rolled her eyes. "Not sure. I think it was a Korean Phrases book, though. Their accent is off, as is their pronunciation."

"... And you didn't think that maybe that person needed help?"

Irene stopped and ran back towards the door and swung in open. That person was trying to talk to the guards patrolling, but they were brushing him off. You looked dejected, and starting heading off with your head hung low.

A stroke of guilt struck her. "That person is leaving. What do I do? Everyone basically asked them to go away."

"Wait, really?" Wendy ran towards the door and shouted in English. "OI COME BACK!"

You lifted your head and turned, only to see two girls waving their hands for you to come back. You quickly went back to the door, almost crying because you felt so relieved.

"Thank you! Thank you! I was so scared. No one would help me."

Yeri and Joy peeked their head out of the door. It seemed now that this wasn't a diehard fan. In fact, this person didn't even seem to know who they were.

"This person doesn't seem excited or anything to see us. Do they not know who we are?" Irene whispered.

"Apparently, they don't. No wonder the guards let them in." Wendy said. "Anyway, come on in. It's getting late, and you seem exhausted as hell."

"Oh! Is it really okay? I don't really want to bother anyone."

"It's fine. Company is always nice. Though, I am the only one here that speaks English. Come on in!" Wendy and Irene stepped in, and you followed.

Their shared house dorm thing was really nice. It was like they were rich. In which case you had to mind what you did. You counted five people, and they were all girls.

If only you knew what you were getting into.

"My name is Y/N, by the way." You introduced yourself.

"Wendy." She smiled.

She was the only one that could speak English, but all of them understood English really well.

"Pleased to meet you. Are you girls roommates? You sure don't look like siblings."

They looked at each other and slowly nodded. That surprised you, but it didn't click in your head immediately that they all understood you. It happened months after that.

"Roommates. Yes. Make yourself at home. I'll make something for you to eat." Wendy walked towards the kitchen. "Oh, and girls. Take it easy on Y/N. Introduce yourselves."

That left you and the four other girls. All staring at you in curiousity. You would be lying if it didn't make you just a little bit uncomfortable. You then took out your book and searched for the phrases you needed.

"Um. W-What is your name?" You said.

That was it. That was the line that got you into the mess you called Red Velvet. You didn't know who they really were until long after you had met them. Their face heated up, and they could barely get a coherent sentence out of their mouth.

Not like you'd understand them, anyway. They introduced themselves to you, and soon Wendy returned with plates of food.

"This looks really good." Seulgi could barely control herself.

They took their seats and started digging in. You didn't know what this dish was, but you didn't ask. It was good, but you were too shy to say anything.

"So, Y/N. What brings you to Korea?"

"Oh! I came to visit my grandmother, who got admitted to the hospital. A hit and run or something like that. I went to take a cab home, but I think the driver misunderstood me. Then he dropped me off like down the street. It was pretty bad."

"Pretty bad? Where is your hotel again?"

"Uh, like here." You took out a pamphlet and showed it to Wendy.

She almost spat out her food. "That's not even in this city!"


"What kind of garbage driver is that? Now poor Y/N is left here. Imagine if Y/N didnt find us." Joy said, and everyone looked to Irene. You had no idea what was happening.

"Yeah, nice one Irene. You almost got Y/N" Yeri added.

You kept hearing your name, but you didn't know what they were saying. It was when everyone just stared at Irene when you realised the topic of the conversation.

"I-It's not her fault! Some stranger knocks on my door, I would've turned them away too."

They turned to you, surprised about your sudden comment. Irene smiled to herself and turned to the side to avoid your gaze. It was here she noticed the lightning clouds in the distance.

"Ahh, looks like it's going to rain." Irene said before thunder boomed which got everyone screaming.

You screamed too, but only because they screamed and that scared the FUCK out of you.

"Girls, please." You took deep breaths to calm your fast beating heart.

"I-I think I'll head to bed first. I don't want to be awake when the thunderstorm hits." Yeri got up from the table and ran upstairs to her room.

"OI WAIT UP!" Irene dashed after her.

Wendy shook her head. "We should head to bed soon, too. We have work tomorrow. Come on, I'll lead you to the guest bedroom."


Joy and Seulgi took the plates into the kitchen and placed them in the dish washer before retreating to their room as well. They didn't do a good job, but they were frightened of the thunder too.

As is Wendy.

"Is it really okay for me to be staying here? I feel so bad. And you girls have work tomorrow."

She laughed. "It's fine, don't worry about it. We'll have time to drop you off where you need to be in the morning."

"I'll be so lost without all of you. Thank you so much. I don't know how to repay your kindness."

"You don't have to, really. Your hotel is really far. We'd be really horrible people of we didn't help. Besides, you're really great company. Here it is. I hope it's not too bad. It hasn't been used in a while. I'll see you tomorrow." Wendy headed down the other direction and entered one of the rooms, leaving you standing in the hallway like a weirdo.

You pushed enter the room and quickly set your things down. Which, all things considered, was just your backpack which has a laptop and other things.

"They must be some rich girls. This room is almost as good as my hotel room." You commented, looking around the fully furnished guest room. "I'd take a shower but I didn't expect to be this lost and not have spare clothes."

The rain started pouring, and it poured heavily. You walked over to the window and sat by it, admiring the allure of heavy rain at night.

"These girls truly are good company. It's a shame that my flight is tomorrow. I'll have to be up early and catch a taxi back to my hotel. If only I knew how far I was, I'd take another taxi back."

You searched the room for a pen and paper and started writing your note for the next morning. You didn't want to bother these girls anymore than you already have. You signed off and head to bed, letting the sound of the rain lull you to sleep.

The girls, on the other hand, were hanging on to each other for support from the thunder. But they still talked about you.

"Do you think Y/N will be alright?" Seulgi peeked her head out of the blanket. "We did leave Y/N alone after all."

"Y/N will be fine. I think." Joy said. "What won't be fine is this fucking thunderstorm."

"Maybe we should check if Y/N is alright?" Yeri sat up, but shrieked and covered herself with a blanket as thunder struck. "..Never mind."

Irene and Wendy in their rooms weren't faring too well either.

"Why must it rain now.." Irene whined. "I wanted to talk with Y/N somemore.."

Wendy deadpanned. "Act your age, grandma. I think Y/N would want someone younger."

"Like you're much younger." She scoffed. "Don't go assuming someone's taste. Did you see how Y/N defended me? I don't think Y/N even understood the conversation, yet they're my knight in shining armour."

"Please. Y/N just didn't want you to feel bad. What if Y/N-" Wendy shrieked as a deafening sound came from outside their windows.

In fact, you were the only one that didn't scream. Mostly because you were already asleep. It didn't take long for the others to fall asleep as well.

You woke up first thing in the morning and quietly went downstairs to place your nicely worded thank you note. You were joking, but you did write slightly.. enchanting words and hinted at being interested in one of them.

But you didn't say who, and that would eventually be your undoing.

You quickly left and hailed a cab before any of them woke up. You felt bad just abandoning them like that, but they had their own lives to live. You didn't want to bother them more than you already have.

Unfortunately though, that would be the last time you saw them until about a few months later, when your mother suggested a vacation there. Also seeing her side of the family after a while.

It was strange, having your mother's side of the family being Korean and yet, you couldn't understand it at all. But you took the opportunity to learn what you could in the few months before the sudden news came.

That also meant you had to return back to Korea for a while. You took unpaid time off your work to visit with your mother. Though eventually, you got fired. But that was for another time.

You often wondered how the girls were. You did just leave them after all. Perhaps they were mad at you, and you'd probably never see them ever again.

Oh, how wrong you were.

"Oh, my. That's a lot of people. I think there's a celebrity." Your mom commented as you two got off the plane.

"Nice. Nothing gets me more excited than a Korean celebrity I know nothing about." You rolled your eyes."

"Aren't you a little bit curious? I sure as hell am."

"Because you're from here."

"You're not answering my question."

".... Alright fine let's go." You huffed.

Your mom practically pushed her way through the crowd to see what was going on while you followed behind.

"Oh look it's Red Velvet!" You heard someone say.

"I see them!" Your mother patted your shoulder enthusiastically. "They're coming towards us!"

The problem was that you couldn't see them at all. Your view was blocked by your mother and.. almost everyone else that was around you.

"Act your age mom. You're like an excited fan girl."

"I AM an excited fan girl. Look, here they are. Irene is so pretty!"

Irene? That seems to ring a bell. You forced yourself through and stood next to your mother. At that moment, Red Velvet happened to brush by you were and stopped when they saw you.

You were confused at first, but when you put two and two together about their living conditions and the apparent fame they have. Red Velvet, was it? You realised that those girls were celebrities.


"I.. Hello." You didn't know what to say, especially with so many people staring at you.

"What are you doing here? Where did you go?" Irene asked. "Wait, not now. Bring Y/N with us."


"You're coming with us, Y/N. We have a LOT to catch up about." Wendy translated, but they didn't know you understood them. You just had trouble making sentences.


You were pulled by Yeri and Seulgi, dragging you away while the others did explained the situation and worked to reschedule the fan meet thing. Though of all places, they chose the airport.

"Y/N looks cuter than I remember." Yeri said once they were in the clear. They brought you to a van, you assume was how they traveled anywhere.

"Wow, you're bold. Lucky Y/N doesn't understand you."

Actually, I do. You thought.

"Did you see how surprised Y/N was when they saw us? Y/N truly didn't know who we are." Seulgi said.

That's true. I didn't know.

You felt your phone vibrate, and you knew it was your mother. You took it out and checked.

'Tell me all the details later, Y/N. Don't leave ANYTHING out.'

Joy then stumbled into the van along with Irene and Wendy, though the latter two purposefully sat next to you.

"So, Y/N. Long time no see." Wendy smirked.

"That's not fair! We want to talk to Y/N too." Yeri grumbled.

"We practiced our English for this. Maybe Y/N will be impressed after all." Irene said. "Do you want to make love?"

"I f-feel like we're moving a little too fast here." You spoke, and the shock on their faces when you spoke their native language surprised even you.

"Woww! You understand us! When did that happen?" Joy tilted her head, and you felt your heart skip a beat.

"My mother is Korean, and these few months thought me the basics. But I'm not really good.. I take after my father."

"Ahh, so that means you understood what I said just now." Yeri covered her face in embarrassment while Seulgi laughed.

"Yeah. Sorry. But I think you're cute too." You said.

"Yeri you cheated." Wendy sighed. "Regarding that note, Y/N."

"....Oh. OH." You did hint at dating them, after all. Maybe they got the hint. You also banked on the fact that you'd probably never see them again.

Especially now that you knew they were celebrities.

"Let's go on a date." Seulgi grabbed your hand, but was slapped away by Irene. "Or not."

"Actually, that sounds like a good idea." You said, and they all stared at you. "I-I mean not the date thing. But going out would be nice."

"My, I'm impressed by your confidence, Y/N. People usually have one significant other. You're shooting for five." Wendy smirked.

"Huh? I-"

"Shhh, it's okay. We understand." Irene hushed you with her finger, and you were powerless to say anything else.

"So what brings you back here?" Yeri asked.

"My mother suggested a vacation, and she also wanted to see her parents again." You said.

"Your mother is Korean?" Seulgi perked up. "Was she that woman you pushed next to?"

"Yeah! She's my mom. I take after my dad more, so I didn't learn the language until like three months ago."

Oh wait, speaking of which. You left your luggage with your mother. Well, it was more like you were dragged away and didn't have a say in if you wanted to take your things or not.

"So.. about that date.." Yeri mumbled.

"It's not a-" You got cut off.

"I know where we can go. It's super secret, and we'll all get to skinny dip." Irene said.

"But I don't-" And again.

"Wow, what we're moving fast on this first date. I like." Wendy smirked.

"Why do-" And again.

"We'll get to see Y/N skinny dip." Seulgi bit her lip.

"Please, I-" And again.

"I'd like that. That sounds so hot." Joy eyed you up and down.

"GIRLS." You raised your voice to get their attention. "As much fun as that would be, let's go with something less.. intense as a start."

They all tilted their heads to contemplate, and that sight alone would be etched in your brain for the rest of your life. You felt your cheeks heat up and you looked away.

"Fuck, they're cute." You mumbled.

That didn't go unheard by the two sitting next to you. Irene and Wendy. They looked at each other with a smirk, before leaning their heads on your shoulder. This also elicited jealous responses from the other three.

"We were here first. Why didn't we sit next to Y/N?" Yeri whined.

"Good.. point." Seulgi narrowed her eyes.

You've got to admit, having these two girls on your shoulder felt pretty nice. And you were giddy with excitement.

"I think I have an idea." Irene said. "How about that secluded lake, but we don't skinny dip. Yet. Like a camping trip."

"That sounds nice." You thought about it. "But I need to check back with my mother first. Plus, I'm extremely jetlagged."

"Sounds like a date. We don't really HAVE to do it now. Maybe once you're free a bit." Wendy added.

"Where is your hotel? We'll drop you off there." Joy said.

"Um. Let me just call my mother."

They watched you dial your mother and you set it to loudspeakers.

"Mom? I'm kind of lost. Where are you?"

"That's what you get for running off with your girlfriends. I'll send you the location of place I grew up in. And when you return. Tell me everything."


Your mother hung up the phone, and a second later you received a text detailing the house and where it's at. You didn't know where it was, so you showed it to the girls. When they did see it however, they got visibly excited.

"You live down the street from where our dorm is!" Yeri plopped herself on your lap, and Seulgi took the chance to plot herself on the other one.

Joy looked upset, but saw an opportunity. She sunk lower and sat between your legs. Her head leaning back against your-

"P-Please let go of me." You squeaked.


"And we're here." The driver announced.

You vaguely remembered this place. Bits and pieces here and there. But nothing concrete. 'So.. mom grew up here.'

"Thank you so much." You said and exited the van. You looked back and saw them looking at you with hopeful eyes.

"Fineeee. Follow me. Let's go in."

They cheered and followed you to the front door, standing closely behind you.

"Mom?" You shouted as you knocked. "I'm here. With guests."

"Coming~!" Your mom opened the door, her eyes immediately locking on to the girls behind you. "Oh!"

"Surprise?" You smiled awkwardly. "Meet my friends. I'm sure you already know them, though."

"Come on in. Your luggage is in one of the rooms. Forgot which one though." Your mom said.

"Ah thanks, that helps." You rolled your eyes, playfully of course.

You motioned for the others to enter, with both you and them having the same reaction, never actually having entered this house before.

"If only your father was here." Your mom sighed. "He would've been so happy to see that you bought home five girlfriend."

"Yeah. If only." You said.

"Wait, Y/N bought home five girls?" Your father shouted from inside the kitchen.

"Oh wait there he is." Your mother said.

"Good joke. I'll head upstairs and find my room."

"Go gentle on the girls!"

"Bite me." You started heading up the stairs, with the five girls following timidly behind you. All five of them very much overthinking the situation and wondering if they were ready.

Finding that room wasn't as difficult as you thought. Your name was plastered in bold on the door. You did however, notice the increasing redness that was developing on their cheeks.

"Are you girls.. alright?" You asked as you closed the door behind them. "Don't mind what my mom said. She didn't mean it."

"So.. we aren't going to.. do it?" Joy mumbled, her cheeks flushed.



"I'll be fine, mom. They're famous. If we're missing, every string will be pulled to find us. Besides, it's camping. The thrill is part of the fun." You said.

"Honestly. The first girl you bring home, and she's an idol group of five. Do you have everything you need?"

"I get it mom. I'm THAT good." You slung a backpack over your shoulder, with another in your hand.

"I'm impressed with how well you've learnt Korean. Must be the genes." Your mom said. "Now hurry off. I'm sure they're eager to see you again. And I quote, 'YN IS SO CUTE' or something like that."

"Sorry can't hear you, I'm already out the door." You rolled your eyes.

True to your mother's word, the van was already outside waiting for you. You could faintly make out the figures of the girls staring at you through the black tinted window.

Once the threshold had been crossed, the girls stumbled out of the van to help log your things on the back of the van, but you did it yourself anyway.

"You girls seem excited."

"We are! We haven't had a break in a while. We had to convince our manager so hard to let us be alone with you. She didn't seem to pleased." Irene, wait. They wanted you to call them by their names. Joohyun said.

"You should've seen Yeri. She almost cried. Fake, of course. Seungwan added.

You paused when you opened the back of the van. Five girls, but they packed like there was fifteen.

"You do know that we're not going to be there for an entire year right."

The five of them gave you bright smiles, and you shook your head with a smile. "Honestly."


"Lets Power Up!"

Your eyes snapped open and you looked towards the television. It was them. How could you forget their voices?

"My girls.." You mumbled. "I miss you all so."

You obviously couldn't stay in Korea forever, and eventually had to leave. It was heartbreaking for both you and the fans. Those who watched the seperation at the airport were reduced to tears.

It was also impressive that you managed to get five insanely popular girls to fall in love with you, and you actually managing to handle all of them.

"Look at you, girls. All grown up. Doing summer songs with adorable outfits." You closed your eyes, trying your hardest not to cry.

"Thank you for the experience, five of you. I'll not forget one line of this. Not one day, I swear. I'll always remember..

..when their lover was me."

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