The Heathers VS. The Plastics...

De no_user_1009

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A school in Evanston, Illinois is ruled by a clique of 4 girls called "The Plastics". Another school in Sherw... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
I Was Tagged For The First Time

Chapter 14

2.3K 58 247
De no_user_1009

Regina's POV

"I can't believe those bitches actually had the nerve to throw a party after kicking me out!" I grumbled as I searched in my dorm room for something. Everybody was posting about Cady's party last night on nearly all social media platforms. 

"Aha!" I said as I pulled out the Burn Book the four of us worked on during the first few days of school. I stomped out of my dorm and went to a copy and print shop, taking the pink and purple scrapbook with me. 

"My name is Regina George, and I am a massive deal."
"I will grind you to sand, beneath my Louboutin heel."
"This is what I get for helping, helping someone lame fit in."
"Cady Heron, enjoy your temporary win."

I photocopied each and every page of the book, making enough copies for the entire school. I looked through all the names. Only me, Gretchen, Karen, and Cady were not in the book. I took a pen from my pocket and began to write. 

"My name is Regina George."
""Regina is a fugly cow.""
"Hey Cady, how ya like me now?"

I picked up all the copies and left. I'll have to be extra early tomorrow for this to work.

"I wanna watch the world burn, I got the gasoline."
"I wanna watch the world burn, and everyone get mean."
"I wanna watch the world burn! I got the gasoline!"
"I wanna watch the world burn! And everyone get mean!"

"Principal Gowan!" I said, rushing into his office. "I found this in the girls bathroom. It contains awful things about me and the other students!" 

Principal Gowan flipped through the book. "Is this all true? Jason Dean, an emo school shooter? Ms. Fleming had an affair?" 

I only nodded. Good thing he took the bait.

"Don't worry." He said. "We'll find out who did this."

I feigned crying. "There are only 3 girls in the entire school who aren't in there."

"Really? Do you have names?"

I gave him a small, pink piece of paper with 3 names scribbled on it. He took the note and dismissed me. I grabbed all the photocopies and scattered it around the school for students to see.

"Cady, time to watch your back."
"Cady, time to turn and cough."
"Because you took me down, but you didn't finish me off."
"My name is Regina George, and in case you're keeping score."
"Cady may have won the battle, but I will win the war! For-"

The lunch bell rang, and all the students were filing out of their classrooms, picking up and reading the scattered pages.

"I wanna watch the world burn..."

"Heather Chandler has a chainsaw fetish!"

"I got the gasoline..."

"Jason Dean's a school shooter!"

"I wanna make the world burn!"

"Janis is a space dyke!"

"Regina is a fugly cow!"

"Regina is a fugly cow!"

"And you can quote this, Ohh. Woah-oh-oh!"

"Who wrote this?"

"Who wrote this?"

"Who wrote this?"

Everyone was enraged now. Students were beating each other up left and right.

"I wanna watch the world burn! I got the gasoline!"
"I wanna watch the world burn! And everyone turn mean!"

"So mean!"


"So mean!"


I passed by the principal's office. Through the window, I could see that Cady, Gretchen, and Karen were all in there, while Principal Gowan was talking to them, Burn Book in hand.

"Ms, Heron, Have you seen this book before?" 

"No!" Cady said. "Well yes, but it's not mine!"

"It's Regina's!" Gretchen cut in. "She's trying to make it look like we wrote it but she's actually the one who wrote it!"

"Really now?" Principal Gowan crossed his arms. "If that's the case, why would Regina refer to herself as a "Fugly Cow?"

Karen suddenly started laughing. "So you think that's funny, huh?" I thought.

"Ladies, this isn't a laughing matter!" He raised his voice just a bit.

At that moment, Ms. Fleming came into the room, soaking wet. "Principal Gowan! It's absolute chaos out there! One of the students threw a bottle of water at me!"

Principal Gowan left the office to go and deal with the raging crowd of teens outside. Ms. Fleming and everyone else left as well.

"I wanna watch the world burn!"

"Who wrote this?"

"Who wrote this?"

"Who wrote this?"

"Who wrote this?"

"I wanna watch the world burn!"

Veronica's POV

Hell broke loose at lunch. Once I stepped out of the classroom, people were yelling and beating each other up. There were several sheets of paper littered across the hallways.

"Who the fuck wrote this?" I heard Heather Chandler scream from behind me. 

I ran over to her and the other Heathers. "What the hell is going on?" I asked.

"Are you blind Veronica? Can't you see all the chaos that's happening around the school?" Duke asked. I took a glance at the papers they were holding. They each had a picture of a certain person, along with an insult or rude comment on said person. In Duke's case, it was making fun of her implants and bulimia. In Chandler's case, it was making fun of her catchphrase.

"I swear when I find out who wrote this they will have hell to pay!" Chandler shouted again.

"Heather, just calm down-" I told her.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?!" Chandler was fuming. "Don't think you're above this Sawyer, I'm sure there's a paper with your name on it."

I decided to leave Heather's tantrums alone. Looking around, I saw a paper with my picture on it and another one with JD's face on it.

"Veronica Sawyer, Had a three way with Kurt and Ram, has a school shooter for a boyfriend. Does anything to get attention, including trying to kill Heather Chandler."

"Jason Dean, emo school shooter kid who has Veronica the slut for a girlfriend."

"Oh my God." I gasped. Besides that, there was a page for nearly every student at Westerburg High. I went around looking for JD, since the school shooter thing was bound to get attention. I spun around and spotted him by the lockers.

He was being beaten up by Kurt, Ram, and the rest of the jocks.

"Stop! Leave him alone!" I shouted. 

"Look! Veronica's come to save her school shooter boyfriend!" Some random person said.

"Didn't she also screw Kurt and Ram?" Another asked.

"Yeah, haha, what a slut." The first person snickered.

"Fuck off! All of you!" I said. With a shrug from the jocks, they left.

"JD! Are you okay?" I ran to his side. He was all covered in blood and bruises.

"I'm totally fine, I just got beat up by a bunch of jocks, that's all." He spat.

"Can you cut the sarcasm for like, two seconds?!" I snapped at him.

His look softened. "Well, I think my ribs are broken, cause they hurt like hell."

I quickly dragged him to the nurse and I waited outside. A couple minutes later, she came out saying that JD has no broken bones, thankfully, but he will have to stay in the clinic for the rest of lunch period so his wounds can be treated. 

Principal Gowan and Ms. Fleming were outside, trying to manually stop the other students from beating each other up. Martha was simply just standing there, crying.

"Martha! Are you okay?" I ran over to her. It was a stupid question, but I asked it anyway.

She sniffled. "I-I'm fine. I just wonder who could be so mean as to write this?"

I gave her a hug. "It's going to be OK Martha. We'll find out who did this."

At that moment, Janis and Damian passed by, ranting on the descriptions that their pages had.

"Janis is a space dyke. How original." Janis said flatly. "Damian Hubbard, too gay to function." Her eyebrows shot up. "Hey, that's only okay if I say it!"

Damian frowned. "Only Cady could have known that."

I spoke up. "What do you mean only Cady could have known that?"

Janis turned around. "It was an inside joke me and Damian had. Out of all the people we've spoken to, I've only said it when we first met Cady, and when we introduced ourselves to you guys."

"So you're saying she might be behind all this?" Martha asked, tears still streaking her cheeks.

Damian gave her a look of sympathy. "I wish she wasn't, but so far, all evidence points to her."

"Are you kidding? Of course it's her!" Janis said, irritated. "She once told us about a "Burn Book" that Regina had which contains rumors and descriptions of every student back at North Shore High. I asked her if there was anything about me or Damian in there, and she said no. Just another stupid lie. The Plastics probably made a new one for Westerburg. If she didn't write in it, she at least knew about it. I doubt Regina would know about that unless Cady told her. She just lied to us again about not telling her."

"Attention," Principal Gowan's voice came through the PA. "All students assemble at the gym immediately."

Everybody started grumbling and headed towards the gym. The boys were seated on one side while the girls were seated on the other.

"Everyone here is going to stay at this gym until the end of the day, and until then you will all have to follow whatever Ms. Fleming tells you to do." Said Principal Gowan.

Several groans and complaints were heard. It was no surprise. Ms. Fleming was very well known for organizing "hippie" events and pep rallies like this one.

"So, for starters, does anyone have any idea who wrote this?" Ms. Fleming held up the Burn Book. 

She went over to Cady. "Cady, do you have an answer?"

"No." She shook her head.

"Interesting." Ms. Fleming deadpanned.

"Ms. Fleming? I think we should only hold this assembly for those who are actually bullies and not the victims." Regina suggested with faux sweetness.

"Good idea Regina! Alright everyone, I want you all to close your eyes." Everyone reluctantly followed.

"Now, raise your hand if you've ever been bullied, beat up, or made fun of before." Ms. Fleming said. "Now open your eyes." Everyone's hands were raised.

"Now, close your eyes again. Raise your hand if you've ever bullied someone or talked behind their backs before. Open your eyes." Once again, everyone's hands were raised, including mine.

"See? Everyone here has gone through an experience where they were bullied or they have bullied someone else. But we can show that despite our differences, we can work together and make Westerburg greater than it already is!" 

As Ms. Fleming said her awfully cliched speech, some of the school janitors came in with cameras and microphones. Ms Fleming grabbed one and plugged it in.

"Deep inside of everyone, there's a hot ball of shame."
"Guilt, regret, anxiety, fears we dare not name."
"But, if we show the ugly parts that we hide away."
"They turn out to be beautiful, by the light of day!"

"Why not-"

"Shine, shine, shine a light!"

"On your deepest fears!"

"Let in sunlight now!"

"And your pain will disappear!"

"Shine, shine, shine!"

"And your scars and your flaws-"

"Will look lovely because you shine!"

"You shine a light!"

"Everyone!" Ms. Fleming's voice boomed from the speaker. "Come and share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences!"

"Who wants to share what's in their heart?"
"No volunteers, fine, I'll start,"
"My name's Pauline, I live alone. My husband left, My kids are grown."
"In the 60's love was free, that did not work out well for me..."
"The revolution came and went, tried to change the world, barely made a dent."
"I have struggled with despair. I've joined a cult, chopped off my hair."
"I chant, I prayed, but God's not there."
"So Steve! I'm ending our affair! And I faked it, every single time."

Everyone just stared at Ms. Fleming with a face of shock and disgust. Shock because a teacher admitted that to her students and to the camera, and disgust because it was Ms. Fleming who said it.

"Woo, that feels fan-freaking-tastic!"
"1, 2 take me home kids!"

"Why not-"

"Shine, shine, shine a light!"

"On your deepest fears!"

"Let in sunlight now!"

"And your pain will disappear!"

"Shine, shine, shine!"

"And your scars and your flaws-"

"Will look lovely because you shine!"

"You shine a light!"

"Okay kids! I want you to work with me here!" Ms. Fleming pointed all the cameras to a table up front. "Sometimes, you can see that bullying is used as a defense mechanism to cover up our insecurities, but we're not all that different. Come up here and tell your weaknesses and deepest fears, and while you are at it, you should also apologize for all the mean things that you've said about others. Once you're done, we will do a trust fall exercise.

It was honestly a stupid plan to get everyone to open up and forgive each other, but hey, considering that everyone has experienced something like this before, it just might work...

"I've thought about killing myself!"

Or it could end very, very horribly.

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