Follow me Witch Boy, I may kn...

بواسطة DianaMontes646

12.7K 515 106

Fanfiction from The Covenant Movie. Events set following the end of the movie. Synopsis After Caleb presumabl... المزيد

The Witch Boy who fell from the sky
Healing you it's the first step
Have you met my Grandmother?
Oh Really Witch Boy? That's your story?
The Rules of Coexistence
I told you to stay inside Witch Boy!
Meeting an older version of Mary Poppins
Lesson number 1
Please Witch Boy... stay with me
Fly you fools!
A short transition to their new old life
The dilemma of the Sons of Ipswich
All secrets out
We are what?
Back to mom again
The Visit
The witches are back in town
Our Bond
Resolution time
One last stop

Another normal life found

500 20 7
بواسطة DianaMontes646

Days later, Alessa was walking again in town, distracted by the picturesque architecture. Kate and Sarah thought about having a girl's moment and went to town to have a coffee and get the basics for the week.

"That's she! The girl that is living with Chase." Kate pointed to the girl now too distracted to notice the women whispering in front of her.

Sarah was aware that the Sons of Ipswich weren't just an elite group of guys that presume of their status. She knew they were warlocks and she remembered clearly that a year before, Chase put her friend into a spell and tried to kill her boyfriend. She wasn't particularly fond of the situation. But Caleb didn't want to talk about the mysterious girl that returned with Chase and she was indeed curious.

"Let's talk to her. Come!" Sarah insisted to her friend, not that Kate needed much persuasion they both wanted to talk to her.

"Hey, Alessa... Right?" Alessa turned at the mention of her name to find two girls walking to where she was standing. "You remember me?"

"Yes, you're Kate Tunny and you must be Sarah Wenham." She didn't mention a greeting like "nice to meet you" or "good to see you again". Alessa expected some hostility from them, especially from Sarah who knew about the warlocks and power after what Chase did.

The first question that came out from Sarah's mouth sounded a little rude, yet she couldn't stop the words from flowing out of her "Why are you with Chase?" Sarah was as curious as everyone. "He's not a good person, you know?"

"Well, it's not as if I had much of a call in that matter. That I am with him it's something that goes beyond my plans. Why are you interested?" Chase was her soulmate and now they had been together for a long eventful year.

"Because he is dangerous." Sarah hesitated about what she was planning on saying next, she bit her lip. "There is something you have to know. They are warlocks, the five of them. And Chase once tried to kill us, everyone including me."

So they were coming clean about everything. Alessa just sighed. "Yeah, I know about that. Lucky he didn't hurt anyone. With him being so reckless and power consumed, it was a miracle no-one got out badly."

"Excuse me? I was in the hospital with no idea of what was going on. And later he attacked my boyfriend." Kate had a hard time accepting what Sarah told her and later Pogue confirmed.

"He used and arania incantate... Chase told me the story. I am sorry that you had to pass through it. Are you completely recovered from that? If you still feel ill maybe I can suggest some remedies."

"No thank you... I'm fine." The conversation turned to a different end from what they were expecting. They were confronting Alessa and also talking out loud about the secret they had been fighting to accept during the last year.

"Are you trying to convince us that Chase is not evil?"

"Well, I wouldn't say he is evil. He was lost and he didn't know how to be a warlock. He's so full of himself and nobody set a limit to his power. When I met him he was so used to get what he wanted through Power that I doubted he could see beyond it. But I don't believe he's evil." She didn't indeed, because now she knew more about the solitary warlock that had no idea what to do with his powers. And he had gone a long way from the day she found him until now.

Alessa was lost in thought remembering the first days she had to set limits to a rebellious Chase. Kate and Sarah looked at each other, their curiosity wasn't satisfied just yet and decided that maybe, they could talk to the girl who was seemingly in love with the bad boy.

In simple words, not trying to give out much information, Alessa shared her knowledge about Warlocks and Witches with these normal girls. After all, they knew their boyfriends were part of this cult. Without noticing, they changed subject and started to share memories about the boys being boys witchery apart.

Pogue and Caleb were fixing Pogue's bike the manual way. He could use Power to fix it but there was certain beauty in doing it the old way. They noticed they hadn't talk with their girlfriends for the day nor seen them, but decided against calling them in case they thought they were being too clingy. In good old fashion, they were on their way to the local burger and pool place when they saw Sarah and Kate laughing with the new girl. They were worried. She had demonstrated to be a powerful witch that could rival even their strength. And more than anything, she was with Chase which alone was a bad omen.

With firm steps, they approached the table where a half-eaten pie laid forgotten by the girls. Pogue placed his hand protectively on Kate's shoulder.

"Hey there strange!" She turned extending her arms to capture her boyfriend's lips.

The smile Alessa had been wearing for the last hours disappeared with the entrance of the warlocks and turned to a gesture of insecurity trying to hide her eyes from the judging stare of the boys. Caleb also embraced safely his girlfriend, shielding her from the witch sitting at the table.

"We are going to Burger Korner, wanna join us?"

"Sure." Kate said getting up from the seat and grabbing her bag.

"Hey Alessa, wanna come with us?" In a surprise twist, Sarah extended the invitation to her despite their initial apprehension towards the girl.

"I have to go back to the Manor. Thank you for the invite." She got her purse and walked hurriedly from there, it was too much of their company for a day. But the truth is that she was embarrassed to be invited to hang out by the ones who were wronged by Chase the year before.

When they were sure she had left the establishment, Pogue asked confused. "What were you doing with her?"

"We were curious about the new girl. She seems to be ok with Chase and all that jazz." Kate was fast to answer trying to calm the explosive bad mood of her boyfriend.

"Plus you have to keep your enemies close." Sarah chimed in. They apparently knew what they were doing, or so they wanted to show.

"You two have to promise not to engage with that girl. She is as wicked as Chase is." It was Caleb's turn to intervene. He was not sure anymore that she was as wicked at Chase, but he hadn't treated her directly so his mind wasn't set about her.


"Is everything ok?" Chase asked Alessa seeing her furrowed forehead when she entered the kitchen. They had found entertainment in watching clips of food recipes and trying them on their own, after all, they had a lot of time to do what they wanted.

"It's nothing." She tried to dismiss him.

"Really? You cannot enter with a frown and expect me to believe that nothing happened." He knew her well by now.

"It's silly. You're gonna say it's stupid."

"Try me. " Chase put his hands over her shoulders to make sure she doesn't avoid the question, and searched for her eyes.

"Well, Kate and Sarah came to talk to me and suddenly I was having a good time with them, like with Charlotte and Jennifer and then Caleb and Pogue came. They don't like me, and I feel rejected and ... it's stupid I know."

"C'mere!" Chase brought her against his chest and hugged with strength. There was that vulnerability again. She wasn't that cold woman she tried so hard to show to the world. He had no words to say to her, he knew the main reason they were suspicious about Alessa was because of him. Yet he didn't regret what he did. His family was banished, he had grown alone and scared of what he could do and when he understood the magnitude of his power he was so addicted that all he had left was their wiling of power.

Alessa did not seem to mind that Chase never apologized for what he did to the boys. She didn't expect it either. It was that sometimes... she felt the weight of the world on her shoulders and she always found herself alone, much as Chase did.

She never trusted her friends with the knowledge that she could perform magic. She could have been seen as a freak. Later she understood what it meant to be a Priestess among witches and the more she got scared of the other's response. For a moment, she didn't have to hide her true self with girls, until the boys came in to blame her for what Chase had done.

Even when she did nothing to them, she shared an unbreakable bond to Chase. His worries were hers as well as his triumphs and mistakes. They proved it with their attitude. And as much as she wanted to fit with them, there would be always a shadow of their shared past.

"You ok now?" She nodded wiping away a tear from her eyes. "Good, let's finish dinner."

The young couple stayed in for a while. Alessa wasn't in the mood and Chase had nothing to do out. Until a day they needed some special ingredients for pasta. It never mattered to Alessa that she could materialize ingredients from thin air; she always bought meat from the market. It was one of those odd habits one develops, so she started to go out again.

Halloween was getting near and so she decided to make an incursion to buy candies, candles and flowers for her season rituals and what they needed for the intended recipe. She decided to go out early to minimize the chances of being seen by everyone basically. Unfortunately, fate wanted her to keep on facing the Sons of Ipswich.

This time, Reid was on her way. He looked distressed. He was so absorbed in his own thoughts that didn't notice the person with whom he bumped.

"Sorry." He looked twice to the girl standing in his way until he recognized Alessa. "Hey witchy girl."

"Hi." Alessa replied sinking further in her jacket.

It was the chance that Reid had been waiting for; maybe she could help him with his dilemma. It was worth asking. "Listen witchy girl... If I asked for a pill like the one you gave to Tyler, would you give me one?"

Alessa narrowed her eyes pondering the question. "Maybe. It's for you?"

"No, it's for my father. He's... bad." Reid would not admit it, but he was worried about the late state of his father's health. It was getting worse, his keeper informed that it was harder and harder for him to live.

"I am really sorry Reid, but if he's exerted his body beyond repair, Energy would only help him not to die; it can't regenerate his body like it did to Tyler." There was true pain in her eyes. Her mission was to heal the person, that's what Priestess do. But some of the people she met were damaged beyond what she could possible cure.

"Worth asking." He turned away disappointed, but as he was getting away he was stopped by the arm with a gentle yet firm touch.

"I can... I can provide you with a pill for him, if you still want it. It has to be during All Hollows Eve so it has the greatest effect on him, but it won't make him get well again."

A glint of hope appeared on Reid's bright blue eyes. He nodded thankfully to the girl feeling a great weight getting off his shoulders. Alessa smiled sadly and walked away from him to finish her shopping.

On Halloween, the kids dare not to trick-or-treat at the Mansion, so when the bell ringed, it caught Alessa and Chase by surprise.

Reid was fidgeting nervously. He didn't trust Chase and that extended to Alessa, but he wanted to try the energy thing with his old man.

"Hey Reid. Here you have, as I promised." She gave him not pills but delicately crafted leaves, two of them. "One is for him, one is for you. Think that... it would do no good to him to eat both of them, or to you." Reid nodded, torn between gratitude and despise and walked away with his treasure.

Watching Reid leave the Manor, Alessa turned to her partner "Chase?"


"Is it wrong if I give Tyler one of those?"

Chase raised his eyebrow to the question, better said, he didn't know where this question was coming from. Alessa sounded ashamed to be thinking of giving Energy to Tyler but also she was asking him if he agreed. "I wouldn't do it if I was you... but you're the wise of us. If you feel the need, go ahead. I'm okey with it."

So later, Tyler was surprised when he received the call from Alessa to meet him outside his house. "Hey, listen, I brought you this." Alessa opened her palms to reveal another carefully crafted leaf. "You have to consume it today, it is... a tradition my family has." Tyler received it with gratitude and smiled. He had decided that the girl wasn't as bad, just as Alessa decided she wanted to protect him too.

Days later, Reid was grateful for the energy. Now he got why Chase wanted that girl near, if she could provide for Power, he wouldn't want her to leave. But he still was apprehensive of she because he didn't understand why wouldn't she give them Power before, and why was she giving them so little.

Chase wanted to go out so they decided to go to Burger Korner, where all young people gathered. If they were lucky, nobody would care for them to be there. They took a table and asked for a burger and fries to eat and chat. On a Thursday they didn't expect it to be full... but it was. Tyler and Reid appeared at some point because they wanted to play some pool. If they were near, it was a matter of time before Caleb and Pogue appeared. Surprisingly their girlfriends appeared first followed by them.

Both Alessa and Chase noticed they were all in, however they just tried to pass unnoticed by them; maybe that way they could avoid hostilities.

"Hey! What do we have here... bad boy and good girl." Reid was the first to notice they were in one of the boots.

"C'mon Reid. Let it be." A very affable Tyler tried to dismiss him.

"Well, we are up to a little competition... we're playing Eight-ball, wanna join?" Reid was sincere in his question directed at them. Maybe it was for the best that Alessa was around.

Tyler on the other hand truly wanted Alessa around, they formed a bond from the moment she healed him. This bond grew stronger as they talked after the Aaron incident and later with the energy she gave him.

"What's Eight-Ball?" Alessa, who has never played pool, asked. It looked easy, just hitting the balls and direct them to the pockets, but she was scared to make a mistake while playing and look like a fool.

"You've never played? Come... it's not that hard." Tyler invited her in and showed her how to pick a stick and how to use it.

Chase was watching from the sidelines. He was mesmerized by the innocence that Alessa showed sometimes. She was smiling openly to the instructions received from Tyler and paying attention to Reid's movements. He was so immerse in his thoughts that didn't noticed when Kate sat next to him. Sarah took the seat at his right and later, Pogue and Caleb put their burgers and fries at the center.

"Let's make this clear... I don't like you and I will never like you. But I am keeping an eye on you. If you ever hurt my friends again, you'll answer to me. We all have ascended and our Power now matches yours, we are four to one." Pogue tried to sound menacing, but it sounded void to Chase. He knew Alessa alone could put up a fight against them barely losing a hair. He didn't want a fight, not for him, because he wanted her to keep on smiling as easily as she was doing now. Chase tried to convince himself that he wasn't jealous, but the friendship between Alessa and Tyler threatened with waking up a green monster inside him. The girl noticed the fixed stare of Chase and winked his way, until Reid put two balls in the corner pocket, urging her to try harder if she wanted to be at his level. Reid gave her a smile friendly tugging her close with a side hug. Chase frowned at the scene, something that Sarah catches right away.

"Oh my God... you are really in love with her!" Sarah looked from where Alessa was playing to Chase's puppy eyes back and forth. If they were an anime, he would have hearts instead of eyes.

"What?" Chase asked in disbelief. He wasn't truly paying attention to the conversation around him.

"You haven't looked our way for even a second."

"It seems that the Bad boy found its match." Caleb said with a laugh. He wasn't by a long shot, ok with Chase's return. But he preferred to know what he was up to before he could hurt any of them again. Somehow he was the leader of the Warlocks from Ipswich and he wanted to protect his friends. Nonetheless he wasn't ignoring recent facts, like the girl healing Tyler's arm or helping out Reid's father and the boys searching for her friendship.

The night was progressing in relative calm. For a moment, everyone kept at bay the past and focused on having a good laugh. That was until Aaron appeared again. Last year, his girlfriend broke up with him to pursuit an acting career in Atlanta, it was of common knowledge that the news didn't fit well to Aaron.

He walked to where Alessa was playing pool, interrupting the smiles from her and her friends.

"Hey Sweetheart. Is this you?" He showed one of those Missing Person posters featuring Alessa. The caption read: Reward to whom can provide information about Alessa Weathon. Left her home September this year, possibly abducted by a young man. Any information please contact Stephanie and Angelica Grover, her aunts are desperate to find her.

She couldn't give credit to what she saw. How could they dare to spread lies like that after they tried to capture her!

"It is you right? So... Is Chase Collins withholding you by force? I can help you... you know just say the words and I can take you back to your aunties." Somehow with his malevolent smile, he managed to show all of his white teeth.

It took two large steps for Chase to reach the spot where Aaron was standing. He tucked him up by the collar of his shirt, he was about to lose control. The sound of cracking fire reached the warlock's eyes announcing that in any second, there would be a display of Power.

"Listen you little shit... If... you ... ever ... talk again to her, or even look her way... I'll make sure that not a single person could find even a hair from you... am I clear?" Aaron didn't answer thinking this was an empty treat. "AM I CLEAR?" Chase shouted with anger.

A gentle hand rested against his arm. Chase turned to see Alessa's distressed face. He simply dropped Aaron and surrounded her by the waist. She leaned to him unable to talk.

"Let's go home." He took her out.

They were followed by Tyler and Reid.

"Is she ok?"

"Yeah, she is. Have a nice evening." Chase said dismissively.

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