Learn to Love Again

By sidnick22

8.4K 292 51

Buckingham Nicks AU Lindsey Buckingham starts teaching at a new school and his life is drastically changed by... More

Loose Ends


345 12 1
By sidnick22

The pain she was feeling was familiar. She had experienced it before, but this time it was different. This time, it was more intense as there was two people making her way out of her body. She was on all fours, in their bed shifting her weight back and forth. She was looking into Lindsey's eyes, as he was rubbing her stomach.

"Baby, it's going on five in the morning, I think we need to go to the hospital." Lindsey sighs.

"No, not yet. We have to wait until my water breaks." Stevie shakes her head.

"Baby it's been six hours of labor." Lindsey states.

"15. It's been 15 I started having contractions yesterday afternoon...Active, Active labor doesn't start until the water breaks. I was in labor-labor with Annabelle for twenty hours but active labor for 14. It's going to be awhile....FUCK!" Her explanation ends as a contraction rips through her stomach.

"Honey I'm worried about you." Lindsey sighs.

"I'm...f-ine...SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" Stevie groans hand falling to her stomach.


Annabelle didn't ask many questions, she knew something was going on when her parents weren't downstairs making her breakfast, as she was leaving she peaked her eye into the open crack of her parent's bedroom and when she saw exactly what was going on she was excited, but she went to school. She knew her mother, and she knew this was something her mom wasn't going to want her to see.

Lindsey watched as Annabelle drove away and was soon startled when Stevie let out a low groan.

"Lindsey...Lindsey, one of my waters broke." Stevie scrambled off of the bed where there was a puddle of water under her.

"Alright, let's get you changed and we'll go baby," Lindsey states walking over to their dresser where he grabbed her out another nightgown.

"Oh Lindsey, we need to hurry. I'm close." Stevie groans a waddle now prominent in her movements.

"Alright, let's go Angel." Lindsey's trying to keep his composure but he's freaking out.

There is one thing for sure, Lindsey needs to be strong for Stevie, she's in a lot of pain and he really can't help her. That becomes evident while he's en route to the hospital. As soon as Stevie sits down in the carseat she starts sobbing and shifting uncomfortably.

"Lindsey I can't sit like this....you need to hurry." Stevie sobs grabbing at his bicep causing him to swerve.

"Angel I'm going the speed limit," Lindsey tells her

"AGH...OOH, FUCK the speed limit." Stevie screams hitting at his bicep this time.


Stevie is seven centimeters when the doctor checks her at the hospital, wraps a fetal monitor around her stomach and sticks an IV in her hand. She grips Lindsey's hand and she's rolling her head back and forth. The contractions crashing over her like waves.

"Aghhh, oooh I can't do this. I can't do this Lindsey." Stevie cries rolling over and latching around his neck.

"Baby we're almost there. It's a little too late to back out now." Lindsey chuckles.

"It hurts so bad Lindsey." Stevie sobs, as he rubs her back.

"I know Angel, and I am so sorry," Lindsey says kissing her forehead.


"AGHHH! Lindsey, I need someone, I need someone right now." Stevie screams writhing in the hospital bed, Leg's bent.

"Alright, Alright." Lindsey runs his fingers through her hair before standing up out of the hospital chair and going out towards the hall.

It's within seconds by the time that the doctor comes in and tells her to start pushing.

Everything's a blur, not only to Stevie but to Lindsey. She's breathing heavily and pushing with all of her might, sweat dripping down her body. Squeezing Lindsey's hand tightly her red fingernails digging into Lindsey's hand.

"Mrs. Buckingham, you need to push harder." One of the nurses calls up to her.

"I can't. Ow, Ow, Ow...Fuck." Stevie cries.

"Yes you can, you need to." The nurse coaches.

"No, I can't." Stevie sobs.

"Come on Angel, the head is right there I can see it, baby." Lindsey kisses her forehead.

"Come on Mrs. Buckingham!" The Nurse chimes in.

"AGHHHH!" Stevie screams and all of a sudden, a loud cry echoes through the room.

"Girl, 9:55 A.M., September 12, 1998." The doctor announces.

"One of them is here Angel." Lindsey coos as Stevie nods weakly, the baby being placed on her chest.

"Oh, hi baby." Stevie cries the un-IVed hand still holding Lindsey's while her IVed hand, takes the towel on her stomach and starts wiping the baby clean.

"Does daddy want to cut the cord?" The doctor questions.

Lindsey does and after the cord is cut, the first pediatrician in the room takes the baby and the doctor starts examining Stevie.

"Agh, Ow.." She hisses as a contraction encompasses her.

"It looks like, they're going to be fraternal. I've got a placenta coming." The doctor explains.

Stevie knows this too well, delivering the placenta is easier compared to the baby but when she feels a rush of fluid right after she knows that it's all about to start over again.

"Lindsey I can't." She cries. She's exhausted and Lindsey can see that. After the first baby was placed on her chest the whole room watched her energy level fall.

"Mrs. Buckingham, you've gotta do this. Baby B can't be left in there too long or else things won't go well." The doctor warns.

"Baby you've got this," Lindsey says kissing her head.

Stevie nods and starts pushing. She pushes longer this time, instead of thirty minutes it's forty-five, but at 10:40 in the morning another loud wail echoes through the room and Stevie collapses into the pillows, the energy sucked out of her, her hair pulled up into a bun soaking wet, and the hospital gown falling off of her shoulders bunched up around her stomach.


Eleven-Thirty rolls around and Stevie is holding one of the little girls and Lindsey the other.

"Lindsey look at them," Stevie says quietly, tiredness seeping through her voice.

"I was worried that they were going to look more alike." Lindsey laughs, the baby with blonde straight hair and bright blue staring up at him.

"They do look alike, they are siblings. I think this one is a carbon copy of Anna." Stevie coos at the brown haired baby with tiny wisps of curls

"Right, but Anna is blonde." Lindsey smiles at Stevie.

"They both have your eyes. I hope they stay like that." Stevie smiles brushing her finger across the brunette baby's cheek.

"We need to name them." Lindsey smiles down at the babies.

"Our little blondie first?" Stevie asks reaching up and grabbing the small foot that had kicked it's way out of the semi-swaddled blanket.

"What do you think?" Lindsey questions looking down at the baby.

"I know we said Gemma Lee, but...what about Teagan. I was looking at baby names with Lori the other day and Teagan means poet." Stevie smiles sitting up. A slight wince on her face as she resituates so she can get a good look at both of her babies.

"Teagan Marie Buckingham." Lindsey smiles.

"Teagan Marie." Stevie nods.

"and Emmory Jayde." Lindsey looks to the brunette baby.

"and Emmory Jayde," Stevie repeats, a smile across her face as Lindsey bends over and kisses Stevie.

"Momma, you need to get some rest, you're so tired." Lindsey changes the subject after they fill out the birth certificates that were brought to the room.

"Will you take her?" Stevie questions.

"How?" Lindsey asks shifting Teagan in his arms.

"You'll figure it out," Stevie smirks laying the baby in the open arm.


Annabelle was shocked when she saw her dad talking to Christine in the lobby after school.

"Daddy?" Annabelle questions.

"Do you want to go see mom and your sisters?" Lindsey smirks.

"They're here!" Anna cheers.

"They are." Lindsey nods.

"Yes! But what about my car?" Annabelle questions holding up her car keys.

"I'll have Graham drop it off at your house. Go meet your sisters." Christine smiles taking the car keys from her.

"Is mom...is she, okay?" Annabelle questions.

"She's perfectly fine. Slightly sore, and very tired but she's okay." Lindsey nods.

"I can't wait to meet them." Annabelle grins as they make their way out of the High School.

Walking into the hospital Annabelle grabs her dad's hand and they hurriedly make their way towards Stevie's room. When they walk in Stevie is sitting up in the bed, wearing a red nightgown, the matching bathrobe draped over the foot, knees pulled up to her chest. Both babies in her arms.

"Mom?" Annabelle questions.

"Hi Anna," Stevie says quietly.

"Oh my gosh." Annabelle coos quickly rushing over to the bed and sitting on it with her mother.

"Annabelle, I would like you to meet your sisters. Teagan Marie Buckingham, born on September 12, 1998, 9:55 in the morning weighing seven pounds eight ounces. Our little chunk. And this, this is Emmory Jayde Buckingham, September 12, 1998, 10:40 weighing five pounds four ounces." Stevie explains pointing to each of the babies.

"You chose my name?" Annabelle asks tears in her eyes.

"Of course we did." Stevie smiles.

"Can I, can I hold Emmory?" Annabelle questions.

"Yes absolutely, Lindsey will you help her?" Stevie instructs.

As Lindsey stares at his four girls in the hospital bed, he can't help but smile. At that moment, he knew that his life was complete. He had a beautiful wife and three gorgeous girls that he vowed to do anything for. 


I hope everyone likes the names I chose. I went back and forth on the baby names for hours.

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