A Savior's Worth (Book #3)

By heytheregisela

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(BOOK #3 in the Secrets of Aristol series.) A month after Eldon's knighting ceremony, things seem relatively... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Thank you + Announcement
A Usurper's Cause

Chapter Forty-Nine

867 93 32
By heytheregisela

Eldon was on the cusp of sleep when Ashton's voice startled him awake.

"We have a problem," Ashton announced. Eldon propped up onto his elbows and glowered at him.

"I'm tired," he grumbled.

"This is important, Eldon." Considering Ashton's tone was harsher than normal, Eldon groaned and asked him what exactly the problem was. Ashton folded his arms across his chest, and his features hardened.

Dammit. Ashton meant business.

"When you and the savior decided to reveal your magic to Prince Henry, we let it go, figuring he would be the only one. Yet I just witnessed Princess Elouise revealing her magic to the prince's cousin." Despite Ashton's rising frustration with every word, Eldon couldn't even focus on what had him so riled up.

No. Instead, Eldon narrowed his eyes as he asked, "You were spyin' on Ellie?"

"I was checking on her to ensure she was fine," Ashton calmly defended. "And you may speak louder. Prince Henry is asleep."

"Her comin' down here wasn't enough to tell you she's fine?"

"I sensed something off about her."

"How would you even know? You dunno her that well... or at all."

"I"—Ashton stopped and shook his head. "That is beside the point, Eldon. Did you hear what I said? She's revealed her magic to yet another person. Can... can either of you grasp how much you are risking every time you involve another person?"

Eldon threw his legs over the bed and stood. "Ain't nothin' to worry 'bout. It's just Ivy."

"It does not matter, Eldon. You cannot go around telling people about this."

"You can't expect us to just keep this secret from our friends."

Ashton pointed a finger accusingly at him. "But how will you feel if anything happens to your friends because you involved them into something they were not supposed to have anything to do with!" Eldon flinched at the sudden rise in Ashton's volume.

Ashton's expression softened, and he quickly withdrew his finger. "I... I am sorry. That was... uncalled for."

Eldon looked away. "No, it's a'right. You got a point. Sometime ago, I saw somethin'. Like a look into the future or... I dunno what it was. I saw Henry and... I just, I get it. Consequences to everythin'."

Ashton shook his head. "Even though you saw something, you still thought it was safe to bring Henry into this?"

Eldon ran his fingers through his hair and shrugged. "No. It wasn't s'pposed to happen. Ellie and I just had to save 'im. Couldn't really avoid it. And I ain't sorry."


"I'll make sure we don't tell no one else. Ivy's the last person."

Ashton faintly smiled. "Thank you."

"But why's it a'right for Fayre to know, though? Don't seem to be any consequences there." Any bit of contentment that'd started to form on Ashton's face faded in an instant.

Ashton didn't give him an answer. He instead took a few steps back and eyed Eldon curiously. "There is something else I'd rather to speak to you about, Eldon." Eldon groaned, readying to protest, but Ashton quickly kept talking.

"I have... noticed something involving a certain someone."

"Oh, great," Eldon grumbled. "Guess I shouldn't be surprised that an angel is so observant."

"I understand you are young, Eldon, and feelings cannot be helped. Still, I would advise you not to allow those feelings to distract you from the goal. That can only complicate everything even more."

Heat rushed to Eldon's face, and he glared harder at Ashton. "What're you talkin' 'bout?"

"That is all." Ashton then turned away and told Eldon to get some rest. Eldon pursed his lips, watching Ashton carefully until he blinked, and then Ashton was gone.

Eldon laid himself back down. He found it difficult to fall asleep.

Eldon had no idea what time it was when he heard keys jingling throughout the corridor. He grunted as he sat up and rubbed his eyes with his knuckles.

When he looked, his vision took a moment to clear. He saw a guard in front of his cell, staring him down like he was an animal held in captivity. Eldon curled his fingers into his palms and resisted snarling back at him.

The guard withdrew his keys and opened the door. Then he just stood there while Eldon kept sitting, wondering if he was supposed to walk out or wait for someone else—King Philip, probably—to appear.

Finally, the guard deeply sighed. He spoke through clenched teeth. "Get out, Sir Eldon. By the order of His Majesty, you are free to go."

"What?" was Eldon's immediate response as he leaped from the bed.

"I don't understand it, either."

"What about"—Eldon's question was answered once Henry slid into his view with a guard escort of his own. Oh... good.

"Come along, you two," the first guard instructed, leading the way. Eldon walked out and remained side-by-side with Henry.

"What's goin' on?" he whispered.

Henry frowned. "I have no idea. Perhaps Elouise did manage to talk some sense into her father."

Eldon furrowed his eyebrows and faced forward. He didn't want to doubt Elouise—no, never—but this didn't seem right.

Outside in the warm corridor, King Philip, Elouise, Ivy, and Lord Berney awaited them. Ivy looked about ready to burst with excitement while Elouise barely concealed her smile. Lord Berney leaned close to King Philip. Eldon attempted to read the nobleman's lips, but the only words he caught were, "Are you certain?"

King Philip waved him away, and Berney straightened himself out and sneered at Eldon.

"After much thought," King Philip started, "I have decided I may have been a little... harsh."

Eldon widened his eyes. Hearing King Philip admit he was wrong wasn't natural. Something definitely had to be going on. And the more Ivy bounced on her toes, the more Eldon suspected she had everything to do with this.

"Therefore," King Philip resumed, his attention falling solely on Eldon. "Sir Eldon, you are allowed to continue your duties as my daughter's knight if you swear by the Great Holy Deity that you will not repeat the same mistake."

Eldon scratched the side of his head. "Uh... yeah. I swear."

Lord Berney dramatically gasped.

"Raise your right hand, Eldon." Ashton's smooth voice suddenly appeared beside him. Eldon reluctantly obliged. "Now repeat after me: May the Great Holy Deity bear witness that I swear to never repeat the same mistake."

Eldon inhaled sharply. "I-uh, I mean... may the Great Holy Deity bear witness that I swear to never repeat the same mistake." He saw Ashton smiling proudly from the corner of his eye.

Elouise exhaled in relief. Berney also seemed a lot less shocked.

Satisfied, King Philip moved on to Henry. "Prince Henry, you are allowed to remain here in Aristol if you swear by the Great Holy Deity that you will not repeat the same mistake." When Henry did his oath, Eldon also smiled. Unlike him, Henry sounded like he knew what he needed to say. Then again, Henry did have his own religious beliefs while Eldon never had any.

"Very well," King Philip said. "I shall rid of the letter I'd written to your brother."

"Phew," Ivy sighed, earning everyone's attention. She grinned innocently at them.

With that, King Philip turned and left, followed closely by Berney. The guards remained at their post. Despite their presence, Ivy squealed loudly and tackled Henry, startling the men. Elouise shielded a giggle, and Eldon gazed at her.

"This is perfect," Ashton spoke again. "Now that we have gotten past that, we can move forward with everything."

Elouise subtly smiled at Ashton. Then she finally caught Eldon's stare. Ivy broke through Eldon's trance by grabbing his wrist and saying they needed to find food this instant.

"I am starving!" Ivy exclaimed, linking her arm through Elouise's. "I know Leanne must be waiting impatiently for you, too, Eldon."

Eldon turned his body to walk alongside them. Then he abruptly stopped when he almost bumped right into Ashton... or was that even possible?

No, it couldn't be. Still, Eldon was tempted to apologize until Ashton stepped to the side like he'd indeed been in his way.

"Eldon, come on," Ivy whined, tugging him. "What's going on with you?"

"You could not imagine what a night in that heinous dungeon can do to you," Henry told her.

Eldon started to move. And when he glanced back at Ashton, Ashton was nowhere to be seen.

The second Eldon entered the barracks, Annaliese and Booker bombarded him.

"Holy shit, where were you?" asked Annaliese.

"We've been sick with worry!" Booker told him, eyes wide. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"The soldiers here truly become like a second family, don't they," Ashton mused from behind Eldon, startling him again with this sudden appearance. Eldon almost sneered back at him.

"Eldon!" Leanne called, running from the other side of the dining hall. When she reached them, she grinned. "Dunno what Her Highness did, but the King's actin' nice. He came here to apologize to me."

"We were hearing a bunch of different stories," Annaliese explained, taking Eldon by the arm, and leading him to a table. "We know none of them are true, especially the ones that talk about how you and Prince Henry kidnapped Princess Elouise."

"Absolutely," Booker added. "We know you would never do such a thing!"

"I like him," said Ashton, appearing beside Booker. Without thinking, Eldon groaned aloud. Booker gave him a stunned look, and Eldon murmured an apology.

"That's how I feel, too," Annaliese commented before groaning herself.

Leanne laughed.

While Annaliese, Leanne, and Booker got themselves comfortable, Eldon lingered. Annaliese noticed this and pointed to the empty chair across from her.

"Don't just stand there," she said. "Sit. And eat with us. It's been a while."

"I"—Eldon sighed. "I actually kinda already ate with Her Highness." That is, if he could consider pushing his food to one side of the plate eating.

"Besides, I kinda wanna just go upstairs and sleep in my own bed," he solemnly added.

"But it's only midday," Booker mentioned, earning a smack to the head by Annaliese.

"Don't judge a person for wanting a nap," she scolded. "I take plenty." She then plopped some grapes into her mouth.

Leanne smiled at her, and her cheeks had never been so rosy before. "So do I."

"That's one of the reasons why I missed you, Leanne."

Eldon slipped away after that.

"Something is wrong," Ashton said to him as they walked up the stairs. "You are upset." Eldon didn't even try to hide the roll of his eyes.

"I had thought we were getting along well, Eldon; especially after I'd told you about controlling your healing ability to conceal it from others, and you succeeded with that. I could tell you more about that little trick—if you would like! There are few more limitations you should perhaps know in case"—Eldon ignored the rest.

They reached the highest floor, and Eldon went straight for his room. He nonchalantly walked inside and noticed everything he'd brought along on the trip was sprawled out on his bed. Before going over to tidy up, he turned to shut the door, and he paused when he saw Ashton standing still in the corridor, staring astonishingly at... at his own painting.

Eldon poked his head out to get a look at it himself. He'd almost forgotten that was there.

"How did they get this one?" Ashton asked. "I painted it while I'd been... and... and she..." Then he dropped his gaze the floor and lowered his shoulders.

"Never mind. I'm certain you do not want to hear an old man reminiscing."

"Old man. Right."

"I may have died at the age of twenty-seven, but I suppose I am truly about a hundred and twenty-seven-years-old. Perhaps more at this point. I've lost count of how long it has been."

Eldon headed for his bed, spotting Ashton's sword among his belongings. He tentatively picked it up and set it against the wall.

"Davidson did wonders with that," Ashton mused, approaching. "It is as if nothing had ever occurred to it."

"Ellie wanted it. Do ya mind if she uses it? She ain't much for wanting to hurt people, so I think this would be good for her, especially to train."

"Then of course she can use it."

"Good, 'cause I woulda gave it to her anyway."

Ashton snickered. "You remind me an awful lot of someone."


"Ah... never mind once again."

Eldon paused from organizing his things and glanced in Ashton's direction. He didn't know what he was supposed to say that, so he said nothing instead. He resumed, indulging in the peaceful silence. When he went to put away his clothes in the dresser across the room, Ashton followed like some little lost puppy.

"I think we should get to know each other better," he eventually suggested. "Ah, there was a game that children used to play during my time where they would take turns asking each other a question. The questions would usually follow a certain theme, which we could negate."

"We ain't children," Eldon retorted, moving back to his bed. Ashton was right on his heel.

"I merely want us to better understand each other."

"And why would we wanna do that?"

Ashton stuck out his lower lip. "You don't care for me very much—"

"Was it that obvious?"

"—and I don't blame you. If I were in your position, I would feel the same way. In fact, when I was human, I always felt that way." He scoffed and shook his head, averting his eyes. "I was a coward when I was your age, though. You're as brave as I wished I could've been."

Eldon kicked aside his now torn pair of leather boots (they had been his favorite pair, dammit) and fully turned to Ashton. "Yeah, I am havin' trouble with that. Ellie might be able to trust you, but I... I just can't. Especially since yer makin' me keep another secret from Henry."

Ashton squinted at him. "It's better if he does not know about me, Eldon. And everything else I've told you has been the truth."


"What can I do to earn your trust, then?"

"Probably too late for that, Ashton."

"Why do you say that?" He sounded desperate, and it just further irked Eldon.

Eldon angrily tossed aside his empty satchel. It collided with the candle holder on his nightstand, knocking it onto the floor. Ashton pointed to it and looked like he wanted to comment before Eldon cut him short.

"I spent weeks after that first night tryna talk to you. You never once responded to me."

Ashton opened his mouth, and then immediately closed it. Eldon huffed and bent over to pick up the candle holder and his bag. He put them back where they belonged and half-expected Ashton to be gone when he turned back around. Much to his surprise, Ashton was still standing there, unnervingly quiet.

"Just leave if yer gonna stay like that," Eldon grumbled.

"I wanted to respond, Eldon," Ashton stated.

"So, why didn't ya?"

"I couldn't." Ashton raised his head, a pitiably somber expression that made his eyes seem bigger. "It's not particularly safe communicating that way."

Eldon just stared at him.

Ashton raised his eyebrows. "Eldon, Zander was—or is—an angel. Anytime one of us communicates with you telepathically, all of us can hear it. Thus, there is a chance he can as well."

Eldon blinked.

"Ignoring you was difficult," Ashton continued. "Believe me, it was. I heard you—loud and clear—every single time. I heard your disappointment, your frustration, and your hope slipping away. They warned me not to respond, but I finally had to, because I could sense you were lost, and then they informed me of your situation—that you'd been separated from the savior. I wanted to ensure you would not give up." He then slightly turned his body away and whispered, "You should never give up."

Eldon breathed in slowly and released it, allowing himself to relax.

"Sorry," he then murmured. "I didn't know."

"Well, of course you did not know," Ashton replied, eyeing him again. "You had every right to be upset with me about that. I am sorry for making you believe I didn't care to respond. But I'm here now, and I will not ignore your calls again."

Eldon squeezed his lips together and turned his gaze to the floorboards, the inside of his chest twisting a bit. He reached into his back pocket, realizing the guards hadn't searched him thoroughly enough to find the ring. He pulled it out and tossed it onto his bed, regaining Ashton's full attention.

"Can ya only mentally talk to me when I have that with me?" he asked.

"I believe so. It was only when you obtained it that I felt the connection open. Before that, I could only hear what they were saying and knew they were speaking to you, but I could not say anything myself."

"Why? Is it 'cause you were human?"

"I... I suppose that makes sense."

Eldon plopped down on the edge of his bed, already knowing he would regret what he was about to suggest. "So... how 'bout that game?"

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