In Their Shadow

Od Blue-Kitten245

121K 3.5K 1.9K

Stuck behind the shadows of Naruko and Sasuke how will Yuma Ito deal with being in a team with his talented t... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Fragmented Memory 1
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Fragmented Memory 2
Chapter 28: Chunin Exams Start!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Fragmented Memory 3
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41: A Boy Capable Of Great Things
Chapter 42: A Festive Time For Regrets
Chapter 43: Happy Birthday
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Fragmented Memory 4
Chapter 51

Chapter 17

2.5K 66 50
Od Blue-Kitten245

After Zabuza bid the four farewell in order to go find his companion, Kakashi had noticed something off about Yuma's arm. Naruko, Sasuke and Yuma were in the middle of hugging when Kakashi had noticed it. He approached the three teary eyed students, frowning beneath his mask at the strange development.

"Yuma...your arms are..." Kakashi with wide eyes.

They broke the hug to see what it was that had Kakashi worried. Sasuke narrowed his eyes and Naruko looked shocked. Yuma looked at his arms and realized it himself.

"...I see. Its made out of the same material as the black gunk, huh." Yuma said aloud, not really surprised.

Where Yuma's normal pale arms would be was now a black gunk appendage in its place. It looked as if it were made of shadow. To top it all off, his usual hands were now in the shape of a claw. His entire arm and his hands were now made of the same strange material that was splattered all over the plain.

"Yumito, is this your handy work or my wills?" Yuma asked aloud, creeping out the others.

"Yuma, who are you ta-!?" Sasuke tried saying, but was abruptly cut off.

"It is mine. Now that you have accepted my boon, two abilities have now been afforded to you."

On Yuma's now black, shadow like left forearm, two golden orbs appeared as Yumito spoke to Yuma, shocking everyone else.

"What the hell is that thing Yuma!?" Naruko yelled out in fright.

"Oh, this is Yumito. He's the being born from my will." Yuma said plainly as if it should be common knowledge.

"How are you so calm!? And what kind of answer is that!?" Naruko said, her eyes bugging out in a comical manner.

"Well, is there any other way I can explain it. That's all I know, sorry." Yuma said with a forced apologetic smile.

"Are you all done with your childish reactions?" Yumito's voice echoed out from Yuma's arm.

"Yuma, I don't like the tone your arms giving me ya know?" Naruko said with a pissed off smile.

Yuma shook his head at her, and then asked Yumito to continue explaining, forcing the others in the group to have to just accept the strangeness of the situation.

"After having your arms ripped off of your body, your bodies stress levels increased to unmanageable levels. Hearing your fervent wish to live, I decided to take matters into my own hands, and force the boon upon your person."

Yuma glared down at his arm, before huffing in resignation.

"Fine, there's nothing that can be done now anyway. Thanks for saving my life, Yumito."

The golden orbs on his left forearm shrunk in size, resembling the expression of someone narrowing their eyes. The golden orbs then began to pitter out, like a light bulb beginning to die.

"You used a lot of energy when first using my abilities, I require rest now. Before going, I wish to explain the abilities available to you now."

Yuma narrowed his eyes, nodding his head, signaling Yumito to continue.

"After accepting my boon, you have gained two abilities. The first is to meld with shadows or anything black in color. The second, is your arms are able to leave noticeable traces of its material on anything you meld into, such as the stain covering this field. This allows you not only to leave shadow stains to hop from shadow to shadow with, but also gives you the ability to shape shadows into anything you want and make them physical."

"I see...but?" Yuma asked, knowing there is no way there wasn't a downside.

"You can only meld into a shadow for about sixty seconds, before being forced out. If you leave too many gunk stains, you will no longer be able to use me for at least a hour, and in the worst case scenario, a day. You will pass out from the overuse, however you can increase your use time through practice." Yumito explained to Yuma, the rest of Team Seven still reeling from the shock of all the new information.

"I see, meaning the more I use you, the more amount of time I can use you increases." Yumito said, shaking slightly.

"Is something the matter?"

"No, I just wanna say...thank you."


"I mean...You gave me something...something that makes me thank you." Yuma said, genuinely smiling for once, which shocked Sasuke.

'Yuma...' Sasuke thought, having been the first person to point out Yuma's lack of genuine emotion, he was shocked seeing Yuma expressing such sincere thankfulness.

"...Think nothing of it. Besides, I didn't do it for you. If you had died then, I would have as well. I was merely, how do you people say, saving my own skin." Yumito said, not quite understanding the concept of emotion.

"Even so...Thank you. Thank you for giving me something that makes me special. Even if that something is not as powerful as a Byakugan, a Sharingan, or a Nine Tailed Beast, thank you." Yuma said, smiling with happiness he hadn't felt in such a long time.

"...Yes, well, you are quite welcome. Anyways, I require rest. Goodnight, Yuma."

"Goodnight Yumito."

And with that, the golden orbs resembling the eyes of the being born from Yuma's will, dissipated, as the world of dreams consumed it. Yuma looked at both of his now smoky arms, laughing slightly to himself.

"Yuma...when we get back to the Leaf Village, you got some explaining to do." Sasuke said, wanting to know exactly what had just happened, Naruko nodded her head in agreement.

"Yes, he will have to inform the Hokage as well. I'm quite curious as to how he gained this ability." Kakashi said aloud, looking at Yuma in suspicion.

Yuma looked at Kakashi, his eyes lighting up at his sensei's words.

"Actually Kakashi, I wanted to ask you something. Who is Orochimaru?" Yuma asked, Naruko, Sasuke, and Kakashi at the mere mention of the name.

Kakashi narrowed his one visible eye.

"Orochimaru is a traitor to the Leaf Village. He is a sick man who was found out to have been illegally experimenting on not only children, but any person with a Kekkai Genkai." Kakashi said.

"Yeah, he was also the former member of granny Tsunade's and pervy sage's team. He is a former member of the Sannin." Naruko said, not liking the fact that he used to be teammates with people she cherishes.

"A former Sannin!? He must be strong." Yuma said in surprise.

"Yes, and dangerous, why did you ask about him Yuma?" Kakashi asked, worried for his student.

"Back when I was still in that stain thing, memories I had forced myself to forget came back to me. I now know that somewhere in this world, my mother is still alive. I also now know...that Yumito and the strange abilities I have now, might have been given to me by Orochimaru when I was little." Yuma revealed, causing Kakashi to widen his eyes in fear.

"Why do you think that Yuma!" Kakashi yelled suddenly, causing Yuma to flinch.

"B-Because in my memories, I remember a member of my family handing me over to Orochimaru. He bit me, and a strange mark formed on my neck. He then injected me with something directly into the mark, and then it disappeared, that's all I know." Yuma said, fearful of the intensity of Kakashi's worry.

Kakashi froze. His eyes widened in fear.

"...As soon as we get back, you will inform the Hokage of this. Understood?" Kakashi said, holding Yuma by the shoulders with a tight grip.

"Y-Yes Kakashi, now stop holding me tightly like that, it kind of hurts." Yuma pleaded.

Kakashi widened his eyes in surprise, before quickly letting go of Yuma and apologizing.

"A-Anyways, we should head back to the village and see what's left of it, after meeting back up with Obito and Haku we will then go report our mission as complete to Gato." Kakashi said, as Sasuke and Naruko frowned at mention of Gato.

Yuma didn't really care much.

And so, they began the long trek back to the village that had now probably been reduced to ash.


Crunch. Crunch.



Obito stared down solemnly at the six armed man he had just murdered. The man had all six arms crushed, and then had his head caved in, courtesy of a nasty foot stomp by Obito. He brought his hands together in a prayer, paying respect to his fallen opponent. Once done, he looked out at the destruction that they had all caused with a frown.

"...This marks the end of our mission I suppose, with the village like this, there will be no opposition to Gato's rule." Obito said, clenching his hands in dissatisfaction, not wanting it to have ended this way.

"If...If only not for Orochimaru's goons, we could've had ended this in a way less destructive. Forgive us Kami-Sama, forgive us." Obito prayed out to the sky.

"A ninja who prays? How amusing."

Obito pulled his chains out quickly, attempting to determine the location of the sudden voice.

"Relax, i'm not here to hurt you. I was just passing through." The voice called out to Obito, standing atop a large pile of rubble, was a cloaked man.

Obito narrowed his eyes.

"Are you one of Orochimaru's men?" Obito asked, staring daggers into the cloaked individual.

"Why yes, thank you for noticing!" The cloaked man said smugly as Obito clenched his fists in anger.

"So why should I let you pass through?" Obito said back.

The man held his chin in his hand, pretending to think his answer over in a mocking way. He then slammed his fist into the palm of his hand as if he had come to a realization. He pointed at Obito with one hand, while pushing up the glasses beneath his cloak with the other.

"Because you are Obito Uchiha! You hate senseless violence! Ever since the end of the Third Great Ninja War you have dedicated yourself to religion and have became a pacifist despite your job as one of the Hokage's elite guards!" The cloaked individual yelled out in a cheerful tone, irritating Obito.

Obito stood silently for some time, before letting out a sigh and reeling his chains back into his sleeves.

"Go. Before I change my mind." Obito yelled out bluntly.

"I thank you for your kindness, submissive dog of the Hokage." The cloaked man who Obito did not know was Kabuto said aloud, as he ran past the angry Obito Uchiha who was now trembling in anger.

He stood there for quite some time, looking at the devestation and ruin Orochimaru's lackeys had brought upon the village. He frowned in disdain, clenching his fists so hard to the point that it drew blood. As the blood trickled down his fists, and his eyes grew sorrowful, he could only gaze out into the sky, as tears trailed down his face. If anyone where able to read Obito's thoughts at that moment, only one thing would be heard.

'Sorry, it shouldn't have ended like this.'

And thus, the pacifistic Uchiha who wished for a day when conflict would cease, silently cried to the sound of crackling flames and crumbling debris beneath the night sky.


Haku stared down the cloaked man who's long orange hair was now sticking out from the cloak. He narrowed his eyes from beneath his mask, knowing that his rapid hair growth could not be anything good. The man was muttering to himself, having become overcome with incomprehensible rage. Him and Haku had been in battle for quite sometime, but the orange haired cloaked fat mystery man had yet to land even one blow upon the young genius.

"H-How is this possible, how could someone younger then me be this powerful. I went into curse mark level two and everything!" Jirobo muttered loud enough for Haku to hear.

"Its because you lack technique." Haku said.

Jirobo began to grind his teeth, frustrated by the young Haku's superiority.

"What did you say?" Jirobo snapped.

"I said you lack technique, and that is why you fail. You have all that strength, but what good is it if you can't direct it properly?" Haku responded, quickly jumping off of his pillar of ice, a large boulder thrown by an enraged Jirobo crushing the ice.

"Shut up! What would you know about anything, huh!? I am one of the five chosen ones, gifted with Lord Orochimaru's boon! I am superior to everyone!" Jirobo yelled out to the heavens, throwing boulders around, too enraged to focus.

Haku began to dodge every boulder sent his way with movements that would mesmerize anyone with its grace. He bent backwards, a boulder flying overhead, he touched it quickly, encasing it with ice. He gripped the Icy boulder, and quickly threw it back. Jirobo tried jumping out of its way, but found a pillar of ice block his path when it appeared from behind.

"Damn you, damn you, damn you, damn you!" He yelled out, trying to get up after being knocked to the ground, but found his hand frozen to the ground.

Haku dashed at him, holding a dagger of ice in hand, preparing to end the fight then and there. Jirobo began to panic, and started trying to tear his hand off from the ground. Jirobo looked up to see how long he had before he was run through the head by a ice dagger, only to find the dagger mere inches from his face. He closed his eyes, waiting for the pain of being stabbed to consume him, but...

"My, my. I seem to have gotten here in the nick of time."

Jirobo opened his eyes to see the cloaked Kabuto standing over him, having blocked the ice dagger with his kunai. Haku attempted to produce another dagger to stab again, but his hand was grabbed by Kabuto. Kabuto side stepped Haku, knocking the ice dagger out of his hands, and palmed Haku in the stomach. Haku's body was sent rolling as he quickly brought his hands to the ground to decrease his drag. Haku grimaced, and coughed out blood, his vision growing weary.

"W-What did you do to me?" Haku said, his consciousness beginning to waver.

"Don't worry, I didn't destroy any vital organs. I wouldn't kill you, especially since your master so graciously let me escape. You'll probably be paralyzed for a couple days. You'll be found shortly by your master, so take a nap, alright?" Kabuto said with mirth in his smug tone.

The cloaked Kabuto turned to the downed Jirobo, clicking his teeth in irritation.

"Seriously, hurry up already Jirobo." The cloaked Kabuto said aloud.

"I'm trying, but this ice is too thick!" Jirobo yelled.

"Huh? That doesn't matter, hurry and pull your hand out already." Kabuto said to him.

"W-What do you mean?" Jirobo said fearfully.

"Surely you can't be that dense? Fine, i'll show you exactly what I mean." Kabuto said.

Before Jirobo could respond, he felt a warm hot sensation crawling up his arm. He looked down, and then screamed in pure agony.

Kabuto pocketed his bloody kunai, and knocked out the now one handed Jirobo with a chop to the head.

Beneath his mask, Haku narrowed his eyes.

'To do such a thing to your own comrades, how sick.'

That was the final thought that went through Haku's mind before being forced into the world of dreams, the pain driving him to faint.

The cloaked Kabuto picked up the now unconscious Jirobo and carried him on his back, all the while humming a tune aloud. As he walked among the dead bodies of innocent villagers and as fire and smoke illuminated the night sky.

Kabuto felt absolutely nothing.

'Now then, I wonder what Lord Orochimaru's next plans are! If what Lord Orochimaru said about Yuma is true, then...'

He laughed aloud, in mirthful cheer, completely ecstatic for the events to come.

'Hurry back to the Leaf Village Yuma, I have lots of things to teach you!'

And with that, he handed off Jirobo to a large serpent, and began his trek back to the Leaf village to continue his work as Orochimaru's spy.





Those three words were the only thing that could describe the scene before Team Seven. Kakashi looked at Yuma, Naruko and Sasuke with an appraising gaze, curious to see how they would react. Naruko gritted her teeth as tears began to fill her vision, Sasuke frowned deeply, before holding his hands in a prayer. Yuma, on the other hand...

"I know what you're thinking, Kakashi-Sensei..." Yuma suddenly said, causing Kakashi's eyes to widen.

"I know...I know that its wrong for me to feel nothing, but...I can't help it." Yuma said, a frown forming on his face as Sasuke and Naruko grimaced at him.

"We came here to subjugate the people of this village and take their bridge...If they resisted we were to eleminate every last one of them, right? As far as i'm concerned, this mission is complete." Yuma said bluntly.

"How...How can you just say that..." Naruko choked out.

"Naruko, don-!?" Sasuke tried to get her to stop, but Yuma held his hand up to Sasuke, telling him to let her speak.

"Go on, Naruko." Yuma said, a glint of determination in his eyes.

"How? How can you feel nothing for this!? It-Its awful! Their homes...Their lives...All gone...So, how can you feel nothing!?" Naruko yelled out, throwing her hands out behind herself, as if to show off the carnage.

"First off, I want to clear one misconception you may have of me. Its not that I do not pity them, I mean who couldn't. When I say I feel nothing, I mean I have no regrets nor will I blame myself for their circumstance." Yuma said, shocking Naruko into silence as he continued.

"They were the ones who steeped themselves into poverty, they were the ones who tried to fight against Gato when they could've easily made a deal with him and they were the ones who decided to never once form a Ninja force." Yuma said.

Kakashi grimaced, finding it hard to fault Yuma's logic.

"I will not force myself to feign despair at their own self destruction. It is as simple as that. To pretend as if I truly feel for them would be even more insulting to those who have died here today. I'm sorry for being the way I am, but I think the part of me you and Sasuke detest about me will always be there. Whether you like it or not, this is who I am." Yuma finished.

Naruko looked at Yuma with pity before shaking her head.

"N-No, i'm sorry. I shouldn't force you to act like someone your not..." Naruko said, trailing off.

Sasuke let out a sigh, shaking his head at Yuma.

"Well, what you said isn't wrong, but it wasn't right either. Regardless, it would be rude of us to expect you to act disingenuous. I am sorry for having argued with you back in the woods back before this all went down." Sasuke bent forward, bowing and asking Yuma for forgiveness.

"N-No, I am partially at fault for that as well, I shouldn't have made a decision without informing or asking you guys about it first." Yuma said, apologizing as well.

Yuma and Sasuke turned to Naruko, expecting her to apologize as well. Naruko rubbed the back of her head, going red from embarrassment. She looked at Kakashi with pleading eyes, hoping he would get her out of this. Kakashi smiled at her, then shaked his head, knowing exactly what she wanted him to do and denying her of any escape. Naruko then shook for a bit in embarrassment, before finally bowing as well.

"F-Fine, I-I guess i'm sorry for pushing you into a tree. We good?" She said, standing back up out of the bowing position, pouting in a way that caused Yuma's face to redden slightly.

'Why do I think thats so cute?" Yuma thought in confusion.

"Y-Yeah. I kind of deserved that anyway, sorry for not trusting you. I should have not held a grudge against you for having the Nine Tailed Fox sealed within you anyway, that was wrong of me. please forgive me." Yuma bowed to her as well, causing Naruko to redden in embarrassment as well.

"I-Its fine...Anyways, lets hurry up and find Haku and Obito!" Naruko said, quickly changing the subject in an attempt to get rid of the red hue on her face.

"Yeah, lets finish this mission so the idiot can finally relax."Sasuke remarked with a smirk.

"Oi, what did you say you duck headed bastard!?" Naruko yelled at him.

"Not this again." Yuma said in annoyance, shaking his head as the two began bickering as usual.

As the three descended into discourse, Naruko trying to punch Sasuke while Yuma held her back, and Sasuke laughing at her, Kakashi smiled in contentment. He looked at the three students he had been given and smiled, proud of all three of them.

'All of you have really grown throughout this mission, haven't you?" Kakashi thought to himself, proud of his students.

"Eh Kakashi, what're you grinning about huh?" A familiar rough and raspy voice called out.

Kakashi turned around, and was met with the sight of a smiling Obito and Zabuza carrying an knocked out Haku. He frowned at the sight of the downed Haku, worried for the young geniuses health. He approached his former teammate and mission ally, wanting to know what exactly had happened.

"Is he...?" Kakashi asked, fearing the worst.

"Nah, he's okay, just a little out of it. Apparently he has some internal bleeding, but your friend here was able to patch him up. Thanks for that again by the way!" Zabuza said loudly with a full blown sharp toothed grin, thanking Obito for his help.

Obito smiled back, a look of respect in his eyes, shaking his head at the sharp toothed.

"It wasn't any trouble, besides, the both of you are allies of ours. I would've had to be crazy not to help your pupil." Obito said right back with a grin.

Meanwhile, Kakashi looked at them wide eyed.

'When did they become so close?' He thought in confusion as the two laughed along to each others jokes.

Kakashi coughed into his hands, getting everyone's attention.

"A-Anyways, with our tasks achieved, this ends our mission. It may have not gone all the way we wanted, but a completed mission, is still a completed mission." Kakashi said aloud, causing Naruko and Sasuke to frown.

Yuma noticed their sadness at the mention of the mission not going right, and frowned. He approached the two of them, feeling bad for the both of them.

"I know you guys already know this, but...When we became ninja, we knew that we would have to one day hurt innocents. I don't nessacrily care for these people but, I at least have enough compassion to know what happened to these people is wrong. So...please stop feeling sad. You shouldn't feel guilty about what happened her, because what happened here, isn't your fault." Yuma said, in a attempt to cheer them up.

"Yeah...I know what your saying is logically right...but...but..." Naruko said, her lips quivering in sadness.

"But...what happened here is awful. I know that what your saying is the cold hard reality, but...that doesn't make it right. One day, I'll make a world were innocent people no longer have to suffer through things like this. That is my ninja way, and what I plan to do when I become the Hokage." Naruko finished, determination in her eyes.

Obito smiled at Naruko's words.

"What an admirable goal you have Naruko." Obito said with respect.

Naruko blushed at the praise, rubbing the back of her head.

"Whatever, i-its not a big deal." She spuutered out.

Yuma smiled, nodding at her.

"I may not be able to empathize with others much, but I still wish for a world like that. After all, no matter how cold and inexperiamced with emotion I may be, a world were people wouldn't have to go through what I went through would be nice." Yuma said, shocking everyone upon seeing the usually cold hearted Yuma actually agree with Naruko.

Naruko smiled, glad Yuma that at the very least agreed with her on that. She blushed at seeing Yuma show one of his rare genuine smiles, her heart momentarily skipping a beat.

'W-Weird, whats up with me?' Naruko questioned herself.

Zabuza stared at the two of them, an apathetic expression on her face.

'What idealistic nonsense...But...A world were her wish came true...It would be a great place...' Zabuza thought, begrudgingly respecting the blond girl he thought of as a runt.

"A-Anyways, lets hurry up and go tell that scum bag Gato his damned mission is completed!" Naruko said loudly, turning her head upward to avoid looking at Yuma, hoping he didn't notice her blush.

"The runts right! I wanna hurry up and get paid. Me and Haku have something important we need to do!" Zabuza bellowed out.

"Important? How so?" Obito asked, curious as to what Zabuza was planning on doing next.

Zabuza turned to them with his signature sinister grin, in high spirits.

"Lets just say...What I have planned will change the ninja world." Zabuza said, worrying everyone else.

'That can't be anything good!' Everyone besides Zabuza thought in unison.

And so, they began the long journey back to Gato Enterprises, ready to put a cap on this long and arduous mission. While they left the village, and travelled through the murky swamps, only one thought permeated throughout Yuma's mind. Yuma looked out into the night sky, a small smile on his face as he became starry eyed.

'I will meet you one day...Mother.'


So you guys finally did it huh! Took ya long enough! Would've loved to see their bloody bodies, but I guess beggars can't be choosers huh?" The smug and arrogant tone of Gato bellowed throughout the golden hall as the small and greedy man sat upon his over sized golden throne.

Naruko snarled at the greedy man in anger, before crossing her arms across her chest in a huff. Sasuke frowned in displeasure at having to look at the fat and greasy man once more. Meanwhile, Yuma continued to stare longingly at all the gold and riches the man possessed. Yuma, although now having the new goal of finding his mother, still held greed within him.

Kakashi nodded at the man, his displeasure at the mans lack of compassion hidden beneath his mask.

"Yes, we have completed your mission, now that the wave has been destroyed, there is one left to oppose you. You can now subjugate the bridge with ease and establish anything in the villages place that you see fit." Kakashi gritted out, slightly clenching his fists as Gato bellowed in laughter.

"Hahahaha, fantastic! So you guys butchered them all, right? Tell me, what did those pigs' screams sound like when they died? I'm dying to know!" He yelled out with a large grin on his fat head.

Everyone in the hall began to frown, including the usual maniacal Zabuza.

"Did the runts cry as they bled out!? Did the villagers all cry in despair when they saw their pathetic resistance blow up in smoke!? Come on, tell me! I wanna know everything!"

Naruko continued to shake in anger, her eyes beginning to turn into slits, causing Sasuke to look at her in worry. Gato continued laughing however, his sick and demented questions only further increasing her fury.

"Did you stomp on someones head and turn it into paste? Did you cut off their legs and laugh as they cried in despair? Come on, you gotta tell me! You can't leave me hanging!" He said psychotically a large smile on his face.

Naruko finally reached her breaking point, and took a large, menacing step towards Gato. Before anyone could say anything however-

"Don't Naruko, you don't need to waste your anger on someone as pathetic as him."

Everyone stared in shock, as Yuma declared this while grabbing onto her arm, stopping her from doing anything rash. Yuma glared daggers into the fat man, clearly not amused at all at the fat mans billowing laughter. Gato frowned at the black haired and pale skinned Yuma who now had black shadow like arms. He looked at Yuma with displeasure clear on his face.

"A waste huh? Funny how a ninja who kills people for a living thinks they are better then me. Stop pretending to be morally just kid." Gato responded to Yuma.

"Yes well, we may be ninja, and yeah we may harm others. It is the nature of our job after all, but still..."

Gato grinned down at the glaring Yuma.

"But what?" He asked arrogantly.

Yuma stood completely straight, his eyes never leaving the fat greedy mans own pair of eyes. He glared deeply at him, as Naruko looked at Yuma in shock.

"We don't just hurt and kill. We also save, help, and protect others in need. Sure we may have to sometimes bloody our hands, but at the end of the day, its all for the sake of our village. So, i'll say this. As a person who I wish to become friends with once said..."

He pointed at the fat greed driven man, a righteous will of fire burning within Yuma. Naruko stared at him in shock, before...

"Just because we're ninja, doesn't mean we're monsters. Not like you anyway!" He declared, the will of fire never leaving his eyes as everyone stared at him in shock.

Naruko's eyes widened in shock as her face grew intensely red. She then remembered that his words were once her own, her eyes watering slightly. She felt her heart beat increase slightly, as her face grew quite flustered.

'Weird...Why does he look so cool to me right now?' Naruko thought as she held her hand to her chest, starry eyed at Yuma's proclamation.

Zabuza broke out into a full blown laughter, causing Gato to pop a blood vein in anger.

"He really told you what for! you should see the look on your face! Bwahahahahhahaha!" Zabuza said with tears of laughter in his eyes as Gato grew red in anger.

Obito and Kakashi both smiled with looks of pride in their eyes at Yuma's statement, nodding to his proclamation in silent agreement.

"Guess you don't worry about that one after all Kakashi." Obito whispered to his friend.

"Yeah...I guess I don't." Kakashi said, smiling at Yuma.

"W-What ever! Get out of here before I call security! You guys are rude as hell! Don't expect me to ever hire anyone from the leaf again! And as for you Zabuza, your fired!" Gato yelled out.

Zabuza smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

"Aye aye captain. Not like I care, I was gonna quit today anyway. I'll get Haku from your medical treatment center and be on my way." Zabuza said, walking out of the room, not leaving until giving Yuma a thumbs up.

Before Gato could yell at them any further, Kakashi ordered his students to follow him out.

"Come on guys, its time we headed back home!" Kakashi ordered.

Yuma smiled and nodded his head in agreement. Naruko continued to blush at Yuma, before she quickly shook her head. Sasuke smiled at Yuma in respect, starting to think that maybe Yuma wasn't as bad as he first thought. Kakashi bid the fat man farewell, before he and his students took their leave. As the walked out, Gato huffed in anger.

And so, the long and arduous mission of the Village hidden in the Waves had finally...

Come to an end.


"Curse them. Curse them. Curse them. Curse them. Curse them." The raspy and tired voice of the now orphaned Inari was all that could be heard as he trudged along with muddy and charred clothes.

He had finally made it out of the Wave and now was past the border of the Mist. He had gone several hours without eating, and found himself to be heavily tired out from the traumatic events that had transpired. He had been walking for hours, not even stopping for rest or even a sip of water. The only thoughts in his head were of those cursing the Leaf Village.

"R-Revenge. I must...Avenge my family...My village..." Inari spat out in delirium.

"K-Kill them all...I-I just gotta...Kil-Kill t-them a-all." He said in pure hatred, his anger all directed at the Leaf village despised with all of his being.

Inari finally lost all of his energy, and fell to the ground. He laid there immobile, having not enough energy to move anymore. Tears trailed down his scrunched up face, as he sat there and began to wail in agony. He laid there alone and submerged in dirty puddle of swamp and tears. A cloud of mist then rolled in as he tried to crawl. He only made it a little farther until he knew he was about to pass out.

'N-No...theres still something I have to do...People...I must avenge...'

Those were his final thoughts before his body lost all consciousness, enveloped into the world of dreams soon after.

And that is where Inari died.

Or at least...would have.

A man with spiky long black hair and pale skin emerged from the mist. He had deep brown eyes and was adorned in black robes marked with a red cloud. He looked down at the boy in silence for quite sometime. Eventually, the man huffed, and picked up the kid, heading off into the mist. He held his hand to his mouth, a red ring adorning his finger.

"Boss...I have found something interesting...Yes, i'll show you when I get there."

Inari's story had then entered its first chapter.


Quick A/N

I will have to go back on the first few chapters I fix them quick but on another note I'm hardcore shipping ShisuIta

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