Tony Stark's Daughter [1]

By Stark_2023

696K 17.9K 8.2K

BOOK ONE OF THE TONY STARK'S DAUGHTER SERIES (OCxLoki) ~ "I can't remember who I am... who I was! Do you know... More

Chapter 2: Avengers Initiative
Chpater 3: HYDRA?
Chapter 4: Reindeer Games
Chapter 5: Chit Chat
Chapter 6: Lady Hope
Chapter 7: "I know a lie when I hear one."
Chapter 9: "I f*cking promise."
Chapter 10: The Battle
Chapter 11: The Battle part 2
Chapter 12: The Battle part 3
Chapter 13: Romeo
Chapter 14: Aunt Tessa
Chapter 15: Bad Nights
Chapter 16: FlashBacks
(Ironman 3)
Chapter 18: S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 19: Bucky Barnes
Chapter 20: Who's Maya?
Chapter 21: The Mandarin
Chapter 22: Monster
Chapter 23: Loki?!
Chapter 24: Chad Davis
Hope's File
Chapter 25: "War Machine rocks with an X, all caps."
Chapter 26: Gary Needs Ton- To Be Quiet About it
Chapter 27: What Should I do?
Chapter 28: The Alleyway
Chapter 29: The Alleyway part 2
Chapter 30: The Alleyway part 3
Chapter 31: Trevor?
Chapter 32: Extremis
Chapter 33: The Winter Soldier
Chapter 34: It's a Trap
Chapter 35: HYDRA Misses You
Chapter 36: I Will Never Join
Chapter 37: "Take 'em to Chruch."
Chapter 38: Home
Chapter 39: Christmas
Chapter 40: Birthday Wishes
Chapter 41: See you soon
Chapter 42: Asgard
Chapter 43: Infinity Stones
Chapter 44: ...What?
Chapter 45: Soulmates
Chapter 46: Back to Earth
Chapter 47: Gifts
Chapter 48: Long Time, No See
(Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
Chapter 50: Project Insight
Chapter 51: Sam Wilson
Chapter 52: Nick Fury
Chapter 53: He's My Mission
Chapter 54: Arnim Zola
Chapter 55: Highway Part 1
Chapter 56: Highway Part 2
Chapter 57: Best Friends
Chapter 58: Staying Hidden
Chapter 59: Helicarriers
Chapter 60: Aftermath
Hope's Updated File
Sequel is up!!!

Chapter 8: Coulson

15.9K 453 163
By Stark_2023

"I am so dumb sometimes! Actually... I'm dumb all the time!" I scolded myself after I steadied myself after the explosion. Loki stumbled a bit too. He smirked at me. Dad. My eyes widened. Is he okay!? I looked at the door and back to Loki.

"You should go see if your so called 'dad' is okay. I am most certain he was hit... the lab right?" Loki smirked. I ran towards the door and walked out. I ran down the hallway. Thor ran past me towards Loki.

"Are the rest okay?!" I asked in a panic. Thor quickly nodded.

"They are all fine. The man in blue and your father have gone to fix the flying fortress." He answered quickly. "Now excuse me Lady Hope. I must see my brother." He ran off.

"Anyone copy?" I asked in the ear com.

"Oh thank god! Hope, are you alright!" Dads voice asked. I sigh in relief. I nodded. I realized he couldn't see me and chuckled.

"Yeah I'm fine. Are you? Where are you?"

"I'm fixing the helicarrier with Capsicle. One of the engines was hit by the explosion." Dad said. I felt someone coming down the hallway. Three men with guns. The raised to shoot me, but I threw their guns to the side. Blue energy balls come from my hand and I shoot two of the men down. The last man ran at me with a knife. I surrounded him with blue mists and threw him into the wall. If everyone's alright, I'll just go back and see if Thor's okay. I ran towards Thor and Loki. I found Phil. He had a big ass gun in his hands.

"Woah!" I raised my hands up as he pointed it at me. He sighed.

"Hope! You don't sneak up on secret agents holding a gun! You should know that by now!" He glared playfully at me. I laughed. We made our way into the room where Thor and Loki were in. I noticed Thor was in the cell and Loki wasn't. He stood by the controls. How the hell?! It must have been the other man in the room.

"The humans think of us immortal... should we test that?" Loki went to drop the cell, but Phil knocked out the man with his gun. Loki and Thor turned toward us. Loki smirked as he noticed me. I glared as I raised my hands. Blue balls of energy in each one. Loki raised an eyebrow... impressed?

"Move away please." Phil said ever so politely while pointing the gun at Loki. I chuckled. I looked over to Thor. He just watched the scene in front of him. Loki slowly backed away from the control panel. Phil started walking closer to Loki. "You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Wanna find out?"

I threw an energy ball at Loki before he could stab Phil. He flew away towards his clone. His clone disappeared. He landed with thud. Phil's eyes widened as he realize what just happened. Loki stood up and glared at me. Phil powered up the gun. Loki threw some green mist at me, which I wasn't expecting. I flew away. Loki made clones around Phil, including his real form. I shot at one. It turned into mist and disappeared. I shot another one, not Loki.

"Phil!" I cried. Loki took out the sceptre and stabbed Phil, right threw the back. I threw Loki away from him. Phil gasped in pain.

"No!" Thor hit the glass. Phil fell to the ground, holding his wound. I fell to my knees next to him. I put pressure on his wound, trying to slow the blood. Loki opened the door beneath the cell. Wind flowed through the room.

"Phil... your going to be okay..." I whispered with glossy eyes. Phil smiled, but groaned in pain. I can't let him die! I looked up to Loki. He raised his hand over the button to drop Thor. He hesitated... but he pressed the button.

"Thor!" I yelled as the whole cell fell into the sky. I glared at Loki. Loki looked over to us.

"How could you?!" I exclaimed with tears. He looked over to Phil, not looking me in the eye. He closed the floor and began to walk away. I pressed my ear com. "Some help. Coulson is wounded."

"On my way. Hold tight." Nick grunted. It sounded like he was taking down some of Loki's men.

"Your going to lose." Phil spoke up as he looked at Loki. Loki stoped short. He turned to us.

"Am I?" He asked.

"It's in your nature." Blood started to come out of Phil's mouth. Phil pulled my hands away. He held onto one though. I squeezed it tightly. My hands all blood. Loki tilted his head.

"Your hero's are scattered. Your floating fortress falls from the sky. Where is my disadvantage?" Loki questioned the Agent.

"You lack conviction." Phil replied. Loki stared at Phil.

"I don't think I-." Phil pressed the trigger on the gun and hit Loki. He flew back and broke through the wall roughly. I smiled.

"So that's what it does..." Phil spoke aloud. I laughed with tears. Phil slowly turned his head over to me.

"Phil..." I didn't know what to say. He smiled at me.

"Don't worry about me Hope." He coughed. I notice Loki stand up in the corner of me eye. "You are the niece I always wanted."

I just laughed. I smiled at the man that helped me through some rough times. There was times dad wasn't always there, you know for business and stuff. Phil helped me a lot.

"Your the uncle I always wanted." I smiled as a tear drip down my face. Phil wiped it away. I laughed. "Did you get Cap to sign your cards?"

"No I didn't actually." He chuckled softly. "Maybe you can, keep them too."

"No. I'll give them back to you. When you get better." I nodded, but vision blurry from the tears.

"Hope..." I looked over to Loki. He walked over to me. I stood up and balls of energy appeared in my hands. Blood covered my eyes.

"Step back Loki. Just go." I sneered. I raised my shaking hands. Loki sighed.

"I'm sorry Hope." His green mist surrounded my head. I suddenly felt dizzy.

"Hope!" Coulson yelled as I fell into Loki's arms.

"We need to talk." Loki whispered to me. My eyes filling closed, darkness taking my view.

Third Person

Nick Fury ran into Loki's cell room. He noticed Agent Coulson on the floor, wounded. Fury kneeled down in front of the fallen Agent.

"Sorry boss... The god rabbited. He took Hope." Coulson mumbled as he didn't move an inch. Fury's eye widened. He shook his head. "Could you possibly give my cards to... Hope when you get her back?"

"You can, just stay awake." Director Fury ordered his Agent, not wanting to lose him. He took the huge gun off of him and sat it to the side. Coulson looked up and Fury. "Eyes on me."

"No, I'm clocking out here..." Coulson mumbled quietly. In pain.

"Not a option." Fury said to him. Phil looked up at him.

"It's okay boss... this was never going to work. If they didn't have something to..." Coulson drifted off, taking his last breath. Fury hung his head for his fallen friend. Sadness evident on his face. Eyes red trying to hold tears in. He stood up as the doctors rushed in to help Coulson. One checked his pulse as the other checked his wound. The one checking his pulse shook his head. The other doctor sighed and looked up at Fury. He shook his head.

"He's gone..." He told him. Fury pressed his ear com.

"Agent Coulson is down..." He said knowing every Agent and the Avengers can hear him.

"A medical team is on its way to your location." Another Agents voice spoke up. Fury sighed.

"They're already here. They called it." Tony Stark, standing beside Steve Rogers stared at the ground in shock and sadness. Rogers sadden by the news too. "And Stark..."

"Yeah?" He answered confused. He heard Fury sigh.

"Loki took Hope..." Tony froze. Steve looked over towards the shock billionaire. Tony's fist clenched. Anger displayed on his face.

"We have to find her." He sneered at the ground. "Who knows what Loki has planned for her."

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