Greaser ☾Ethan Dolan

By babyylivv

764K 13.7K 11.6K

C O M P L E T E D "Keep that pretty little head of yours in a book and you're gonna miss out on life.." "What... More

quick note
One ☾
Two ☾
Three ☾
Four ☾
Five ☾
Six ☾
Seven ☾
Eight ☾
Nine ☾
Ten ☾
Eleven ☾
Twelve ☾
Thirteen ☾
Fourteen ☾
Fifteen ☾
Sixteen ☾
Seventeen ☾
Eighteen ☾
Nineteen ☾
Twenty ☾
Twenty One ☾
Twenty Two ☾
Twenty Three ☾
Twenty Four ☾
Twenty Five ☾
Twenty Six ☾
Twenty Seven ☾
Twenty Eight ☾
Twenty Nine ☾
Character Aesthetics ☾
Thirty ☾
Thirty One ☾
Thirty Two ☾
Thirty Three ☾
Thirty Four ☾
Thirty Five ☾
About Me? ☾
Thirty Six ☾
Thirty Seven ☾
Thirty Eight ☾
Thirty Nine ☾
Forty ☾
Forty one ☾
Forty two ☾
Forty three ☾
Forty four ☾
A/N ☾
Character answers ☾
Forty five ☾
Forty six ☾
Forty seven ☾
Forty eight ☾
Forty nine ☾
Fifty ☾
Fifty one ☾
Fifty two ☾
Fifty three ☾
Fifty four ☾
A/N ☾
A/N ☾
Fifty Six ☾
Fifty seven ☾
Character Answers ☾
Character Aestheitcs ☾
Character Envisions ☾
thank you!!

Fifty five ☾

7.5K 155 143
By babyylivv

Ten years later here's the update! I'm super duper sorry my loves!!!

One month later)


No answer.

"Ethan." I said again poking his cheek lightly as his head turned in my direction, finally peeling his eyes away from the computer. He looked at me apologetically, taking my hand and kissing the back.

"I'm sorry, thank you mi amore." He said as he took the plate with the freshly made breakfast on it and I smiled giving him a kiss on his cheek.

I sat on the stool next to him resting my head on his shoulder reading all the words on the email he received this morning.

Suddenly a stampede rushed down the stairs and next thing I know Grayson comes barreling into the kitchen with Max in a head lock, and Nicky recording it all closely behind them.


"Stop! Stop you fucking dick!" Max yelled. It seems over time max has grown more comfortable with Gray so he's not scared to cuss him out if he needs to. Gray just laughed and held him tighter.

I giggled through my breath and returned my eyes to the screen not missing how tense Ethan felt. I furrowed my eyebrows looking over to him seeing his face morphed in pain, and him rolling his shoulders back slowly.

I can't forget to give him a massage later.

"Gray. Get your ass over here." My Italian snapped immediately gaining attention of all the guys in the room. Such power he has.

Gray swiftly let Max go, and made his way over to peak over Ethan's shoulder to the computer.

"Robertó Vasquéz, the manager of our cartel in Colombia, just gave word that a large city gang has been fucking with the shipments." He said as Grays face turned annoyed.

He groaned dramatically and loudly tilting his head back, rubbing his face.

"Little pricks."

I jumped in my seat just as a loud crash sounded through the kitchen. I peaked over the island and saw a shattered bowl. I followed my eyes up and saw a guilty, goofy-smiled Nick.

I shook my head choosing to ignore it as I gave my attention back to the mafia men. They seemed to be communicating with their eyes, although it must not have worked very well because..

"What the fuck are you trying to say?" Ethan snapped at gray as he widened and wiggled his eyebrows trying to speak silently.

Gray pouted and rolled his eyes. "Damn someone's being an dick today, get to riding his grumpy ass Liv." Gray said receiving a blush from me, and a punch to the shoulder from Ethan.

"I want Xavier and a full set of rookie guards on a flight to Colombia tonight, a little book club isn't going to fuck with my shipments. And I also want you three out so I can have breakfast with my woman." The Italian snapped obviously tense from not having a break for months.

The three scurried out, Nick with a bowl of cereal, Max with some apple juice, and Gray with one of Ethan's pieces of bacon.

Oh he's a dead man.

I looked back to the lengthy email when bold letters caught my eye. I read them again and again, until I could fully understand what it was saying.

"Russians? Here?" I asked Ethan but kept my eyes glued to the warning on the screen. He nodded and gently rubbed my hand that I didn't even know I was holding, and a small smile made its way to my face.

"Are we g-gonna kill them?" I asked feeling my hand flinch imaging itself wrapped around my gorgeous little blade, and getting to work. Ethan chuckled and spun my stool so I was facing him, as he turned to look at me.

"sei una ragazzina malvagia." He said as his eyes went dark, and trailed down to my lips. I smiled and nodded wiggling in my seat wanting to go to the training facility, or practice on a dummy, or a real person works too.
(Translation> a wicked little girl you are)

Ethan chuckled and glanced down at my plate of breakfast telling me to eat, before kissing the top of my head and turning back to the screen. I sighed and picked up my bacon munching on it slowly thinking about all the creative ways I could use my knife.

Ethan says if I slice their throat it makes it too messy, although when we go on revenge missions that's the way to go. Or when we want to send a message.

I could make pretty shapes on their backs or tummy's! That would be fun I guess..but I kinda like when I get to get in their head then they want me to kill them.

I sound mad.

But some of the best people are.

Alice says so.



"Oh fuck."

I held her hips on top of me as she worked me in ways I've never felt before.  I kept her steady on top of me as she stayed focused. I did my best not to let my eyes close, but the feeling consumed my body.

"Fuck baby." 

Liv giggled pressing her little fingers into my shoulders and massaging my muscles, kneading spots that have been over worked.

"You make more sounds d-during a massage then s-sex." She said giggling and gently but perfectly rubbing her thumb into my neck.

My body froze at the comment.

"Don't mention sex when you're sitting right on top of my dick Liv." I said as she stopped massaging me and smacked my chest. "Dirty dog." She muttered before telling me to turn on my chest to do my back.

Next thing I know she plopped her cute little ass on my back and kissed my shoulders, beginning to knead my lower back. I couldn't help but smile letting everything hit me.

I'm one lucky bastard.

Then something ruined it, of course.

My phone rang again for the forth time in the span of of two minutes. Fuckers are such cock-blocks.

I felt Liv's hands on my back as she used me to lean over and grab my phone. She answered it casually saying, 'hellooo' and continued to massage one of my shoulders. Working her magic from heaven.

Little hmm's of approval slipped out of her everyone minute or two, so the phone call must be good news. "Okay, mhmm. I will t-tell him. Bye!" She said sweetly to the phone, hanging up and putting it down on the pillow.

"Who was it?" I asked as she started to stretch and knead my shoulder blades.

"Xavier, they carried out the plan." She said flawlessly. "And he wanted m-me to tell you something.. but I already forgot." She said making me laugh into the pillow.

"Of course you did sweetheart."



"Snap it more."

So I did.

"Higher up, get an artery."

So I did.

"Finish it off, you know how."

So I did. And I did it perfectly.

I let out a breath of air when I was finally done and big hands untied my blindfold. I smiled, eager to see what I did, and as soon as the blind fold was off, a big smile grew on my face.


A clean kill to the dummy.

Dead by contact.

If I'm gonna be in this business, and have to murder bad people, I don't want to make them suffer. Although, if they are really really bad, then I might have some fun and carve a little.. but Ethan doesn't need to know that.

I felt a big heavy arm on my shoulder, and I didn't even have to look to know who it was.

"Good job kid." He said patting my back almost making me fall from the strength making me off balance. I chuckled and nodded with a smile.

"Come on Ben! Let's get ice cream!" I said skipping to the dummy and grabbing my baby out of the body, and skipping back over.

"Of course Miss Liv, not getting ice cream with you is the only crime I'm not willing to commit."

I smiled widely and we walked side by side out of the training center.

It was a good day with the Ben man.

As we walked down the hallway heading towards the kitchen Benny moved me behind him, as shouts we heard through the house. I peeked around Benny but much to my disappointment, didn't see anything.

I slowly trailed behind Benny as he moved his suit out of the way, to grab his gun out of the waistband of his pants. He turned the safety off and we walked into the kitchen.

No one was there, although mud was tracked through the house, and my bag of Cheetos were all over the floor.

I groaned looking at the sight.

"So you brought them here?" The voice shouted. I looked in the direction of Ethan's office hearing more yells. I didn't wait for Benny as I made my way there and was about to open the door.

My arm was caught and I was pulled back quickly.

"Olivia, you never open doors if it could be dangerous, ever. Do you understand?" Benny whispered harshly, but more protectively, as I nodded shyly.

He held me behind him as he opened the door quickly raising his gun to face the head of an unknown man in chains.

Ethan sat in his chair looking calm, although I knew he would explode any minute. Grayson stood looking viciously at Xavier as he held three men in handcuffs, and chains around their feet.

"Liv." My head snapped over to Ethan as he motioned with two fingers for me two come to him. I wasn't going to so I didn't seem like a dog that needed directions, but I obeyed seeing as he already looked pretty p'd off.

I stood next to him as he wrapped an arm around my waist, standing up and holding me tighter to him.

"Ora Xavier, spiega." My Italian snapped as Xavier turned his attention to us. He cleared his throat cockily and began.
(Translation> Now Xavier, explain)

"Boss, these three wankers were the only ones left in the rain of bullets, and then tried to bloody escape. We tracked them down, and brought them here. Sorry mates." He said the last part smugly to the three furious men in chains.

Ohh. That's what Xavier wanted me to tell Ethan.

Ethan squeezed my waist before unwrapping his arm from me and walking to the biggest of the three. That's not saying much considering the biggest one is only 5'10 maybe less.

Ethan towers over them.

"What business do you have with fucking up my shipments? And before you even try to lie, I have quite the weapon who can make you talk in a much bloodier way." Ethan said calmly glancing back at me with a proud little smirk.

They all kept their emotionless faces on refusing to speak even after a few punches were given by Gray.

After punches, threats, and a few mocking laughs from them, Ethan decided negotiating wasn't the solution.

He chuckled so devilishly that even the evilest people would be scared, and he walked towards me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close putting his lips right by my ear under my neck.

"Will you do something for me baby?" He whispered placing a small kiss to that spot.

I nodded silently getting excited for my task.

"I want you.. to get inside their heads, then demonstrate those wicked little knife skills you have, yes?" He asked with a thick accent wobbling his words.

A sick smile spread on my face.

What has happened to me? I should be mortified. I shouldn't want to do this.

But I would be one hell of a liar if I said I didn't.

"Is that a yes tesoro?" He whispered as I smiled wider staring right at one of the men I would soon flip inside out.
(Translation> treasure)

I replied with a sick whisper.

"Yes, daddy."


Benny and Xavier finally tied the last one to the chair just as I was about to burst with excitement. I haven't gotten to profile or use my new skills in months! At least not on a real person.

The boys watched me from the glass that was able to see in but not out as I played with the bow on my dagger.

I smiled looking at the first one.

"Hi!" I said happily as he gave me an unamused look. I pouted not getting a reply which is rude.

"What's your name?" I asked with a big smile as he just blinked at me. I frowned and sighed not liking this silent treatment. They are boring.

"Look mister, unless you start talking I'm gonna rip out your fingernails t-then use your blood to fingerprint, it's your choice." I said with a slight stutter, but flawlessly none the less.

The smallest one on the end shifter in his seat slightly and averted his eyes, looking anywhere and everywhere but me. Am I that ugly?

"Hmm." I hummed in approval getting a nice reaction.

After not getting any words, or anymore reactions beside shifting for the next five minutes I decided nice Liv wasn't gonna get the job done.

"Okay were gonna play a game. You, what's your favorite body part?" I asked with a small smirk.

Getting a smirk in return, it seemed the sick man liked this question.

"My dick."

I smiled happily.


I walked over to the small table by the window/mirror which I knew I was being stared at from by Ethan. I sent a small smile and a wink towards the mirror as I grabbed my blindfold. Time for the fun stuff.

I grabbed my pretty dagger and tied the blindfold over my eyes.

"Your dick huh? That's such a naughty word." I said. I felt the soft familiar cotton over my eyes before snapping my wrist leaving my dagger to do the rest. Fly free baby.

A ear bursting scream rang through the small room and I smirked knowing I hit his favorite spot.

I took off my blindfold still hearing the scramming burst my ears, and turned my attention to the crying man. Poor guy. Maybe he's having a rough day.


"You-you crazy, insane, men-mental bitch!" He yelled trying to calm his breathing as my baby was lodged right into his-well his- ding a ling.

I giggled nodding.

"You have no idea."

Vote and comment pretty please<3

I know this update took a million years, but I have just been so so busy, and I'm so sorry I'm the worst author ever. I feel awful but I hope you all like this chapter!

Also oh my fly! The amount of questions you guys asked is insane!! I don't know if the characters can answer that many but I will certainly do my best! Love you all bunches!

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