Chaos of Life

Von CaptainBrieOnToast

600 21 0

Yoongi doesn't do things he doesn't like to do. He doesn't talk to people he doesn't like. He doesn't go to c... Mehr

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20

Chapter Thirteen

29 0 0
Von CaptainBrieOnToast

It was weird to be back home.

It had only been a few months, but already Jimin was used to the college life. Walking and busing to class, being responsible for his own well-being, being around all different people. It was a whole new environment, an entirely new world.

But back at home, it was just everything that he had always grown up with.

It was just... Home.

Jimin rolled over in his bed and stared at his phone blankly.

He had been home for almost a week now and he still hadn't gotten a single message from Yoongi. He hadn't seen anyone since he got home. All the others were just too busy working to spend any time with him already and so he had only really seen his family.

There wasn't anything wrong with that, he loved his family, but he missed his friends.

Jimin turned off his phone and sighed.

"I miss Yoongi," he murmured aloud.

"Who's Yoongi?"

Jimin looked up, surprised to find his younger brother leaning in the door frame staring at him with an amused expression.

His brother was Jungkook's age and the spitting image of Jimin... So everyone said. Jimin quite honestly couldn't see the resemblance, but so few siblings ever did. They got confused for twins so often it was almost tiring.

"A friend," Jimin replied. "Shouldn't you be at school?"

"Eh," Jihyun responded with a sigh. "Why do you miss this 'Yoongi', he not in town?"

"He is," Jimin replied. "But he hasn't texted me or anything yet."

Jihyun laughed and sat down on Jimin's bed next to him, he nudged Jimin up, to which Jimin obliged, wrapping his blanket around his body dumbly.

"Why don't you text him? It's not like you're dating or something, you have nothing to lose," Jihyun replied with a roll of his eyes. Jimin couldn't help the surge of panic that ran through his body.

"I mean, if we were dating, would that be clingy? Like if my girlfriend just kept texting me before I texted her would that be clingy?" He asked nervously. Jihyun's expression turned skeptical.

"Did you finally get yourself a girlfriend?" He asked. Another wave of panic. Jimin's family was nice enough, but he was still scared of telling his brother the truth.

"Yeah, actually, she's my friend Yoongi's sister... Yoonji," he explained. He felt bad about lying. He looked at his brother, who was totally falling for this lie, trying to ignore the big, hot knot of guilt forming in his stomach. Of course, he had no reason to lie about it. They hadn't had a good relationship before they went off to college.

It wasn't awful, but they didn't really talk about things like who they liked and stuff.

He couldn't tell Jihyun he was gay. Not yet anyway. It wasn't really a big deal, Jihyun didn't care about that kind of stuff it just... What if he didn't like Yoongi?

Jimin didn't know what he would do if his brother didn't like Yoongi. Who cared if it was just some passing girlfriend. Someone who Jimin didn't care that much for? This was Yoongi, this was Yoongi. Jihyun had to like him before he knew they were dating because it had to be genuine. He had to actually like Yoongi.

So Jimin couldn't tell him. Not yet.

Not that it even mattered, because Yoongi was making no effort to come hang out with him anyways.

"Well, Yoonji and Yoongi are in town, and I told Yoonji that we would hang out but I haven't texted her yet... She texted me and asked if we were still going to hang out, but isn't that like... Clingy or something?" Jimin asked unsurely. Jihyun looked away from Jimin and thought it over.

"Uh... I don't think so, I mean it's kind of nice you know? Like, she cares about you," he said softly. "It's definitely nothing you should break up with her over you. Sometimes it's nice when the person you are dating makes it known that they want to see you."

Jimin's cheeks warmed just slightly.

"You think so?" He asked uncertainly. He looked down at his phone. "Maybe I'm just overthinking this whole.... Yoon...Ji situation."

"You think?" Jihyun asked with a laugh. He clapped Jimin on the back. "Mom is making pasta for dinner tonight. It's like we are Italian."

And without another word, Jihyun left his room.

Jimin sighed and grabbed his phone, looking at his text history with Yoongi.

Hey, it's been a while

He stopped typing to look over the text. God, that was just stupid.

Hey, Yoongi, what's up?

He deleted the message and frustratedly ran a hand through his hair. He continued to try different versions of the text. It had to be casual, it couldn't come off as clingy, and it had to make it evident that Jimin wanted to hang out with Yoongi.

He pressed his face into his pillow and sighed.

Yoongi would text him eventually... Right? Maybe he should just be a patient boyfriend and wait for Yoongi to contact him first.

Before he could overthink that, his phone vibrated.

Yoongi: You've been trying to text me for the last half hour.

Jimin's face burned and he typed out a response.

Jimin: How did you know?

Yoongi: I've been trying to text you for the last few days.

Jimin's cheeks still flamed red as he stared at the text message on his phone.

So Yoongi missed him too.... And he had also been having trouble texting him.

Jimin: Aren't we a pair?

Yoongi started texting Jimin again, his message bubble popping up and disappearing a few times before finally responding.

Yoongi: Are you at home?

Jimin: Yeah.

Yoongi: I'll be over in ten minutes.

Jimin jumped out of bed and raced into his bathroom, looking at his reflection.

He'd been doing practically nothing for the last few days. He hadn't even showered. He looked like a mess.

Jimin breathed out in exasperation and really quickly got into the shower. He brushed out his hair, cleaned off his body. Then, just to be sure he changed his outfits three times.

Then a fourth time.

The doorbell rang and Jimin heard his brother moving towards the door. He quickly looked out of the bathroom door.

"Wait, don't answer the door Jihyun!" He called out. He heard Jihyun open the front door.

"Too late," his brother called back. Jimin barely resisted the urge to curse and rushed back into the bathroom checking his reflection in the mirror. His hair was still wet and stringy so he grabbed his towel trying to make it look less like he had just gotten out of the shower.

"Jihyun don't let him in," he called out again. "Tell him I'll be right there."

"Too late," came Jihyun's response. Jimin ran a hairbrush through his hair wildly and adjusted his shirt in the mirror.

"Okay, okay, have Yoongi wait for me in the living room."

He turned and pushed into his bedroom, quickly rummaging through his things. If he couldn't fix his hair he had to at least find a hat.

He turned around after not finding his hat in his bag and admittedly jumped when he saw that Yoongi was standing in his room.

Yeah, it had been only a few days really since he saw him, and being so entirely relieved to see the other boy was a little extra but as soon as his eyes fell on Yoongi his anxiety over his hair melted away.

"Yoongi," he breathed.

Yoongi smiled at him.

"I leave you for two seconds and this is what happens?" He teased lightly. Jimin didn't even care how "dumb" he looked. He dropped what he was holding and rushed over to Yoongi, wrapping his arms around his body. He buried his face in his chest and held him tightly.

"I missed you," he murmured. He thought it was too quiet for Yoongi to hear, but just after he spoke, Yoongi wrapped his arms around him.

"I missed you too."

Jimin's face flamed red and he just buried his face further into Yoongi. He didn't care that it seemed clingy. He didn't care that it was a little desperate. All he cared about was being here with Yoongi.

"Hey, Jimin," Yoongi said after a second. Jimin hummed into Yoongi.

"Your brother is coming," he responded. Jimin jumped off of Yoongi and desperately brushed off of his clothes. He looked up as Jihyun appeared in the doorway.

"I sent your friend to your room," he stated coolly. Jimin chuckled.

"Yeah, thanks."

"So did you respond to Yoonji, that's her brother, right? Does he know what you were worried about?" Jihyun asked. Jimin panicked.

"Yeah, of course, I mean," Jimin faltered a little. "Why wouldn't he know?"

"Yeah, I told Jimin it was dumb for him to be worried about his sister messaging him before him just because he hadn't messaged her first," Jihyun stated, to Jimin's mortification. "I think it's really sweet that she wanted to hang out with him so badly."

Yoongi smiled slowly.

"It is nice. She was really excited for him to respond," Yoongi agreed. "I'm actually driving the two to a date right now... I'm surprised he told you about her."

"He was being all anxious... You know how he gets I'm sure, I had to talk some sense into him," Jihyun agreed. "Anyways, it was nice to meet you Yoongi, I'll see you around. I can't wait to meet your sister."

"Oh, she's excited to meet you too," Yoongi agreed. He gave Jihyun a friendly wave and then turned to smile at Jimin teasingly. "You ready for your date with Yoonji?"

"Shut up," Jimin mumbled his face bright red. "I'm not out to my family yet okay?"

Yoongi laughed, and wrapped his arm around Jimin's shoulder, directing him towards the door.

"I know, I know, now let's go. You have a whole city to show me."

Jimin had been in this city for as long as he could remember and thus knew it pretty well. Even so, he didn't realize just how completely and totally boring it was until it actually came to giving someone a tour of it.

He and his friends used to do all sorts of fun things in town. They'd go downtown and play Pokémon Go all day, or go to the mall and walk around the stores mindlessly for hours. They mostly just stayed inside and played video games, but honestly, Jimin had never noticed exactly how boring this town was until now.

He took Yoongi to his favorite place to eat and walked him around town a little. He told him all the things that he and the others used to do and pointed out their favorite eating spots.

He recounted days and days of walking around in the burning sun, but not caring one bit.

Yoongi wasn't complaining. He was taking pictures of Jimin and the scenery that there was to offer (not that there was much) and he was acting impressed, but Jimin still couldn't help but think it was a little lackluster.

"Sorry there isn't much to see," Jimin mumbled as they climbed back into the car. "I guess the city is more fun when you're just a youth wandering around all the time."

"It's a pretty city," Yoongi agreed. He turned Jimin to face him and smiled. "Besides I like seeing where you used to spend all of your time. It's fun."

Jimin's cheeks warmed and he ducked his head.

"O-Okay," he mumbled.

The last place that he took Yoongi was this really pretty park just outside of his town. It was a popular spot because it was a Quarry with beautiful rock formations and a shimmering water surface. A small bridge looked out over it and when the sun was setting there it was positively gorgeous. Jimin draped his body over the railing lazily watching as the suns rose rays reflected off of the water.

"Once an Australian exchange student, Felix, came here with us and he climbed over the fence and down onto the rocks and he almost fell," Jimin said softly, waving a hand through the air. His hair fell into his face so he brushed it out pleasantly. "It was really dark out, we were so mad at him. He almost died."

When Jimin looked up to catch of glimpse of Yoongi he found that he was looking at him instead of the sunset. He tried to hide his look of immense surprise.

"What?" He asked.

Yoongi reached forward, his index fingers brushing the strands of Jimin's hair. As he did so, he began to lean towards Jimin slowly, his eyes flickering from Jimin's hair to his lips.

He looked... Well, he looked really, really happy.

"I'm going to be honest, I'm a little mad," Yoongi said with a sigh. Jimin was taken aback. He hadn't been expecting that to leave Yoongi's mouth.

"Y-You are?"

"Cause you are hiding our relationship from your family," Yoongi replied honestly. He sighed. "I can't help it I don't want any secrets. I don't like secrets. If something needs to be said I want it to be said."


"I know that's a bit hypocritical, I have some secrets I haven't told you yet. So I'm being honest in different ways," Yoongi continued. Jimin nodded slowly. He was trying to pay attention but it was hard when Yoongi's lips were so close to his own.

"I'm gonna come out to my family before break is over, I've just... never had to before," Jimin admitted. He nervously danced his thumbs around one another.

"I know, I know, it's selfish," Yoongi states firmly. "But something about you makes me want to be selfish. I want you all to myself all the time."

Yoongi closed the distance between the two, their lips touching before Jimin could even think about processing the situation.

They were kissing, oh god they were kissing.

Jimin had kissed many people before- not to sound like he kissed just anybody- but nothing had ever been like this. It was like electricity was shooting through every vein in his body.

When he had read about these sorts of moments in books he had always imagined that the main character was just being dramatic and that it wasn't actually that impactful of a kiss but this proved all of that wrong.

Jimin could kiss Yoongi every day and he probably still wouldn't feel like it was enough.

Yoongi began to pull away after a moment, which made Jimin lean in more, deepening the kiss. He raised his arms up and wrapped them around Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi let him kiss him for another few moments but after what honestly felt like only a few short seconds, Yoongi was pressing gently on Jimin's chest, easing him back.

Both of their faces were burning red, and it had nothing to do with the crimson sky behind them.

"You can be selfish with me all you want," Jimin murmured shyly. Yoongi chuckled and glanced at the sunset.

"You can do the same with me," he mumbled back. Jimin smiled and buried his face into Yoongi's chest to hide the look.


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