Remember To Forget

By IgweSharonStone

71.7K 11.5K 722

A Romance - Thriller. β€’~β€’ An accident brings Laura Taiwo to a coma. After a year, she is awake with no memor... More

Author's noteβ˜†


1.3K 205 3
By IgweSharonStone

"So is that exactly what you remember Laury?" Jonathan didn't have it in him to pretend that he understood.

He has been silent for a while. Waiting for her to ask questions but he realized she didn't even know the right questions to ask.

Neither did he.

Laura glanced at the doctor from under her lashes, he stared at her heatedly. It felt like a contest but he looked lost and awkward, at least that's what the weird tapping of his foot told her. She really didn't understand much. The headache, strange faces, her feelings and her inner thoughts were strange to her.

She felt like she knew herself but she didn't quite know who she was exactly.

Yeah! She definitely sounded like a fool.

"Yes and no. I do remember alot of things but I just have this nagging feeling that I'm forgetting something. It's almost like a silly headache. Probably that's why I have this awful pains in my head."

"How's the pains by the way? I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough to sav.."

He couldn't tell her that, at least not yet. What the hell is wrong with him? He needs to understand that she needed time and care. Not more complicated thoughts. He needs to be patient. The last thing he wanted was to see her in more pain.  Jonathan cautioned himself inwardly.

"What were you going to say?" Laura quizzed him, she yearned for an answer.

"Nothing, it's fine." He assured.

"Alot of people do that, you know, at least around me. They start talking and just stop like they were in an accident." She tried to make a joke but his stiff expression told her she was bad at jokes.

Her last statement sent a chill through Jonathan's heart but he knew she was joking. By the time he brought himself to smile, she probably thought he was an asshole.

Meanwhile as these two lovers, with different patterns of emotions, hustled to fathom what they felt.

There was another ponder walking down the hallway alongside two security guards and the head psychologist of Evergreen hospital.

Kelechi Obi trusted herself to be over her - very own obsession - ex-boyfriend, Jonathan or Jonny baby as she used to call him back then.

She wasn't here out of pity or condolences. Apparently that sneaky, hot son of a bitch had his way. She wished he had called or begged but he didn't, instead she did. Her newly founded company needed to go fully public but could only do so by proving their worth to the board. So when she received a call from medical administration and insurance that she had to this or her whole company will be plugged down the drain. She damn right accepted but she hated it. She hated him.

She wanted him. Even after being married with three children, she still wanted that body on hers.

Withstanding her very strong aversion and extreme wishes, Kelechi was prepared to do everything in her power to help Laura Chidi get better. Her future and pride depended on it.

She was planned to make the bitch pay though, but first things first.

"I wanted to tell you before but umm..we are going to have some company."

Laury didn't understand the doctor's words but the next three seconds explained them to her.

Four people came into the room. First her best friend and psychologist, Louisa, then two body guards that Dr. Jonathan stoop up to speak to in a hushed tone. Then a fair, pretty lady came in. She was tall but that was proven false by the extra long and tiny heels. She had a slim face that held no smile or expression. You would expect her physique to be in a mild shape rather she was chubby but dressed elegantly that it was hard to notice how fleshy she is. Bottom line, Laura didn't like the fair, chubby lady especially since she hasn't taken away her sight from the nice doctor since she stepped inside.

But what really annoyed Laura was that the lady ignored her and made no comment about her beautifully scented flowers. Even the guards wished her well and said something about it.

Louisa could feel the extreme tension. All of a sudden she wanted to go home to her lonely apartment and watch Netflix with her grumpy cat, 'Grumpy'.

"I'm glad you could make it Dr Obi." Jonathan greeted with an outstretched palm.

"You know you can call me Kelechi or Kel as you preferred to. I'm glad to be here Jonny." She smiled as she reached out to accept the hand is strong hand. If it was left for her, she would bounce on him and take more than just a palm touch from him.

"It's Dr Chidi to you." The way he withdrew his hand you'd think she had a disease, "Do we understand each other Dr Obi?"

"Yes we do." Hell no they did not.
Kelechi always got what she wanted. Now to the boyfriend snatcher.

"Hey Laura. I am doctor Kelechi Obi and I deal with psychological phantoms. Everything related with the mind and sub-conscious. I have numerous doctors at my beck and call but I heard you needed the best, so I'm here."

Laura didn't know how to respond. Honestly, she didn't want to say anything to the fair doctor that spoke like she had a frozen jaw.

"Laury, it's okay. I and Louisa will be here all through. Okay. I promise you'll be absolutely fine." Jonathan couldn't resist holding her hands any longer as they squeezed the sheets tight. He clutched her fingers so tight, he was suprised she didn't screamed in pain.

Jonathan's palm felt soft and warm to Laura's shivering skin. She felt the same delicious shiver that went through her.

"I'll take notes while you ask her questions. I'll analyze or cut in anytime I notice anything peculiar." Kelechi ordered briskly as she took a sit close to the exist. Her cheeks were quite red.

Louisa decided to stand, it helped her concentrate. The vibes she was feeling was toxic and yet interesting.

"Laury I will ask you simple questions.  I just need you to answer simply. If you don't know the answer, there no problem. We'll move on. Okay?"


"Alright. I need you to take a deep breath and let it out slowly," it was hard for Laura to do that with Jonathan's palm still glued to hers but they helped her remain calm, "repeat that three times then I want you to be neutral and calm"

Oh yes! She could do calm. Aslong as Nath doesn't let her go.

Did she just say Jon? She hoped nobody was a mind reader in the room. She scanned their faces briefly.

Sited with her knees croosed was strict Kelechi. Louisa stood, emotionless and too straight for comfort.

Jonathan leaned so close, Laura could perceive and adore the fact that he smelled so great. His scent were a bit of vanilla and every manliness a perfume could bestow on a man. He scowled but his eyes were worried.

Definitely no mind readers.

Laura took a last deep breath, she let it out and tried her best to shut off her raging thoughts.

"Okay, here we go. How many siblings do you have?

"One. A sister."

"How many parents?"

"Two. Mama and Papa."

"Are you married?"

"I - I don't know."

" You have to tell me what you know. What you know you're sure of, okay."

"Okay. No, I'm not married."

"Do you have kids?"

"A kid. Katherine. She's - ummm - eight years."

"Actually she's nine already, but it's okay. You're doing great."

"Oh. Thanks." Laura didn't feel like she was doing great, actually the exact opposite. She was scared to look at Jonathan, so she kept her eyes on the poster on the wall that read; 'health is wealth but wealth is not health'.

"Okay. We are going into complicated questions next. Remember it's okay if you don't know the answer."

"I understand." No she did not.

"Do you remember your first kiss?"

Laura paused for a while.

Jonathan knew the answer. Laury always talked about her first crush in senior secondary school, Tobi, who she kissed in the canteen during lesson period. She talked about it because he was a horrible kisser.

"It was skinny Felik, he was my friend before he --- ummm....."

"He what Laury?" Louisa asked with a little push.

"I don't know. I can't remember."

Laura took the risk. She looked at Jonathan. His grip was still tight but his facial expression was tighter. He studied her, it was like he was searching for something. She looked away, not because she was scared of what he might find but because there might be nothing to find in the first place.

She might be an empty nobody.

For the first time. Laura welcomed the fear that she held at bay.

"Louisa, can you just tell me what's wrong with me? I need to know. I think I deserve to know."

She sat up straight, she didn't let the headache eat up her newly found confidence even though it came with stunning fear. She slipped her wet palm from the doctor's hold. She didn't want to be settled anymore. Her emotions were unfamiliar and they made her feel deranged.

Louisa channeled her gaze to the doctor. His blank expression gave her nothing.

"Dr Jonathan?" Louisa called from across the room.

"Huh, Oh. Yes yes sure." Jonathan gave a throaty response.

"Okay sir. Laura I need you to be calm while I say this." Louisa began.

"Okay. No problem." There was a lot of problems. Who the hell was she kidding and since when did she swear so much. Hell she didn't even know that too. Fuck.

"You were in a car accident on the tenth of February. Your car was slammed into a pole by a lumbering truck. Your head was smashed onto your steering wheel causing numerous internal injuries. Though a few has healed during your coma which was for one year but your skull has been affected and a section of your brain which led to your temporary loss of memory and mis information. Your test results are unusual and seems medically impossible. It seems that you.."

"I'll carry on from here, thank you Louisa." Kelechi rose up from her seat and stood a tad closer to Laura's bed then spoke with fascination like she just had a medical breakthrough.

"As Miss Louisa was saying, you are able to remember bits from two stages of memory lane. Like you have two people's memory. Only this time these two, very separate individual, might just be one. That's you. Here is the interesting ... I mean worrisome part. It seems this is not your first."

"My first what?"

"Amnesia. Of course. It seems you have had a traumatic memory loss in the past. More from a chaotic event that led to your subconscious protecting itself and caging up all your memory of a certain age. It's still a working progress, but I think I know how to screw back the loose nuts in your head, Laury."

Why did her hospitalized nickname sound so pale from the fair lady's lips, Laura thought as she couldn't understand what was happening.

Kelechi cleared her throat, "The accident, which is another traumatic event, seem to have torn open that path way of your forgotten child hood but your subconscious did it's work as usual of shutting down your current memory out of the accident's trauma. In a layman's term, the accident helped you remember a past you never knew you had but the head trauma caused you to forget your present life as you know it."

Laura experienced an urge to cry but she also wanted to scream in laughter.

It all sounded like a joke but the sharp pangs rushing through her brain told her it wasn't.

Laura knew more now but she thought being bold would give her answers.

It felt like the more she knew. The less she could comprehend.

    An hour after Kelechi dumped a bombshell on Laura. They sedated her because she became hysterical. Jonathan hated to see her that way.

He decided to take her home.

The whole family agreed. Jonathan was happy his wife was to return home. Katherine was ecstatic about and to see his baby girl so joyful made Jonathan so satisfied.

He sat in his office and made necessary arrangements.

That was when his office phone rang.

"Hey, chioma, I said I didn't want any disturbance. Didn't I make myself clear..."

"Sir it's your senior brother. He's making his way to your office right now. I tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen. I am sorry sir."

"It's okay chioma. The young man just walked in. Get us coffee would you. Just black."

"Hey bro." They shook hands and hugged.

Jackson looked tired but also anxious.

"You okay bro. You look horrible."

"Yeah. I know but I don't need to complain after all you are going through. I'm sorry man. Anyway, I need to tell you something."

"Something that the modern technology couldn't help us out with."
The joke was obviously lost to his elder brother.

"I need you to relax."

Jonathan took his brother's order and leaned back to his chair, fingers crossed and attentive.

"What's wrong? Is it Mary or the boys? Talk to me man!"

"I said relax."

After few seconds. Chioma brought the coffee and left an envelope on his desk which he didn't care for.

"It's father. He's out. He got parole after saving the life of the prison administrator. He's on probation for 4 weeks. He was supposed to be out next month, but he was somehow given an earlier permit. I thought you knew, I told mother to inform you. I guess she didn't because of the stress you are going through, trying to figure out how to replenish her health and Laura's health. How is she though? It's all fucked up bro. I tried calling John but he's not picking or returning my calls."

Jonathan probably lost Jackson's obviously rehearsed speech from the beginning but his brain was still able to understand that his monster of a father was back and that - that -

"What about mom's health?" Jonathan questioned. His demeanor grew stiff and silent.

"Well, that she was diagnosed with breast cancer last three months."

"She what!" Jonathan bellowed.

Jonathan's worst nightmare was being released and his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.

How could he be so oblivious, more so as a doctor himself.

He became weak and felt isolated.

He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was exhausted.

He thought of his wife's smile. The smile he woke up to every morning.

The smile that couldn't recognize him.

The smile he would always remember.

He needed it. He needed it to relax.

He didn't have it.

He was too clouded.

When he heard the next news. He became menacingly enraged .

Then, he made another drastic decision.

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