johnten ✧ impassive

By jaegersbf

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Lure, Seduce, Kill. These Three Words Marked And Defined Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkyul's; Ten's Life. As An As... More



873 75 17
By jaegersbf

Donghyuck slammed his hand on his black painted, wooden desk,"Are you insane? What made you even think I'd be okay to disregard your task?"

Ten folded his arms over his chest, leaning back onto his chair,"He's not that easy to kill."

Donghyuck leaned closer, "Was he there the first night you targeted him?"

Ten almost grew nervous for a split second,"No."

"Hm," Donghyuck clicked his tongue,"It doesn't matter if you're lying or not. It won't change that fact that he'll eventually be killed. Whether it's you or somebody else."

Ten didn't reply as Donghyuck leaned back in his seat,"Until you can kill him, you have a new target."

Ten exhaled a uninterested sigh as he pushed himself off of his seat,"Okay."

Ten didn't attempt to retort anything Donghyuck said for he realized he was in fault here. He should have never let himself unknowingly grow even the slightest bit attached to Johnny.

He shoved his hands into his pockets while he strolled down the hall if the facility, his heels clicking against the tile.


Donghyuck kept his line of sight forward as Ten exited the car."You're not required to seduce this target. Just kill them."

Ten leaned through the doorway,"Anything else?"

"The target is skilled in combat. Avoid direct confrontation."

"Uh-huh. How'd you forget to mention that when it's the important details?" Ten slammed the car door shut and walked down the humid street.

As he strolled, Ten felt out of place. Every corner you turned was filled with expensive housing, wealthy looking people who lead good lives. They appeared secure and happy with themselves. It was the opposite of what Ten was; the complete opposite.

He kicked a single pebble as he walked, almost getting annoyed at the repetitive sight he saw,"I think I'd rather enjoy the sent of tobacco and perverted, old men then this." It only pissed him off because it reminded Ten of what he wasn't; a good person.

Halfway through what seemed like an endless stroll he'd arrived at the front of the target's house. He paced in a circular motion for a few seconds before hesitantly walking up to the front door.

He tapped his foot as the faint sound of the target's rough footsteps approached the door. He exhaled, actually annoyed due to the fact of the way he had to kill the victim.

"Let's get this over with fast."

He closely watched as the doorknob turned, catching a quick glimpse at the target as the door swung open. Once that opening was given, Ten did not hesitate to stab the man in the gut. The silent drops of blood traced onto the blade, dripping from Ten's hand onto the porch. Ten tugged his hand back, looking down at the man who was now falling to the floor. A apathetic expression remained on his face as the man gripped his leg. The Thai reached down, staring into the victim's eyes with utmost pity,"By the time anyone finds your body, you'll be dead." Ten pulled back from the man's grip, walking down the street as if nothing had occurred. He looked at his hand which was stained crimson,"What a mess."

Ten speed walked back to the car, silently annoyed as he slammed the door close and rested his head against the fogged window. Donghyuck's eyes observed Ten's composure for a few seconds before deciding to say anything,"What's wrong?"

Ten's fingers rhythmically tapped against the leather armrest. Avoiding eye contact with Donghyuck, he answered,"I'm fine."

Donghyuck comfortably adjusted himself on his seat, his legs and arms crossed,"No, you're not. You're agitated at something."

Ten shot his head the opposite direction, his gaze almost immediately met with Donghyuck's,"I'm fine."

Donghyuck 'tsked', giving up knowing Ten wouldn't speak no matter how many times he asked.


Ten finished cleaning himself in the shower, a slight relief washed over him. He slipped on a white t-shirt, black sweatpants and Nike shoes shortly before he notified Donghyuck he was walking to a nearby grocery store.

"We already have food here."

"Well, it tastes like shit."


Ten's keys jingled as he strolled down the semi-busy street. He'd been so caught up with targets, he forgot what it exactly felt like to just relax. His breath sharpened when inhaled the crisp, cold air accompanied with the faint sent of gasoline in the air and petrichor.

He walked into the market, the automatic doors shutting close behind him. Truthfully, he wasn't one to complain about food nor did he actually think the food he was given by Donghyuck was bad. Ten was just always particularly interested in what a normal person's life is like; what it's like to live a life that doesn't require you to kill several times a week.

He carelessly walked through every isle, simply enjoying his temporary freedom. The AC brought goosebumps to Ten's skin as he walked past the frozen isle before reaching the snack isle. He didn't pay much attention to anything until a box of dark chocolate caught his eye. He approached the shelf, looking both ways before reaching up to grab it, yet he was too short.

"Who the hell puts a box of chocolate this high up?"

He stood on his toes, his fingers brushing against the edge of the plastic before another hand reached for the bag,"Need some help with that, Cinderella?"

Ten abruptly turned his body around once he recognized that voice, his eyes immediately met Johnny's,"What are you doing here?"

Johnny straightened his back,"It's a grocery store. I'm trying to  make sure I don't starve."

Ten discarded his obvious question,"It doesn't matter give me the chocolate." Ten lounged forward to grab the bag from Johnny's grasp only for Johnny to swipe his hand back.

"No. Not unless you have dinner with me."

"What? No." Ten continued his attempts to get the bag, every single one failing. Johnny fully extended his arm holding the bag over his head as Ten stood on his toes trying to grab it.

Johnny slightly bent down,"Have dinner with me and it's yours."

Ten didn't reply, simply growing infuriated as it was blatantly obvious Johnny was enjoying teasing him. Only after a couple more seconds of this routine did Ten stubbornly give up,"Fine."

With a smile on his face, Johnny lowered the bag as Ten quickly snatched it from Johnny's grasp. He marched to checkout in which Johnny followed as he too was done with shopping. Ten threw the bag on the conveyor belt while the employee finished with the other customer and smiled at Ten before scanning his item.


Ten dug in his pockets, then realized he'd forgotten his wallet. He turned his head towards Johnny who was watching in amusement. Ten awkwardly smiled at the woman behind the register, unsure of exactly what to do. His pride wouldn't allow him to discard the item after he'd tried so hard to get it from Johnny.

That deep, soothing voice intervened,"I'll pay for it."


Ten walked alongside Johnny to the exit where he was given the bag,"Now, you have to have dinner and a movie with me."

Ten pouted which unknowingly only made him appear cuter; the exact opposite of what his reputation as an assassin was supposed to be. Johnny placed his fingers under Ten's chin, pecking the boy on the lips, earning a growing peach tint on Ten's cheek. Ten shamefully looked away,"When are we supposed to-," he coughed mid-sentence, lowering his tone,"-have dinner?"

"Tomorrow night. Just meet me here."

Ten felt slightly exhilarated in this moment, though he still didn't understand the emotions that caused him to feel this way,"Okay."

"See you soon, beautiful."


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