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"Where the fuck were you?"

Ten poured himself a glass of water as the younger interrogated him,"What do you mean?"

"The sensory on the doors said you left while I was sleeping. Where did you go?"

Ten sipped the liquid while his eyes darted to the corner of the wall,"I just went for a walk. Why do you care?"

"You left for a four hour walk?"


Donghyuck side-eyed Ten once before turning his back and heading towards his office. The short boy mentally smirked, honestly amazed at the fact that he was able to go on with this routine. Sure, this was only his second or third time doing this but, how hard could it be to continue it?

It felt idiotic though. Johnny was supposed to be dead. He was supposed to be dead a month ago. So, why was Ten allowing himself to become attached to the person he needed to kill?

Ten sharply exhaled, setting the glass down on the marble counter. He slid through the halls, his socks allowing him to glide against the wooden floors before slipping backwards and landing on his ass.

Ten, who was simply bored out of his mind, slowly wandered back to his room. He repeatedly played with the wardrobe doors, shutting them open and closed. After spending so much time laughing with Johnny, Ten no longer felt satisfied or interested in what he would regularly do. That heart-throbbing emotion he got around the taller male was basically his lifeline.

Ten threw his bed sheets over his head, tightening them around him, he pouted before rolling to the right till he fell off his bed. He looked to the window before getting an idea. Ten crawled over to his tennis shoes, holding them against his chest and advancing towards the window. Then, the door was abruptly swung open,"What the hell are you doing?"

Ten looked over his shoulder, by his expression it was obvious Donghyuck was weirded out.

"I'm bored."

"Well, you can cure your boredom with your new target."

Ten groaned in annoyance. Even though he had no current desire to go after a target, it's not like he had the option to reject. 

"When do we have to leave?"

"Now. It's her last night in the country.Who asks for a person to be assassinated the same day they leave?"

"Her?" "The target's female?"

"Yes, I hope you don't have any problems with that."


 "Gender doesn't determine when or how a person will die, Ten."

Killing a women was something highly unusual and rare for Ten to do. Hell, when was the last time he even talked to one?

"Mhm, okay."


Ten waited in hospital parking structure. His arm rested on the car roof while he leaned through the window,"She's a doctor? You realize if she doesn't die instantly she can possibly still live, right?"

Donghyuck pulled his cherry flavored lollipop out of his mouth,"Then I trust you can kill her immediately." He popped the red sucker back in his mouth, looking at Ten with eyes that told him to go.

Thrusting his hands into his pockets, Ten strolled out of the parking structure into the elevators and shortly after the hospital building itself. He kept the women's face lingering in his mind as he crept through the halls, making sure to not raise suspension for a single doctor or nurse.

Luckily for Ten, the female doctor he was looking for speedily walked past him and into an empty surgery room. Her long, black hair tied back and brushed against her white coat as she swayed in her walk.

Ten slyly opened the room doors, hiding himself behind the hefty medical equipment and tables. He observed the doctor ―like a cheetah stalking a gazelle― as she clicked her pen and checked off boxes on her clipboard. His cold blade slid down his pale wrist, securing the metal in his grasp. Only then was everything set until Ten's usually imperceivable movements were taken notice of after he tripped over a wire and caused a cart to faintly move. It was a stupid mistake which caught the observant target's attention. Her head shot to the area which Ten was in. Ten's body tensed up realizing it was this or he wouldn't get the job done cleanly. He'd already disappointed Donghyuck enough to afford that.

As the raven haired women slowly approached Ten, he kicked the cart towards her body, causing her to temporarily loose balance and topple over to the side. He somewhat lounged at her, the blade slipping out of his fingers due to his hands sweating profusely. Instead of wasting time screaming, the women grabbed one of the scalpels that had fell off the cart and struck Ten with it in his thigh. The short male clenched his teeth in pain as he tried to secure the slipping sharp metal in his hands. She tugged at Ten's hood and pulled it over his eyes, obstructing his sight before sliding out from under Ten and scrambling for the door.

She swung the door open only to be met with Donghyuck who instantly and effortlessly slit her throat. The younger's face painted with crimsom as he watched her body helplessly sink to the tile floor, afterwards looking at Ten,"Get in the fucking car."


Somehow, Donghyuck and Ten had been able to leave the hospital without suspicion let alone the doctor's corpse being discovered. Once inside the car, they sat in silence.

"Is your leg okay?"

Ten adjusted his hold around his thigh,"It's fine. She didn't stab deep enough."

"She shouldn't have been able to stab at all. For a high-ranking assassin, you're doing a pretty fucking terrible job, Ten."

The older dug his fingernails into his injured limb,"I'm aware."

"Then fix it," Donghyuck finished before telling the driver to leave.


It was 2:17 a.m . The short male submerged himself in his fluffy bed sheets, wondering if Donghyuck could say at least three sentences to him without cursing. Through the useless thoughts, Donghyuck's lingered in his mind.

"Then fix it."

If he was going to do just that, it didn't matter how much Johnny made his heart throb, he was going to kill him.


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