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"Well, I apologize but he wasn't present in the hotel at the time." Ten sat in front a larger monitor, completely bored and careless as the man who requested Johnny killed, yelled at him for failing.

Ten dug his nails into his forearm, the fact that he failed to kill a target was aggravating. And it was all because of a kiss. What got him even madder is that fact that when the man on the other side of the screen said,"I'm sending you again. Kill him," he actually felt slightly ecstatic.

There's no way he's taking a liking to target. Not that Ten even knew what it was like to like someone. Though at this point Ten harboured a fear of what Johnny would do to him. Mentally. If it was difficult to kill him; or in the end he simply couldn't, what would it do for his reputation as an assassin?

Once the monitor screen turned black, Ten stretched his back then tapped his fingers on the armrest of the chair. Donghyuck turned towards Ten, his arms crossed over his chest and his ankles overlapping one another,"You won't fail this time, right?"

Ten spun the chair around, pushing himself off of the leather,"It was a one time thing. Get over it. It's not like I regularly fail to kill targets."

Donghyuck watched Ten's back as the short boy left the room,"I hope so."


Here they were again, outside a hotel; specifically the casino portion, awaiting for Ten to go in and kill Johnny; the target. Ten carelessly stepped out of the car and roughly slammed the door shut. He dug his hands into his pockets, caring less about his appearance at this point.

Ten entered the casino, the sharp scent of tobacco filling his senses, leaving Ten nauseated. He walked past the bar, not in the mood for any alcohol. He sat down at a gambling table, accompanied by three other people. The floorperson shuffled the deck, eyeing each person at the table.
The woman beside Ten blew smoke as the floorperson gave every player their set of cards. Ten held his breath as practically everyone at the table couldn't go five seconds without exhaling the toxic smoke.

After a few minutes of careless gambling, Ten grew bored and removed himself from the table without a word. He was getting sick of the scent in here and it was only more irritating that he still hadn't seen or spotted Johnny.

He wandered around the casino for a few minutes on end to no avail. He considered leaving and telling Donghyuck that Johnny wasn't present. At least he wouldn't have to lie this time.

At least that's what he though until that oddly familiar deep voice became audible through the sounds of chatter and slot machines. Ten walked past Johnny, heading to the lobby, Johnny only noticed the boy when he turned corners. Johnny set his drink down on the bar counter and followed Ten out of the casino.

Johnny stepped out of the hall, seeing Ten's face relieved from holding his breath. Johnny stood behind Ten and leaned on the right side if the stairway that led up to several restaurants,"Not a big fan of smoking, huh?"

Ten turned around, meeting the taller's eyes,"The scent is sickening."

Johnny thrust his hands into his pockets,"The fact that you're here must mean I'm supposed to die tonight. I'm sorry but I don't plan on having a short life."

Ten tapped his fingers against his leg, dodging Johnny and heading upstairs.

Johnny swung around,"Where are you going?"

"I honestly don't care whether you're to live or die but this lobby reeks of cigarettes."


Throughout the whole night, Johnny trailed Ten like a pet to their owner. He talked to Ten as if they had known one another their whole life. Ten couldn't comprehend any of these actions either. Why stick close to the person whose going to attempt killing you at the end of the night? The worst part is that Ten began to enjoy it; even cracking smiles at some of the stuff Johnny would say. These were things he was never supposed to do as an assassin yet he couldn't help it.

Ten stopped walking and looked up at Johnny. His mind wandered for a second. What was this heart-racing, cheek-warming, pulsating feeling he got when he talked to Johnny? All he knew at that moment was that he had never achieved this emotion with anyone else.

It was an unwritten rule in assassination to never fall in love with the targets. Due to this, Ten didn't realize what he was experiencing was love. He didn't realize that the reason why he loved hearing Johnny's voice, the reason why he felt slightly happy hearing he'd have to target Johnny again, the reason why Johnny made him feel different from anyone else, was because he was simply falling in love. Maybe it's too early to exactly say Ten was unknowingly in love with Johnny, but it wasn't far-fetched to say he began to harbor a crush.

Johnny looked down at Ten, he laughed,"Yes?"

"I'll assume there's not a chance you'll allow me to kill you tonight."

"Not a chance."

Ten realized that barely over two hours had passed,"I have to go now."

Johnny turned to Ten,"Leaving so soon, Cinderella? Hopefully next time you can manage to get my throat open."

Ten kept a apathetic expression as he walked past Johnny, flicking his wrist out, making the blade fling out and thrusting his body at Johnny only to be stopped by his grip,"Bad idea. I told you there was no chance I'm allowing you to kill me."

Ten clicked his tongue, half part embarrassed as an assassin and half part glad Johnny was bleeding out on the floor.

Ten gripped the blade back in his sleeve, turning his back towards Johnny and exiting the casino.

"Once again, I'll look forward to the next time you try to kill me."

Ten swung the casino doors open, being exposed to the coldness of the night. He walked with a sass in his steps back to car where Donghyuck somehow had the patience to wait two hours in.

He tugged the car door open,"He wasn't ther-"

Donghyuck interrupted,"It seems like you enjoyed yourself."


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