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Donghyuck entered Ten's room. His arms crossed over his chest as he questioned Ten like an angry parent,"You were out late last night. I don't think trips to the grocery store take that long."

Ten ruffled his dripping hair with a towel, water droplets rolled down his exposed chest as he lazily sat back onto the leather couch,"Since when did you start caring so much about what I do? I kill and you get paid. It's that simple."

"Well, you haven't been killing your targets as much lately."

Ten sharply sighed, a tone of annoyance in his voice,"Is this about Johnny again? He's one target out of many. Don't treat me like you can kill anyone any better."

Donghyuck softly exhaled,"You didn't run into Johnny or anything, right?"

Ten pulled the towel from both sides of his head down,"No. I already told you where I was going."

The younger gripped the edge of the dresser before releasing a short sigh and heading to the doorway,"Okay then."


Ten submerged himself in his bed sheets. His emotions felt attached to the previous night as he could not stop thinking about the taller male. His head shot up as a lightbulb went off in his head. Possibly, he could leave the building without Donghyuck knowing. After hearing pattering from outside, Ten walked over to window, to his luck it had started raining. This was only lucky for him because Donghyuck possessed a habit of taking naps during rainfall.

Ten, without hesitation, changed into a pair of blue jeans, an Adidas hoodie and sneakers. He sneaked out of room, making sure to silently close every single knob. He peeked over into Donghyuck's room, pressing his ear against the door and mentally high-fiving himself when he heard the younger's soft snores. It was lowkey adorable for someone who pissed Ten off every time he spoke.

Ten quickly left the house like a grounded teenager sneaking away to a party. Ten ran through the freezing rainfall, praying in his mind that the rain would continue for some time.

He reached the familiar grocery store then headed in the same direction Johnny lured him in. Ten was almost keen when it came to remembering directions that this was fairly simple. He walked inside the complex, his entire outfit drenched and dripping. He tightly squeezed the cotton cloth of his shirt before heading up yo the same room he had been lead to.

As he stood in front of the silver shaded door, Ten clenched his fists, wondering once again what were those feelings that brought himself sneak out and come here. He hesitantly knocked, balancing on his toes as he waited for an answer.

Why was he even here again?

He awaited for the door to be opened, as footsteps from the inside could be heard approaching the door. An abrupt stop in the sound put Ten on edge while the door way suddenly swung open and a glock held by Johnny was aimed for the head.


"Ten? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Why are you aiming a gun at me?"

"Because I thought you were an assassin."

"I am."

"No. An assassin can actually kill their targets."

Ten crossed his arms over his chest,"What's with the glock anyways? The first time I tried to kill you, you stopped me with your bare hands."

Johnny opened the door wider, allowing Ten to walk in and which he did,"Never mind the fact that I almost killed you right now. What are you doing here?"

Ten bit on his tongue, mumbling what he was saying making it almost completely inaudible,"I couldn't stop thinking of you."


Ten fidgeted on his own feet. How could one person suddenly make him act this way?

"It's still raining outside, right?"

Johnny rested his hand on his opposite shoulder,"Yeah, I think. Why?"

"If I don't get back before the sun comes out after it rains and that means I'll die."

"I have no idea what that means. Looks like you're turning into Cinderella in some way."

"I'm not Cinderella. Stop calling me that."


Ten looked at Ten with an annoyed look on his face,"You're extremely pestering."

Johnny walked closer to Ten,"You're the one that showed up uninvited. Therefore, I get to annoy you. Plus, you're extremely cute when annoyed."

Maybe the whole plan of seeing Johnny backfired as Ten was growing flustered and annoyed with the man,"I cannot wait til I kill you."

Johnny leaned over the shorter man,"Keep trying, princess. I've already told you I don't plan on dying soon."

Ten leaned back before closing the gap between Johnny's lips and his. He pulled back after a few seconds, taking a quick gasp of oxygen,"You're lucky you're pretty."

Johnny broke into a cheeky smile while Ten's drew circles on his cheek with his finger. Ten honestly found it unusual that one person was able to make him loquacious and happy? If that's what that pulsing emotion in his heart even was.

Johnny ran his fingers through the shorter man's jet-black hair,"You're very beautiful."

There he went on again with the "beautiful". But, truthfully, how beautiful could Ten really be? He was technically a muderer.


Ten traced his fingers over Johnny's mildly swollen lips. Maybe their kisses got a little too heated for a little bit.

The American male looked down at the Thai,"Ten?"

Ten placed his hand down,"Yeah?"

"Why didn't you kill me with a gun when we first met? You probably would have got it done if you did."

"It's simple. I don't like guns; I despise them."


Ten ignored the question, instead looking out the window,"The rain is beginning to stop. I'll have to go or the sun will kill me."

"Should I be concerned-"

Ten kissed the tip of Johnny's nose before parting with him and rushing through the dissipating rain. Though he could comfortably kiss Johnny now, Ten still wasn't aware of the fact that he was in love with Johnny.


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