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The morning light shown through the curtains that hung over the long windows in Ten's room. His eyes flattened before adjusting to the blinding light. Gripping the end of his pillow, he lifted it up, then grabbing the phone which Johnny had nonchalantly given to him. The screen turned on, relieving it from the dark page and a single notification covered part of the screensaver. Ten tapped on the notification, taking him straight to the messaging app where a pair of  messages were shown.

my one and only 😍😤: daily reminder

my one and only 😍😤: i am handsome

Ten rolled his eyes at the message before turning the phone off and stuffing it between the bed frame and mattress. He threw the fluffy bed sheets off of his petite body and headed to the bathroom. While lazily brushing his teeth, his half-awake brain reminisced and his thoughts drifted off the few, but precious times he'd spend with Johnny.

He spit the toothpaste out in the sink, then rinsing his mouth out with mouthwash before changing into a lose white tank top and black Adidas pants and shoes.


Ten trained till it seemed as if he was to pass out from exhaustion. It didn't help that the specific room he trained in didn't have an A.C. as well.

The door swung open, Donghyuck entering and throwing a water bottle at Ten which ricocheted off the back of his head. Ten bent over, grasping and twisting the plastic cap of the bottle. He downed over half the bottle before letting out a tired sigh and tossing the bottle to the side.

Donghyuck's heels clicked against the floor as he minimally paced around the floor,"You're welcome."

Ten wiped the dripping sweat from his forehead with his forearm. His cheeks tinted red from the exhaustion, deciding he'd stop for the day. Donghyuck crossed his arms over his chest, leaning his body against one of the many deteriorated punching bags,"I'm leaving for the rest of the week. Don't run off or I'm beating your ass."

"Like you can but okay."


Ten sat in boredom of the empty house. He was so quiet that the flapping of a bird's wings could easily be audible. He thrusted his hand in between the mattress, acquiring the phone then switching it on.

He swiped the phone unlocked then went straight for the messaging app, clicking on the only contact there. He carefully tapped each letter on the keyboard as he was not accustomed to typing yet.

are you home ?

He waited for a reply which came fairly quickly.

my one and only 😍😤: awe, you miss me already, cinderella?

my one and only 😍😤: ofc I'm home ;)

Ten sighed at Johnny's "flirtiness" through the message. With that he changed his clothes and headed out of the building.


Jogging the whole way, Ten arrived fairly quickly. Johnny greeted him at the door with a peck on the tip of his nose which never failed to make Ten feel extremely bashful.

They rested on the couch, not saying much to each other while 'Carrie' played on the t.v. Johnny rubbed his thumb against Ten's cheekbone, not fixating much attention to the movie as Ten was.

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