Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel...

By Foreign-baby

93.8K 2K 228

contains G!P These short stories was written already , I just changed the characters names because I wanted t... More

A Little Laugh
Basketball Camp
Class Clown
Class Clown part 2
Dont Deny
Dont Deny Part 2
I Hate Your Dad
I Hate Your Dad Part 2
I Hate Your Dad Part 3
I Hate Your Dad Part 4
Im In Love
Repair shop
Repair Shop Part 2
Soccer Part 2
Solider Part 2
Teacher Part 2
Techer Part 3
Teacher Part 4
You Saved Me
You Saved Me Part 2
You Saved Me part 3
You Saved Me Part 4
Im Pregnant


2.9K 68 18
By Foreign-baby

"Ava come on" Carol said calling for her daughter.

" I can't find my shoes" the 5 year old said.

"Which pair princess?" She asked.

"My light up frozen shoes"

"Oh I put them outside to dry" Carol said going outside to get the shoes.

Walking outside to get her daughter's shoes she cussed herself when she didn't see them.

"Did you find them mommy?" Ava asked coming to the door.

"No..... someone took them baby girl. But please don't be upset..... I'll get you more, I promise" Carol said.

Carol heart broke seeing her daughter's face. She walked over to her picking her up, going back in the house Carol went to find her another pair of shoes. Giving her some old boots, she put them on. Once she was ready Carol grabbed her car keys and headed out the door.

"Seat belt" Carol said looking at Ava through the rear view mirror.

"Can I get the blanket mommy? Ava asked.

Carol's car had no A/C and it was freezing so she kept a blanket in the car. Passing the blanket to her shepulled out driving her to school.

Things wasn't always like this. Carol was married and was able to afford things for her daughter. But that changed when she got into a car accident leaving her paralyzed from the waist down for a year. She and everyone else thought it was permanent. Her wife at the time was fed up, saying she couldn't take care of her and a toddler. One morning she woke up in bed with Ava on the side of her. Calling for her wife but she never got an answer, she left Carol and Ava with nothing. Getting to Ava's school she helped her out the car and watched her walk inside the building.


You was sitting outside grading papers while your students was playing. You frowned when you seen Ava sitting down over by the tree. The little girl usually be running around with her friends. You got up walking towards her, when she got closer she heard Ava's crying.

" Ava what's wrong sweetie?" You asked.

" my foot. I-I felled from the monkey bars" Ava cried.

"Ok sweetie let's get you to the nurse" you said helping Ava up.

Ava let out a loud cry when she walked on her foot the pain forcing her to sit back down.

" it hurtssss" Ava cried.

"Ok. Can I pull your shoe off to take a better look?" You asked.

Ava nodded her head before letting you take her shoe off. You gasped when you seen Ava's feet, her big toe was purple looking so you knew that was definitely broken and she had blisters. Pulling off her other shoe, she had blisters on that feet as well. You stood up before picking the little girl up in her arms.

"Lizzie I'm taking her to the nurse make sure you bring them in at 12:40" you Said to your class assistant.

You took Ava to the nurse sitting her down on the table before getting the nurse attention.

"Her toe is broke and she has blisters" you Said.

"I... ms. Y/L/N I can't fix that. The hospital is gonna have to correct her toe" the nurse said.

"Um ok. I'll have to call her mother" you said.

You walked out the nurse room before going to the lady at the front desk asking for Ava's contact information. Once she found a number she called.

"Hi is this Ms. Danvers?"

"This is she" Carol said.

"Your daughter has a broken toe and needs to be taken to the hospital" you said jumping to the point.

".....fuck... um........ could I speak to her teacher?" Carol asked.

"You're speaking to her" you chuckled.

"Hi, I'm like an hour away from the city and I was wondering if I could just meet y'all at the hospital. I'm leaving as we speak right now" Carol said.

"Ah yeah. S-sure" you Said.

You hung the phone up before walking back in the room to Ava.


"What are those?" Ava said pointing at the saggy skin that were on her feet.

"Blisters.......was your shoes too tight?" You asked the little girl.

"Yeah..... mommy say someone took my light up shoes off the porch but she said she'll buy me more" Ava said.

You knew the little girl didn't have it all. How the way she dressed coming to school. You felt bad for her, no child should have to go through what she goes through.

"Alright lets set that toe back in place" the doctor said coming in the room.

You got up moving on the bed next to Ava.

Ava pulled her feet back and in the process she pulled the skinny of the blisters on her heel.

"Don't worry baby I'm right here. I got you" You said pulling the little girl in your lap.

"I don't want it to hurt" Ava cried.

"It's going to be really quick ok?" You said wiping the tears off her cheek.

Ava slowly gave her foot to the doctor, cuddling more into you. She cried out when the doctor snapped her toe back in place.  You couldn't do nothing else but just hold her.

"It's ok baby girl" you cooed.


Carol finally got to the hospital, rushing to her daughter's room.

"Oh my god I can't thank you enough" Carol said walking in the room.

"Hey. It's no problem" you said.

Carol walked over to her daughter kissing her head as she slept.

"they said they wasn't discharging her until you get here" you said.

Finally getting a good look at Carol, her bottom lip was swollen like someone punched her. Her clothes were dirty too, you seen tears rolled down her face as she sat on the bed looking down at her daughter's feet.

"I'm such a fuck up" she mumbled to herself but it was loud enough for you to hear it.

"Hey don't say that. You're a good mother" you said.

"I'm not. A good mother can get their child a decent meal everyday instead of junk food, a good mother can afford for their child to go on field trip with the school instead of taking her to some crappy park, and good mother can get her daughter shoes that she can actually fit" Carol Said drying her eyes.

That explained why you never see Ava on the days the 1st graders go on field trip. You stood up walking over to Carol, sitting down in front of her.

" you care deeply about her and you love her to death and I'm pretty sure you'll put your life on the line for her. That's what make you a good mother" you said grabbing her hand.

"I just want the best for her. And I'm trying so hard to give that to her" she sobbed.

"You just need help. That's it...."

You were interrupted when the doctor and some lady walked in the room. You stood on your feet brushing your pants off.

"Ms. Danvers?"

"Yeah?" Carol answered.

"This is mrs. Greene. She a social worker..."

"You're not taking my daughter away from me" Carol said cutting the doctor off.

"It's not permanent, it's only until you proven to the court that you've got yourself today. You're not listed in the system that you have job" the lady said.

"You're not taking my daughter period! I don't give a fuck what the system says" Carol snapped.

Looking over at Ava seeing if she woke her up. But the nurse gave her a dose in her iv for her pain.

"If you can't comply I'll be force to bring the police in to escort you out" the doctor said.

"Yeah let's not go there" you piped in.

"I'm her godmother. I can take her in until her mother can get her living situation right" you said.

You didn't want to see the little family hurt anymore.

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