Begging on Your Knees Someday

By unkn0wnx3

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Being raised by 5 brothers wasnt easy. I grew up to be a tomboy, playing sports, watching the games on TV, an... More

Chapter 1: Coming home
Chapter 2: Where it all began
Chapter 3: The Beach Party
Chapter 4: First day of School
Chapter 5: The secrets are revealed
Chapter 7: Forgiveness & Football.
Chapter 8: A night of Firsts
Chapter 9: Consumed by Confusion
Chapter 10: Its Official
Chapter 11: Two's a Party
Chapter 12: It's Unofficial
Chapter 13: Victim #2
Chapter 14: Developing the Strategy
Chapter 15: A lot to Deal With
Chapter 16: Doesn't Feel Right
Chapter 17: Boyfriend #2
Chapter 18: New Day
Chapter 19: Girls Day Out
Chapter 20: Fighting Feelings
Chapter 21: Resolving & Plotting
Chapter 22: Lesson Learnt
Chapter 23: Love & Confusion
Chapter 24: Repeating the Past
Chapter 25: Going Insane
Chapter 26: Heartbreaker
Chapter 27: Heartbroken
Chapter 28: Complications
Chapter 29: Truth Comes Out
Chapter 30: Down to Business
Chapter 31: Welcome Home
Chapter 32: {UNTITLED}
Chapter 33: Good to Be Back
Chapter 34: Something Special

Chapter 6: The fights

105K 2K 316
By unkn0wnx3

I woke up to a knocking on my door.

"What?" I asked annoyed

"Dinners ready." They responded.

"I'll be right down." I said

I cried myself to sleep wonderful.

I didn’t have the will to move out of bed, and as on queue my stomach rumbled.

I got up, went into the kitchen, grabbed a plate and sat down without looking anyone in the eye.

"What’s up with you Baby?" Michael asked with concern,

“Nothing." I mumbled still refusing to meet anyone’s eyes.

"Where’s Mase?" Chris asked.

Even hearing that name made me want to burst out in tears.

“I don’t know, and I don’t care." I responded

"Someone’s grumpy." John responded.

I put some chicken and potatoes in my plate and started to eat. We all sat in an awkward silence for a few moments.

"So what do you two know that we don’t?" Chris asked Alex and Aiden

"What are you talking about?" asked Aiden.

"We know nothing, nothing at all." Alex continued.

They really were the worst liars ever.

"Oh just tell them." I said with a sigh.

"Uh...well earlier Baby asked Mase who he lost his V-card too." Aiden started.

"And he told Baby that he lost it too Missy Livingston." Alex continued

"The same Missy that put you through hell?" John asked wide eyed

"Yup." I said, popping the p.

“Oh sorry Baby." Michael muttered.

I just shrugged my shoulders in response.

"That stupid kid. He needs to be taught a lesson, wait until I get my hands on him." Chris said angrily.

"No Chris, just leave it alone."

“Are you sure Baby cause it’s no problem." Chris asked.

I actually chuckled, as annoying and overly protective my brothers are, they do it cause they love and care about me, and I really appreciate that.

"Baby don’t worry, you two will make up in no time." Alex said.

"Nope, not this time. He’s going to have to work for forgiveness." I responded, which made them laugh.

After dinner, I washed the dishes with Chris.

"Baby, I want to apologize for being a jerk to you ever since you got home."  He said as I passed him a wet dish to dry.

"It’s okay Chris, i'm used to it." I responded with a smile.

“No seriously Baby, it’s just hard seeing you all grown up. Im not used to it. It feels like yesterday you were hitting homeruns and getting scraped knees." Chris said.

"It’s okay Chris really. Don’t worry I’ll always be your baby sister." I said with a smile, as I gave him a one handed hug.

After washing the dishes, I went upstairs to listen to music.

I heard my phone beep, indicating I had a text message.

'Hey Andy its Mark.'

I forgot all about Mark asking me out, I was too busy dealing with stupid Mason.

'Hey Mark.' I texted back.

I knew I had to ask my brothers if they were okay with me going out with Mark. I knew this was going to be a big deal and I might as well get it over with now.

As I walked down the steps I was mentally preparing myself for an argument with my brothers. I could hear them shouting at the television, I knew there wasn't any sports games on so they must be playing COD.

"Guys can I ask you something." I asked to Michael, John, and Chris who each held a controller.

"Yeah." They said in unison.

"" I began to stutter.

I could hear Aiden and Alex laughing on the couch besides me .

I looked back at them to give them a glare.

"Spit it out Baby." Michael said

"Uh...canIgoonadatewithMarkBenson." I asked quickly, which came out in a mumble.

Of course now they paused the game and stare at me intently.

I just gave them a nervous smile.

"Aiden, Alex, who is this Mark Guy?" Michael asked his eyes still on me.

“Some player in our school." Aiden answered.

I just continued to glare at him.

"It’s not anything serious we just are going to hang out, that’s it."

"No." John and Chris replied together in unison.

I ignored them and kept my eyes on Michael who seemed to be thinking it over.

"I want to meet him first, I want to know where you’re going and what you’re doing, and I want you home by 10."  Michael said after a while.

The rest of my brothers stared at him in disbelief.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you sosososo much!” I said as I gave him a big hug.

Before I returned back to my room I stuck my tongue out at Aiden, Alex, John, and Chris.

"Real mature Baby." I heard Chris say as I continued up the steps to my room.

I texted Mark saying I could go and he replied happily.

After I took a shower and got ready for bed, I heard a tap on my window.

I ignored it at first thinking it was just the wind making noise. But then the tapping was continuing and then I immediately remembered whenever I used to get into fights with Mase he would always throw rocks at my window and apologize.

I walked up to the window and I saw Mason waiting outside my window.

"Go away!" I whispered loudly as I opened the window a stuck my head out.

"Come on Andy don’t be like that! I can’t sleep knowing that you hate me!" he answered back.

“Well I guess it’s going to be a rough night!" I said as my hands began to pull the window shut.

"No Andy wait!" he shouted

I ignored him and shut the window.

Mason wasn’t the only one who was having a bad night. I twisted and turned in my bed, I just couldn’t get comfortable. I tried to blame it on my old dingy mattress but I knew the truth was that I missed Mason. Not talking to him actually affected me more than I thought.

When I finally closed my eyes and began to drift into a sleep my alarm clock rang.

"Ugh!" I screamed in frustration.

"Wake up baby!" Michael screamed as he walked pass my door.

After I used all my strength to get up out of my bed, and take a shower.

I wasn’t in the mood to try and look hot or fashionable today. Honestly it was times like these I missed my baggy shirts and faded jeans.

But I knew that would mess up my whole plan of revenge that was probably going to fail, especially without Mase.

I missed him but I just wished that he wasn’t ever with her. Every time I start to think about Mason, I immediately picture them together laughing about my misery.

Also if I turned up at school looking like a bum, it would be a dead giveaway that I was lost without Mason. So I sucked it up and began transforming myself into a normal girl.

I decided to wear black high-waisted shorts, a white tube top with little pink flowers on it, with a thin white cardigan over it, and of course my black converse.

(Picture of her outfit on the side-à)

I attempted to hide the circles under my eyes from my lack of sleep with a little makeup. I put mascara on, and lip gloss on. I curled my long brown hair, into nice soft waves.

Just as I was about to walk down stairs I heard the twins calling my name.

"What?" I said as I walked into kitchen.

"We have a problem." They said as they stood in front of the back door, blocking the window.

I looked at them questioningly and they stepped apart, revealing Masons face in the window of the backyard.

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. What was he doing here? I think I made it very clear to him that I wanted nothing to do with him.

“Should I let him in?” I asked my brothers.

“No.” Aiden said as Alex said yes.

They looked at each other and started to bicker back and forth, I really was not in the mood for this.

I ignored them both and went to open the door.

I stood by the opened door, purposely not inviting Mason in.

“What are you doing here?” I asked with an attitude.

“Taking you to school like always.” He replied questioningly.

“Forget it i'll just walk.” I said as I began to close the door, but Mason put his foot in the way stopping me from closing it all the way.

“Don’t be like that Andy, come on. It was a mistake, and I am really sorry.” He pleaded. I could see the sincerity in his eyes, but it just didn’t matter.

“I know, but I'm still mad.” I replied.

“You could still be mad while I drive you to school.” He said with a sigh.

I thought about it for a moment, and decided to take the ride.

I grabbed my bag and my cell while Mason waited outside. I could see the twins puzzled stares, but I wasn’t in the best mood to be answering their questions.

When I got in the passenger set of Masons car, I immediately turned my head to stare out the window. I could feel Mason’s eyes on me before he started the car.

“I got you something.” Mason said to me.

I looked towards Mason, who was holding a bag of red gummy bears. I couldn’t help but smile. He knew how much I loved red gummy bears, but I never bought them because I only would eat the red ones, and it was a waste of money.

“I picked out all the other colors for you, and I was really full after eating them.” He said.

“Thanks.” I said with a small smile, and took the gummy bears.

“Doesn’t mean I'm not mad at you.” I said as he started the car.

“Don’t worry I know that, but at least I got you to smile at me.” He said as he pulled away.

I just shook my head with a smile, and ate the gummy bears.


When we pulled up to the school, I got out of the car and walked towards the school without waiting for Mason.

“Hey Andy.” I heard Mark say from behind me.

“Hey Mark.” I said with a nervous smile.

I wasn’t prepared for talking to him.

“Im excited about our date Friday.” He said with a charming smirk.

I searched my brain for a flirty reply and after a second and a half I came up with something.

“I bet you are.” I said with a flirty smirk.

I couldn’t believe I just said that. I was afraid to see Marks expression. But when I looked at him he was just staring at me with a smirk. I guess he didn’t think it was too horrific.

“Well I gotta go, but I’ll see you around.” I said with a smile, and continued walking, swaying my hips knowing that Marks watching me walk away.

When I got to my locker, all the boys were already there, of course except for Mason.

They looked at me puzzled as I opened my locker.

“What?” I asked

“Wheres Mase?” Eric asked.

“Don’t know” I said nonchalantly, which made them gape at me in disbelief.

Just then Mason came strolling through the doors towards us.

“What’s up guys?” Mason asked.

The guys just looked between Mason and I with dropped jaws.

What’s up guys? Did you seriously say that? What’s up with you! You two always come in together holding each other and laughing, but today you came in acting like you barely knew each other.” Tom said.

“Well you can blame your friend for that.” I said as I shut my locker.

“Don’t start Andy, we were just okay.” He said, as he let out a deep breath.

“We weren’t just okay! A bag of red gummy bears isn’t going to make it better.” I said strongly.

“Well I don’t know what to do to make it better!” he replied.

“Nothing!” I said angrily, and stormed away towards the girl’s bathroom.

I did my best to hold back my tears, as I looked in the mirror of the girl’s bathroom.

I couldn’t believe I was actually fighting with my best friend. Our longest fight was 8 hours, when we were 9. But we eventually made up. The never once has been a fight between us, where I actually doubted that we would make up…until now.

I heard the door open and of course it was the queen bitch herself and her little minions.

“Awww is da widdle baby crying?” Missy asked in a baby voice.

“Nope.” I said masking my emotions as much as possible.

“What happened did your little best friend finally tell you that you’re his little worthless charity case?”

“No but he did tell me, that you were his own personal whore.” I said.

“You’re just mad cause he wanted me and not you.” She said.

“Yeah great comeback. He’s been my best friend for almost 14 years but he really wants you because he fucked you once while he was piss drunk, yeah you win.” I said as I pushed past her and her 2 friends. 

“Please he’s going to be coming back for more.” She said.

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that.” I said as I left the bathroom, while she was in mid-sentence.

In each class I ignored the questioning stares from my classmates as I sat as far away from Mason as possible.

When I got to the café, I saw Mason already at the lunch table with the guys, my brothers, and my brother’s friends. It would make sense if I sat there and ignored Mason, but after having that conversation with Missy I didn’t want to even hear his voice.

“Hey Andy, sit with us!” I heard Mark say from his table.

I knew I shouldn’t sit with them. It was a table of the biggest players at school, including Ryan. But I had nowhere else to sit, and I knew it would get on Masons nerves.

“Okay I said as I walked over to their table passing my own on the way. I ignored the expressions of disbelief on every one of their faces as I walked over to Mark.

“Hey guys” I said as I sat next to Mark.

“Hey Andy” The boys said, with charming smiles on their faces.

“Yeah, hey Andy.” Ryan said lastly with a smirk on his face.

Then I remembered the conversation we had yesterday.

“So not that I don’t enjoy your company or anything, but why aren’t you sitting over there?” Mark asked gesturing to the table of boys glaring in our direction.

“Needed a change.” I said.

“Are you sure it’s not because you wanted to sit with me?” Ryan asked me cockily.

This boy was seriously flirting with me, while I was sitting right next to his friend who I was going on a date with.

I felt Mark tense up next to me, clearly not liking Ryan’s accustation.

“No, I’m pretty sure it’s because I wanted to sit with Mark.” I said with a smirk, ignoring the immature ‘ooooooohs’ from the boys.

Ryan just glared at me.

“Nice.” Matty said with a smile.

After that Ryan didn’t say another cocky remark about me wanting him, but he just stared at me intently as if he was trying to figure out how I didn’t want him.

Charlie, another boy who was sitting at the table was telling us a story about a date he went on that was a disaster. I actually found it funny, as I was laughing I heard someone come up from behind me.

“Andy, we need to talk.” I heard Mason say from behind me, lowly in almost a growl.

“Na, I’ll pass.” I said without looking back at him.

“Didn’t give you an option.” He said, and I rolled my eyes ignoring him.

“If she wanted to speak to you, she would. Since she clearly doesn’t, maybe you should run along.” Ryan said menacingly.

Oh no. If it was Mark or Matty or anyone else, Mason would of brushed it off and ignored them completely, but not Ryan. Mason despised Ryan, and Ryan would be the only one to get a reaction out of Mason.

“Pretty sure I wasn’t talking to you, so maybe you should just sit down and shut up.” Mason said angrily.

I was in a state of shock, I wished I could click my heals and say ‘There’s no place like home’ and be far away from this situation. Too bad this isn’t the Wizard of Oz, and I don’t own a pair of red ruby slippers.

“And if I don’t?” Ryan asked as he got up from his seat and glared at Mason, who was glaring right back.

“Well then I might have to make you.” Mason growled.

“I’d like to see you try.” Ryan said before he chuckled.

I finally came to my senses when I realized that Mason was starting to get closer to Ryan.

“Stop!” I said, as I stood up in between Ryan and Mason.

“Maybe you should say that to your little guard dog.” Mason said not taking his eyes off Ryan.

“There’s nothing little about me.” Ryan answered with a smirk.

I just shook my head, and took all the strength I had to push Mason back. I knew if he wanted to stay put, he could.

“Mason you should leave.” I said strongly.

I couldn’t believe I was telling my best friend to leave; it looked like I was choosing Ryan over him when I just couldn’t talk to him right now.

He looked at me in disbelief, before he stormed out of the lunch room.

I didn’t even notice that the whole lunch room was silently staring at us. When I looked over to the other tables, all the boys were standing up glaring at the other table of boys where I was. I couldn’t take all this pressure, so I walked out of the lunch room. Everyone’s eyes on me, following me out.

The halls were empty, not a person in sight.

I went down the halls out the front door searching the parking lot for him. I knew he would come out here, because there’s nowhere else for him to go.

That’s when I spotted him at his car kicking his tires out of anger.

“You want to talk? Let’s talk!” I screamed at him angrily grabbing his attention.


Horrible end to the chapter I know, but here you are! I was going to make it shorter into 2 chapters but whateverrrrrr :) So I really hoped you guys enjoyed, I know there hasn’t been an update in a while but Im going to do my best to update this more often!

AGAINNNN Andys outfit on the side----->

PLEAS VOTE, COMMENT, & FAN- the more the faster the updateee<3333

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