The Photographer [Taejin]

By xjinminisrealx

110K 8.5K 4.2K

Kim Seokjin is a rising model from South Korea. His last photographer suddenly disappeared and is now searchi... More

¤ Characters ¤
< Synopsis >
1 》 없어지다 (Vanish)
2 어디에 있어? (where are you?)
3 경찰서 (police station)
4 경찰 수사 (police investigation)
¤ Characters ▪ 2 ¤
5 기억 (Memory)
6 히어로 (hero)
7 토끼와 빛 (the rabbit and the sunshine)
8 시끄러움 (loudness)
9 메시지를 받았다 (you have received a sms)
¤ Characters ▪ 3 ¤
10 민 윤기 (Min Yoongi)
11 미지수 (Unknown)
12 이 전화가 누구야? (Who owns this phone?)
13 Ghost (귀신)
14 Sorry (미안해)
15 Angry Monster (화가난 몬스터)
16 사람들이 나를 싫어해 (People hate me)
17 지수 (Ji-soo)
¤ Characters ▪ 4 ¤
18 조심해 (Watch out)
19 The dorm (기숙사)
20 다시 만나요 (We met again)
I want to know about your opinion:
21 다시 함께 (together, again)
22 왕잭슨의 감정 (Jackson's feelings)
23 혼란스러운 사람 (Someone confusing)
24 똑똑(Knock Knock)
25 귀엽당 (Cute)
26 키가 큰 사람들은 성가시다 (Tall people are annoying)
27 정국의 친구 (Jungkook's friend)
28 빨간 방 (The red room)
29 그들을 알게 되나요? (Meet The Contestants)
30 불이 많았어? (Was there a lot of fire?)
31 친구 (Friend)
33 뉴스 (News)
34 밤 시간 회담 (Night Time Talks)
35 혼자 (Alone)
36 힌트 (The Clue)
37 좋은 의사 (Good Doctor)
38 찌니 (Jinnie)
39 왜 여기에 있어? (Why Are You Here?)
40 (데이트) The Date
41 (사람들이 다 죽다) Everyone Ends Up Dead
42 이유가 뭐예요? (What's The Reason?)
43 바 (Bar?)
44 잃어버리다 (Missing)
Your thoughts:
45 당황 (Confusion)
46 너? (You?)
47 전하지 못한 진심 (Truth Untold)
Characters (5)
48 짐승과 동맹 (Allied With A Beast)
this story is not dead
49 Tomorrow Is A Good Day To Start Investigating
Thank you so much for waiting

32 첫밤 (First Night)

1.6K 123 77
By xjinminisrealx

"A photo about you," Muttered Jungkook, pausing for some seconds before adding: "A photo of you inside your own apartment, asleep and without noticing anything."

Kim Seokjin world was crumbling again. It keeps doing it since Jackson disseparence. Since then, he kept noticing everything that wasn't right in his life.

Now, he wasn't safe anywhere: not even in his own home.

Not many people knew about where he lived, just his agency, closest friends and some of his house-keeping workers that he had hired a long time ago.

Who could have taken photographs of him while asleep?

Not many people stayed the night, only his closest friends like Joon, Yoongi and sometimes, Jimin-ah.

Rarely, only when wasted after long talks accompanied by beers and laughter, Jackson also slept in his house. Passed out on his couch.

'The comfiest couch on this world' He used to say, alongside words like 'I would sleep here forever and never get backaches'

Then, whoever was 'he', could also be someone who did sneak into his home uninvited, like some crazy fan or sasaeng. 

This thought was scary because he lived in one of the most secure living apartments around Seoul. He paid for the best security, so at least, to make it harder for criminals and fanatics to get access to his door's password code or to climb up to any windows.

So the question was:

Who and how did he achieve it?

Did someone corrupt his own staff? Was here part of from his own staff?

Could he be one of his fr-?

"That's why, from now on, most of the people close to you are under suspicion of being allies of the criminal or, the criminal himself. Also, there's also the growing believe that Jackson Wang could have been killed or worse" Said Hoseok, looking worried.

Kim Seokjin shivered.

And it wasn't an act.

Words from later that day kept dancing on his insides, chilly words that seemed to prophesy and warned about what lies ahead.

Anyone can be your enemy.

Even your closest friends.

Although Jin refused to believe it.

At least, he was sure that his friends were good people who loved him with all their might. Not people who were secretly plotting against him while acting friendly. He was sure about it.

He was sure, confident, secure, certain and positive about it.

But the seed of doubt had been planted in his thoughts.

His friends were good people, not murders on a disguise.

Jackson could have been killed or worse.

His legs failed and Hoseok took him on his arms, preventing him from falling on the ground.

At that precise moment, Jungkook looked up to the house and the model followed his stare until resting on the window of the bathroom, but there was nothing there, just a moving curtain and a light that was suddenly turned off.

"So what do we do? Who could've taken it? Any clue?" The model asked, fighting the urge to bit all his toes off.

Jungkook shook his head, biting his lips. His doe eyes trying to avoid to look at his hyung directly while gazing at his own shoes, dirty with darkened ashes.

"As we still don't know, it's safer if we treat everyone as possible suspects" Hoseok was the one who asked this time. "At least, until our man finds some clue in the phones we've found"

Seokjin nodded but refused to believe that his friends were guilty.

The sing-song specifically said 'Kim Seokjin, distrust everyone and anyone' and he refused to be afraid of his only pillars of support. His chosen family.

He decided to act cold so he could escape to his room and hide from the whole world, as he pretended before getting dragged into the set that is going to be his new home.

Before meeting all those new boys that are going to share his time, space and attention.

Before knowing the full extent of the powers and the obsession of his apparently so-called sasaeng.

So he shivered, stumbling a little bit forward and both policemen believed him when they said in unison:

"Let's get you inside hyung, it's getting cold outside"

"Let's get you to a warmer place~"

Hoseok took his arm to accompany him to the door and waited in front of it for the model to open it, while Jungkook's eyes unfazingly memorized the secret code.

Once inside, introductions were made as the law enforcers shook hands with the staff, contestants and the recently married couple.

Thanks to the heavens, even the cameras were ordered to be turned off when Bang Shi-hyuk saw the pale face of the model and the way he seemed to be in pain, squeezing his eyes' shut and his overly bitten lips.

More incredible, his boss nodding when the model asked to retire to his own room without eating anything from the table full of appetizers.

Everyone present in the room who knew the model, knew then, that something was wrong.

Since the model never says 'no' to free food.

Not even to a table that had a whole four-story fountain of milk chocolate and candies with the colors of iron man.

So, with a shaky smile and trembling legs, the model nodded them goodbye and retired to his own room.

Was it just acting?

Was it a mix between the Seokjin's deepest feels and an incredibly well-acted performance?

Acting or not, Kim Seokjin just wanted a comfortable pillow, a warm blanket and a whole night without nightmares.

At least, just for today.

Just one nightmare-less sleep.

Maybe someone to cuddle with.

As his own life seemed to be a bad dream instead.

He didn't stop until he was in his room, door closed and head against his pillow.

He didn't even brush his teeth nor cleansed his face with the multiple skin care products bought by Jimin.

He already had a pimple.

Who cared if he had more?

Everyone but screw them.

So he closed the light, still wearing his clothes and closed his eyes.

The door was unlocked in hope for his friends to come and cuddle with him.


He really needed a cuddle right now.


A pair of eyes followed the model's path but got blocked by a muscular body that prevented from continuing to watch him leave.

His eyes lost the sight of Jin's unbelievable broad shouldered and narrow waisted retreating body.

His eyes almost bleed out because of said disaster.

The culprit?

Jeon Fucking Jungkook.


The bunny cop.

Taehyung kindly (why did you do that?) smiled and extended his hand, acting as if they didn't know each other.

"Kim Taehyung," He said, boxy smile and flickering eyelashes.

The policeman inclined his head (I stopped you from embarrassing yourself in front of the cameras, from getting a boner or something like that) and took his hand nevertheless.

Although their internal dialogue, Taehyung felt the softness of a paper being introduced into the palm of his hand and closed his fingers on it once Jungkook's cold hand left his.

Then he turned around and left, searching for a new target.

The youngest policeman approached Jongin and started to fanboy about being a really big fan of his work.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and approached the center of the room, standing beside the table full of sweet food and appetizers, wandering eyes on all the people inside of the overcrowded living room.

From the exclusive club formed by Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi, and the so-called Min Jimin, who were whispering slushed words between them and sending worried looks towards the corridor where the model had gone.

'Ten minutes and they will flee from this room' Predicted V, his overprotective presence still on the back of his mind.

Kim Taehyung hummed and took a glass with orange juice from the top of the table. He drank some of its content and his eyes traveled to the younger contestants, who were sitting on the couch with their phones, reading and replying some comments on their social media. Posting cute selcas on their new social media, created exclusively for the program to share their pics and talk about their daily life and feels.

They were already working on their votes.

Already thinking about their survival.

Meanwhile, @/redroom_ktae95 didn't have any pic nor any kind of cordial introduction from himself.

After them, his eyes fell into the staff, who were on a smaller table eating as much as they could to fulfill their empty stomachs.

Bang Shi-hyuk was talking with the red-haired policeman, continuously nodding with worried eyes and half-opened mouth. Numerous hmms and ooohs were exchanged between them in their seemingly uncasual conversation.

The case was...

That everyone looked perfectly innocent.

But Kim Taehyung already had some suspicious people in the back of his mind.

The perfectly almost innocent Hueningkai and the super hyper mega annoying Jongin. Even, Namjoon, because he was too nice and friendly, and, everyone knew that overly friendly people are scary and surely hiding or plotting something.

'Yeah, he hides a really big d-' V interrupted, making Taehyung roll his eyes and almost choke with the orange substance.

'Shut up' He thought back. 'Or I will ignore and block you again'

V silent laugh resounded on his brain, his ears actually tingling.

'I was just stating a truth, did you see the way his jeans clings to his bulg-'

Taehyung wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh alone in a room full of people. He wasn't crazy. Well... At least, he really wasn't.

'I didn't look-'

'You did or I wouldn't have seen it'

Oh, shut up you fucker.

'Jokes apart, I think that Kim Namjoon is in love with him, surely as we have seen since forever, he was always there, with him, as I'm not getting bad vibrations from him, I suppose he is safe for now' V explained, his presence felt serious and sincere.

'Too bad for him that this world isn't big enough for two boyfriends' Taehyung thought, amused.

'My bad' Agreed V and Taehyung lips curved a little bit.

Namjoon apart...

The first one, the youngest, because of what he said earlier. His words were still tingling on his ears.

'I'm kind of glad that Jackson disappeared'

'Sharing is caring and Jackson kept him all for himself'

Taehyung hairs stood on end because of those sentences. Not because of the meaning of his words, but because he totally believed in them.

He felt completely identified with them.

'I couldn't agree more and that's why we did what we did'

Taehyung sipped from the glass again and unconsciously nodding.

Kim Taehyung was realistic.

Almost all photographers living and breathing in this world would have felt jealous of Jackson.

Because he could exclusively capture one of the world's most beautiful human beings.

An actual breathing and wingless angel.

That's why, most of the world's photographers would have wanted to either become, supplant or kill him.

They all could've shared the want to make him disappear from the face of the earth.

Just for the chance to capture one photo of the model.

To see the studio's light hit him right and form shadows on his apple cheeks.

Focus their eyes on a single drop sliding down his neck from a long day working out.

Just for a glance at his breathtaking smile.

Just to share the same breathing space as him.

Just to be able to watch and interact with one whose beauty was considered perfect from many surgeons and critics.

But most importantly, his prince.

'Change of topic, you are starting to look suspicious' advised V, taking over his facial expression to turn it into a perfect poker face.

Tae finished his glass of orange juice and looked at the clock on top of the television, which showed that it was almost 23:00 and they just started eating nonsenses.

He then remembered the paper on his back pocket and took it.

It just said:

Let's meet at 00:10.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, who was still talking to Jongin despite his disgusted face.

He finished the refill and put his glass on the table without any sound.

Then, he yawned, rubbing his fingers on his eyes and approached the staff table, smiling at them once their eyes met.

"Hi," He said, scratching his neck. "As tomorrow we have to wake up early to start our activities and agenda, I was wondering if it's okay for me to go to sleep?" Taehyung yawned again, tearily eyed. "You see... I couldn't sleep tonight because of the nerves..." He half-pouted and the whole staff table cooed at him.

The one in charge of the filmation of the variety show, someone called Choi Seung-hyun, which looked cold and tough, looked at Taehyung.

Considering it, though.

Tomorrow, as they've told them, the whole 24h was going to start once the clock turned 09:00 am. They are going to wake up, eat breakfast, the younger is going to leave to school and the older, to their first classes at Bighit.

The model would be alone.

A day to entertain his public by cooking, eating, working out or even, sleeping on the couch.

His only free day in a heavily packed agenda.

Taehyung yawned again, trying to look convincing enough.

And Seung-hyun nodded, giving him his back and starting to talk about 'improve the lighting' and 'achieve better angles' with the cameraman beside him.

Taehyung sighed, bid them goodbye and met Jungkook's gaze on his way to the corridor, noting his little nod and leaving them all behind.

His feet took him to the first floor and behind a door where he already stood before, trying to see any type of light underneath the crack or hear some kind of sound.

Profound silence.

The model must be asleep.

So he turned and headed to his room, which now had his name tag on his door.

His adjacent neighbor was Soobin.

'Don't make me talk or they might hear' Taehyung muttered inside, softly.

'Just don't get caught' V retorted back.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and closed the door behind him. Then, he took his clothes off and wore his favorite pajama, red and white with little hearts on it.

Once he got dressed to sleep, he laid down on his bed, hands crossed behind his neck and eyes waiting at the door.

Waiting for his friend to come.

Waiting for an interrogation.

Unofficial, obviously.


Hiiiii 💜

Enjoy cuties 💗

Tomorrow, I will try to finish the next chapter.

How was your day?

I went to a floral event held in my neighbor city 💕

It's full of flowers and people who takes photos of said flowers.

It was a pretty interesting day ❤️

As always, love you and sorry for being a little bit inactive, real life is hard and my final exams are approaching :(


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