Supernatural Series Rewrite...

By queenofdeansbooty

168K 4.3K 721

Now that Dean is back from Hell, you and the brothers have to deal with the consequences. It doesn't help tha... More

Lazarus Rising- Part 1
Lazarus Rising- Part 2
Lazarus Rising- Part 3
Lazarus Rising- Part 4
Lazarus Rising- Part 5
Lazarus Rising- Part 6
Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester- Part 1
Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester- Part 2
Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester- Part 3
Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester- Part 4
In The Beginning- Part 1
In The Beginning- Part 2
In The Beginning- Part 3
In The Beginning- Part 4
In The Beginning- Part 5
Metamorphosis- Part 1
Metamorphosis- Part 2
Metamorphosis- Part 3
Metamorphosis- Part 4
Monster Movie- Part 1
Monster Movie- Part 2
Monster Movie- Part 3
Yellow Fever- Part 1
Yellow Fever- Part 2
Yellow Fever- Part 3
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester- Part 1
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester- Part 2
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester- Part 3
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester- Part 4
Wishful Thinking- Part 1
Wishful Thinking- Part 2
Wishful Thinking- Part 3
I Know What You Did Last Summer- Part 1
I Know What You Did Last Summer- Part 2
I Know What You Did Last Summer- Part 3
Heaven and Hell- Part 1
Heaven and Hell- Part 2
Heaven and Hell- Part 3
Family Remains- Part 1
Family Remains- Part 2
Family Remains- Part 3
Criss Angel Is a Douchebag- Part 1
Criss Angel Is a Douchebag- Part 2
Criss Angel Is a Douchebag- Part 3
After School Special- Part 1
After School Special- Part 2
After School Special- Part 3
After School Special- Part 4
Sex and Violence- Part 1
Sex and Violence- Part 2
Sex and Violence- Part 3
Sex and Violence- Part 4
Death Takes a Holiday- Part 1
Death Takes a Holiday- Part 2
Death Takes a Holiday- Part 3
Death Takes a Holiday- Part 4
On the Head of a Pin- Part 2
It's A Terrible Life- Part 1
It's A Terrible Life- Part 2
It's A Terrible Life- Part 3
It's A Terrible Life- Part 4
The Monster at the End of This Book- Part 1
The Monster at the End of This Book- Part 2
The Monster at the End of This Book- Part 3
The Monster at the End of This Book- Part 4
Jump the Shark- Part 1
Jump the Shark- Part 2
Jump the Shark- Part 3
Jump the Shark- Part 4
The Rapture- Part 1
The Rapture- Part 2
The Rapture- Part 3
When the Levee Breaks- Part 1
When the Levee Breaks- Part 2
Lucifer Rising- Part 1
Lucifer Rising- Part 2
Lucifer Rising- Part 3
author's note
author's note
author's note

On the Head of a Pin- Part 1

1.8K 47 2
By queenofdeansbooty

Pamela's funeral was more brutal than you thought. Going there, you thought you were capable of handling it, but you had to leave early because you couldn't stop crying. Pamela told you when you got her she didn't want to do this, but you forced her anyway. It was all on you when she died since you were the one who had the idea to bring her along. Saving a seal was a good thing, but not if Pamela had to die for it. It wasn't fair.

After the funeral, everyone was quiet. Finally able to get behind the wheel, you let Sam rest in the back seat while Dean took the one next to you. It was raining, but there was no one on the road. Your driving skills weren't as extreme as Dean's which is why it was taking a little bit longer than usual to get back to the motel you had reserved.

"Ruby will meet us outside Cheyenne. She's been tracking some leads. I know she's not exactly on both your Christmas lists, but if she can help us get to Lilith—"

"Hey, man, work with Ruby, don't. I don't really give a rat's ass," Dean sighed.

"What's your problem?"

"Pamela didn't want anything to do with this and we dragged her back into it, Sam."

"I did. I'm the one who got her. She told me that she didn't want any part of this, but I made her anyway," you sighed as you rested your left elbow on the car door.

"She knew what was at stake."

"Oh yeah. Saving the world, and we're doing such a damn good job of it," Dean scoffed.


"I'm tired of burying friends, Sam."

"Look, we catch a fresh trail—"

"And we follow it, I know. Like I said, I'm just—I'm just getting tired."

"Well, get angry," Sam sighed before lying back down. Looking at Dean, you made eye contact before focusing on the road. Pressing on the gas pedal, you hurried back to the room. It took longer than usual, but by the time you made it back, you just wanted to go to sleep. Unlocking the door, you walked in only to sigh.

"Ah, home shitty home," Dean muttered as Sam turned on the lights. In the middle of the room stood Uriel with Castiel hanging behind him, not giving you guys a glance.

"Winchester, Winchester, and Singer. You do go by Singer, am I correct?"

"Oh come on," you scoffed with a shake of your head.

"You two are needed."

"Needed? We just got back from needed!" Dean yelled.

"Now, you mind your tone with me," Uriel glared.

"No," you snapped, "you mind your damn tone with us."

"We just got back from Pamela's funeral," Sam explained.

"Pamela. You know, psychic Pamela? You remember her. Cas, you remember her. You burned her eyes out. Remember that? Good times. Yeah, then she died saving one of your precious seals. So maybe you can stop pushing us around like chess pieces for five fucking minutes!"

"We raised you out of hell for our purposes," Uriel glared.

"And what were those again?" you sassed, not in the mood to deal with them.

"Start with gratitude."

"Fuck you," you spat.

"Y/N, Dean, we know this is difficult to understand," Castiel said as he joined his brother's side.

"And we," Uriel said as he looked from Castiel to you, "don't care. Now, seven angels have been murdered, all of them from our garrison. The last one was killed tonight."

"Oh, boo hoo, cry me a river," you rolled your eyes, making Uriel take a step forward just as Castiel put a hand to his shoulder to stop him.

"Demons? How they doing it?" Dean asked.

"We don't know," Uriel said as he stared at you.

"I'm sorry, but what do you want us to do about it? I mean, a demon with the juice to ice angels has to be out of our league, right?" Sam wondered.

"We can handle the demons, thank you very much."

"Once we find whoever it is," Castiel added.

"So, you need our help hunting a demon?" you asked.

"Not quite. We have Alastair."

"Great. He should be able to name your trigger man," Dean shrugged.

"But he won't talk. Alastair's will is very strong. We've arrived at an impasse."

"Yeah, well, he's like a black belt in torture. I mean, you guys are out of your league," Dean scoffed.

"That's why we've come to his student. You happen to be the most qualified interrogator we've got," Uriel smirked which caused Dean to lose his.

"Dean, you are our best hope," Castiel said.

"No, are you out of your mind?" you blew up. "You are not sending him in there to do that!"

"You can't ask me to do this, Cas. Not this," Dean said, his eyes full of emotion even if he didn't show them on his face.

"Who said anything about asking?" Uriel smirked. One minute you were inside the motel room and the next, you were in an unknown building. Looking at the Angels, you couldn't help but get angry at this. Dean didn't know where to go, so when he approached a double door, he saw his torturer in there, chained.

"This devil's trap is old Enochian. He's bound completely," Castiel said once he saw Dean's interest.

"Fascinating," Dean scoffed before turning away from the door. "Where's the door?"

"Where are you going?" Castiel asked, watching Dean stalk to the other end of the room.

"Hitch back to Cheyenne, thank you very much. Come on Y/N," Dean said as he continued his path. Being near Castiel, you saw Uriel disappear only to reappear right in front of Dean.

"Angels are dying, boy."

"Sounds like a you problem," you bit out, looking at Castiel for help. "Why am I here again?"

"Your magic is strong enough to get him to talk if Dean fails. Put them together, it'll work."

"No, you can't make him do this. I won't allow it," you said.

"Hey, I get it. You're all-powerful. You can make me do whatever you want, but you can't make me do this," Dean said.

"This is too much to ask, I know. But we have to ask it," Castiel said before taking a few steps to Dean. Blocking his path, you jammed a finger to his chest, completely pissed about this. He stopped before looking down at you. It was clear he would win in a fight between you two, but you didn't care.

"I'm not asking," you glared.

"I want to talk to Cas alone," Dean suddenly said as he looked at Uriel. Your eyes never left Castiel, you wanted him to know how pissed you were. After hearing a flap of wings, you knew there was only one angel in the room.

"What's going on, Cas? Since when does Uriel put a leash on you?" Dean asked, putting two hands on your shoulders in an attempt to get you to calm down. Putting down your finger, your eyes never left Castiel's.

"My superiors have begun to question my sympathies."

"Your sympathies?" you asked.

"I was getting too close to the humans in my charge. You two. They feel I've begun to express emotions. The doorways to doubt. This can impair my judgment."

"Is that such a problem?" you asked as a thin layer of tears began forming.

"Well, tell Uriel, or whoever... you do not want me doing this, trust me."

"Want it, no. But I have been told we need it."

"Do not make him go in there, Castiel!" you raised your voice.

"For what it's worth, I would give anything not to have you do this," the angel sighed. Dean closed his eyes in torment before letting you go. Looking over at a cart that was covered, he knew that it was his time to go in there.

"I have to do this," Dean sighed as he walked over to the cart. Grabbing the ends, he began pushing it into the room with the demon.

"Castiel!! You call this being sympathetic? You don't even know what the word means!" you yelled.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, but it has to be done."

"No! You do not get to make that call!" you growled, turning your eyes blue. His eyes were challenging you to make a move, but you couldn't. It wouldn't end well for you. If you were a cartoon, smoke would be coming out of your ears by now.

"It is done."

"God, I can't believe you right now!" you screamed as you took a few steps away from him. "You don't care about me or Dean. You don't care that Dean is in so much pain right now! And how dare you not tell me who and what I really am!" Turning away, you began walking to the door to join the two people. "Light witch, are you serious?" you muttered.

"I see you found out," he said, keeping his voice the same pitch throughout.

"Yeah, I found out, no thanks to you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go in there to make sure Dean doesn't break," you grabbed the handle of the door before taking a deep breath. "I thought you were one of the good ones, Castiel. I really did."

Throwing open the door, you walked into the room to see Alastair singing and dancing while being chained up.

"Ah, full house tonight. I'm in for some fun," he laughed once he saw you. "I'm sorry. This is a very serious, very emotional situation for you two. I shouldn't laugh, it's just that—I mean, are they serious? They sent you two to torture me?"

"You got one chance. One. Tell me who's killing the angels. I want a name," Dean said with a hard voice, hating the fact that you were here to witness this. Somehow, he felt it deep in his soul that you wouldn't judge him ever.

"You think I'll see all your scary toys and spill my guts? No offense, sweetheart, I'm not scared of you."

"That may be, but I'm creative."

"You'll spill your guts, one way or another. I just didn't wanna ruin my shoes," Dean said. "Now answer the question."

"Or what? You'll work me over? But then, maybe you don't want to. Maybe you're, ah, scared to."

"I'm here aren't I?"

"Not entirely. You left part of yourself back in the Pit. Let's see if we can get the two of you back together again, shall we?" the demon laughed.

"You're gonna be disappointed," Dean shook his head as he walked to the cart. Looking at the demon, you walked over to Dean as he looked at the tools available.

"You know I love you, right?" you whispered. "No matter what." Without a word, Dean nodded to let you know he understood you were here to support him.

"You have not disappointed me so far. Come on. You gotta want a little payback for everything I did to you. For all the pokes and prods. Hm? No? Um... how about for all the things I did to your daddy? Don't forget mommy," Alastair laughed which made you look at the demon just as your eyes glowed bright blue.

"What did you just say?"

"Y/N don't listen to him," Dean sighed.

"It was fun torturing a witch. But, she wasn't one anymore. Did you know that? That's why she came to me instead of where she was supposed to go."

"What are you talking about?"

"You didn't know? She told me how when she had you, she gave up her powers. Decided not to be a witch anymore. I mean, if she didn't, she might have been able to fend off Meg. Yeah, I know all about how mommy died. When his pop came down, she begged me to stay on her. They both lasted a hundred years at least."

"You can't stall forever," Dean said. Did your mom really give up her powers when she had you? It had always bugged you ever since your powers kicked in how she wasn't able to fend off a demon. She was this powerful witch once you saw her lair, but she died at the hands of a demon? Not even Meg was strong enough to do that. Why did she give up her powers?

"John Winchester and Y/M/N. Made a good name for themselves. A hundred years. After each session, I'd make him the same offer I made you. I'd put down my blade if he picked one up."

"Just give us the demon's name, Alastair," you said, close to tears.

"But they said nein each and every time. Oh, damned if I couldn't break them," he laughed, ignoring your statement. "Pulled out all the stops, but John and Y/M/N, they were, well, made of something unique. The stuff of heroes. Then came Dean. Dean Winchester. I thought I was up against it again. But daddy's little girl, he broke. He broke in thirty. Oh, just not the man your daddy wanted you to be, huh, Dean?"

"Stop it," you whispered, letting a tear fall.

"What's the matter, sweetheart, can't handle the heat?"

"Go wait outside, Y/N."

"I'm not leaving you," you sniffled, keeping a stone face. Dean picked up a jug that contained a rosary which made it holy water and poured that into a chalice.

"Now we're getting somewhere. Holy water? Come on. Grasshopper, you're gonna have to get creative to impress me."

"You know something, Alastair? I could still dream. Even in hell. And over and over and over, you know what I dreamt? I dreamt of this moment," Dean said as he picked up a needle. Alastair began to grow nervous, and you walked to him before blue mist formed at your fingertips. "And believe me, I got a few ideas."

"What's the matter, you look a little nervous," you said as you placed your fingers to his temples. As much as he tried to fight it, the power of your magic entered his vision, and he could see what you placed into his mind. Alastair screaming out in pain as Dean continued his torture, you only adding to the icing. Placing a few more images in his mind, you took your fingers away just as Dean walked over with the holy water filled needle.

"Let's get started," Dean smirked.

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