Austin Mahone Fanfic

By clarkspal

83.9K 292 92


Austin Mahone Fanfic Part 1
Austin Mahone fanfic part 2
Austin Mahone fanfic part 3
Austin Mahone fanfic part 4
Austin Mahone fanfic part 5
Austin Mahone Fanfic part 6
Austin Mahone fanfic part 7
Austin Mahone Fanfic Part 8
Austin Mahone fanfic part 9
Austin Mahone fanfic part 10
Austin Mahone Fanfic Part 11
Austin Mahone fanfic part 12
Austin Mahone fanfic part 13
Austin Mahone fanfic part 14

Austin Mahone Fanfic part 15

5.8K 66 70
By clarkspal

*I'm sorry it's been a while, new sports scheduale, still you guys.. Thanks for supporting!




Austin's concert was today. You were so excited! Another day with Robert...<3 I actually think I love him, you tell youself. Cassie was going to be there.. I guess it'll be fun meeting her.. Hopefully she's cool... Robert is picking you up and taking you to the concert separately so you can spend time alone before it starts.. He says he has to talk to you. You have a feeling it's about a breakup. You don't want to think about that. Maybe he'll say he loves me? You hope so. Roberts picking you up at 2. You Check your phone 1:37. Shit.

Robert<3- about to leave the house, gosh I can't wait to see my beautiful girlfriend!

You- awhh, hurryy!! I miss my baby!;*

Robert<3- who's that?

You- you silly!!

Robert<3- I knoww! I'm kidding! No texting and driving! See you in a few..<33

You- byeeee!<3

How cute is he?! HOW CUTE IS HE?! TOOO CUTEE!! You hurry and get dressed. Tie die shorts with a black top. Caute. Your hair is straight and you decide to not wear makeup. It's easier natural. You hear a car horn and run out the Front door.

Austin- 'you guys need to get there at 5, got it?'

You- 'yeah, k, whatever. Bye!!!!!!' being with Robert made you so happy. You could spend hours, days, weeks, months, or years and never get tired of him. You wished you could stay with him that long.

Robert gets out of the car and hugs you. You jump in the passengers seat and Roberts backs out of the driveway.

You- 'where are we going?'

Robert- 'wanna go to my house??' you've never been there, you've never met his mom. You would've worn jeans or something. Oh well. Robert didn't even bother to wear a shirt.

You pull up to his house. It's a little smaller then Alex but the same size as Austin. You walk in and instantly hear a baby crying. Its Roman. Awh he's so cute.

Robert- 'ROMMANNNNN!!!' he says laughing. He picks up his little brother and rocks him till he sleeps. That was by far the cutest thing you've ever seen. Roberts mom walks in.

Robs mom- 'ROBERT IS THAT YO-- oh, hello. I'm Roberts mother. And you are?'

Robert- 'mon this is my girlfriend Lauren'

Roberts mom- 'awh, well your very pretty, and it was nice to meet you. Thank you for putting roman to sleep Robert.'

Robert- 'no problem.. We're going upstairs, come on Yourname'

You- 'okay, it was nice to meet you.' she smiles and Robert grabs your hand leading you upstairs.

Robert- 'sorry.. My rooms a little messy and.. Well small.'

You- 'haha its alright.' he closes the door after you. You sit on the bed, he sits next to you and takes your hand.

Robert- 'your so beautiful.'

You- 'ha.. Thanks.. Soo um.. Robert...'

Robert- 'yeah baby?'

You- 'you said we needed to talk about something.,'

Robert- 'ohh.. Yeah. Umm.. Well.. I just kinda wanted to make sure of some stuff..'

You- 'like..?'

Robert- 'you don't have feelings for Austin anymore do you?'

You- 'not at all!'

Robert- 'okay good!' he smiles 'oh and.. When you go back to Michigan.. What's going to happen to us.?'

You- 'does something have to happen to us?'

Robert- 'idk.. You tell me..'

You- 'I hope not..'

Robert- 'okay..'

You- 'what's wrong??'

Robert- 'I just dont want to hurt you.'

You- 'then don't.'

Robert- 'what if I need to??'

You look at him. If he wanted to break up with you then he should just do it. Not lead you on. If he knew it wouldn't work he shouldnt have asked you out.

You- 'then ill make it easy.. If you want it that bad then that's fine. We're over. Bye.' you get up and let yourself out. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. You tell yourself. You don't need him if he doesn't need you. You call Dave, no answer. Austin, no answer. Luke, no answer. Alex, no answer. Zach, no answer. Great how the hell am I supposed to get home?! You mutter to yourself while walking around Roberts neighborhood. TYLER! Yes! You check for his number and you have it. 1 ring, 2 rings, 'please answer' you think, 3 rings.

Tyler- 'hello??'

You- 'hey Tyler it's YN'

Tyler- 'oh! Hey!'

You- 'nothing I kinda need a ride home from Roberts.. Are you busy?'

Tyler- 'nah I'm coming right now.'

You-'thankss! Your a life saver!'

Tyler- 'haha its nothing. Why couldn't Robert drop you home though.?'

You- 'oh, we umm.. We kinda.. Like just broke up..'

Tyler- 'awh YN I'm sorry.'

You- 'it's whatever. It wasn't even a week relationship.'

Tyler- 'true, haha, well I'll be there in five, bye.'

You-'okay thanks bye.'

Awhh Tyler's so sweet! He's the one you never really talked to either! You feel bad asking for a favor when you haven't done anything in return. Oh well.. He's your ride, you needed a ride. Tyler pulls up and you get in the car.

You- 'thanks so much for coming!'

Tyler- 'haha its really no problem.. You look really pretty by the way..' awhh,, you didn't know if you should say it, but he looked really sexy right now. Like you wanted to make out with him at that very moment.

You- 'awh thanks, you going to the concert?'

Tyler- 'wouldnt miss it for the world!'

You- 'its so cute, all of your friendships with Austin.. There just like in the movies.. You guys are inseparable.'

Tyler- 'you say that in a sad way, you obviously have tons of friends. I mean your hilarious, and pretty, an nice, i wouldn't see why you wouldn't.'

You- 'I have Luke. That's my only friend that's always stuck by my side. Others were there cause I was always with boys. The boys were there cause they wanted sex. When they realize it's not going to happen, they leave, then the girls leave, then it's just me and Luke again..'

Tyler- 'I'm sorry..'

You- 'it's okay, Luke is good enough.'

Tyler- 'I won't be one of those guys. I'll be your real friend. From this time forward I'll never ever ever ever EVER stop our friendship. You'll tell me everything and I'll tell you everything. Even when you leave. I'll text you every morning all the way till night time! Deal?!' awhhhh! He's so cutee!

You- 'DEAL!'

He grabs your hand and you feel insanely happy. No one has been really nice to you in a long time. You miss it. You like Tyler, but if he wanted to be my BFF then I wante him there. I don't want to lose him.

Tyler- 'wanna chill at my house or do you wanna go home to Austin's?'

You- 'yeah I kinda forgot to say.. No ones home.. Sorry...'

Tyler- 'it's totally cool! That means I get to hangout with my best friend until the concert!' you just laugh. You walk into his house. It's so nice. You don't know Why they never hang here.

Tyler- 'mom I'm home! My friends here!' he yells through the house an takes you upstairs.

Tyler- 'gosh it's So hot in here!' he opens his window and throws his shirt on the floor. He closes the door behind you and flops down on the bed staring at the ceiling. You hover over him in a playful way. He takes your hips and puts you under. He starts laughing and you quickly peck his lips.

Tyler- 'I don't think that's what best friends do cutie.' you blush and he laughs. 'that's okay I guess I'll make an exception. But just for you.' he leans in and kisses you. Your kiss is at least a minute. It wouldve gone longer but Tyler was getting a phone call. He flops next to you. It's Robert.

Tyler- 'Yo Rob what's up?!' he's always so happy. It's adorable. Ugh why did Robert have to ruin that?!

Tyler- 'yeah she's here' .... 'yeah it's cool we're just chillin at my house till the concert cause no ones home at Austin's.' ...... 'no were not dating, people can chill without dating.' .... 'well didn't you guys break up?' he sounded jealous. Awh, you wanted to hang up and kiss him all over. 'we'll you can just talk to her at the concert then, I'll talk to you later man. Bye' you climb ontop of him and throw the phone across the bed. You start kissing his neck.

Tyler- 'mmmmmm' gosh he's so sexy. His hands are about to go up your shirt when he stops. You look at him confused.

Tyler- 'I'm not like those boys at school.' he winks.

You- 'not at all.. Cause the difference is Id actually let YOU.' his smile is from ear to ear. You start to kiss him on the lips. His hands start exploring your body. You feel his tounge on your bottom lip asking for entrance. You let his tounge enter your mouth. You feel him clench your brests and start massaging them. Your tounges are swirling around together. He flips it so hes on top. He lifts your shirt high enough to show your breasts. He starts at the top of your shorts. Kissing. Sucking the skin. Licking your body. You give a tiny moan. Tyler looks at you enjoying it and smiles. He keeps going. Kissing you up and down. His lips and tounge all over. He gets to your breasts and looks at you for permission to take of your bra when there's a knock at the door. He pulls down your shirt and you guys casually sit next to each other. His mom comes in and she's Sooo nice. She keeps saying how pretty you are. When she leaves you and Tyler cuddle and watch TV.

Tyler- 'your freezing'

You- I know, I always am.' he pulls the covers over the two of you and your in the dark under the blankets. He grabs your waist and pulls you into his lap.

Tyler- 'I love you, you know that?' you smile and peck his lips. You never realized how good looking he is till today. You never thought about going all the way with a guy, until today. You just stayed in his lap letting him kiss all over your neck. He started to suck and you honestly couldn't care less about having a hicky. It was from Tyler. You wanted it. Then you could cover it with makeup.

Tyler- 'I'm not supposed to be doing any of this with you. It's not bro code. Ive never broken bro code, but something about you is just so-'

You- 'I know.. I feel the same.' he kisses you. 'I'm sorry I made you break bro code.'

Tyler- 'haha your so worth it. He throws you under him and you guys are getting tangled under the covers. He's kissing you everywhere. Gosh his kisses are so amazing. His alarm on his phone goes off and you guys get in the car to go to the concert. He gets behind the wheel and you sit facing him. Kissing his neck.

Tyler- 'babyy! I'm gonna get a ticket! Why you gotta be such a bad girl?' he winks and grabs your ass. You move to the passengers seat.

You- 'I can't kiss you in front of Robert, Can I?'

He shakes his head in a sad way. 'not in front of anyone. If you break bro code. The whole crew is pissed.'

You- 'damn. Okayy...'

Tyler- 'yeah I know. I don't know how I'll stay away from those lips all night.' you laugh and go the venue. You get there and everyone outside goes crazy. Robert hears everyone and comes to see who has arrived. When he sees you he picks you up and kisses you. Everyone screams 'awh!!!' Tyler just shakes his head and walks inside. Robert puts his arm aroun your waist and walks you inside.

Robert- 'can we please talk?'

You- 'yeah just gimme a minute.' you run over to Tyler.

You- 'heey Tyler. I'm sorry. I didn't know. I swear.'

Tyler- 'it's cool.' he smiles at you. It's a real smile too. 'I told you I'd alway be your best friend. I'm not letting Robert fuck that up. I'm your best friend alright?! Never forget that!' he taps your noes with his finger. You giggle.

You- 'never never ever ever EVER!' you hug him really tight and go over to Robert.

Robert- 'what was that?'

You- 'I was talking to Tyler..'

Robert- 'you don't have to explain a kiss to him. He's not your boyfriend so it's not his problem.'

You- 'Robert your being kinda rude.'

Robert- 'I'm being wha-- your right. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I guess I got jealous.'

You- 'were just friends, me and Tyler.'

Robert- 'I know. I know neither of you would ever do that to me. You would never hurt me like that. But I hurt you. And I'm sorry.' gosh Robert really? Way to go on making you feel guilty.

You- 'Robert it's fine.'

Robert- 'no its not! I let you go like I didn't want you anymore and you werent worth fighting for. I watched you run out of my house without a care in the world. You and Tyler just hung out and I got jealous. I can't let you go. You can't get another man. I need you. I love you YOURNAME! I love you more then words can even say! Just PLEASE. Take me back!' you look over at Tyler and he nods his head a bunch. He really wants you guys back together. You look at Robert. A tear is about to fall from his eyes. You run into his arms and he just holds you there.

Robert- 'thank God. Youname I promise I'll make this long distance stuff work. I'll be the best boyfriend I can be. I know it's going to be hard to believe I won't hurt you again but I promise I won't. I'll kill myself before I get a chance to hurt you.'

You hug him tighter. 'I love you Robert.'

Robert- 'I love you too baby. So much.' you guys go to check Out the venue. Austin's practicing on stage. You see a girl on the couch. It's the one that was kissing Austin. Well this must be Cassie... yay. NOT. You lock your jaw when you see her. Robert squeezes your hand and you look away. She's fucking beautiful. Robert completely checked he out. That's what I was scared of.

You- 'I have to go to the bathroom.'

Robert- 'alright I'll wait here.'


Yourname- 'i have to go to the bathroom.'

Me- 'alright I'll wait here.' damn Austin's girl was the opposite of fine. I mean I respect women and I would never call a girl ugly but damn. I ain't never met Cassie. Austin can do better. He was probably attracted cause her boobs were FALLING OUT of her shirt. I'm glade yn has self respect unlike this hoe. I sat on the couch next to her.

Cassie- 'hey I'm Cassie,'

Me- 'Robert'

Cassie- 'was that really pretty girl your girlfriend?' maybe she's nice.. I'll give her that.

Robert- 'yeah'

Youname- 'ROBERT!!' Yourname was calling me from down the hall. I stood up.

Me- 'in here babe.' i call back. Cassie stands up with me, proabably for a hug, or to meet Yourname. Instead she pushes me back on the couch and sits on top of me. Her legs are wrapped around me. She moves my hands to her breasts and starts massaging them. No YN can't see this. I just got her back. Cassie's tounge is in my mouth and she's reaching for my pants. I pull away. She's still on me. Wrapped around my body. I can't get up.

Me- 'get off of me you whore I have a girlfriend!' that moment Yourname comes in the room.

Me- 'I can explain I swear!' Austin walks in as I'm saying that. Cassies shirt is off.

Austin- 'explain what? That you were about to have sex with my girlfriend until YN came In the room?!' wow it looks like that for him doesn't it. He goes over to Cassie and apologizes, then he walks away with YN too. That fucking bitch. If I could hit a girl her noes would be broken.

Your POV-----

Austin's really mad. I know Robert didn't cheat. I heard him and watched him push her off. For Austin's it really doesn't look like that though. I'll let him cool off then explain. Cassie's a whore. She's trying to ruin me and Robert. More importantly Robert and Austin. News flash hoe. It isn't going to work.

Austins POV-----

One girl. One fucking girl. I want one girl Robert doesn't steal. I lost my virginity to this one. He couldn't just leave her to me. Damn. He's the worst friend in the world. No one else would ever do that to me. I feel so bad for YN. Robert just cheated on her. Im going to go talk to her.

Me- 'heey YN'

YN- 'hey Austin we need to talk.'

Me- 'i know.. I'm sorry he did that to you.. Are you okay'

YN- 'yeah Austin I'm fine bu-'

Me- 'you don't have to lie. If your hurt just tell me. You can talk to me.'

YN- 'Austin shut up for two seconds!' I'm speechless. 'sorry. But I need to tell you something.' I let her continue. 'you came in at the wrong moment. I saw Cassie get on Robert. She took off her own shirt. She grabbed Roberts hands and put them on her breasts. She kissed him. He got pissed and pushed her off. He doesn't know I saw. That's why he thinks he has to explain. It was Cassie. Not Robert. He never cheated on me. She cheated on you.' I don't know what to say. She said she loved me. We made love. Then she went and kissed Robert? What a whore. I'm so mad.

Me- 'CASSIE!!'

Cassie- 'yeah baby?' she starts massaging my shoulders and kissing me neck. Why was she outside the door?

Me- 'were you evesdropping?'

Cassie- 'no! That's rude!'

Me- 'alright well we need to talk.'

Cassie- 'yeah we do. I kissed Robert. I got on top. He didn't do any of it. I'm sorry.' wow..

Me- 'why. We had sex and everything. What did I do wrong.'

Cassie- 'awee! Baby nothing! Your sex is so amazing!' she says grabbing at my pants. No. Don't forgive her yet. 'I just got mad cause I know Roberts current girlfriend is your ex. I thought maybe if she saw she would get mad and leave. I just got jealous. I didn't know if you still had feelings for her.' I feel bad for getting angry with her now.

Me- 'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad. I gotta go apologize to Robert and explain everything.'

Cassie- 'I should do it. It's my fault.. I'll tell him you guys are cool. I just feel like I really need to do this' she's so sweet. With that she gets up and leaves.

Your POV-----

You told Robert you explained to austin and he was talking to Cassie. You should've seen how happy he was when you told him you weren't mad. Cassie is a bitch. End of the story. (not literally).

Cassie came in and saw you guys cuddling. You shot her a dirty look.

Robert- 'what do you want.'

Cassie- 'I told Austin it was my fault. He forgives you. I'm sorry. I just thought maybe you needed to kiss someone pretty every once in a while.'

You- 'did you just call me ugly?'

Cassie- 'awh look it talks!'

You- 'what's your problem?!'

Cassie- 'i don't have one but you've sure got a ton.'

Robert- 'Cassie you need to stop.'

Cassie- 'Robert it's not my fault shes jealous I don't have an eating condition.'

The room is silent. I'm grabbing Roberts hand so right it might break.

Robert- 'get the fuck out. Now.'

Cassie- 'fine. But Robert, remember to ask YN what she did with Tyler at his house today.' okay this girl is just scary now. Robert gives me a confused look. I give him one back.

Is Cassie stalking me?


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