Heed The Roar: Hogwart's Lion...

By AshleyGryffindor

316K 6.8K 5.4K

I'm Y/n Lily Potter, eldest daughter of James Fleamont Potter and Lily Evans/Potter, and Big sister to Harry... More

My Houses!🦁🐆🦅
🦁Me; The Author🦁
Prologue & Chap 1 - 11th birthday!
Chap 2 - Leaky Cauldron & Diagon Alley!
Chap 3 - 9 3/4 & New Friends!
Chap 4 - Sorting & My housemates
Chap 5 - Classes & Godfather
Chap 6 - Snitches & Detention
Chap 7 - Leaving and Summer
Chap 9 - Hogwarts is my Home
Chap 10 - Halloween Surprise
Chap 11 - Quidditch & Broomsticks
Chap 12 - Christmas & Mirror of Erised
Chap 13 - Creep & True Family
Chap 14 - A House Elf Named Dobby?
Chap 15 - The Burrow & Floo powder
Chap 16 - Back to Hogwarts
Chap 17 - Chamber of Secrets and Quidditch
Chap 18 - Butterbeer & Heirs
Chap 19 - X-mas and Valentine's
Chap 20 - Chamber of Secrets and Tom
Chap 21 - Aunt Marge & Black Dog
Chap 22 - My Golden Boys & Memories
Chap 23 - Friends and Scars
Chap 24 - Legends & Truth
Chap 25 - Full Moon & Family
Chap 26 - Freedom & New Memories
Chap 27 - Days til Quidditch World Cup
Chap 28 - Quidditch World Cup & Fire
Chap 29 - News & Glory Await
Chap 30 - DADA & The Chosen Champions
Chap 31 - First Task & Battle
Chap 32 - O.W.L.S & Yule Ball
Chap 33 - Riddle Song & Second Task
Chap 34 - Final Task & True Bravery
Chap 35 - Saving The Family & The Order
Chap 36 - The Hearing & Sixth Year
Chap 37 - Umbridge's DADA & Rules
Chap 38 - Birth of DA & Nightmares
Chap 39 - The Marauders Never Die
Chap 40 - The Battle for the Prophecy
Chap 41- Final Year & Task at Hand
Chap 42 - Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
Chap 43 - What A Sister Must Do

Chap 8 - Your Turn Harry

9K 240 148
By AshleyGryffindor

Y/n's POV

I pulled on my burgundy Weasley sweater over my white button up shirt and black plated skirt with my white stockings with my black mary jane heels before looking at my vanity fixing my hair into a low ponytail as I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I said as my aunt Petunia walked into my face and helped up with curling my ponytail in a giant gentle rose curl as Harry waited downstairs for me so I could take him to Diagon Alley with Hagrid and to met up with the Weasleys after we got our supplies. Once I was ready I saw aunt Petunia was crying since harry and I are heading to Hogwarts and Dudley is heading to Smelting's, I knew she'd be lonely without us but I have never seen her cry before so I hugged her close as she did me.

***Leaky Cauldron & Diagon Alley***

Y/n and Harry walked into the Leaky Cauldron with Hagrid right behind us as the patrons of the pub greeted Harry as they did his older sister a year ago before heading to Gringnotts Bank and used harry's key instead and gathered up their money for supplies then the 713 vault as Hagrid got a secret package for Professor Dumbledore. After the bank Y/n took Harry to the tailor shop to get them fitted for their new uniforms and met a boy with platinum blonde hair and silver blue eyes whom Y/n declared in her head a spoiled brat before they headed to Ollivanders for Harry's wand which lead the girl to duck more then once then laugh with pride as he held his wand and Ollivanders told him how his sister's wand selection was til a knock at the window. Y/n smiled seeing Hagrid holding a cage with a beautiful snowy owl for Harry as a birthday present from her and the half giant. "What are you going to name her, Harry?" Y/n asked as he smiled at his sister and Hagrid saying to them. "I'll name her Hedwig." Y/n smiled as she heard running behind her then dodged quickly as Fred, George and Lee fall onto the ground groaning in slight pain. Y/n laughed happily at her friends messed up sneak attack. "Ello Freddie, Georgie, Lee Lee. I am happy to see you boys again but where is Cedric, Angelina and Katie?" She asked before said Hufflepuff third year student lifted the second year Gryffindor girl off of her feet. "Hey N/n, Miss me love?" Cedric asked as Y/n blushed embarrassed. "Ceddy put me down! I swear if you boys see my knickers, I will never forgive you!" She yelled at her fourth guy friend beside her other friends. Mrs. Weasley ran up to the four boys and told Cedric to put Y/n down as she smoothed out her skirt before the plump red haired woman gave her a bear hug. "It's nice to see you again Molly but your crushing me..." she said honestly before breathing heavily then turned around to look at Harry. "Now Harry, I'll be right back okay I have to go get my quidditch supplies and my broom with Fred, George, Lee and Cedric here so behave for Mrs. Weasley and Hagrid okay." Harry nodded as the four second years and third year left to the QQS getting measured for their team uniforms and Y/n bought the new broomstick, The Nimbus two thousand before heading to ice cream shop finding the youngest Weasley boy, Ronald whom Fred and George called Ronnikins eating ice cream with Harry laughing. Fred, George, Lee and Cedric got their ice cream before Y/n got her scoops of never melting chocolate chip cheesecake and doubled chocolate with a waffle cone then sat in a booth beside Fred smiling. Her friends got taller and lost some of their baby fat and more muscle yet her eyes stayed on Freddie with a sweet smile.

Fred's POV

I was happy to be with my friends again for this second year at Hogwarts but I felt my heart stop a bit when my eyes landed on our best friend, Y/n Potter and I thought she was cute last year but now she's beautiful. She had changed a lot over the summer, she grew taller by a few inches as did her figure. Merlin she's going to turn heads back at Hogwarts and my felt extremely warm knowing that Y/n has began to blossom from a rose bud and slowly into a rose.
As I noticed that she was smiling at me with her sweet smile and her sparkling e/c eyes as I noticed when George and I first met her a year ago.


Y/n and Fred smiled at each other as they all ate their ice cream. "So fellas at Hogwarts what pranks are we going to pull, Any ideas Freddie, Georgie and Lee Lee but don't worry Ceddy I'll make sure that you know when the prank happens so you don't get caught in it." Y/n said as she moved her spoon full of chocolate ice cream and it accidentally hit Fred on the cheek with it. "Cold spoon geez N/n." Fred said wiping his cheek before doing the same thing to her. "Hey! Freddie your lucky we're in public or I'd prank war you into next week if we were in Hogwarts right now." She said while pulling on his blue gray sweater's collar as their friends laughed at the two as the two unknowingly were flirting with each other. The day passed with ease while Hagrid took Y/n and Harry back to their home before heading to Hogwarts in a few weeks. "I can't believe you got the wand I first tried out before I got my alder wood wand, Harry. Little brother I can tell we are going to do great things at Hogwarts." She said.

Little did I know that Harry's and my own story at Hogwarts was just about to begin. We would face off evil wizards together, be with our friends and classmates, fight off our bullies, preform great feats of magic, break a ton of school rules just to protect those we care about. We would lose people that we love so much, fight with friends and family in disagreements. We would fall for the wrong people until we would fall for our true loves and we would willingly would die just to protect everyone who know and even don't know us yet.

This is our story, our life as the girl and boy who lived.

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