My Student of the Year.

By TeamLeo4Life

54.9K 3.4K 1.3K

Elsa teaches high school. One big class 30 or more students in it. It was always her dream to teach. But the... More

<1> Dream Come True
<2> Arithmetic Class
<3> Glasses
<4> First Day. Check!✔
<5> I Am who I Aaam! I Don't Need a Maaan!
<6> Coffee or Tea?
<7> Severe Pumbling.
<8> Beach 4 Life.
<9> Blue Paint.
<10> Best Prank Ever!
<11> Saved by the-. Jack?
<12> ✔ Just Do It.
<13> 'Uncool'
<14> Ice Cold.
<15> Party Time!
<16> I Slap Myself.
<17> It's A Hate Relationship.
<18> You Mess With The Bull, You Get The Horns.
<19> Da Punishments.
<20> That Awkward Moment.
<21>Mr. CrankyPants.
<22> Anti-Social, Nerdy, Fangirl Teenagers.
<23> Mixed Signals.
<24> Queen Boss Mare Elsa.
<25> Stalker? Pssh! Not Me!
<26> 'Wee Giant'.
<27> Nothing Sweeter Than Morning Revenge.
<28> Church Clothes.
<29> IHop.. Oh Look, A Frisbee.
<30> Inner Voice


208 5 8
By TeamLeo4Life

So uh, I became older and realized by writing this book was promoting pedophilia HNNNG-



so uh, I'm not gonna update this anymore.

(Not that I was going go anyway, it's been so long sksksk)

So yeah, ily guys.. I will always love this fandom. Ahhh

I'm so nostalgic nowadays, ily guys sm 💜

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