In Their Shadow

By Blue-Kitten245

121K 3.5K 1.9K

Stuck behind the shadows of Naruko and Sasuke how will Yuma Ito deal with being in a team with his talented t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Fragmented Memory 1
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Fragmented Memory 2
Chapter 28: Chunin Exams Start!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Fragmented Memory 3
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41: A Boy Capable Of Great Things
Chapter 42: A Festive Time For Regrets
Chapter 43: Happy Birthday
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Fragmented Memory 4
Chapter 51

Chapter 14

2.5K 86 125
By Blue-Kitten245

Kakashi walked out of the old decrepit building, hands in his pockets. He had a look of composure, despite the quiet sounds of wailing and whimpering echoing from within the building behind him. He sighed to himself, before looking up to the sky.

"Looks like its going to rain soon..." He muttered aloud to himself.

The clouds above him let loose a thunderous clap, as if to confirm his suspicions.

"I really hate rain."

"If you hate the rain so much, then why in the hell are you standing out there!" A familiar rough voice called out to him.

Kakashi turned to the intruder behind him, eyes full of surprise.

"Obito, why are you here?" Kakashi asked in bewilderment.

"Sensei thought you might need some backup, so he sent me!" The Uchiha Man spoke with cheer, bringing a small smile to Kakashi's face.

"Glad to see someone's cheerful. You always manage to lighten the mood Obito, thanks." Kakashi said.

They stood silent, appreciative of one another's company. All was quiet for awhile, until Obito spoke.

"...Thinking about Rin again, aren't you." Obito asked with a frown on his face.

"...Sorry, its just, whenever it rains like this, I-!?"

Obito put a hand on Kakashi's shoulder.

"I know."

Wind sprung through the pond like area, as if the heavens were responding to their melancholy. Obito sighed, looking up the sky with a frown, taking a deep breath.

"So, how is it being the team leader of Sensei's daughter and my annoying family member?" Obito asked with a smirk.

Kakashi smirked back at him.

"Just what you'd expect, Naruko never shuts up and is filled with energy. Sasuke is always acting arrogant and starting fights with Naruko." Kakashi responded.

Obito laughed to himself.

"Yeah, I know someone like that myself." Obito said.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, can you please stop bring up the past like that." Kakashi said, annoyed at his friend for bring up the similarities.

"I'm sorry, its just...The two of them remind me of us back then, you know?" Obito said, a wistful look in his eyes.

Kakashi gave him an eye smile.

"Yeah, I know." He said, touching the eye his headband covered.

"...Hope your taking care of that gift I gave you." Obito said with a knowing grin.

"Yeah, yeah, I am."

"...So what about the other one?" Obito asked.

Kakashi looked at him in confusion.


"You know, the other kid on your team." Obito said.

"Oh, you mean Yuma..." Kakashi said, his voice trailing off as he looked up to the sky once more.

"He...Worries me..."

Obito raised a brow.

"What do you mean by that?"

Kakashi let out a heavy sigh.

"He pretends to be friendly with others, uses people for personal gain, and thinks nothing of hurting people he doesn't know. Honestly, I really worry about him." Kakashi said with a frown.

"I see..." Obito responded, narrowing his eyes.

"The kids had a rough life, but the way he acts and behaves around Naruko and Sasuke really concerns me. He acts like-!?"

"Like Orochimaru." Obito finished.

"...Yeah." Kakashi nodded in affirmation of Obito's statement.

"Although, it isn't a surprise considering his upbringing, he was born in the orphanage, was the forced to manage an apartment at a young age, and then went to a academy where people called him talent-less. Makes sense why he'd have a grudge against the world like he does." Kakashi explained.

"Yeah, now he's on a team full of prodigies who he will always be behind. I can kind of sympathize with the kid on that." Obito said, once being in the same position.

"That's why I really want to help him mature. He may not realize it...but he's got potential. Not saying he will be at Naruko or Sasuke's level, but I believe he could become something great." Kakashi said, eyes full of compassion.

"Yeah, and the last thing Konoha needs is another Orochimaru." Obito said seriously.

"I just hope Naruko and Sasuke can get through to them." Kakashi said.

Obito patted Kakashi on the back with a wide grin.

"Look at you, actually acting like a Sensei, never thought i'd see the day!" Obito exclaimed.

Kakashi shook his head at Obito's childish persona.

But honestly, that's the best part of him' Kakashi thought with a smile beneath his facial mask.

"Hey Kakashi, who's that guy!" Yelled the rough voice of Zabuza, who was sizing up Obito.

"Oh, hey! Nice to meet ya! I'm Obito Uchiha, I've been sent here as an extra Jonin. Just to make sure things go by smoothly." Obito said holding out his hand with a large dorky smile he is known so well for.

"The names Zabuza Momochi, glad to meet ya! And here I was beginning to think all Jonin's from the Leaf Village were a stick in the mud like your friend here!" Zabuza responded heartily with his sharp toothed grin.

"Funny." Kakashi said bluntly.

"Anyways, I'm here to tell you we finally have the info we need." Zabuza said with a smirk.

"Really? I thought he would never give it up." Kakashi said in surprise.

"You should've had seen him, man did he have a throat on him! Dude could scream for hours like it was nothing, hahahahaha!" Zabuza said with a sick grin on his face.

Obito frowned at his laughter.

"What did you do to get him to spill?" Obito questioned.

"I put a small hole on the side of his neck, and let the blood slowly drip out. Eventually he couldn't handle hearing the sound of his own blood dripping onto the floor. He told us everything we needed to know." Zabuza said.

"...Did you kill him?" Obito questioned.

"Nah, figure he could still serve as leverage against the people we are soon to be ransacking. Besides he's-!?" Zabuza was unable to finish explaining anything to Obito.

Obito walked briskly past the Sharp toothed psychopath, straight into the old building. Zabuza yelled out to him, but Obito paid him no mind. Obito walked past Haku, who was mopping up the copious amounts of blood and flesh. There he saw the pale, near to death of Kenichi. Obito scowled at the sight.

" kill me..." Kenichi whimpered out.

Obito looked upon the man sadly.

"As you wish."

The mans head disappeared in a whirl. Seemingly vanishing from the rest of Kenichi's body. The bloody stump that now gushed blood ended at the base of his neck. The headless body stiffened in the chained and bound chair. Obito silent, bringing his hands together in prayer.

Kami-Sama, may you let this man rest in your arms...' Obito prayed.

"Aww jeez, you Leaf Ninja's really are no fun." Zabuza let loose his sigh of annoyance upon walking into the building.

"I apologize for ruining your fun Zabuza, Demon of the Mist." Obito responding coldly, bringing a grin to Zabuza's face.

"It's alright. Obito of the Kamui." Zabuza said with a sinister grin.

Kakashi walked in, noticing the rough atmosphere between Obito and Zabuza almost immediately

"Now, now you two, lets all calm down." Kakashi said, trying to placate the two of them.

The two stood glaring at one another for a good while, before Zabuza began to crackle and grin. He held out his hand to Obito, his smile still on his face. Obito looked down at the hand, before sighing and grasping it.

"Glad to see you have some manners." Obito remarked.

"Don't mention it. Nice to see a Leaf Ninja with guts for once, and here I thought that Yuma kid was the only one of you guys with any grit." Zabuza said.

"Really, the only one huh?" Kakashi remarked dryly.

Zabuza cackled loudly, causing Haku to smile, glad to see his master in a happy mood.

"So Obito, what was the purpose of you being sent here. I doubt its just for backup." Kakashi questioned with a gleam in his eye.

Obito stiffened up, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Your right, I was sent here for another reason, a serious one..." Obito spoke seriously.

"Lets hear it then. I wanna know whats got your villages Kage so shaken that he would send an Anbu Black Ops all the way out here for a mere C-Rank." Zabuza asked with a manic and gleeful gleam in his eye.

"That's the thing. This mission is no longer...a C-Rank. Its now an A-Ranked mission." Obito said, shocking all of the rooms occupants.

"an A-Rank, are you serious Obito?" Kakashi asked, shocked.

Obito nodded his head.

"Yes, its now an A-Rank, allow me to explain."

And so, Obito began explaining the situation, and slowly but surely the severity of the situation was now donning on Kakashi and the others.

The sound of thunder billowed from outside the building, signalling the beginning of the end.


"You agreed to what!?"

After Sasuke awoke to the view of his ever so cheerful childhood friend, he was caught up to speed on what he had missed. After being told that Yuma had agreed that they would go eat dinner with a villager of the village they would soon be damning, he had flipped out.

"Sasuke, lets stay calm." Naruko tried to placate him.

"No! Yuma, tell me why you agreed to this! What could we possibly gain from this!?" Sasuke yelled out.

Sasuke was furious. He was furious that Yuma was accepting a meal from a family they would soon be condemning to a life of poverty.

It sickened him.

"Why not? Besides, it will help clear some suspicion on our part, and we get a free meal out of it." Yuma responded bluntly and without care.

Sasuke froze, not expecting such a cold response.

"Yuma..." Naruko said in a disappointed tone of voice.

"What? We're already ruining their chances at prosperity, might as well take their food too, am I right?" Yuma said, this time with a light smile.

"Yuma!" Naruko yelled, shocked at him saying such a thing.

Yuma glared coldly at them.

"What!? You expect me to show them pity? Doing that would be even more insulting to them?" Yuma bit out.

Naruko flinched, and looked back at Sasuke who was now grinding his teeth together in anger.

"Yuma, shut the hell up..." Sasuke said, taking a menacing step forward.

"Sasuke!" Naruko yelled at him.

Sasuke, who was in mid movement towards Yuma, froze. He clenched his fists together.

"But Naruko, he's...He's acting as if their lives are inconsequential, like they have no worth! Doesn't that bother you!" Sasuke yelled out.

"I know how you feel, but hitting him won't change his rotten mentality." Naruko responded with uncharacteristic disappointment in her voice.

Yuma glared at the both of them.

"Oh, so i'm the villain now. Mr and Ms Hero acting like their above it all, how surprising." Yuma said with a scowl.

"No Yuma that's not it. We're just upset at you for acting as if people are tools." Naruko said, a matching scowl on her face.

"Well i'm so sorry for doing what you two can't seem to do. I'm just putting my feelings aside for the sake of the mission." He said.

"Give it up Naruko. He won't listen no matter how much you tell him. He's just rotten to the core." Sasuke said with a look of pity.

Yuma hated that look more then anything else.

"You would know wouldn't you. You both seem to have mastered the art of abandoning those who need it. I should know." Yuma said with a snarl.

Sasuke flinched.

"Yuma! This and that are completely different!" Naruko screamed, running up to him and grabbing him by the collar.

Yuma gasped as he was pushed up against the rough bark of a tree, a look of shock on his face.

"Now you listen here, I've been putting up with all of your bullshit because I wanna be your friend. But I've just about had enough! Now, you go to Inari, tell him we are not going to his place for dinner, and then you get back here, alright!" Naruko roared, startling Yuma, who then gritted his teeth in anger.

"No! You listen! I've had just about enough of both of you guys' bullshit myself! Friend this and compassion that! You idiots do realize that we are Ninja! N.I.N.J.A. Ninja, you fucking morons! We are meant to kill, to lie, to do anything as long as it gets us results!" Yuma yelled right back, his angry visage startling both Naruko and Sasuke.

"Yeah! You're right, we're Ninja! Ninja, not monsters Yuma! Can't you see that what your doing is down right evil!" Naruko screamed right back.

"How! How is what i'm doing evil! I'm sorry that i'm not a starry eyed go getter like you! But people like me have to play dirty to get results! We can't just have everything handed to us like you two! We have to claw and force are way up, even if it means sacrificing and hurting others!" Yuma tried to reason, his eyes bloodshot with rage.

"Its that way of thinking that makes you fail! You can't just hurt others and expect success! That's not how it works!" Naruko yelled right back.

"Well then what the fuck am I supposed to do! I know, I should awaken the Sharingan! Or how about I master the Rasengan! Sorry sweet heart, but not everyone can achieve things as easily as you!" Yuma screamed to the top of his lungs, banging his hand against the tree bark behind himself.

"Yuma...!" Sasuke tries to intervene, his eyes wide in horror for some reason.

"No, I don't have to take shit from either of you! I'm sick and tired of you guys treating me like the bad guy! So I don't care about these worthless villagers! So I may act a little cold! So what!? I'm sorry I wasn't raised with a silver spoon in my mouth! Maybe if I was, I wouldn't have been the Dead last and forced to be on a team with the people I hate the most!" Yuma began screaming to the top of his lungs, his face turning red, as he slammed his hand against the tree once more.

Naruko flinched.

"Yuma, please...Stop!" She pleaded.

"No! I'm sorry I wasn't raised with love and compassion like the two of you! I'm sorry I wasn't born talented! I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry for ruining your perfect lives!" Tears began to well up in Yuma's eyes.

"Yuma...!" Naruko cried as he slammed his fist into the tree again.

"I'm sorry my parents were killed by the monster in your belly! I'm sorry I had to grow up in an orphanage and be never picked for adoption because of my plain looks! I'm sorry i'm such a fucking eye sore! I'm sorry that i'm not as perfect as the two of you!" He slammed his fist into the tree one last time, before gasping out in pain.

He fell into the ground in pain, the other two stood frozen and speechless. Yuma was then able to see why they where telling him to stop. His hands looked tattered and mashed, most of the bones in his hands broken. He clasped onto his right hand, screaming in pain, the adrenaline caused by his anger going down, allowing him to now feel pain. He began to cry hysterically.

"Yuma!" Naruko tried running to his side, before being pushed away.

"Don't touch me! Don't act like you care!" Yuma yelled crazily, his eyes wide and delirious.

"Yuma, please, for once let people help you..." Naruko tried to approach him but was once again rejected as Yuma leaped away from here.

"Don't come near me you Nine Tailed freak!" Yuma yelled out, shocking Naruko.

Yuma began to laugh crazily, the pain from his mashed right hand causing him to go mad.

"Ever since...Ever since I was little...even back in the academy...I've always hated you..." Yuma began to mutter out.

Naruko stood frozen, never having heard someone talk about her in such a manner. Tears began brimming in her eyes. Sasuke's face began to go red as Yuma continued speaking.

"You get to act all righteous and mighty without deserving it in the least...Honestly, it makes me sick to my stomach...and yet, you're just a fucking monster..."

"YUMA!" Sasuke finally had enough, and grabbed Yuma by the collar and before Naruko could even yell at him to stop...

He threw Yuma into the tree line, causing his body to bash into a tree.

Yuma began to scream and yell in pain. His body flew about the floor as he writhed in agony on the ground. Sasuke stared at Yuma in shock, surprised that he had snapped the way he did. He tried to run after Yuma to see how bad he had hurt him, but...

"SEE! YOU GUYS ARE NOTHING BUT MONSTERS! FIRST YOU FUCK UP MY HAND AND NOW THIS!? I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!" Yuma screamed to the top of his lungs as he tried standing up, scratching his hand in anger. He grasped at his hair, pulling at it like a mad man.

Naruko and Sasuke stood frozen. Unable to comprehend the situation as Yuma went into a melt down. Yuma stood up, his knees buckling and his body shaking.

Slowly and began to rain. The Thunder pounded, and the trees began to shake. It wasn't long until the trees began to shake from wind. The storm quickly picked up in intensity, the soft pitter patter of the rain quickly turning loud and hard. Yuma and the others quickly became drenched in rain as Yuma screamed how much he hated them over and over.


"Yuma, please stop..." Naruko begged, tears trailing down her face.

It wasn't that what he was saying was hurting her.

It was that she didn't want to see him suffering like that.

Sasuke couldn't even say nothing, he just stood there silently, unable to comprehend what was happening.

"Please, just let us help you...You don't need to be alone anymore...please." She begged.

Yuma ceased his delirious ranting breathing heavily and unable to catch his breath. Naruko tried to approach him, but...

Yuma took off running, off into the swampy forest

"Yuma, wai-!?" Naruko tried to run after him, but was stopped by Sasuke yanking on her arm.

"Sasuke! Let me go!" Naruko yelled at him.

"Shut up. Leave him alone, let him drown in his own misery if he wants." Sasuke said, a frown on his face.

Naruko relaxed, her body stiffening.

"Hey, Sasuke..."



For the first time in his life, Sasuke had been slapped by Naruko Namikaze.

And he was speechless.

Naruko went off, running after Yuma.

And Sasuke just stood there.

Everything remained silent with the exception of the wind, accompanied by thunder and the sloshing sound of rain hitting the swampy forest floor. Sasuke stood there silently before gritting his teeth.

"I should go back to the hotel...I hope Kakashi is there..." And with that, Sasuke walked alone, back to the Hotel to wait for their Sensei.

The sun had begun going down long ago...

Night was now upon them, and with it, a battle would soon begin.


Naruko ran through the swampy forest, not even taking a moment to rest. Trying her best to find were Yuma had run off to. She ran and ran, determined to find him.

'Yuma...To think you had been shouldering all that rage and sadness all alone...i'll...i'll save you! And then you'll become my friend!' Naruko thought to herself, determined to help show Yuma he didn't have to go through things alone.

As she ran and ran, she suddenly began to hear the sound of a flute off in the distance. She stopped, confused as to where the sound was playing from. Slowly and surely she became aware that the sound of the flute appeared to be emanating from everywhere at once. Suddenly, she began to feel really drowsy, her body wavering.

'G-Genjutsu, but how!? And why!?' Naruko thought to herself.

Before she could fall down due to the Genjutsu lulling her to the sleep. She quickly punched herself in the gut, the pain keeping her from falling prey to the Genjutsu.

"My, my, whats a filthy fucking fox doing out so late?" A harsh feminine voice yelled out.

Naruko's eyes widened as she quickly jumped away, a person wearing a cloak and a fox Anbu like mask came crashing down before her, the persons hands emitting an aura typical of Medical Ninjutsu. The mysterious being was accompanied by another cloaked figure sporting a similar mask, holding a flute. Naruko narrowed her eyes in trepidation before bearing her teeth at the two strangers in anger.

"Who the hell are you guys, and what do you want!?" Naruko yelled.

The one of the two figures who had the aura covered hands, tilted their head in confusion.

"Why are we here, I would think that to be obvious." The unknown figure spoke with light mirth in their voice.

The wind picked up in intensity, the rain picked up and lightning streaked across the night sky. Around the person with the flute, three massive ogre like figures fazed into reality, seemingly appearing from nowhere. They were hulking figures, causing Naruko to widen her eyes in slight fear.

"We are here to kill you of course."

The hulking ogre's roared loudly as the began charging at her, one of them jumping high and bringing its hands down like a hammer upon her. She leaped away just in time, a crater forming were she was previously standing. The flute played once more, as one of the ogreish creatures brought down its large bat, leaving Naruko unable to counter-attack, leaping away once more.

"Aw, did you forget about me?"

A sudden voice spoke from behind Naruko as she was struck on the back by the figure with the Medical Ninjutsu.

Naruko went flying, before grabbing a branch, pulling herself onto one of the tree's, breathing heavily. Before she could relax, one of the hulking ogre's bore down on here with its bat once more, forcing to begin jumping from tree as the beast continued its onslaught. Before she could continue leaping from tree to tree, the beast with the bat, swung its large club into her back, causing Naruko to gasp in pain as she went flying to the forest floor.

She skid to a stop, forming a Rasengan in one hand, and ran up to one of the ogre's with a mummy like appearance. The beast went flying, and Naruko swung around, swiftly kicking the figure with the Medical Ninjutsu who was creeping upon her in the stomach. Naruko's eyes widened as she instinctively rolled away just as the ogre like creature with the large hands slammed into the ground, forming another crater.

She then produced another Rasengan, ramming it straight into the large abomination. She then swiftly spun around, grabbing the figure with Medical Ninjutsu who was sneaking up on her, and threw him past of the tree line. The figure quickly grabbed one of the branches it was flying past, and was now looking down at her from above. The figure with the flute quickly joined its compatriot on the branch as they both now looked down upon Naruko.

"Damn it! She already got rid of two my Doki! I knew she was probably strong being the Hokage's daughter and all, but this is fucking ridiculous!" The feminine sounding figure spoke.

"Indeed..." The male sounding figure with the Medical Ninjutsu spoke with playful curiosity in his tone, clearly amused.

"I'll ask you two again! Who the hell are ya! And what do you want! Don't feed me that bullshit of wanting to kill me either, I know that's not what the both of you are after!" Naruko screamed up at them.

"...You know, I wonder how your other team mate is doing...Unlike you or the Uchiha, he isn't quite as capable is he?" The male sounding figure spoke maliciously.

Naruko's eyes widened in fear at the implications of the cloaked figures statements.

"You bastards stay away from Yuma!" Naruko screamed.

"Well then, the course ahead is clear, right? Get rid of us, and then you can pursue your team mate right?" The male figure spoke once more.

Naruko clenched her teeth in anger.

"Hahaha! You should see your fucking face, you look so pissed!" The female sounding figure laughed sadistically.

Naruko narrowed her eyes.

"Lets stop talking and get back to fighting, before I get so fucking bored that I fall asleep!" The female sounding figure raved as the male figure shook his head.

"Yes, yes, lets get back into it..." The male figure spoke patronizingly before suddenly appearing behind Naruko.

"Now then, shall we continue?"

And with that, Naruko's battle began.


Sasuke walked back to the hotel room in a depressive state, still in shock over the events that took place just a few minutes ago. He began to berate himself, convinced he could've handled things better when it came to Yuma. He made it past the docks and walked into the hotel, not paying attention to his surroundings.

'I could've handled that better. Sure, Yuma was acting cold, but that's probably just an attitude he puts up because he's afraid of people getting close to him. I just hope Naruko finds him and brings him back so we can work this out.' Sasuke thought.

He sighed to himself, clenching his fists.

"I need to do my best to become Yuma's friend, after all, I wasn't so nice that long ago myself." He said aloud.

As he walked down the hallway, the sudden sound of fast footsteps caught his ear. He quickly turned quickly, a kunai brushing past his face, his eyes widened in shock. He quickly jumped back, as the man attempted to stab at Sasuke once more.

What. The. Hell.' Sasuke thought to himself in confusion before the large rugged man ran at him with Kunai once more.

Get the hell out of our village dog of Gato!" The man yelled before Sasuke quickly rammed his feet into the mans stomach.

The man fell to his knees, already blacked out from the force of the hit, leaving Sasuke to stand there, not yet comprehending what was happening.

"Sasuke!" A loud, familiar voice yelled from across the hall way, causing him to whirl his head in the direction of the voice.

"Obito? What are you doing here!?" Sasuke asked in confusion, dazed due to too many things occurring all at once.

"No time to explain! Where's your team mates!?" Obito yelled, finally standing before Sasuke.

"They're still back in the woods." Sasuke said in a confused state, too many questions forming in his head at once.

"Shit. Not good, not good at all..." Obito cursed aloud.

He turned his eyes to Sasuke, grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him with him.

"Come with me, its too dangerous in the village! Your anonymity has been compromised, and everyone in the rebel force is now gunning for you guys!" Obito quickly explained, dragging him out of the building.

"Where's Kakashi?" Sasuke questioned, now realizing how grave the situation was.

"Where do you think where going to? There's an old building out in the woods that Kakashi and two others have been camping out at. That's where we're going."

Sasuke pulled his hand out of Obito's grasp, now running along side him.

"Okay, but why are you here? Shouldn't you be out on a mission, why is a Anbu like you here? Isn't this mission just a C-rank?" Sasuke questioned.

"No, the Hokage sent me here because the mission status has changed. Its now an A-rank mission. I don't know how he figured this out, but some very powerful people aligned with Orochimaru have joined up with the rebels! We don't know what they're after, but it can't be anything good!" Obito yelled out.

Obito and Sasuke were about to run out into the woods, until a large explosion rocked the village, they turned around quickly as three cloaked figures descended upon them. Flames were rampant throughout the village, and screams could be heard from all around. Some of the houses had toppled over and turned to rubble, as explosions continued to go off throughout the village. Obito and Sasuke narrowed their eyes at the three cloaked assailants, Obito quickly standing protectively in front of Sasuke.

"Sasuke, listen to me. I want you to run out into the woods, head north and you'll eventually run into the building Kakashi is at. Tell him the current situation and then go look for your team mates." Obito ordered.

"What about you?" Sasuke asked.

"Don't worry..."

Obito's Sharingan manifested into a pinwheel shape as he whipped out some chains from his sleeves.

"I'll be fine, now go."

And with that, Sasuke went running out into the forest.

"Aw, how adorable, truly a scene that brought a tear to my eye." One of the larger and clearly fatter cloaked figure joked dementedly.

"Indeed, Konoha Ninja's really are a kinder breed, aren't they." One of the cloaked figures who appeared to have six arms spoke.

"Yeah I would've left the little bastard and escape with my life if I were him." The figure with a large head shaped lump in the back of the cloak spoke.

"That's why Konoha is so weak." the head shaped lump spoke.

"So, you must be affiliates of Orochimaru, aren't you?" Obito questioned, gazing at all three of them warily.

The three cloaked figures merely snickered in response. Obito narrowed his eyes at their nonchalant attitude despite the carnage surrounding them. The fattest and largest cloaked figure spoke out first.

"Leave it to a Ninja from Konoha to ask such a dumb question." The fat mystery figure spoke with condescension in his tone.

"What do you think, huh weakling?" The cloaked figure with the head shaped lump mocked.

Obito got into a Taijutsu stance.

"You shouldn't mock the Leaf..." Obito snarled.

"Oh, or what? You're gonna be an easy opponent. Its always the prideful ones that make it an easy level." The figure with six arms spoke with mirth.

"Fine then, I will show you..." Obito spoke, his pin wheeled Sharingan beginning to slowly spin.

The three cloaked figures tensed up as Obito began cracking his neck.

"I will show you..."

With a crack of his neck and a gleam in his eye...

"The power of an Anbu Black ops from the Hidden Leaf Village!"

He lunged at the three figures, and with that, the battle had begun.


Kakashi stood still in the building alongside Zabuza and Haku. Zabuza sat in the rusty chair that he had previously been torturing the now dead Kenichi in, tapping his feet in boredom. Haku stood beside Zabuza, a bloody mop held in his hand. All was quite, as the three stood around awkwardly. Finally having enough of the silence, Zabuza stood up, the chair falling to the floor.

"What the hell is taking that guy so long! Isn't he an Anbu, he should be back with the brats already!" Zabuza complained loudly, much to the annoyance of Kakashi who was frowning beneath his mask.

'He's beginning to annoy me...But he's not wrong. Obito...What the hell is going on...Did you run into the enemy, or did something more serious occur...' Kakashi pondered worriedly.

"I wonder...if those guys are okay, your Genin I mean..." Haku said to Kakashi.

Kakashi shook his head at Haku.

"Don't worry, they're made of tough stuff, I believe in my students." Kakashi said with an eye smile.

Haku smiled back at him.

"Yes, i'm sure your right..." Haku said, attempting to lighten the atmosphere.

'Still though, he's right to worry...Naruko, Sasuke, Yuma, please be safe...' Kakashi prayed for their safety, attempting to get rid of the unease settling in his chest.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, much to the surprise of the the three. Kakashi stood ready, hand going for his headband. Haku pulled out his Senbon in preparation for an attack. Zabuza smirked, quickly reaching for the hilt of his over-sized blade. All of them readied themselves, all prepared for a surprise attack.

Fortunately for them, it was just Sasuke, standing in the door way breathing heavily and drenched in rain water. He coughed for a bit before looking at all of them seriously.

"Sasuke, are you okay!? Where's Obito!? And what about Naruko and Yuma!?" Kakashi asked frantically, worried for his students and best friend.

Sasuke ran up to Kakashi.

"Kakashi, me and Naruko argued with Yuma, then he ran off, and then the she ran off, and then the fire and Obito and-!?"

Sasuke was caught off as Kakashi gripped his shoulders.

"Sasuke, calm down, breath okay? I need you to remain calm. Breath in...and out...good...Are you okay now?" Kakashi asked.

Sasuke breathed in and out, listening to Kakashi's calming voice. He nodded his head in affirmation at Kakashi asking for his welfare. He then slowly went about recounting the events that led up to the present. Explaining everything he could to Kakashi in the most detailed way he could. Slowly and Surely, Kakashi was brought up to speed on all that had happened.

"So your telling me, you all disobeyed my orders, got into a argument, abandoned each other for childish reasons during a mission, and now you are all divided in the middle of a large scale attack?" Kakashi questioned their less then stellar behaivor, causing Sasuke to hold his head down in shame.

"I-I'm sorry Sensei. I realize there's no excuse for what happened, please forgive us!" Sasuke pleaded.

Kakashi shook his head at him.

"I'll deal with you three later. But right now, we need to come up with a battle plan. Right now we're outnumbered, divided, and driven against the wall. We need to remedy this...Zabuza!" Kakashi pondered before turning the psychopathic seven sword wielder, a serious gleam in his eye.

"Yeah? What is it?" Zabuza asked, tilting his head.

"How strong is Haku?" Kakashi asked.

"Almost as strong as me. I'd say Jonin level. Why you ask?" Zabuza questioned.

"That's good, makes things easier. Okay guys gather around, here's the plan." Kakashi began as they all gathered around to listen to the plan.

"Here's what we'll do, Me and Sasuke will go to find Naruko. Haku, I want you to go to the town and aid Obito. Zabuza, I want you to find Yuma. Does that sound okay?" Kakashi said, explaining his plan.

"Hmmm, I don't like taking orders from a Leaf Ninja, but we don't have a choice...Alright, lets do this!" Zabuza said with vigor, excited for the upcoming battle.

"If Master Zabuza is okay with it, then I am as well." Haku said, nodding his head in agreement.

They all looked at each other, determination in their eyes.

"All right then...Lets go!" Kakashi barked.

And with that, the true battle to complete the wave mission given to them by Gato, would now begin.


With tears trailing down his face, Yuma ran through the wooded and swampy area. His face scrunched up and his hair loose, having lost the tie that held the back of his head in a pony tail. He ran completely and totally unaware of his surroundings and uncaring of his appearance. He wailed and wailed, overcome by a myriad of emotions.

Screw them, screw them, screw them! I hate them. I don't need them! I don't need anyone!' He screamed inside of his head.

He tripped over a branch rolling over down the hill and landing harshly onto the ground. He screamed out in pain, his shattered and mashed hand beneath his back. He rolled back onto his butt, screaming at the sky.

"SCREW YOU KAMI-SAMA! WHY ME! WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO BE YOUR FUCKING PUNCHING BAG! WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY! WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME!" Yuma screamed out, attempting to punch the ground, but only hurting his right hand even more.

He rolled onto his back in pain. Screaming over and over. The rain and loud sound of thunder permeated the surrounding area as the pitiful boy cried in sorrow. After awhile, his sounds of wailing lowered in intensity, his throat sore from screaming. Eventually, he even ran out of tears to let out and merely laid there, looking sad and pathetic.

"...Why am I so pathetic..." He questioned blankly.

Thunder roared once more.

"...Why can't I ever have anything good happen to me..."

No one said anything back.

"...Is anything ever gonna change for me...I just...I just wanna be why..."

the rain began to slow down.

"Why me Kami-Sama, why did you choose me to suffer..." Yuma asked, looking up at the sky, as if proposing a direct question to the heavens.

'Can't you see that what your doing is down right evil!?'

"...Why does she care anyway..."

We're Ninja! Ninja, not monsters!'

"...Shut up..."

'You can't just hurt others and expect success!'

"...Just shut the hell up...What would you know anyway..."

Yuma continued to talk to himself in his delirious state. Naruko's words repeating over and over in his head.

"I must look so pathetic...I...Hate myself..." Yuma snarled at himself, standing onto his shaky feet and continuing his walk with no destination in mind. He walked, and walked, and walked and walked some more. He walked until his legs grew weary and tired. Eventually, he came across a large lake. And above that lake, was the bridge. The very bridge that they were hired to siege for Gato. He scowled at it with his weary eyes, completely tired.

"Fuck Gato, Fuck Kakashi, Fuck Konoha, Fuck Sasuke, Fuck Naruko...and most importantly..."

Yuma looked into the river, his ugly disheveled reflection scowling back at himself in the muddy river.

"...Fuck me." Yuma finished, in self deprecation.

He picked up a rock and chucked it at his reflection before falling to his knees.

He laid there for awhile, eventually the rain picked up even more in intensity.

"...I'm probably gonna get sick." Yuma said aloud to himself.

"...But who cares, I don't, and i'm pretty sure no one else does either..."

"How pathetic you are, Yuma Ito." A sudden voice caused Yuma to widen his eyes and attempt to sit up, startled by the sudden intrusion.

"Truly, and you are the one Orochimaru-Sama has taken interest in. You truly are pathetic, to think my lord could be curious of someone such as yourself...It sickens me." The voice spoke.

A cloaked figure walked out into the clearing next to the lake where Yuma laid. He had long pale white hair coming out from beneath the cloak. Yuma scrambled to his feet, wincing in pain. He bared his teeth at the mystery man in apprehension.

"Who the hell are you!" Yuma tried to yell, but his voice was too hoarse to muster it.

"Apologize. Apologize to my lord and repent. Apologize for turning out to be nothing more then an insignificant worm." The figure spoke harshly.

Yuma scowled in anger.

"Great, another person is here to tell me how much I suck...Just fuck off..." Yuma muttered loudly, loud enough for the mysterious figure to hear.

The figure remained silent, causing Yuma to grow slightly weary of the individual and fearful of the mystery person.

"Whats your deal anyway...I don't know why your hear, but as you can see i'm not in the best of moods. So either fuck off or-!?"

Yuma froze, a large skeletal tail began to appear from beneath the mysterious figures cloak. He grew extremely fearful, as the figure began walking toward him.

"Truly pitiful, I honestly wonder what Lord Orochimaru see's in you, but..." The cloaked figure let down its hood.

Yuma's eyes widened in panic, jumping away quickly as bone like spikes appeared from the ground beneath him. The previously hooded figure ripped off the cloak hiding him and-

"Orders are orders, and I can not reject a request from my beloved my master...Now then, Yuma Ito."

The large skeletal tail was now laid bear to Yuma's eyes, standing before him was a white haired man with zigzagged hair line and a bone like tail protruding from behind him, as his skin began to darken in color and the figures eyes grew dark.

"I am Kimimaro, Servant of the Great Lord Orochimaru, and I shall test your worth per his instructions."

And with that, Yuma's hell began.

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