The Other Bionics

By Kickin_It_Addict

11K 186 4

Adam, Chase and Jack thought they were the only bionic superheroes, it turns out that it wasn't just original... More

At The Davenports
New Friends
The Skateboard
The Plan
The Lab
Overriding Chip
Brase Prevails!
The Confession
Broken Glass
New Mission


1.4K 17 1
By Kickin_It_Addict

~Brie's PoV~

The flight to Seaford was exhausting but Kim and I had to get it together. We had school tomorrow and we could now have a normal life, well sort of. After being moved and moved around we have finally settled here, everyone that we have been to said they just couldn't look after us but now we are safely here with Mr Ty. Kim and I have been brought up together, we are basically sisters except we have bionics, I have agility and speed while Kim had invisibility and shapeshifting. Her powers are awesome but I love mine. We headed into our capsules to go to sleep as we said goodnight to each other.

We woke up to the sound of a deafening alarm, oh right, school. We got out of our capsules as we muttered good morning to each other and went upstairs. We quickly had breakfast and brushed our teeth then went out, Kim grabbing her skateboard on the way. We began to start our journey to school as Kim skated on her board along the pavement a few paces ahead of me. We talked about everything in the school and what to be prepared for considering we had only really been to school once before so we needed to make a good impression and try not to freak out.
We made it to school as Kim picked up her skateboard and we made our way to the office, the office lady seemed nice as she gave us our locker numbers and schedules, me and Kim had nearly every class together apart from history and maths. We walked to our lockers to see a guy leaning against Kim's.
"Uh excuse me?" Kim said to the guy, "you're on my locker."
The guy got off her locker as he turned around, "What it do girl?" He said in a flirtatious tone to Kim as I began to laugh.
Kim shot me one of her signature death glares as she looked back at the guy, "Give her a break Jerry." One of the guys said.
"I think she's new." One of the other guys said.
Kim turned around to me and whispered, "no shit Sherlock." As I chuckled.
"Yeah she's new I haven't seen her around before, what's your name?" The tall guy with brown hair asks.
"It's Kim and this is my sister Brie." She said signalling to me.
I waved before saying, "Hey."
"I'm Adam." The guy said which seemed to shock memories at me it was weird but I had a feeling that Kim felt the same thing.
"I'm Chase." The smaller guy said, he was still taller than both me and Kim but was the shortest out of his group. The name shot a weird feeling up my spine which was a lot more noticeable than the last one.
"Hey I'm Jack." The last guy said which seemed to make Kim squirm a little. She dragged my arm away to the other side of the corridor as she went to me.
"Holy shit did you feel that?" She asked in disbelief.
"Yeah what was that?" I asked her in shock too.
"I have no idea..." She said looking at the ground as she but her bottom lip.

We made it all the way through all of our periods seeing the boys shoot us a few glances with smiles on their faces and we finally made it to lunch. None of the food looked appetising so me and Kim looked for a table just to sit and chat. We seen the guys signalling ourselves over to their table and we happily obliged. We talked about all sorts of things as we got to know each other better like our favourite colours, video games, hobbies etc. It was fun honestly the bell went and I looked at my timetable.
"Ugh I've got history." I groaned as Kim gave me a nervous glance. She was nervous about being by herself she always got really stressed out by the smallest things, I mouthed 'you'll be fine' to her as she gave me a warm genuine smile.
"Hey Kim, what have you got?" Jack asked her.
"I've got history too." She said a little quieter than her usual voice.
"What teacher?" Jack asked her.
"Uh, Miss Arnold." She replied as she looked up from her schedule.
"Same I'll walk you there if it's okay." Jack said shooting her a warm inviting smile as she nodded her head and they set off.

~Kim's PoV~

I was nervous about not being with Brie today in class, I didn't really know why but we aren't usually ever apart. An hour apart wouldn't hurt would it? I asked myself. Jack started to walk me to class and it calmed my nerves, I didn't know why I found Jack so calming, he just seemed very inviting and nice.
I sat beside him in history and we sent notes back and fourth getting to know each other even more. Me and jack liked the same video games and had the same favourite colour but had very different opinions on movies. He lived horror films and I hated them. They just creeped me out.
After an hour of me and Jack writing notes to each other over a scrap piece of paper the bell went and I packed up my things to go meet Brie at the entrance of the school. We quickly met up as we saw people leaving and over in the corner I noticed our old father and my blood ran cold, it was Douglas. What was he doing here?
"Brie.." I said as I signalled with my head where Douglas was.
"Oh no..let's get going." She said as she grabbed my hand and began to walk a little faster down the steps and to the house. Had he seen us? Were we the reason he was there?

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