Fives a Crowd

By SpookylilThang

9.1K 135 54

❗Finished❗ A Fanfic about The Dirt and the infamous band of the 80s, Motley Crue. #8 in thedirt! More

Black and Blue
She's With The Band
She's Fucking Crazy
Lets Make a Mess of Things
Rock and Roll Baby
The Doctors In
Hello There Friend
Down The Rabbit Hole
⚠️Important Announcement⚠️
A Road Less Traveled
Bitter Sweet
Too Young To Fall Asleep
Dear Readers
What is Love?

Bitch is My Middle Name

713 12 2
By SpookylilThang

Afternoon came and went like it was nothing. The boys had went out to find food and bring it back and I had decided I wasnt exactly ready to be seen in public yet. The silence gave me time to think about everything I had been ignoring for the past few hours. My mind instantly went back to Becky, she really wasn't coming back. What the hell am I supposed to do now Becky? I shook my head. Like shes really going to appear above my head as a fucking ghost and give me all the answers. I layed on the couch and cried for awhile, memories replayed in my head between us and I couldnt help but think that it never would have happened if I'd just been out there. Becky was a smart girl, she never got drunk on the job because she knew how dangerous it was already. Things happen June. I wiped my eyes and sighed. I guess so. I knew if I stuck with the band I would have a 50% chance of surviving and not on the streets begging for money. I was always aware of the fact that they could get bored with me at any point in time and that would be it, I'd have no control over it.

I jumped off the couch and looked around, this suite was a total train wreck and there was a fine collection of womens under garments still laying about. That's lovely, maybe yours are next. I giggled and then shook my head at my own thoughts. Then they'd really be bored of me. I was able to get some trash bags from room service and fresh towels and living essentials. I then began my tedious work of getting the place clean before the boys returned. The bathroom seemed to be the worst, it was like every single one of them had had a contest to see who could not make it in the toilet. I was physically sweating by the time I was finally done with..just the bathroom. I stood from my knees and realized only the smallest room in the house was clean. I threw my head back and screamed,

"I'm not their fucking maid!" It was true but entirely my decision. I moved on to the kitchen which really only had bottles covering every inch of countertop and besides that it hadnt really been used so I didn't waste my time on it. Micks room wasnt really dirty so I slowly closed the door, his room had a very eerie feeling about it. The next spot was the room Tommy and Nikki shared. Fucking fun. I opened the door and I groaned openly into the hot sticky air. Clothes layed everywhere, and I couldn't tell if they were the bands clothes or strippers clothes so I threw them all in one pile. Next I made the bed after riding it of alcohol and a few womens panties. The rest of the room was a breeze and the living room took me maybe five minutes.

I rested my hands on my hips and smiled at my success, it had only taken me an hour and a half but it felt so much more comfortable. Right as I took a swig of vodka to celebrate the door of the room started to jiggle. I set down the bottle and unlocked the door, through it came the smiling faces of Nikki, Tommy, Vince, Mick of course and..oh. held up by Mick was a woman older than me who was smoking a cigarette in one hand, whiskey in the other. She saw me and she gave a wicked smile,

"Oh you look like a little babydoll! Let me play with you!" She reached out to grab me and I stepped back, obviously a little perturbed,

"I dont think so...maybe next time" Mick carried her off into his room and laughs filled the air, I involuntarily shivered at how much older she was and I gagged,

"Shes like 40 years old, couldnt he find someone younger..cleaner?" Tommy laughed and he slid one of four pizza boxes my way,

"She has a nice rack but like the rest of her body is like dragging!" He used his hands to emphasize once more how big her breasts were with a mouth full of food. I shook my head and hopped up on the counter, my lower body was a little cold now, I remembered now that I still wore day old dancer clothes,

"Hey I think I'm going to head into town, I'm kinda tired of wearing this, it smells disgusting" Nikki disappeared into his room and Vince grinned,

"Bet he brings out a pair of your pants Tommy, you have fucking chicken legs dude" Tommy threw a piece of pizza at Vince who picked it up off the floor and continued to eat it. I frowned but blew it off, it could be worse. Nikki returned with a pair of black and white latex pants, the same ones I'd seen Tommy wearing the first day I'd met them. Literally yesterday. I grabbed as they were tossed at me and not expecting anything else i was then hit in the face with a black button up shirt. I sighed and held the clothes,

"Even though this is disgusting I dont really feel like going outside, tomorrow I'm buying my own clothes, my own size and..definitely not latex" I groaned and trudged my way all the way to the bathroom, laughs and leg slaps could be heard behind me. In the bathroom, that was now clean thanks to me, I slid off the sticky latex and threw it on the floor, I already felt so much better. I slid into the shower and as soon as the hot water hit my head and trickled down my body I felt new. A few minutes later, with hair and body washed, I hopped out and attempted to put on the clothes provided. Surprisingly the pants fit well but I had to roll them up at the bottoms and I had to also dig threw the room for a belt to hold them up. The only one I could find had decorative bullets on it but I couldnt complain, look who it belonged to. The shirt felt a little like silk but it fit nice, it was a little long but I was short as fuck so I wasnt really expecting the perfect fit. When I stepped out of the room all eyes were on my new look. If I was honest all I had to do was tease my hair and I'd look like a band member. Tommy came over and he knelt down, he grabbed at the pants and pinched but there wasnt any loose material. He nodded with a smile,

"Yea your skinny as fuck, nobody else can fit those but me babe, that's dope" I giggled and sniffed the shirt,

"This shirt smells kind of like ass, but not a horrible ass" Vince choked on his drink and Tommy was wheezing. Nikki rolled his eyes,

"Its mine, it's one of my favorites so you should feel pretty special" I bit my lip and let the collar of the shirt fall back down around my neck,

"I didnt say I didnt like it" I sent a grin across the room and Nikki had caught it. He smiled back and I felt a little more confident that they hadnt asked me to stay because they needed a toy. I couldnt lie they had been pretty nice to me so far. The sounds of aggressive love making could be heard now from Micks room and I realized that Becky having brought home a new guy each night, I didnt even seem to mind the noises that were now growing. The guys didnt really seem like they wanted to be in the room any longer because Nikki opened the front door and as they walked out he gestured a hand out of the door asking me if I wanted to go. I quickly slid on the only shoes I had and dashed out of the door. It felt so good to leave the confinements of that room I'd spent almost two days in. Once we made it to the lobby a group of guys and a couple chicks threw up horns with their hands and the boys threw them right back. One guy even shouted into the lobby,

"Yeah! Its Motley fucking Crue!" I laughed and put a hand over my mouth, people really did love them. I could see the front doors and the sun beaming through, it made my heart jump. I hadnt been outside for awhile now. I skipped the rest of the way and pushed the doors wide open. In just a few moments people seemed to crowd around me and I felt trapped, they held out pens and papers and microphones and anything they wanted signed. My eyes widened and I looked around for the crue but they hadnt made it out yet,

"Hey what's it like being apart of a band?!" One voice rang out,

"Can you sign my chest!" A topless girl flung her boobs at me. I was speechless, I had only technically been apart of the band this morning until now and somehow everyone already knew. I felt arms wrap around my waist and lift me up. I was thrown over a shoulder and when I looked up I saw Tommy and Vince smiling from behind Nikkis back,

"You have fans now, fuckin wicked right!?" Tommy held up a fist and the crowd went wild. If nobody knew I was apart of the crue then being carried down the street on Nikkis shoulder would make sure everyone knew. If I wasnt used to publicity I guess I had to just get the fuck over it now, I didnt really have a choice.

When we got to the parking lot and I'm assuming the vehicle we were taking, Nikki set me down and shrugged,

"Your like really fucking small, you never would have gotten out of there, trust me" he hopped into the back seat and grabbed my arm pulling me down with him. Vince was our trusty driver and Tommy had taken to the passenger seat. We joked and laughed for just about most of the drive and as we sped down a familiar street I saw it. The yellow tape was strung all around in the hopes of keeping people out. The Red Lady was closed, and right now it looked like for good. I held back tears and sighed,

"What a fucking tragedy" Tommy's voice came from up front,

"Your on to better things my friend, lifes a fucking roller coaster, you gotta ride it if you wanna live!" I Clapped sarcastically,

"What a fucking poet man, you should write the lyrics to your songs more often" I gave Nikki a playful nudge and he pushed me gently a laugh following. Once we had stopped, Vince parked, rather crooked, and we got out. We had entered one of the hottest clubs on the strip and everybody who was anybody could be found here.

Inside we were bought dozens of shots, lines of angel dust were being sniffed like they were candy. I wasnt used to this type of scene or this crowd, but Motley Crue had taken me under their wing and even though i didnt trust them a hundred percent of the time, I was still thankful. We ended up sat nicely at a red booth in the middle of the room and I squeezed in between Nikki and Tommy. A tray of shots was brought over to our table and the boys didnt seem the least bit surprised. I shook my head as I downed a shot,

"Now I understand why your always shit faced" I downed a few more in seconds and Tommy now took a shot along with me,

"It comes with being a dope ass band dude"  Vince held up a shot to that comment,

"Not just shots my guys!" He drank the shot and layed his head back, a slur of moans and grunts protruding from his lips. I furrowed my brow unsure of what he was doing until I felt hands fumbling at my belt. I layed back to lock eyes with the woman between my legs and I giggled,

"I'm sorry but I dont have a penis" she was extremely drunk and her head hit my knee as she laughed hysterically. The boys found this amusing and they slid me more shots right as another tray was being delivered to our table. I was getting fucked up by the second and I knew it. I reached under the table and felt around for my new found friend. I felt nothing and in disappointment I leaned over, losing my balance and falling into Nikkis lap. I peaked under the table but she wasnt there, just the same girl who'd been giving Vince a blowjob for the past five minutes. I leaned back up, Nikkis face a little disappointed and I stuck out my bottom lip,

"I'm sorry" he glanced down at my lips and layed his arms out across the back of the booth,

"Your fucking wasted arent you?" I shook my head and sat back crossing my arms,

"What a fucking hypocrite" I blew a strand of hair out of my face and felt Nikkis mouth on my ear,

"Dont look now but I think your old boyfriend is here" my eyes widened and I slugged Nikki in the shoulder,

"What kind of fucked up joke is that Nikki!?" He winced and grabbed my head, turning it towards the bar,

"Its not a fucking joke!" He let go and I sat back, sure enough, he was right. Jesse looked like shit, and I wasnt just saying that because I hated him, he really looked like shit. I made to get up but Tommy placed one of his long ass arms across me,

"Hey forget that guy hes a fucking loser!" I sighed and nodded,

"Yea, he's a fucking dick but your right" I held up my hands and went to scoot out of the booth,

"I just have to pee, I just have to pee" I crawled across Vinces lap and he let out a groan as I accidentally crushed his crotch under my knee, my voice came out as a hiss,

"Sorryyy" I pulled my pants up once I was on my feet and glared at the back of Jesse's head. Pissing would just have to wait. I waltzed right up to him and heard my name from the booth behind me. I know I know...but he's such a fucking jerk, just one good burn and I'll be out of his hair. I slid up to the bar next to him and ordered a round of shots like I was oblivious to Jesse right next to me. He was with his idiot friends who always got him in trouble. He turned and I felt a smile trying to form on my lips but i bit it down,

"Oh shit..June?!" I peeked over to my left,

"Ohh, I didnt know they let rats in here" I heard him huff and he reached over to touch me,

"Babe look-" I snapped my head around now facing him,

"I'm not your fucking babe!" I tipped my head back absorbing another shot. I need to stop before I do something stupid. I felt Jessie's hand crawl across my leg,

"So now you like having fun?" Too late. I stood up and like I knew it Jessie followed, I turned around and lifted my knee, hitting him right in his fucking nuts. He bent over and fell to the floor, his hand over his junk,

"I'm gonna kill you you fucking Bitch!" I rolled my eyes and muttered under my breath as I headed back to the booth,

"Already tried that you fucking pussy" my right hand trailed over a three inch scar on my upper abdomen but it fell as I reached the booth. Nikki had a look across his face and Tommy had his head tilted, Jessie's shots of horrible promises he was going to inflict upon me soon got him kicked out. I sighed and let my head dangle,

"I know...but I fucking hate him" I stepped up onto the table, knocking over drinks as I did. I sat down with my legs up and my head on Nikkis shoulder,

"What can i say.." I laughed into the air, a smirk across my face.

"Bitch is my middle name"


SORRY! I know its been a few days and I apologize. I hope this is able to make up for the wait, I'm already working on the next chapter so dont cry🙆🏻‍♀️

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