Lets Make a Mess of Things

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I woke up with hair stuck to my dry lips. My head was killing me and my body felt like I'd been hit by a train. I sat up as slowly as I could and just sat. Where am I? Was I that drunk? Surely not. I stood up and realized I was still in Tommy and Nikkis clothes, oh yeah, your an idiot. I was back in this beautiful suite that was almost ready to be called home. I noticed luggage by the door and I frowned. Am I getting thrown out? I dont have that much stuff. Mick stepped out of his room with his shades and a hat on. He set his bags by the door and smiled over at me,

"Are you ready to get out of here?" I heard him mutter as he looked away,

"I fuckin am" I scratched my head and yawned,

"Where are we going?" Mick tossed me a bottle of water and a tylenol, he knows hangovers well,

"Apparently New York, so I hope you like long car rides" I slumped into a chair and took the lovely little antidote,

"Never been, should be fun" I scratched at my pants and Mick smiled,

"They didnt tell you?" I layed back against the chair and popped my back, a groan pursued.

"Tell me what?" Mick arched a beckoning finger at me and opened Nikki and Tommy's bedroom door. My mouth fell open,

"Your pulling my fucking leg" Mick shook his head,

"You wanna be in the band, now you can look like it" he shut the door and let me gawk at my new collection of clothes. Most of it was really crazy but I liked it. I happily tossed the old dingy clothes to the side and decided on a red high waisted skirt with spikes up and down the legs, a black crop top with fish netting for sleeves and a pair of regular black and white converse. I pulled my hair up into a bun ontop of my head, a few stray hairs from my bangs fell loose.

I stepped out of the room and Tommy was raiding the fridge as a short little maid was yelling spanish at him and holding up two empty bottles of vodka. She saw me and then her eyes widened, I wasnt technically supposed to be here. Tommy turned around and met me in the living room,

"Shes been following me around for the past five minutes!" He raked a hand threw his hair stressed no doubt,

"Where are my fucking drumsticks?!" A yell came from nikki in the hallway and Tommy's drumsticks flew into the room. Tommy laughed and pushed past the maid,

"Oh, my bad" I bagged up my belongings and rushed down the hall to the elevator. Tommy caught the door and he slid in, his drumsticks in his back pocket. We rode in silence until Tommy ripped a loud fart right before we got off and I slapped his head as I ran out,

"Are you serious!?" He laughed and his long strides caught up with my quick little ones,

"I cant wait for you to see the tour bus, its fuckin dope" I paused in the middle of the lobby,

"Tour bus? What about my car?" Tommy shook his head, walking backwards now,

"Nikki already took care of that, it should be up in New York a few days after we get there" I nodded and followed him out of the hotel, I was so fucking happy we were finally leaving. We walked like three minutes out into the parking lot and the bus wasnt hard to miss. It had all four boys posing on the side of it and the rest was black. The doors slid open and an older guy sat with his trucker hat over his eyes. Tommy showed me where our luggage was being put and I sprawled out on one of the two parallel sofas,

"I'm so excited!" Tommy hit the top of the bus as he jumped out to get the rest of our stuff. I sat up and within five minutes the boys had thrown the rest of the stuff in the back of the bus and we were ready to go. As soon as Nikki sat down he threw his head back and sighed,

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