Rock and Roll Baby

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"So this is what it's like to have fans?" I pushed past a group of girls all shooting jealous looks at me. Mick shrugged while he signed a girls chest,

"I dont mind" I shook my head and threw a tshirt into the crowd, leaving me with some breathing room,

"I dont think I mind it either but good God they dont believe in personal space" there were screams coming from a bundle of bodies on the floor fighting over the shirt so I tossed out another one. Mick and I were out catching some attention and trying to get enough tickets sold for tonight's show. The rest of the band were back in our separate rooms and they were sleeping, instead of getting ready, yep. Mick and I had been working our asses off all day to get everything ready and the excitement was starting to wear off. We only had a few tickets left but the crowds were already dispersing so Mick and I called it quits and started cleaning up the front lobby of our new hotel sweet home. I boxed up the shirts we had left and carried them upstairs to Nikki's room to store for later. I knocked on the door but when I got no answer I entered anyways. Nikki was passed out in his room, only it sounded like someone else was in the room as well. I knew Nikki had to be asleep because I could hear him snoring but I also heard thuds on the floor. I pushed the door to his room open to find a half naked women trying to jump back into her pants, her eyes widened when she saw me,

"I didnt think Nikki was expecting guests" I rolled my eyes and held the door open for her to leave,

"Yea well we work together so I come and go just about anytime I want" she bit her lip and grabbed her purse before darting through the door and out of his room. I looked over at him and shook my head, what a fucking asshole. He gets me to like him and then he sleeps with someone else..of course. I felt sick with how angry I was, but not at Nikki, at myself. Nikki hadnt once told me he was interested in me and for god's sake we worked together so it wasnt professional, but name one person in a band today who is, exactly. I tiptoed out of his room but it was too late. Nikki had already saw me and the smile on his face only made me wish he hadnt woken up even more,

"Watching me sleep?" I sighed and slowly turned around,

"I was just helping your new friend find her way out" the annoyance in my voice was obviously clear because Nikki sat up and ran a hand through his hair,

"Hey we arent even a thing, why would you be mad about that?" I shook my head and felt my eyes water just a little. It took everything in me to keep my voice from cracking,

"I'm not mad Nikki, but you do have a show in like five hours and me and Mick just busted our asses selling tickets so you should probably thank him later" I turned around and covered my face as I walked out, I had to get out of this room before I lost my shit. I heard the bed squeak as Nikki rolled off of it and soon he was whipping me around, he looked annoyed himself,

"I haven't slept good since the day you joined the band, so dont blame me for catching sleep when I can" my heart felt like it had split into pieces and I tilted my head, my emotions were no longer hidden from my face,

"Well I'm so fucking sorry you asked me to stay and I'm so fucking sorry I said yes!" I pushed Nikki away from me, I couldnt hold my tears back any longer, I was tired of getting my heart drug through the dirt. Nikki shook his head and ran after me but I couldnt stand to be around him any longer, I shouted through the halls as I made my way out of the hotel,

"Everything I did today and every other day I've done for this fucking band!" I wiped tears off my face and I was about to storm out of the front doors when Mick wrapped his arms around me and swung me around. He looked concerned,

"What the hell is going on?" I took a few deep breaths to calm myself, after all, Nikki was my problem, not the rest of the boys,

"Mick I just need to get away, away from this scene for a bit.." I paused and then looked away,

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