Bitch is My Middle Name

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Afternoon came and went like it was nothing. The boys had went out to find food and bring it back and I had decided I wasnt exactly ready to be seen in public yet. The silence gave me time to think about everything I had been ignoring for the past few hours. My mind instantly went back to Becky, she really wasn't coming back. What the hell am I supposed to do now Becky? I shook my head. Like shes really going to appear above my head as a fucking ghost and give me all the answers. I layed on the couch and cried for awhile, memories replayed in my head between us and I couldnt help but think that it never would have happened if I'd just been out there. Becky was a smart girl, she never got drunk on the job because she knew how dangerous it was already. Things happen June. I wiped my eyes and sighed. I guess so. I knew if I stuck with the band I would have a 50% chance of surviving and not on the streets begging for money. I was always aware of the fact that they could get bored with me at any point in time and that would be it, I'd have no control over it.

I jumped off the couch and looked around, this suite was a total train wreck and there was a fine collection of womens under garments still laying about. That's lovely, maybe yours are next. I giggled and then shook my head at my own thoughts. Then they'd really be bored of me. I was able to get some trash bags from room service and fresh towels and living essentials. I then began my tedious work of getting the place clean before the boys returned. The bathroom seemed to be the worst, it was like every single one of them had had a contest to see who could not make it in the toilet. I was physically sweating by the time I was finally done with..just the bathroom. I stood from my knees and realized only the smallest room in the house was clean. I threw my head back and screamed,

"I'm not their fucking maid!" It was true but entirely my decision. I moved on to the kitchen which really only had bottles covering every inch of countertop and besides that it hadnt really been used so I didn't waste my time on it. Micks room wasnt really dirty so I slowly closed the door, his room had a very eerie feeling about it. The next spot was the room Tommy and Nikki shared. Fucking fun. I opened the door and I groaned openly into the hot sticky air. Clothes layed everywhere, and I couldn't tell if they were the bands clothes or strippers clothes so I threw them all in one pile. Next I made the bed after riding it of alcohol and a few womens panties. The rest of the room was a breeze and the living room took me maybe five minutes.

I rested my hands on my hips and smiled at my success, it had only taken me an hour and a half but it felt so much more comfortable. Right as I took a swig of vodka to celebrate the door of the room started to jiggle. I set down the bottle and unlocked the door, through it came the smiling faces of Nikki, Tommy, Vince, Mick of course and..oh. held up by Mick was a woman older than me who was smoking a cigarette in one hand, whiskey in the other. She saw me and she gave a wicked smile,

"Oh you look like a little babydoll! Let me play with you!" She reached out to grab me and I stepped back, obviously a little perturbed,

"I dont think so...maybe next time" Mick carried her off into his room and laughs filled the air, I involuntarily shivered at how much older she was and I gagged,

"Shes like 40 years old, couldnt he find someone younger..cleaner?" Tommy laughed and he slid one of four pizza boxes my way,

"She has a nice rack but like the rest of her body is like dragging!" He used his hands to emphasize once more how big her breasts were with a mouth full of food. I shook my head and hopped up on the counter, my lower body was a little cold now, I remembered now that I still wore day old dancer clothes,

"Hey I think I'm going to head into town, I'm kinda tired of wearing this, it smells disgusting" Nikki disappeared into his room and Vince grinned,

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