She's Fucking Crazy

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"Dont be a pussy Nikki!" I shoved the cup of burning alcohol in his face and he shook his head,

"June your fucking crazy!" I tilted my head in a slow circle and mocked the band members who refused to drink the vodka that was flaming in my hands,

"We're Motley Crue and we like to eat ass and drink ice water cause we're FUCKING posers!" I lifted the hot drink to my lips and quickly poured it down my throat. I stuck out my tongue and wiggled it at them,

"I thought i was a fucking party pooper" I slumped down in my seat and waved a nonchalant hand in the air,

"Whatever" Nikki cut off any drinks to our table and my eyes widened, obviously offended. Tommy was wasted and half asleep, Vince was off probably banging a chick in the bathrooms, and Nikki was obviously annoyed that he was having to babysit. He got up from his spot and held out his hands,

"Come on, your fucking drunk and acting like a bitch" I pushed him away and stumbled up by myself,

"I'm always the bitch, well if I'm such a bitch then why are you my friend?" Nikki sighed and rolled his eyes, he knew this type of drunken behavior and it wasnt his favorite,

"Stop fucking around and let's go" I bit my lip and shook my head, my hair sticking to the sweat on my forehead,

"Your not my dad Nikki, so shut your fucking mouth and let's dance!" I closed my eyes and bobbed my head up and down. Nikki was clearly not in the mood to feel me up on the dance floor and it was pissing me off. The one time I thought he was extremely hot and he was acting like my fucking father. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him and he held up his hands in deafeted annoyance,

"Fine fucking whatever!" I groaned as I stepped onto the dance floor. Dozens of sweaty bodies were scattered about and it smelt of shit. The alcohol in my gut was starting to sour and I needed a bathroom. June you fucking idiot. I pushed people out of my way and ran/walked down a black hallway. I pushed open a door and came face to face with Vince who was shooting up. Fuck wrong bathroom. His eyes were wide and then confused but I shook my head, my hands over my mouth suddenly and he knew what was about to happen. He quickly rushed me into one of the stalls and suddenly the feeling in my gut was relieved. I lifted my head from the bowl of the toliet and slumped onto the wall,

"I messed up.." Vince lifted me up and held me against the wall. His pupils were huge,

"Listen..listen..Junebug..its like this..-" he paused and held up a finger,

"Life is fucking hard right?..its gonna fuck you so hard, so fucking hard..right in the ass...but you have to fuck it harder..yea?" I tilted my head. What the fuck? And then with a nod I smiled,

"Oh shit Vin your right..."he nodded with me and then we fell to the floor in a fit of laughter. What actually happened was, I lost my balance, causing Vince who was holding me up to fall as well, then we started laughing like it was all we knew how to do which, at the time being wasnt entirely false.

Vince was high as hell and to give him credit he had given me some mind blowing advice but of course I was drunk, he could have said, "you have some wicked fuckin elbows" and I would've thought he was Jesus. We sat on the floor for a while before he offered me a needle that was ready for its next victim. I held up a hand and closed my eyes,

"I'm good..thanks for the generous offer though" I heard his hand slump back down into his lap and he sighed,

"I wish I could quit you.." I opened an eye to squint at him,

"Huh?.." he was looking down at the needle that he was squeezing so tight in his hand, his knuckles were white,

"I wish I could fuckin wake up and just not..need you" I crawled over to him and grabbed the needle, tossing it in the trash,

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