Locked Hearts

By RedFrostTheWitch20

101 0 0

Elena is a princess in hiding, and it just so happens that she is hiding with Bruce Wayne. Bruce was a family... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

3 0 0
By RedFrostTheWitch20

   Jacob walked around the car and opened the door for me, allowing me to climb out.
   "Elena", the second oldest of the group stepped up, "I'm Bruce Wayne."
   "It's nice to meet you Bruce. Thank you for being willing to take me in", I gave him a smile, holding back my anger at the whole situation.
   "This is my butler, Alfred. He will take care of your every need", Bruce gestured to the oldest man.
   "It is a pleasure to meet you", I smiled at Alfred.
   "The pleasure is mine, Miss Elena", Alfred bowed.
   "This is my oldest son, Richard. He goes by Dick", Bruce gestured to the oldest of the four boys left.
   "It's really nice to meet you", Dick grinned at me, "I can't wait to get to know you a bit better and introduce you to my wife."
   "It's nice to meet you too and I can't wait to meet your wife", I smiled back at him, feeling a bit more at ease.
   "This is my son Jason", Bruce gestured to the next guy. Jason kept his hands in his pockets and nodded at me for greeting.
   "Nice to meet you, Jason", I smiled at him.
   "You're way to smiley. It's fake, isn't it?", Jason kept his hands in his pockets.
   "I would like to ask you to be respectful towards the princess", Jacob stepped forward.
   "Jacob, he was only speaking his mind. Besides, this is the life I'm going to be living from now on so I should get used to it", I gently touched Jacob's arm and he stepped back.
   "Next, my son Tim", Bruce gestured to the third boy. He had bags under his eyes and seemed like the world was on his shoulders.
   "It's very nice to meet you, Tim", I greeted and held my hand out. He took my hand to shake. His own hand was cold to the touch and shaking.
   "Nice to meet you too", Tim nodded.
   "And last, my son Damian", Bruce gestured to the last boy. He was my age and his arms were crossed over his chest. He had the purest black hair and his eyes were somewhere between blue and green.
   "It's nice to meet you as well, Damian", I held a hand out to him. He looked at my hand, scoffed, and turned around. He walked inside the house and I dropped my hand.
   "Don't worry about him. He's just not social", Dick explained softly.
   "I'm not worried", I replied.
   "Well, anyway, the only one who will be staying here at the same time as you is Damian. The other three have their own homes", Bruce explained, "Now let's show you to your room."
   "Before we do, I must get going", Jacob sighed.
   "Do you really have to?", I asked, trying to hold back the tears again.
   "I must. Me being with you would make you easier to find", Jacob shook his head.
   "I don't want to stay here alone!", I finally broke down and threw my arms around Jacob, hugging him tightly.
   "Oh, Princess", Jacob hugged me back, "You aren't alone. I promise. While they don't live here, Dick, Jason, and Tim all visit often. They'll quickly become your friends, I'm sure of it. Plus you'll be going to school, so you can make friends there."
   "It's not the same! They aren't you, or Cole, or Cara!", I sobbed, burying my face into Jacob's chest, "They aren't Mother and Father."
   "Princess, please... this is for your own protection", Jacob moved his arms away from me and I felt arms wrap around me from behind, pulling me away from Jacob.
   "No! I don't care about my own protection!", I screamed and thrashed against whoever was holding me. I didn't want to be left behind. I didn't want to stay with these strangers. I just wanted to go home and go back to how everything was before. I watched Jacob climb into the car and drive away. I sobbed and whoever was holding me let me go only long enough to lift me with their arms under my knees and back. I looked up to find Jason. I just gave in and quietly cried as he carried me to my room.
   "You okay?", Jason asked softly as he set me on a bed.
   "No", I hiccupped.
   "Look, I know it's not easy, but I promise it's not as bad as it seems. Damian can be a jerk but once he really opens up to you, he can be kinda nicer. He had a rough childhood. We all did", Jacon sighed, "Sorry. I'm not good at this."
   "Thank you for even trying", I mumbled, sniffling.
   "Yeah. Well, Dick is gonna bring you clothes", Jason walked towards the door and slipped out just as Dick walked in.
   "So, don't tell Damian, but I stole one of his shirts and sweatpants for you to use as pajamas until you go shopping tomorrow. I also grabbed some clothes my wife left here last time we stayed", Dick set the pile of clothes down, "Damian and Alfred are taking you shopping tomorrow."
   "Thank you", I mumbled softly and Dick nodded.
   "I can't wait to see you again", Dick smiled and walked out, shutting the door. I was too tired to care about much so I picked up the pajamas I had been brought. It was a plain black shirt and a pair of dark grey sweats. I changed and climbed into the bed. I didn't care that the sun was still out, I just wanted sleep. Sleep claimed me rather quickly.

   I was woken up by Alfred the next day, meaning I slept for nearly 24 hours.
   "I've brought you breakfast so you don't have to worry about going downstairs yet. Master Bruce has asked me to escort you shopping", Alfred was proper and kind. It was nice and kinda reminded me of home. His accent also helped me feel a little less strange.
   "I would love to go shopping. Thank you for agreeing to take me", I nodded.
   "Of course, Miss Elena", Alfred nodded, "I'll leave you to eat and get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs."
   "Thank you", I called as he left. I ate and then changed into the clothes Dick had given me from his wife. They were slightly too big on me, but I didn't care. I made my way downstairs and met Alfred and Damian at the bottom of the stairs.
   "Father demanded I go with", he stated when I looked at him. Alfred led us to a small, sleek, black car. He opened the back door for me and I climbed in. Damian got in on the other side and Alfred got into the driver's side.
   "Why did your father demand you come with?", I asked.
   "Protection", his reply was short.
   "Oh. I guess that makes sense", I nodded and looked down. This was so different from my life at the castle. When we arrived at the store, which looked to be many stores in one, Alfred opened the door for me while Damian climbed out.
   "We should start with underwear", Alfred spoke and led me away. I felt my cheeks flush at his words. He had said it so casually.
   "Can you two stay out here while I do this part?", I asked once we reached the store.
   "Forgive me, Miss Elena, but you don't know anything about our stores. It would not be wise for you to go in alone", Alfred answered.
   "Besides, there isn't any reason to be embarrassed. You aren't all that attractive so nobody will look at you", Damian looked me over. I wanted to punch the blank look off his face.
   "You know what, screw you", I turned and stormed into the store. A woman measured me and helped me try on different underwear sets until I settled on seven, as Alfred had said to. We walked out of that store with a large bag. I offered to carry it but Alfred had denied.
   "Let's move to the next store", Damian grumbled and we did. In this store, I tried on a few dresses and skirts. We continued this through all the stores and soon I had plenty of clothes, including a nice dress for the next Gala. Alfred had said I needed one.
   "Let's stop by the food court for some food before we head back to the manor", Alfred spoke, still carrying my bags despite me saying I could.
   "Their food is awful, Pennyworth", Damian frowned. I had found that instead of Alfred, Damian called him Pennyworth.
   "Would you rather stop on our way home?", Alfred asked Damian.
   "I would", Damian nodded and glanced at me.
   "I've never had anything other than what the chefs cook me", I answered softly, "And what you made me."
   "Then we can go home and I'll cook something", Alfred declared.
   "Oh, no. I don't want you to do more work on my account", I shook my head.
   "Ass kisser", Damian muttered under his breath and I elbowed him.
   "It's no big deal. I want you to be comfortable, Miss Elena", Alfred smiled, "But first I must run to pick something up for Master Bruce."
   Damian and I moved to stand in a hallway that likely led to the bathrooms and an emergency exit. We were the only ones in the hallway.
   "So, did you ever meet my parents?", I looked at Damian.
   "Yes. Once", Damian answered.
   "What did you think of them?", I tilted my head. Damian didn't answer. There were voices of girls coming down the hall. In one swift movement, Damian had me pressed to the wall, his arms on the wall on either side of the wall, with his lips against mine. My eyes widened and one of his arms moved to wrap around his waist. By the time I had gotten over my shock, the girls were past and Damian had pulled back. My hand shot out and I slapped Damian. His own eyes widened at me.
   "What the hell?", he snapped.
   "How dare you?! I was nearly engaged before I left and then you go and kiss me out of the blue!", I shook my head and turned to walk away from him.
   He caught my wrist, making me look at him, "That kiss meant nothing. It was only a way for me to hide from those girls."
   "And that makes it worse", I hissed and sniffled, yanking my wrist from him. I stormed away from him, only to run into Alfred. He caught me before I fell and helped me stand up.
   "Miss Elena? What's wrong?", Alfred frowned, likely noticing my teary eyes and the look on my face.
   "Why don't you ask Damian?", I moved past Alfred and towards the exit. I heard the two men behind me but paid them no mind. Alfred opened the door for me and I climbed into the car. I looked out the window as Alfred put my bags in the back of the car. Alfred climbed into the front and started the car. The drive back was silent and the tension was thick. Once we pulled up I jumped out of the car faster than Alfred could move and ran inside. I ran right into Dick, who was dressed in a police uniform.
   "Elena? What happened?", Dick frowned and looked me over, "You're not injured, are you?"
   "No", I shook my head, "Damian kissed me."
   "He what?", Dick frowned.
   "He kissed me. When I left I was nearly engaged and he just kissed me so he could hide from a bunch of girls", I mumbled.
   "I'm sure he didn't know you were nearly engaged, though that doesn't excuse him kissing you. I'll talk with Bruce, okay?", Dick frowned.
   "Thank you. I'm gonna go to my room", I walked towards my room, leaving Dick standing there. A little while later, Alfred brought my bags as well as a plate of cookies with a glass of milk.
   "I apologize for Master Damian's behavior", he said softly and left. I sniffled and flopped back on my bed. I didn't know of I could survive the Wayne's.

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