Chapter 16

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   I rolled over and let out a sigh when I found the bed empty. I had hoped to wake up to Damian in bed with me, but I knew he was working hard to find a way to keep me safe.
   I sat up and stretched. I climbed out of bed and glanced at me clock. It was still pretty early in the morning. I had no desire to go to school so I didn't bother rushing myself.
   I walked to my balcony and stepped outside. I sighed and closed my eyes, letting the sun hit my face and make me feel a little better.
   "Miss Elena?", I heard Alfred's voice and stepped into my room. I frowned at the look on Alfred's face.
   "What's wrong?", I asked, panic bubbling in my stomach.
   "We can't find Master Damian. We had hoped he was in here", Alfred answered.
   "He's not. I thought he went to his own bed or hadn't gone to bed yet", I frowned.
   "Master Bruce sent him to bed early this morning because he was snapping at everyone", Alfred frowned, "We haven't seen him since."
   "Maybe he went on patrol?", I walked towards Alfred.
   "His suit is still in his closet", Alfred frowned deeply.
   "Something is wrong. I don't... I wish I could say that I'm just worried, but I really feel like something is wrong", I pressed my lips together.
   "I agree, Miss Elena. Master Damian wouldn't just run off on us", Alfred frowned, "Get dressed and meet me and Master Bruce in the cave."
   "Alright", I nodded and watched Alfred walk out. I pulled on some leggings and a tank top, walking down to the cave.
   "Damian wouldn't just leave. I know he has tried to sneak out before but he stopped doing that years ago", Bruce's voice rang out throughout the Batcave.
   "We all know that Bruce. That's why we have to find him. Before he gets hurt", Dick's words bounced around in my head as I walked around the corner to find them.
   "Elena", Bruce stood, "Do you know where he could have gone?"
   "I don't. But I have an idea of who could have taken him", I took a deep breath. It had to have been Cole.
   "Who?", Bruce asked.
   "The same person who killed my family. Cole. He did it to draw me out and it's going to work because I'm not letting them hurt Damian", I took a deep breath.
   "Elena, you're not going out there", Bruce shook his head.
   "Fine. Then Bluebird is. Because I'm not letting them just take Damian. They'll kill him", I clenched my hands into fists.
   "Elena, they're looking for you. If they find you they'll kill you and Damian", Dick frowned.
   "Dick, I'm not a kid. And I know how to fight so stop trying to stop me from going out there and saving my fiance!", my voice got louder with each word until I was yelling at them.
   "Elena, please take a deep breath and think logically about this. It's Damian they have. He will find a way out on his own. Plus Bruce and I will be out there looking for him", Dick moved to put a hand on my shoulder. I lifted a hand, stopping him in his tracks.
   "Damian is my fiance. Damian is out there and in danger of being killed because he risked his life to protect me. Wouldn't it only be fair for me to go out there and try to save him?", I looked at Dick, my hand still raised and an expression of both rage and sorrow on my face.
   "Elena", Dick ignored my hand and wrapped his arms tightly around me. I felt like something inside me broke as a sob escaped my lips.
   "I have to find him", I choked out.
   "We will. But Elena, you can't go out there with us", Dick held me tighter.
   "Why not?", I asked, shaking. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks as I slowly hugged Dick back.
   "Not only is it too dangerous, but soon people are going to come questioning about yesterday. And they're going to be looking for you two", Dick whispered.
   "And it will look more suspicious if both of us are gone", I whispered, my sobs slowly calming down but tears just continued to roll down my cheeks.
   "Exactly. So please... stay here with Alfred", Dick pulled back, putting his hands on my shoulders, "Everyone in this house knows you're strong, but right now I need you to focus on being strong in front of people who don't know who we are, okay?"
   "Just bring him home to me, Dick. I don't know what I'll do if they kill him because of me", I sniffled and hugged Dick one more time before letting him go, "I'll go change and make sure I'm a little more presentable."
   "If anyone asks where we are, say we had an emergency that just couldn't wait", Bruce said and stood, "Dick, go change."
   "Alright", Dick carefully pulled away from me and I turned to Bruce as Dick walked away.
   "Keep me updated. Please Bruce", I felt like I was talking after just swallowing glass.
   "I will", Bruce walked to me and put his hands on my shoulders, "We will find Damian, Elena. I promise."
   "I know you will. Because I can't think about you guys not finding him", I pulled back.
   "We will", Bruce said, but for the first time I could read Bruce's face. And he didn't have as much confidence as he was claiming to have.
   I watched the two of them climb into the Batmobile and drive off. I felt like I was going to pass out. I walked to Damian's chair and sat down. I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms tightly around my legs. I set my chin on my knees and stared at the floor.

   I blinked up at Alfred, who had just shaken me awake. I was still sitting in Damian's chair in the same position I fell asleep in.
   "Miss Elena, I think you should head upstairs to your bed", Alfred was speaking softly.
   "I don't want to", I answered.
   "Perhaps you would prefer to lie in Master Damian's bed?", Alfred asked.
   "I-", I took a deep breath, "Okay." I carefully stood, flinching at how stiff I was.
   "I'll get you some tea", Alfred stood from his bent position.
   "How long was I asleep?", I asked.
   "About 3 hours", Alfred answered.
   "Any updates from Dick and Bruce?", I asked, shaking slightly.
   "Sadly, no", Alfred shook his head, "But do not worry. They'll find Master Damian."
   "You have a lot of faith in them", I whispered.
   "Because I know they will", Alfred turned to me and gave me a reassuring smile.
   "Thank you. For waking me up", I followed him up the stairs and out of the cave. Alfred walked to the kitchen and I walked to Damian's room. I changed into a pair of Damian's sweats and one of the sweatshirts I had never really seen him wear. It smelled so much like him and I felt tears forming in my eyes again.
   "Miss Elena", Alfred knocked on the door. I walked to it, pulling it open. I stepped to the side as Alfred walked in.
   "Thank you for this, Alfred", I mumbled. He walked to Damian's nightstand and set down the tray he had. He poured me a cup of tea and handed it to me. I took a deep breath as I pressed the cup to my lips. It smelled heavenly. I took a sip of the tea and felt my body start to relax.
   "Better?", Alfred asked with a small smile as he walked towards the door.
   "Alfred!", I felt panic rush through me.
   "Yes, Miss Elena?", he turned to me.
   "I'm scared. And I don't want to be alone", I whispered.
   "I see", he nodded and walked to me. I set my tea down on the nightstand and threw my arms around him. I closed my eyes, pretending that instead of the arms of Alfred, I was in my father's arms.
   I knew, deep down, that my father was gone and nobody would ever replace him, but Alfred had taken care of me. He had shown me a lot of kindness when he could have just ignored me.
   "Thank you", I whispered and slowly pulled my arms back, "For making me feel better."
   "Of course, Miss Elena. I will always be here if you need something, alright?", Alfred gave me a soft hug before standing, "I have a few things to take care of. Will you be okay on your own?"
   "Yeah. I'll be fine", I gave him a weak smile.
   "Call for me if you need anything. I will be here in moments", Alfred walked out of the room and I curled up against the headboard with my tea.
   I sat there, sipping my tea and staring into my cup. Even after my tea was long gone, I stared into the cup.
   I couldn't just sit there. I couldn't watch as everyone else was out there or doing something to help.
   I set the cup down and slid off Damian's bed. I quietly walked to my room, trying not to let Alfred hear me.
   I walked to my closet and flung it open. I cursed when I found my suit missing. Of course. Bruce probably had Alfred take it to discourage me from following them.
   I took a deep breath and walked back out of my room and downstairs. I found Alfred in the kitchen, baking cookies.
   "Where is it?", I demanded, guilt eating at me for using such a mean tone with Alfred.
   "Somewhere safe. You are not allowed to go out there, Miss Elena", Alfred pulled a tray of cookies out of the oven and set it on the counter.
   "I am not risking Damian's life by being a coward!", I felt fresh tears prick my eyes.
   "Am I a coward for staying behind, Miss Elena?", Alfred turned to me and for the first time since I arrived, Alfred's face showed uncertainty and fear.
   "I-", I shook my head, "No. That's not what I meant. Cole is after me, Alfred. Me staying here and hiding isn't going to save Damian."
   "How do you think Master Damian would feel if I let you put yourself in danger for him?", Alfred asked, slipping the oven mitt off as he walked to me.
   "I don't care. Alfred, I can't let Cole kill him", I clenched my jaw.
   "I know you're worried. I am terribly worried as well, Miss Elena. But I can't let you run around out there, risking your life", Alfred pulled me into another hug. This hug was shaky and not as sure as the hug before. Alfred was just as frightened at me and it was showing. Meaning he wasn't as sure in Bruce and Dick.
   "Please? I have to try and save him", I whispered, wrapping my arms around Alfred.
   Alfred let out a shaky sigh, "Just don't tell Master Bruce that it was me who let you go, okay?"
   "Promise. I found my suit and snuck out all on my own", I nodded.
   "Go. Save Master Damian", Alfred let go of me and walked to one of the cabinets, pulling out my suit.
   "Thank you", I took my suit.
   "Be safe", Alfred called as I ran out. I quickly changed into my suit and ran downstairs to the Batcave. I grabbed one of the motorcycles and drive away from the manor.
   I was going to find Damian and I was going to save him.

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