Chapter 12

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   "Are you sure about this?", I asked Damian as I pulled my dress on.
   "Very sure", he said as he walked out of the bathroom.
   "Mind helping me with my zipper? And what makes you think this will work?", I looked at him in the mirror.
   "Because", Damian walked up behind me and carefully zipped my dress up, "It looks like we really love each other if we get engaged."
   "But is anyone really going to believe it?", I asked, "I mean, we just barely told everyone we were dating."
   "We have been secretly dating for months. That's what you say when they ask", Damian answered.
   "But will that actually convince everyone?", I asked.
   "Maybe not. But I'll make sure everyone is convinced by the end of the night. Including Cole", Damian smirked slightly.
   "Damian Wayne, what are you planning?", I asked, smoothing my skirt down. I was wearing a forest green ballgown dress with long sleeves. The skirt wasn't as large as some ballgown styles were, but it made it easier to move around. The neckline sat along my collar bone and the back dipped just below my shoulder blades.
   "You look beautiful by the way", Damian smiled and grabbed my hand. He carefully pulled me to his chest and I let out a laugh.
   "Thank you. You look good yourself", I smiled.
   "I'm glad you think so", he leaned down to kiss me and I put a finger to his lips.
   "I did not spend over an hour on this make up just for you to mess it up", I smiled at him, "Maybe later you can. But not right now."
   "Fine", he rolled his eyes.
   "Good", I laughed and pulled away from him. I grabbed the small purse Alfred had picked up for me.
   "Ready to go?", he asked, keeping a hold on my hand.
   "More than ready", I nodded.
   "Good. Let's go get engaged", Damian smiled and led me out of the room. Alfred was waiting for us at the car.
   "Are the two of you ready to go?", Alfred asked.
   "Yes, we are", Damian nodded. Alfred opened the door for us. Damian got in first. I climbed in after him. We held hands during the entire drive. When we got there, Alfred opened the door for us and we climbed out.
   "I will be here to pick you up at the end of the dance", Alfred smiled. Damian led me inside. Everyone stopped to look at the two of us. They leaned close to each other and mumbled. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
   "Just ignore them", Damian whispered to me.
   "That's what I planned on doing", I smiled at him, "They don't really bother me."
   "Sometimes I forget that you're much stronger than you look", Damian chuckled.
   "Well, I'm glad I keep reminding you", I smiled wider.
   "That you do", he kissed my cheek gently.
   "There's Cole", I whispered when I caught sight of him.
   "Okay. We will wait until the band takes a break and I'll put my plan into action", Damian smiled.
   "Alright", I forced my smile to stay on my face. I wanted to run and cry again, but I knew I couldn't do that.
   "I'm gonna go get us some water. Wait right here", Damian pecked my lips and let go of me, walking away. I bit the inside of my cheek.
   "Elena?", Cole spoke from behind me and I turned to him.
   "What?", I asked, "Are you here to accuse me of being the Elena you're looking for again?"
   "I know you are. You can pretend all you want, but I know you, Elena. We were going to get engaged. I gave you that pretty Robin carving", he gripped my wrist.
   "I don't know what you're talking about. Just leave me the hell alone", I tried to pull my wrist from his grasp but he tightened his grip.
   "No. I'm not leaving without you Elena", Cole's eyes darkened and I felt fear rip through me. The look on his face was a look I had never seen on him. It was murderous and dark. It was the face of someone who didn't care who had would have to hurt.
   "I'm n-not your Elena. Please let me go", I teared up. His grip was now painfully tight.
   "Let go", Damian's hand clamped down on Cole's wrist. Damian's voice was almost as dark as Cole's had been.
   "No. She belongs to me", Cole growled.
   "She belongs to herself. Now let her go before I break your arm", Damian growled.
   "Whatever", Cole let go of my wrist and Damian shoved him back before letting him go.
   "What's going on over here?", one of the chaperones walked over to us.
   "This guy won't leave my girlfriend alone", Damian answered, wrapping a protective arm around me. I was cradling my wrist against my chest. It didn't hurt terribly bad but it did ache.
   "Why won't you leave her alone?", the woman turned to Cole.
   "No reason", he turned and walked away. The woman let out a sigh and walked away from us.
   "You okay?", Damian turned to me and gently took my wrist. There were marks where Cole had dug his nails into my wrist.
   "I'm fine", I answered, "It doesn't hurt that badly. But Damian, he scared me. That look on his face was terrifying."
   "I won't let him hurt you", Damian whispered, gently running his thumbs over the marks.
   "I know", I smiled and used my other hand to cup Damian's cheek.
   "Good", he let go of my hand and kissed my cheek. I blushed and smiled up at him. I was still shaking slightly, but it was slowly subsiding. I was feeling less and less afraid as time went by.
   "Elena, would you like to dance", Damian asked, the smile on his face slightly wider.
   "I would love to, Damian", I smiled and he led me out to the dance floor. One of his arms wrapped around my waist and the other took my hand in his. I set my free hand on his chest.
   "Thank you for asking me to dance", I smiled up at him.
   "I felt like maybe it would help. I mean, I'm sure dancing could remind you of home. And that could help relax you", Damian explained.
   "Thank you for thinking about me like that. It really does mean a lot to me", I smiled and he spun me gently. I let out a giggle and shook my head.
   "What are you laughing at?", Damian asked.
   "How adorable you are", I answered.
   "I am not adorable", he shook his head.
   "Says you. But I completely disagree with that", I smiled.
   "I'm not sure why you disagree", he frowned, "I mean, it's not true so you shouldn't disagree with me."
   "Damian, just give in. You know you won't win this against me", I giggled.
   He let out a huff, "Fine. Whatever."
   "Alright you guys, we had a special request", the lead singer of the band that was playing spoke into the microphone and Damian pulled away from me, "Someone asked if he could sing a song. For someone he loves dearly. Come on up, sir."
   I watched, shocked, as Damian walked up to the stage. He took the microphone.
   "I wanted to sing something for someone who means the world to me. Most people just barely became aware of our relationship, but we have been together for a while. I love you, Elena", Damian looked at me and smiled. Music started playing and he winked at me. Even if this was just an act, I was starting to turn into a blushing mess. Damian started singing and while I didn't recognize the song, I knew what the words were saying. He was saying he loved me. He was saying that he would always love me. I put my hand over my mouth to help sell the act, but in truth I was shocked and tearing up. I knew the song wasn't truly meant for me, that we were acting, but it still felt touching and romantic.
   "This is so sweet", Lily cooed.
   "I know", I whispered. Damian finished and jumped down from the stage. He walked over to me with a smile. He pulled a box out of his pocket and got down on one knee.
   "Elena, will you marry me?", he asked me, opening the box to reveal a simple diamond ring.
   "Yes", I nodded, tears rolling down my cheeks. Thank god for waterproof make up.
   "I love you", he stood and kissed me. He pulled back and took the ring out of the box, slipping it onto my finger.
   "I love you too", I laughed shakily. People around us cheered.
   "You did wonderfully", he whispered as he kissed my cheek.
   "Just kiss me", I answered and he did. He wrapped an arm around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. More cheering rang out around us. Damian pulled away and smiled, cupping my cheek with one hand.
   "Mr. Wayne!", a flash nearly blinded me, "Care to make a comment?"
   "Where did you meet her, Mr. Wayne?", another flash made me looked away.
   "Excuse me, I ask that you leave her alone. She isn't used to this", Damian moved me so I was standing behind him.
   "I want to hear your love story!", someone else yelled.
   "Damian?", I frowned.
   "This wasn't part of the plan", he whispered when he turned to me, "There weren't supposed to be reporters."
   "Then who called them?", I asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and led me away from the reporters. He pulled out his phone and continued leading me away from the crowd. The reporters followed after us.
   "Alfred? We need a pick up. As soon as possible", Damian nearly had to yell into the phone as the sound around us picked up.
   "Damian?", I frowned. I let out a yelp as someone grabbed my arm as we passed them. Damian ripped their hand off me and pulled me closer, leading me out the doors.
   "This is not going as planned", he looked around. Alfred pulled up just in time, climbing out of the car.
   "Miss Elena, Master Damian, what's going on?", Alfred asked.
   "I'll explain in the car", Damian answered. Alfred quickly opened the door for us. Damian ushered me into the car before climbing in. Alfred shut the door and walked around. He climbed in and pulled away from the school.
   "So what's going on?", Alfred asked.
   "Someone called reporters. I have a very good idea as to who it was", Damian sighed, still holding my hand. His ran his thumb over the back of my hand.
   "This went from going as planned to chaos quickly", I shook my head and leaned back in my seat.
   "You'll stay safe. I won't let anything happen to you", Damian looked over at me.
   "You keep saying that. I trust you", I squeezed his hand, "You don't have to keep telling me these things."
   "I feel like I do. I don't want you to be afraid", Damian sighed.
   "Damian, I could be in the safest place in the universe and I would still be terrified of him", I leaned on Damian, closing my eyes.
   "I'm very sorry I can't bring you the sense of safety you need right now", he let go of my hand to wrap his arm around my shoulders.
   "It's okay, Damian. I'll be fine", I mumbled.
   "I'll make sure of that", he whispered. We both fell into silence.

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