Chapter 5

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   I woke up in Damian's bed. It was cold around me and I knew he had gotten up already. I heard the shower running so I climbed out of the bed silently and walked back to my own room. I leaned back on the door as I closed it and let out a sigh. I pushed away from the door and walked to my closet. I picked out an outfit for school and walked to the bathroom. I turned the water on as hot as I could before stripping down and getting in. Once I felt clean enough, I got out and put on my uniform. I walked downstairs to find Alfred making breakfast. He smiled at me and set a plate on the table for me.
   "Thank you, Alfred", I smiled and sat, taking a bite of the food. It tasted amazing as always. I finished my breakfast just as Damian walked in. I washed my plate while Damian ate. We didn't speak to each other. After washing my plate, I went to get my backpack and wait for Damian and Alfred to be ready to go.
   "Ready, Miss Elena?", Alfred asked when he walked into the living room.
   "Very ready", I nodded and stood, "I just have to keep my smile on my face."
   "Not everyone can keep a smile on their face. Don't be afraid to call for me to pick you up", Alfred offered.
   "Thank you", I gave him a small smile.
   "Of course", Alfred smiled and walked back towards the door. I stood, grabbed my backpack, and followed him.
   The first half of the school day went by pretty quickly. At lunch, Damian had me sit by him instead of with Sandra and her friends. After Damian finished and left, Sandra walked up.
   "You had better not be making moves on Damian, Elena. You know he's mine. And you don't want to know what happens to girls who get in my way", Sandra hissed.
   "What the hell? I thought we were friends?", I stood.
   "We were until you decided to make a move on Damian Wayne", Sandra snapped.
   "I didn't make a move on Damian. We live in the same house. We kind of have to get alone", I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Besides, Damian wouldn't even look your way."
   "You bitch!", Sandra moved to hit me but a hand caught her wrist.
   "You ever try to lay a hand on Elena again, and I won't hesitate to hurt you", Damian growled and dropped her hand before taking mine, pulling me up, and dragging me away from Sandra.
   "Damian, you're walking too fast!", I stumbled, struggling to catch up to him.
   "Oh well", he snapped, but he slowed down enough that I could walk with him.
   "Why are you getting mad at me?", I pressed my lips together, frustrated.
   "I told you to stay away from Sandra, didn't I?", he looked back at me.
   "Yeah, but you were being an ass about it so I decided not to listen", I frowned, "But she was only going to hit me. You're acting like she was going to kill me or something."
   "Elena, I'm getting really low on patience", Damian glanced at me again.
   "Well so am I! You can't keep doing this hot and cold thing to me!", I shook my head, "I can't handle this hot and cold thing."
   "Let's get one thing straight. I don't care about you. I will never really care about you. But it is my duty to protect you and I will always fulfill that duty no matter how much I dislike you", Damian hissed, coming to a stop and pushing me against the wall. His hands were on the wall on either side of my head.
   "I don't believe that. If a person doesn't like someone, they don't comfort them. Even if they do have to protect them. Comforting and protecting are two different things", I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him away, but he wouldn't budge.
   "I think you have things mixed up. I don't like you. I was doing that so I didn't have to listen to you cry. Or deal with the aftermath of your tears. So don't go around thinking it's because I care about you", Damian hissed, his face terrifyingly close to mine.
   "You know what", I snapped, "Go to hell."
   "Hell is living with you so I guess I'm there", Damian pulled away from me.
   "Screw you!", I slapped him across the face. His head jerked to the side and I saw surprise flash across his face. I ducked under his arm and ran down the hall. I ran into the girls bathroom and pulled out my phone. I had tears rolling down my cheeks as I called Alfred.
   "Miss Elena? What's wrong?", Alfred asked.
   "Can you come pick me up?", I asked, my voice shaking.
   "Of course. Did something happen?", Alfred questioned.
   "D-damian", I answered, sniffling.
   "I see. I will be there shortly, Miss Elena", Alfred answered and hung up. He was true to his word. He was at the school within 10 minutes. I sat in the car, staring at my feet. I had stopped crying, but I was still upset.
   "What did Master Damian do?", Alfred asked as we drove back to the manor.
   "He said he doesn't care about me. He claimed living with me was hell. He just said a lot of things that I hated hearing. I don't ever want to hear them again. Or see him again", I mumbled, looking out the window.
   "I'm sorry, Miss Elena. Perhaps some cookies and hot chocolate will help? I've got cookies made and I wouldn't mind making some hot chocolate", Alfred offered.
   "That sounds wonderful, Alfred. And maybe it will help give me energy for training tonight?", I nodded and looked at Alfred, "Thank you, Alfred. You make this bearable."
   "Of course, Miss Elena. You're like a granddaughter to me", Alfred smiled as we pulled up to the manor. Alfred walked around the car and opened my door for me.
   "Thanks", I mumbled.
   "Of course. Now go put your stuff up and change while I get them ready", Alfred smiled.
   "Thank you", I nodded and walked inside. I climbed the stairs and walked down the hall to my room. I set my stuff on the bed and walked to my dresser. I pulled out some leggings and grabbed a shirt. I changed into them and pulled my hair up before making my way downstairs. Alfred had a plate of cookies and a steaming cup of hot chocolate waiting for me.
   "Here you are, Miss Elena", Alfred smiled, "Don't worry about cleaning up after. I'll take care of that. I'm sure you'll want to get warmed up for training with Master Bruce."
   "Thank you again, Alfred", I smiled at him as I sat down at the table.
   "Anytime, Miss Elena", Alfred smiled, "I'll be cleaning if you need me."
   "Alright", I nodded and took a cookie. I took a bite and sighed. I loved chocolate chip cookies so much, but I never really told anyone that. After I finished a cookie, I took a sip of the hot chocolate and smiled. It was perfectly sweet. Once I finished those, I rinsed the dishes and left them in the sink like Alfred had asked me to.
   I walked upstairs and changed into a tank top. I relaxed on my bed for a few hours, playing on the phone Alfred had bought me. I ate dinner alone and after dinner I started stretching like I would for ballet. Mom had made me take ballet, and I remember every last thing they taught me.
   "Elena? Are you ready to start training?", Bruce asked as he knocked on my door.
   "Yeah. Very ready", I answered and walked to the door, opening it.
   "Good. Let's head downstairs", Bruce nodded and led me to their entrance to the cave. I followed Bruce down the steps, looking around at the cave.
   "So, how are we starting?", I asked as Bruce led me to a large foam mat.
   "I want you to show me what you can do. Punch and kick me as hard as you can", Bruce explained, stopping in the middle of the mat and turning to me. I spread my feet, lifted my arm, and punched him. Bruce caught my hand before it reached him.
   "I thought I was supposed to punch you", I frowned.
   "Yes. But you're going to break your hand punching like that. Also, the moment you finish your swing, you're going to lost your balance", Bruce explained. He unclenched my hand, then closed my fingers and layed my thumb over them. He bent down and moved my feet closer together so they were shoulder width apart.
   "I guess that makes sense", I mumbled, nodding.
   "Alfred told me you and Damian are having a hard time", Bruce stood back up, "I'm not going to ask what's going on. Just know, Damian has been through a lot in his like. I'm not saying that's an excuse, but just try to keep that in mind next time. He likes pushing people away."
   "I'll keep that in mind", I sighed and watched Bruce. He didn't get back into position.
   "I've got to go on patrol. Damian is going to get you fully started", Bruce stated and as if summoned, Damian walked down into the cave.
   "Why am I stuck training her again?", Damian asked, sighing.
   "It's a punishment for being rude to her", Bruce answered, "Now be gentle. She's new to this." Bruce walked away as Damian approached me. I sighed and glared at him.
   "Stop glaring at me, Princess", Damian rolled his eyes and got into position, "I'm assuming Father was starting with assessing you. Show me what you've got, Princess."
   "Fine", I glared and swung my fist at him as hard as I could.
   "You're going to hurt your hips", Damian shook his head and caught my wrist, "Let's go to the punching bags."
   "Okay", I nodded, pulling my wrist out of his grip.
   "Come on", he walked over to the punching bags and I followed. He gestured to one and I spread my feet to where Bruce had them before and clenched my hand into the fist Bruce had taught me.
   "You have your hips turned to much", Damian moved behind me and put his hands on my hips. My face flooded with heat as he turned my hips.
   "Can I punch now?", I asked.
   "Yeah. Go ahead", Damian nodded and I swung a punch at the bag. It barely moved the back.
   "Maybe try imagining someone you don't like on the bag", Damian suggested and stepped away from me. I closed my eyes and pictured him before swinging again. I hit the bag hard enough that I heard my hand pop. Pain rippled up my arm and I opened my eyes, tearing up.
   "I didn't expect you to hit that hard", Damian burst into laughter shaking his head, "It's day one and you've already gone and hurt yourself."
   "Don't make me punch you that hard?", I turned to him, glaring again.
   "How now, I'm not the one who injured you", he raised his hands, still laughing.
   "But you're the one who didn't tell me I could end up hurting myself!", I walked towards him, pissed.
   "Calm down. Let's get your hand wrapped", Damian walked to a desk and picked something up. He walked back over and started wrapping some cloth around my hand. I flinched and he glanced at me before continuing.
   "You're not very gentle", I complained.
   "Maybe you shouldn't be so careless with your punches. Most people wouldn't be able to hurt their hands like that on a punching bag", Damian started chuckling again as he finished wrapping my hand. The pain was slowly going away.
   "Shut up. I've never had to punch anything before", I huffed.
   "Whatever. Let's get back over there", Damian walked back to the punching bag. I followed after him.

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