Chapter 7

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   I let out a groan as I woke up. My head was killing me and I couldn't remember what had happened. As everything came rushing back to me I opened my eyes. My head and back were killing me. My wrists and ankles felt rubbed raw. I looked down to find I was tied to a chair.
   "Oh look! She's awake!", someone shouted and it sent waves of pain through my head.
   "It's about damn time. She's been out all night", someone else replied as a door opened. Two people walked into my view. A man who had his black hair cut just above his ears and his face looked freshly shaved. He wore a suit and black dress shoes. The woman was dressed in a nice red dress with a pair of black heels. She had her makeup done and her hair was pulled up into a bun.
   "Did you dress up just for me?", I asked, giving them a small, cocky smile.
   "She's got a real mouth on her", the woman scoffed, "Don't make us tape up that mouth of yours."
   "Oh no. Don't do that", I said sarcastically.
   "Fine. Guess we will. But first I have a question", the woman took something from the man and walked up to me. She grabbed my hair and shoved the item at me. It was a picture of me. Of Princess Elena.
   "What's your question?", I tried to put more cockiness in my voice than I now felt.
   "Why do you look so much like this princess? I mean, you have a different hair color, but your eyes and face shape match her perfectly", the woman yanked my head up to look at her using my hair. I flinched, tears forming in my eyes.
   "Well, maybe I just have a doppelganger and she's a princess", I tried to shrug. The woman pulled my head back farther. I let out a cry of pain and clenched my eyes shut.
   "Not so cocky when it hurts, are you?", the woman laughed, "Now, princess, I've heard there's a huge price on your head. But I also know you're staying with someone rich because you're going to Gotham Academy. So, I know exactly what I'm going to do with you."
   "Let me go?", I asked, trying to hold back my tears.
   "Very funny", she rolled her eyes,    "Whatever. You're not even worth this. Just tell me who you're staying with."
"You know, I can't remember. Must have been that blow to the head. Or maybe it's you pulling on my hair", I smirked slightly for a moment. The smirk was wiped of my face as a stinging pain erupted in my cheek and my face jerked to the side. She had slapped me.
   "Stop being such a snide brat. Who the hell are you staying with?", the woman demanded.
   "Some rich person", I shrugged. The more I kept them in here, the more time I gave Bruce and Damian to find me.
   "Which one, you stupid brat?", the woman slapped me again.
   "Huh. I forgot", I smirked.
   "Damn it", she punched me this time and I flinched slightly.
   "Miss Black?", a voice called as I heard the door open again.
   "What do you want?", the woman looked at whoever had walked in.
   "We found who she is with. She's been seen with Bruce Wayne's son Damian", the person answered and my eyes widened.
   "Oh? Bruce Wayne? Well this girl just got even more intriguing", the women's voice rose in pitch and she walked around my chair, holding a newspaper.
   "Well, I'm sure to get plenty of money from this", the woman laughed and looked at me.
   "Doubt it. I don't really mean much to him. I'm just a guest", I shrugged, "Damian even hates me."
   "Well, we can still try", the woman walked over to me, "Oh look. You've got a bruise forming."
   "Oh well. That's what makeup is for", I grinned.
   "The bruise will help but I don't think she's scared enough", the woman looked at the man, "Do you mind?"
   The man walked up to me and before I could say anything, he punched me in the stomach. I coughed, feeling the air had been yanked out of my lungs. Pain erupted from the punch and tears pricked my eyes. Before I could recover from the first punch, the man punched me again. I gasped for air, trying to plead for them to stop. The next punch was to my jaw and my head jerked so hard I was afraid my neck would break. 
   "Good job", the woman smirked. I coughed and then spit out blood.
   "Go to hell", I gasped out. For a moment I had wanted to give in, but I knew Bruce and Damian would come save me. There was also the fact that the longer they were in here, the less likely they were to tell Cole where I was.
   "Guess she needs more", the woman stepped back and the man stepped forwards again. I got another three punches. Two to my face and one to my stomach. I could feel the blood trickling from my nose and I knew my lip was split.
   "You two are damn fools", a voice said just after the door opened. I knew that voice. I felt relief flood through my body. Tears rolled down my cheeks as Damian, dressed in his Robin suit, walked around to stand in front of me.
   "Robin?", the woman frowned, "Why are you here?"
   "Batman and I were the ones who put her with Bruce Wayne. You didn't think we wouldn't watch her, did you?", Damian asked, stepping towards the woman, "You decided to kidnap the wrong girl."
   The woman backed up, her eyes wide, "No. W-we... Jonah!" She turned to the man and he ran at Damian. Damian dodged him and pulled something from his belt. He jammed it into the man's neck as the man ran at him. The man groaned as a strange sound filled the room. The man collapsed to the ground.
   "How stupid", Damian sighed and turned to the woman, walking towards her.
   "I'm sorry! Please!", she begged.
   "I can't let anyone know about Elena. You'll be spending your days in Arkham", Damian punched her, knocking her out. He turned to me and his expression softened. He untied me and picked me up. I leaned my head on his shoulder, trying to breathe. Damian carried me outside and to a roof. He sat down with me in his lap.
   "Breathe, beloved. Just take long, deep breaths", he whispered, moving my hair out of my face and moving me into a position where I could breathe better.
   "I was getting scared", I whispered, tears still rolling down my cheeks.
   "I know. That's okay. It's understandable to be scared at something like that", he whispered, running his fingers through my hair, "But you're okay now, beloved."
   "Beloved?", I asked weakly, smiling, "Since when do you like me enough to call me that?"
   "Don't worry about that. Why did you run out yesterday?", he asked, still running his fingers through my hair.
   "I saw you with Sandra. And it hurt me. I didn't want to stay in there anymore", I answered weakly.
   "I'm sorry, Elena. I shouldn't have done that. I was trying to use her to distance myself from you", he watched me. I was starting to feel like I could breathe better.
   "Lily? Is she okay?", I asked.
   "Yeah. I got to her just as they did. I managed to knock them out and she got away. She's fine, just worried about you", he answered.
   "Oh thank god", I whispered and closed my eyes.
   "Are you feeling well enough to travel now?", Damian asked, stroking my hair gently.
   "Yeah. I can breath a bit better now", I answered, sitting up.
   "We will have Alfred check you out when we get back as well", Damian stood and picked me up. He took me back to the manor and down to the cave. Alfred looked me over and did a few tests before saying I would be fine. Bruised and in pain, but fine. Damian then took me upstairs but instead of going to my room, we went to his. He set me on his bed and pulled the covers over me.
   "What are you doing?", I asked softly.
   "Getting you comfortable and tucked in so you can rest", he answered.
   "But I'm thirsty. And hungry", I replied.
   "Pennyworth is making you some tea and toast", Damian answered and took my hand, kissing the back of it.
   "This is so different from how you were acting before", I mumbled. Mostly to myself. Of course he heard though.
   "I tend to push people away, Elena. You were no different. I wanted to push you away. Make you hate me. It's always easier if you lose someone if they hate you. You refused to, though", he shook his head and sighed again.
   "I tried. But those small soft spots I saw kept me falling for you", I answered, laughing and then coughing.
   "Are you okay?", Damian shot up and cupped my cheeks, looking me over.
   "I'm fine. Just a little bruised like Alfred said I would be", I answered and closed my eyes.
   "Alright. I apologize. I'm just worried", Damian sat back down on the bed next to me. He kissed my head again and I blushed.
   "You don't have to apologize. Just stoo freaking out. Alfred said I would be fine and I trust Alfred completely", I smiled at him.
   "I thank you for your trust, Miss Elena", Alfred said from the doorway, holding a tray.
   "Of course, Alfred. You've never steered me wrong", I smiled as he walked over. I sat up and Alfred set the tray on my lap carefully. There was a screaming cup of tea and some toast. My mouth watered and my stomach grumbled.
   "Eat up. I can make more if you want it", Alfred smiled.
   "Thank you so much, Alfred", I smiled up at him. I picked my tea up and took a sip. I set it down and took a few bites of the toast. Alfred walked out and I finished the toast. I picked up my tea and Damian took the tray off my lap. He set it on his dresser and once I finished the tea, he took that from me too.
   "Now get some sleep, princess", he smiled.
   "Only if you'll come cuddle me", I answered, yawning.
   "Fine", he smiled and walked over. He climbed into the bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me.
   "Thanks", I whispered, yawning.
   "Of course, beloved", he answered softly.
   "Thank you for everything", I whispered, snuggling into his side. I lied my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
   "I'll always keep you safe, beloved", he answered, kissing my head. I slowly fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat and the feeling of his hand rubbing my back.

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