Journey In Remnant (RWBY X M...

By TheMaskedDemonLion

33.5K 641 400

A young monkey faunus decides to travel around the world of Remnant to have fun. An amazing adventure is abou... More

An adventure begins
Heated Battle
Did you receive a good training?
Getting repetitive
WF = A
B = T = S

Champion: who will it be?

2.6K 51 31
By TheMaskedDemonLion

Y/N and Pyrrha both charged at each other.

Y/N's fist collided with her shield, she swung her spear downward and he sidestepped as he then swung his bô-staff but Pyrrha sheltered herself with her shield. She threw another hit with her spear that Y/N intercepted using Nyoi-bô while also trying to strike her but it hit her shield. He kept circling around her, trying to land a hit but she was really good at defense.

Pyrrha then switched her spear into a rifle to shoot the monkey boy from a close range while blocking his assault with her shield. Y/N managed to avoid -or intercept with his weapon- all the bullets aimed at him while still turning around Pyrrha as his blows were steadily getting closer and closer to the target, which wasn't missed by the latter.

She suddenly turned her weapon into a spear and thrusted it with such speed Y/N couldn't do anything but taking damage. She succeeded in pushing him by delivering quick and powerful attacks.

Pyrrha then used Miló's rifle form to fire, Y/N jumped backward in a spiral fashion and threw his bô-staff on the ground while doing so. Nyoi-bô bounced on it and towards Pyrrha who was taken by surprise but still managed to protect herself at the last second. The pole rebounded on her shield and into the air as Y/N jumped forward in the same fashion as earlier and used his tail to retrieve his weapon while dodging the bullets aimed for him.

Quickly splitting the rod into two tonfas, Y/N punched with both of them but Pyrrha covered herself with Akoúo and suddenly pushed him out of the way.

The monkey faunus decided to fire at her with his tonfas. She dodged by doing some flips and she then hurled her shield mid-air at Y/N's legs, making him fall forward. He used his hands to land safely and use them to then launch himself to kick the scarlet warrior in the gut. She held her stomach with her right hand while trying to cover herself from his barrage of hits with her left hand (which was the one holding her shield Akoúo).

Suddenly, witnessing a slight opening between two of the hits, Pyrrha turned around her opponent to end up behind him. She kicked his foot to make him fall on one knee as she then swung her spear, hitting his head. Y/N swiftly got up while assembling his tonfas into a pole and swung it, only to miss, to his surprise.

(Y/N): "...?" He stopped for a second and looked at his hands. "(This felt...weird...)" He thought.

The monkey boy snapped back to reality when his instincts kicked in, making him moved his upper body back to avoid a hit. Refocusing on his fight, Y/N went back to 'tonfas fighting' as he delivered a series of punches. However, none of his blows were landing, on the other hand, Pyrrha's were.

Each time Y/N missed, he felt like he was losing his balance. He was dumbfounded, not understanding what was happening. Was he tired already? No, didn't feel like it. Then...what was it?

Y/N was pushed back and rammed onto the ground. When he got to his feet, he realized something... He wasn't sure but he thought he comprehended the trick.

He dashed, intending on inflicting damage to Pyrrha. But, just like earlier, he couldn't lay a finger on her. But this time he was deeply concentrated in his own movements.

(Y/N): "(I get it now!)"

It was clear to him that Pyrrha was moving his body without touching him. No. She was moving his weapon, but not too much, just enough to make him lose his balance.

(Y/N): "(But how? ...hum. No matter.)" He looked at Pyrrha and mumbled with a smile. "I figured out your trick."

Pyrrha: "...?" Pyrrha couldn't hear his words but she thought it was best for her to keep her guard up.

Extending Nyoi-bô, Y/N launched himself with great speed towards Pyrrha who was taken by surprised by this. He delivered a knee to her chin, making her lose contact with the floor. He then quickly moved to catch her legs with both of his arms and, using his full strength, he spun before throwing his opponent away.

Pyrrha stuck her spear onto the ground to slow herself in order to remain on the ring. Not missing a beat, she turned Miló into a rifle then fired. Y/N twirled his staff to block incoming attacks. Pyrrha focused while still shooting, using her semblance, she slightly shifted the staff's position so the monkey boy would get hit by a bullet. Y/N sensed it but couldn't do anything fast enough.

(Y/N): "(Wha-!? This far!?)" He was impressed by her power's reach.

He had been shot several times before he managed to roll out of the way. He ran, dodging the bullets. Y/N then shot the ground to create a small dust cloud to use it to his advantage.

Nyoi-bô then emerged out of the cloud, extending towards Pyrrha who blocked with her shield. However, the rod had been thrusted forward and kept growing, steadily pushing the scarlet warrior to the edge of the arena. Pyrrha had to plant her feet and use her semblance to stop Nyoi-bô, which Y/N found impressive.

He resorted to another course of action. If he couldn't push her out of the fighting ground, he would send her flying out of it.

The monkey faunus retracted his weapon before swinging it horizontally (while still extended). Pyrrha raised her shield and was about to plant her feet onto the floor once again but she soon realized it wouldn't help her so she jumped over the pole. It almost made a full 360 degree turn, then Y/N moved his bô upward before swinging it downward with great force, cracking the ground as Pyrrha dodged.

Y/N shrank his weapon until it disappeared in the cloud of dust where he was located. Suddenly exitting the cloud, the monkey faunus hurled his tonfas at his opponent, shocking the latter. The scarlet fighter blocked the first one and dodged the second one while the boy was dashing to her. The second tonfa went out of the fighting area.

The faunus threw a straight jab that was intercepted by Pyrrha's shield. She spun to strike the back of her opponent's head but Y/N used his tail to grab Pyrrha's hand, making her lose the momentum. He then turned to trip her up while pulling her arm with his tail, throwing her to the ground. However, she rolled to land safely.

Y/N rushed and threw a powerful sidestep-kick that launched the red-head on the floor. She then rolled backward to avoid the monkey boy's fist which punched through the ground. Standing up, Pyrrha was about to use her weapon when the faunus kicked her hand out of the way before delivering a strong kick to her chin. Y/N then landed an upward blow to her gut, knocking the wind out of her.

He stopped to give her the time to recover. When Pyrrha glanced to him, she noticed he no longer had that smile of his. He was serious.

Pyrrha: "Why did you stop?" She asked, trying to catch her breath.

The only answer was a shrug as his eyes told her to hurry. He was jumping on the spot, waiting.

Recomposing herself, the scarlet fighter assumed a fighting stance. Her opponent did one last spot jumping before taking his own stance.

Pyrrha: "(He is really good at hand-to-hand combat.)" She thought.

She couldn't use her semblance on him like earlier which proved to be problematic and, although she was a great fighter without it, she had to admit that Y/N was surpassing her.

Pyrrha: "(He...isn't moving...? I guess I will have to make the first move.)"

The red-head attacked but the faunus easily deflected the weapon and punched her several times then he struck the side of her knee with a side kick. Y/N leaped onto Pyrrha to headbutt her before kicking her to jump backward, shoving her onto the ring at the same time.

She swiftly got up and managed to dodge the boy's assault and catch him into a 'choke hold'. This time, he couldn't do anything.

Well...that's what she thought. Y/N bit her arm, forcing Pyrrha to loosen her grip. Taking the opportunity, he hit her by suddenly moving his head back, he then followed by an elbow.

Pyrrha quickly recomposed herself and either dodged or blocked Y/N's attacks. She succeeded in surprising her opponent by banging his head with her shield after avoiding a punch. She then threw an uppercut that missed its target. However, the monkey-tailed boy had briefly lowered his guard and Pyrrha didn't miss this chance to strike.

All according to cake- I mean plan.

Y/N used this opportunity to catch Pyrrha's arm and slam her onto the ground with such force it broke the floor. Not letting her the time to act, he then flung her into the air. The monkey boy quickly went to retrieve his tonfa (singular since one of the two went out of the ring) and fire at his opponent still in the air, effectively hitting her until she managed to use her shield.

Once Pyrrha landed, Y/N dropped his weapon. The scarlet girl decided to use the newly made distance between them to her advantage. But, the faunus already started running to her, without taking a second to think, she opened fire.

Bullets whistled past Y/N's heads as he kept moving forward while avoiding the projectiles. He then jumped and Pyrrha ducked to avoid the hit but the monkey boy had planned it and he delivered an axe kick to the back of her head.

The red-head hopped to her feet only to see her opponent about to leap once more. This time, Pyrrha raised her shield. However, Y/N faked a "spinning heel kick" and ended with a sweep, making the scarlet warrior stagger backward. The monkey faunus then followed by delivering a powerful kick to lauch Pyrrha's weapon high up in the air.

Y/N then propelled himself to catch the weapon before using it, while still in the air. The girl widened her eyes. The faunus shot several times. She managed to block or dodge the bullets and was about to use her semblance. Y/N seemed to notice (or guess it) as he turned the rifle into a javelin and hurled it back to its owner, giving it a burst of increased speed and power by using the barrel inside the javelin's body.

Pyrrha stepped backward to avoid her own weapon which stuck into the ground. She pulled it out and began firing at her opponent who remained in mid-air, where he couldn't dodge. Every bullets hit before -thankfully- Pyrrha had to reload. When she did, Y/N already landed on the floor so she didn't resume her attack, since the monkey boy would now be able to avoid almost everything thrown at him.

Pyrrha took a glance at her Aura level. It was low, lower than her opponent's. Either she played it carefully or she tried one last risky trick. While thinking, she was taking slow sidesteps, her eyes cautiously fixed on Y/N who moved in the same way but to the opposite direction. They were circling each other.

Pyrrha: "(Avoid almost everything thrown at him... avoid...almost...? That's it!)" She knew what she had to do to win. She was just hoping it would work well, otherwise, she would be the one losing here.

She charged at Y/N who took his stance. When she was nearing him, the faunus dropped his guard in order to throw his arm forward to punch the scarlet fighter. Suddenly, Pyrrha stopped in her tracks and lowered her body. Her feet cracked the ground as she then gripped her shield with her two hands.

That was a perfect timing as Y/N couldn't raise his guard fast enough or do anything that could help him.

Putting all her strength into this final action, and also using her semblance to enhance her assault, Pyrrha launched herself upward and forward, striking the monkey boy and taking him with her. They were heading outside the fighting arena. Pyrrha was intending to win by "Ring Out"! And her opponent couldn't do anything to escape it, the red-head still had both of her weapons to prevent him from doing so.

It was at this moment that Y/N regretted the fact that he gave up his weapon because, if he had at least one of his tonfa, he probably could have done something to turn the situation around.

It was his loss.

Announcer: "RING OUT!!" He shouted through his mic. "Pyrrha Nikos wins! What an intense match! What a conclusion! Pyrrha Nikos decided to make a risky 'all-or-nothing' move to win, taking the young Y/N with her in the air and towards the outside of the arena! A successful tactic!" He kept praising both combatants as the spectators cheered and applauded them and the show they offered.

Pyrrha walked to Y/N who had this sad smile, clearly disappointed by the result.

Pyrrha: "Sorry for ending the fight this way." The monkey boy sat up.

(Y/N): "No need to apologize, it's my fault, I should've been more careful." He beamed and stood up. "That was a great match."

Pyrrha: "Yes!" She smiled as Y/N went to retrieve his tonfas, they then began to walk back to the challenger's room.

(Y/N): "I wanna say it now: I didn't care that much about you bein' the champion, I knew you were strong since the beginning. I could feel it by just lookin' at you. My body was already shiverin' in excitment before I learnt you were the champ', knowin' it just made me more impatient to face you. You are special, Pyrrha, and fightin' you really is something."

Pyrrha: "Thank you. I must admit, I am not really a 'fight lover', I mean not as much as you, but battling against you truly was thrilling. I have to thank you for giving me such an experience."

(Y/N): "By the way, what was that power of yours, how did you do that?"

Pyrrha: "That was my Semblance."

(Y/N): "Semblance?" Pyrrha looked at him dumbfounded.

Pyrrha: "You don't know what is Semblance?" He shook his head.

Pyrrha: "Well... Semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual." Seeing the confused face of the boy, she guessed she needed to rephrase that. "It is a power that you are born with, each person has a different Semblance but some can be similar to other family members or even completely hereditary, meaning that you have the same power as one of your parent. The use of Aura can help discovering your Semblance. Mine is Polarity." Y/N gasped.

(Y/N): "You control poles..." he nodded slowly while narrowing his eyes, as if understanding everything. "That's why you could control my Nyoi-bô!" She giggled.

Pyrrha: "No, it means I have control over magnetism, meaning that I can control metallic objects." She giggled. "But I got to say, I was actually surprised and impressed you noticed it."

(Y/N): "Hehe!" He smiled widely.

They kept chatting about each other's strengths. Agon complimented the two and a discussion started between the three of them. It was however interrupted by Y/N's stomach growling which was followed by a shared laugh between him, Agon and Pyrrha.

While eating and resting, the monkey faunus asked Pyrrha what was her goal, why was she training. Since she said she wasn't really a 'fight-lover', what could make her want to train this hard?

Pyrrha: "I've always believed I was destined to become a Huntress, one that would protect the world. That is why I am training, to achieve this goal and protect everyone."

(Y/N): "I see...what's a Huntress?" She and Agon stared at him blankly.

Agon: "You...don't know what that is?" The monkey boy shook his head.

(Y/N): "If I'm askin', it means I dunno the answer."

Pyrrha: "Well. Huntsmen and Huntresses are licensed elite warriors. They are dedicated to slaying the monsters of Grimm but their duty is to 'maintain peace'." Y/N nodded.

(Y/N): "I see...sounds pretty great." He said before taking a bite out of his food.

Pyrrha: "What about you, Y/N? What is your goal?"

(Y/N): "I guesh I jusht wanna fight shtrong people." He replied with his mouth full, he then swallowed his food to finish. "Or monsters."

Violet and Y/N once again fought over food. This kept going until Blue Themis and Pyrrha were called for the finale.



Y/N stayed to watch the finale. It was quite the match: intense, amazing, epic even. Blue really put up a good fight but ended up losing.



Announcer: "And with this, the tournament is over. Thanks to everyone for coming. Rendez-vous next year."

The seats were slowly being emptied as every competitors left one by one.

The sky started to gain a red tint as the Sun calmly fell. The leaves of the nearby trees rustled due to the fresh wind softly blowing. The day was peacefully ending.

Pyrrha was packing her bag, taking her time to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything, not that there was much she could possibly forget but you never know. She came back with a casual outfit and spotted Y/N sitting outside, waiting for the red-head.

She walked to him.

Pyrrha: "What or who are you waiting for?"

(Y/N): "I dunno... I think I just wanted to stay here a bit longer before leavin'." The scarlet girl thought back about what Y/N had told her, how he had been travelling alone for months.

Pyrrha: "Hum. So, where are you going now?"

(Y/N): "To the West. That's where I was goin' before the tournament so, now that it's over, I'll resume my trip." Pyrrha looked a bit worried about this thought.

Pyrrha: "Last night, you told me how you survived alone for weeks, so I know that you know this world is dangerous, but still...such a long journey. Are you sure?" Her voice was full of concern. The faunus looked up to Pyrrha with a friendly, little smile.

(Y/N): "I'm sure you'll achieve your goal one day." He changed the subject. "Until then..." he got up and looked into her eyes, extending his arm to her. "Make sure to get stronger." She took his hand, shaking it.

Pyrrha: "I will. I want to be able to defeat you one-on-one without resorting to such tactic." A soft smile spread across her face. She then hugged him, surprising Y/N who didn't know what to do as he just awkwardly stayed still for a few seconds.

(Y/N): "Alright..." He started fidgetting slightly as he tapped her back several times to inform the red-head to stop. "I gotta go, now."

Pyrrha: "Good luck, and be careful, Y/N." The monkey boy gave a thumbs-up and a confident grin before running in the distance.

The journey renewed!

A/N: Fun fact: the title of this chapter is a reference to the lyrics of Mezase Tenkaichi.
《Number One, Number One, Number One, sore wa dare?!》
Meaning:《Number One, Number One, Number One, who will it be?!》

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