Bandaged with Lies

By Vocaloidevil

9.2K 355 162

Mikan Tsumiki is a new student at Hopes Peak academy. She, along with the rest of her class of 16, each go ab... More

And So it Begins
Skipping to the Good Stuff
Does Yu-Gi-Oh Count as a Death Game?
♫Getting to Know you♫
Making Friends
Making Enemies
The End of the Beginning
And now for: Timeskip
As the days go by
Epic (arcade) Gamer Time
A not so Happy Reunion
Learning by example
Growing Friendships, Deepening Suspicions
Here in the Garden
I'm actually capable of making friends?1?!?!
A quick update and authors note

A somewhat happy resolution

430 16 0
By Vocaloidevil

Kokichi's POV:

Mikan and I finally got off the bus, its stop being right outside of hope's peak academy. I waited at the gates for a bit while Mikan thanked the bus driver, thinking about what had just happened. In truth, ever since the run in with those two assholes, it was all that had truly been on my mind. Which meant that, of course, I was just feigning a sense of closure back when we were at the bus stop.

I put those thoughts aside however, as Mikan had finally come back. "S-Sorry for keeping you w-waiting!" she says, that signature anxious look on her face. I smile wide and fold my arms behind my head "It's fine- Let's just get back to the dorm already! My legs are tired after all that walking around" I say, feigning a look of complacency. Mikan nodded frantically, and we began heading back towards our dorm.

About two thirds of the way there, Mikan stops. I stop too, looking back at her with a puzzled expression. She was looking down at the floor, fidgeting with her hands- somehow, it seemed like she was more anxious than usual. "What's up?" I ask, since she was taking forever to get the words out. Mikan jumps a bit, but finally looks up from the floor. "I... j-just wanted to thank you... for t-today. F-For how fun it was and- ...a-and what you did for me" she says, her last few words barely above a whisper.

I chuckle a bit, and smile wide- "It's whatever! Just means that you owe me even more now, nishishi" I lie. Mikan's eyes widen a bit, seemingly in thought, before she nods. "R-Right" she says, her tone a bit lighter than before, and a hint of a smile on her face. As I turn around and we begin walking again, I couldn't help but wonder what it was she was thinking about.

I talk Mikan's ear off about random stuff for the rest of the way there, a kind of light feeling in the air as we do so. But before long, the mazes of hallways eventually lead us to our dorm. Since I was in front, I take out my key and open the door. We both enter, and I immediately plop onto my bed and open up my laptop. I compulsively go to click on the bookmark to the chatroom D.I.C.E. uses, but then stop myself when I remember why I asked Mikan to hang out in the first place.

I sigh in irritation, and open up a puzzle game instead. The cheesy music pops up, and I mute the laptop. Selecting the hardest difficulty there is, I hit play. While the game loads, I take the time to look around- Mikan had nestled up in her bed with a book like usual. Taking note of this, I return my attention to the puzzle game, which had finally loaded.

The hardest difficulty wasn't even that hard for me. I had had this game for a while, and the puzzles in it didn't even phase me anymore. This gave me time to think about other things- and that included what had happened at the mall.

Those two who were pulling Mikan along left a sour taste in my mouth- I've known my fair share of entitled assholes who abuse their power, and in just those few moments of meeting them those two had checked all the boxes for that title. And the person who they were using probably didn't even think to fight back.

We hadn't spoken all that much, but it didn't take a detective to notice how Mikan behaved. Not to mention the type of reputation she had gotten. Obviously it wasn't as bad as mine, but even I had heard of the types of "offers" she would make. Drawing on her, embarrassing imitations, even stripping- whenever she got too freaked out, which didn't take much, she would offer these types of things. It had made quite the impression on others.

And things fit just a bit too nicely if those two were somehow involved. Once more, it didn't take a detective to figure out the kind of people they were. My interest was piqued, and I couldn't help but ask her.

"So how long?"

Mikan jumps a bit surprise, and I see her look up from her book out of my peripherals. "W-What... are you t-talking about?" she asks softly, her voice confused and somewhat panicked- though that wasn't really anything new. Still keeping my eyes on my laptop, I clarify a bit "How long have you known those two" I ask blankly.

Mikan was now in a state of pure confusion, and she curls up her legs a bit. "I... um... s-since the second grade" she says, voice soft and somewhat unsure. That's one theory confirmed- and now for the other- "And did they always treat you like that?" I ask, clicking a piece of the puzzle, dragging it, and connecting it with another piece. Mikan's confusion intensifies, as she cocks her head- "Um... l-like what?" she asks.

"Y'know, the entire dragging you by the wrist thing. That doesn't stand out to you?" I ask, a bored expression on my face as I click yet another piece into place in the game. Mikan looks down at her bed sheets, avoiding looking in my direction- "N-Not really... it's always b-been like that so... Why? S-Should it?!" she asks, voice suddenly becoming a bit frantic.

I raise an eyebrow- "Uh, yeah? People don't normally go around grabbing others and taking them places against their will" I say, putting the last piece of the puzzle in place and winning the level. There was an awkward silence between the both of us for a moment, as I started working on the puzzle of the next level.

"Why... did you do it?" asks Mikan, her voice low and contemplative. I already knew what she was talking about, but I raise an eyebrow and feign ignorance- "Hmm? Why did I do what?" I ask, eyes still glued to the laptop. She fiddles with her blankets, face deep in thought, before speaking in a voice barely above a whisper.
"W-Why did you save me?"

I had to think on that question for a bit. There was the obvious base answer of "It's what any decent human being would do", but that wasn't something I wanted to admit. So I thought up the best lie I could at that time: "Well, hanging out today was a part of your debt- can't let you get out of paying that back now, can I?" I say, a bit of a smirk on my face. Mikan cocks her head in confusion for a moment, before realization dawned on her. "O-Oh... right. T-The first day..." she says, hugging her knees a bit.

"Did you really forget?" I ask, half smug and half concentrated. I was about to finish this level as well. Mikan grows a bit flustered, frantically shaking her head- "N-No, nothing like that at all! I'll um... d-do my best to make it up to you!" she says, though she sounded a bit panicked. Well, she wasn't lying- I could say that much at least. "Nishishi, then we shouldn't have a problem" I say, smiling up at her before continuing my game.

She nods, and waits a few moments before hesitantly picking up her book again. And it was business as usual yet again. I didn't mind that, of course: however, there was an uncomfortable tension in the air now. One of unanswered questions and deep thought.

Not that I really cared though- I was used to that kind of atmosphere. Besides, I was about three out of four levels finished. Not that the game was that short, just this campaign. Not to mention the fact that I had played through it like a million times. The video games were just a distraction for myself anyways...

Soon enough it was dinner time- I planned on staying inside like normal. Mikan had given up on trying to get me to go weeks ago, so I was expecting her to just head out without giving it a second thought- however-

"Ohhh- I know you said you d-don't want to go, and t-that you said I shouldn't even bother but- are... a-are you sure you don't want to go to dinner?" she asks, obviously scared out of her wits about doing so. I look up from my screen, surprised that she was actually asking- where the heck did this even come from.

I smirk, letting out a dismissive laugh- "You already know that I won't. I told you didn't I: Gotta run the world from this laptop. If I leave for even a moment, the world could be thrown into chaos!" I say, ending my little speech with a bit of a pout. Mikan's face contorts in worry for a few moments, before she thinks better of whatever she was going to do and exits the room with a quick "sorry"

I wonder what brought that up.

Mikan's POV:

I exited the room with an anxious gulp- that... had failed completely. I knew that he had told me time and time again that he wouldn't go but- with today's events especially, I couldn't help but worry a bit more. I just couldn't understand why he would do that to himself in the first place. Heaving a sigh, I keep my eyes low as I walk, keeping an anxious grip on my bag. And as I walk I spot-


Crap crap crap-

Around the area where Daiki had grabbed my wrist, a bruise was beginning to form. I panicked for a moment, feeling the pace of my breath quicken as I let the realization sink in. One thought was going on in my head: I can't let anyone see this.

Quickly heading to the nearest bathroom, I rummage around in my bag for something- a bottle of concealer. I had made it a habit to keep some on me at all times for reasons like this. Putting some product on my finger, I apply the makeup onto my wrist. Within seconds, it looked as if nothing had happened at all. Taking in a shaky breath, I take a few moments to collect myself.

How... how long had it been since I had to do something like this? I had gotten so used to just having makeup free arms... it was a bit of a wake up call. But one that I couldn't reflect on for much longer. I take in one last deep breath, and exit the bathroom.

When I enter the cafeteria, the energetic voice of Ibuki greets me- "Mikan Mikan, you've got to try this juice" she says, shoving a bottle of some odd energy drink in my face. "H-Huh? Is... i-is it good?" I ask, a bit apprehensive about it. Ibuki shakes her head. "Nope! But the vibe it gives you is like nothing Ibuki's ever seen! Ibuki's super into it!" she says, pushing the drink closer to my face.

I apprehensively take the drink in my hand, an unintentionally disgusted look on my face. The drink itself was a bright bright pink, with a black cap- certainly something that fit with Ibuki's aesthetic. But her notes about the taste- I gulp back some fear, open up the cap, and pour some into my mouth.

She wasn't kidding when she said it didn't taste good. It was very harsh, and very sour- so much so that if there was any kind of flavor, you wouldn't even be able to tell what it was even if you wanted to. I coughed a bit, putting the cap back on the bottle and handing it back to Ibuki. "T-That was... um, interesting" I say, still recovering from the drink.

"Are you sure you should be drinking stuff like that Ibuki? You don't even know what's in it, and I don't trust that color" says Mahiru, a concerned look on her face. Hiyoko, who was eating gummies alongside her dinner, shrugged. "If the idiot wants to ruin her body with chemicals then let her. I'll totally be laughing when she gets all fat though" she says, snickering. "You aren't much better with those gummies, you know" said Fuyuhiko, an irritated look on his face."Hey you take that back! At least I exercise by dancing!" she shoots back. Mahiru had a defeated look on her face, and just continued to eat her dinner.

Ibuki shrugged with a "Whatever", before taking another swig of the drink and shaking her head. "Now that's extreme!" she says, playing an air guitar. I anxiously hold onto my bag as she does this, also concerned about how Ibuki's health will turn out due to these drinks. "U-Um, I agree with Hiyoko. At the very least, p-please drink them in moderation" I say softly, hoping that she wouldn't get upset with me saying such a thing.

Ibuki looks disappointed, but nods- "Ohhh okay- so please stop making that face eventhoughit'ssupercutewhenyoudo". I nod, tensing up a bit as I became hyper aware of my expression- what kind of face was I even making?

"Hey, aren't you going to get some of this food?" calls out Teruteru, who was standing by a plate of some kind of meat. It looked really good... crap my mouth was watering. As I attempt to wipe it, I feel Ibuki grab my wrist and pull me along towards Teruteru- thankfully it wasn't the one with the concealer though."We will!" she calls out energetically. "But you've already had some... ah well, I made plenty! It's nice to see someone appreciate some good cooking. Especially someone so... sumptuous." he says, letting his creepy side show again.

"...Nevermind. Not hungry anymore" says Ibuki, who lets go of my wrist and heads back to the table. Teruteru looks down dejectedly, and I kind of felt bad for him. Stepping up to the table, I grab a plate and do my best to put on a comforting smile. "U-Um... I would still... l-like some food" I say. He perks up, a sly smile on his face as he puts some food on my plate- "See? Someone appreciates my brilliance!" he says, eying everyone at the table, to which Mahiru responds "We love your food just fine you're just a creep!"

Teruteru shrugs, and finishes putting food on my plate. Feeling awkward now, I sit next to Ibuki, who was talking energetically to the others. As I begin eating however, she soon shifts her attention to me, leaning in close to whisper in my ear- "So how was the mall with you know who?" she asks in a soft voice, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"I-It was... a-actually really fun" I say, a hint of a smile on my face. Ibuki's eyes widen in surprise- "Wow! Guess he isn't as bad as the rumours say! Unless this is all part of a scheme- unless it isn't- unless it is! Unless- ahhh, just know that Ibuki's happy for you" she finishes, a smile on her face and a shrug in her shoulders.

I nod happily, and dig into the food on my plate once more. I don't think I've ever seen Ibuki so worried before, so it felt nice to put her mind at ease: especially since she's always doing that for me.

Dinner went on rather pleasantly- although I felt very awkward since I wound up being the last to finish my food due to how late I was. I said my goodbyes to Ibuki, Mahiru, and Hiyoko, then left to head back to my dorm.

And there Kokichi was, still using his laptop. It was well past 9 o'clock at this point, and yet he looked just as invested in what he was doing as when I left. Not looking up from his laptop, he gives a half hearted wave and a quick "Hey", before continuing to do whatever it was he was doing.

I sigh. Normally, stuff like this wouldn't be a problem- however I was worried about his sleeping habits. Most nights, while I fall asleep, he would still be on that computer. It kept him up all night as far as I was aware, and Kokichi was certainly showing signs of sleep deprivation. I tried talking to him about it a week in, however he dismissed it similarly to how he dismissed my concerns about dinner.

I knew it was useless, so I did my best to just ignore those urges to fawn over his health. It was just... something about today had resparked my worry for his health. Maybe... maybe it was because I wanted to pay him back for today.

He had said that being there with him was a part of me paying him back for the first day- however I couldn't help but wonder... if that was a lie. Of course I should probably take it at face value- I didn't want to be presumptuous after all. However, he was known for lying... and today he did something that, as far as I know, went against the evil persona that had made him so infamous...

I was probably overthinking things though. If I was wrong about this then I would be in real trouble so... it was probably best to just take what he says as is for right now.

Putting those thoughts aside, I buried myself in my book, the silent typing and clicking of Kokichi's laptop adding an ambient noise to the room. It was business as usual once again, but... I couldn't help but still let some of those thoughts that I had fought so hard to push away seep through. I... was going to have to get a better hold of those...

It wasn't too much longer after that that I fell asleep, book next to my bed, and the tapping of Kokichi's laptop still filling my ears.

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