Before I Forget || Bakugo X f...

By WhiskeyWhisperer

266K 8.6K 9K

(This story has been discontinued) (y/n) (l/n) is a young girl who aspires to become a hero. She is beyond ha... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
πŸŽƒHalloween One-shotsπŸŽƒ
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Author's Note
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Author's Note

Chapter 36

3.6K 90 37
By WhiskeyWhisperer

I'll be doing my best to explain everything as well as I can for those who haven't read the manga and don't know what's going on. This chapter is all about the meeting but gives a lot of information, so please read it carefully.

Sorry if it gets a little boring, but if you don't know the plot you won't really understand the rest without reading this meeting.

"Thanks to all the information you've gathered, the investigation has progressed considerably. I would like to conduct this conference with you all today, to share any acquired information regarding a small yakuza organisation known as The Eightfold Cleansers."

Excuse me? Eightfold cleansers? Yakuza?! What the FUCK?

I'm so confused right now.

I knew yakuza were like gangsters or criminal organizations. In a family laced with hero activity, I'd heard about plenty of them. Yet I was still completely confused about everything else.

"I will explain this step by step", Sir Nighteye announced.

All these heroes here... They vary from the top of the chart to local heroes...

I am so confused!

I turned back to Fat Gum, Tamaki and Kirishima. Thankfully, the redhead voiced my thoughts.

"I'm a little outta the loop here...", he said. "Eightfold Cleansers? What's that?"

"They've probably been thinkin' up somethin' terrible, so it's time for everybody to talk it out", Fat Gum answered. "You've also got quite the connection to 'em."

My hand unconsciously moved up to my shoulder, which was still wrapped in bandages from when I was shot.

So that was the Eightfold Cleansers...? Still! I am confusion! What the hell is going on here?!

Okay, (y/n). Keep your cool. You have to act like a hero here. Just listen to what Sir Nighteye has to say. I'm sure he'll explain everything.

"Well then. Let's begin", the hero said.

Everyone sat down at a large table. Sir Nighteye was sitting at the head with two of his sidekicks, Bubble Girl and Centipeder, behind him. I saw Mirio and Midoriya sitting on the left side of the table closest to Sir Nighteye, which was across from me since I was sitting on his right side with Fat Gum, Tamaki and Kirishima.

"Since about two weeks prior, we of Sir Nighteye offices have been idependantly observing a villain group known as the Eightfold Cleansers", Sir Nighteye's sidekick Bubble Girl said.

"What was the hook?", a hero I didn't recognize asked.

"There was an accident involving a thief gang known as the Reservoir Dogs", Bubble Girl answered.

The Reservoir Dogs? I think I remember that. They were these villains that robbed a convenience store. It was on the news a while ago.

"The police cleaned everything up as just an accident, but there were many points that made no sense and we began to track them", Bubble Girl said.

Sir Nighteye's other sidekick cleared his throat and took over.

"I am a sidekick, Centipeder", he introduced himself. "I have been conducting the tracking and observing as per the instructions put forth by Nighteye. Within this one-year period that I have been investigating, there has been a rapid increase in contact, both between members of the underground organization, as well as people outside of the group. They appear to be an organization moving with the intent to expand and accumulate funds. Also, shortly after the commencement of investigation, they made contact with one Jin Bubaigawara. Villain name 'Twice'."

Twice?! From the League of Villains?

This is getting stranger by the minute. What the fuck?

"They were particularly cautious of being followed and I was unable to continue tracking them", Centipeder continued "But I cooperated with the police. They were able to confirm that during this meeting, some kind of skirmish occurred."

"So it's related to the villain alliance", Gran Torino concluded. "That's why you called me and Tsukauchi."

Tsukauchi... That's All Might's friend in the police, if I remember correctly.

"And where is Tsukauchi?", another hero asked.

"There was other information from witnesses, so he's checking that out", Gran Torino explained.

Suddenly he turned around to face Midoriya.

"Listen boy, I never thought it would come to this, but you've been dragged into quite an annoying situation", he said.

"I don't think any part of this is 'annoying'", Midoriya immediately answered.

"So you know each other?", Mirio asked.

"From my workplace experience", Midoriya explained.

Sir Nighteye looked at the interaction and was silent for a second.

"...Continuing on", he then said.

"Uh, we have this kind of process!", Bubble Girl said as she tapped on a tablet. "We wanted to request everyone's cooperation on HN."

"You can skip that", Centipeder murmured.

"Okay!", Bubble Girl quickly answered.

I nudged Tamaki, who was sitting next to me.

"What's HN?", I asked.

"It's short for 'the hero network'", Tamaki answered. "It's an internet service that only people with a pro hero license can use. They say you can see activity reports and apply for help from heroes with useful quirks across the nation."

"Oh, okay. Thanks", I mumbled.

"Hey, even if they're U.A. students, what's with the brats?", a hero I knew was named Rock Lock said. "Can't talk with them around. We're burning daylight just getting to the real issue of what they're plotting."

Excuse me? Who the fuck is he calling a brat?

"Enough outta you!", Fat Gum said as he stood up so quickly he sent his chair flying. "These three 'ere are super important witnesses!"

"The three... of us?", Kirishima asked.

"Enthusiasm... Smothering...", Tamaki murmured as everyone's eyes landed on us.

"You'll be fine", I mumbled as I playfully elbowed him.

"Besides, I think there's a ton o' people who're meetin' for the first time, so better get to it!", Fat Gum said. "The name's Fat Gum. Pleasure to meet y'all!"

"So fluffy!", Uraraka said.

"And cute", Asui agreed.

"Oh, here's some candy!", Fat Gum said and he threw the two girls some candy.

"We have reason to believe that the Eightfold Cleansers have made the dispersal of unlicensed goods part of their livelihood", Sir Nighteye said, bringing everyone's attention back to the matter at hand. "As such I have requested help from heroes familiar with that line of work."

Right... Fat Gum said something about that during the internship the other day. He used to work with the police to go after drug dealing criminals.

"Long ago we smashed those kinda things to pieces!", Fat Gum said. "Then the other day, in Red Riot's debut battle, Tamaki and (y/n) were both shot by somethin' new. The linkes we ain't never seen."

He crushed some candy that he apparently still had in his hands. Then he let the crumbled pieces fall to the ground.

"A drug... that erases quirks."

Audible gasps were heard throughout the room.

"What?! Tamaki, (y/n), you're okay, right?", Mirio immediately asked with a concerned look.

Midoriya, Uraraka and Asui asked similar questions.

"Yes", I softly answered.

"Yeah, after a day or two it came back", Tamaki said. "Just look at this splendid cow hoof."

He briefly turned his right hand into the hoof of a cow to demonstrate that his quirk was very much operative.

"So breakfast was beef bowl today?", Fat Gum asked.

Tamaki shot him a look as the conversation continued.

"If it recovers, no need to worry", Rock Lock said. "It's nothin' fatal."

"It's a bit different from my erasure", Aizawa interfered. "That's because I'm not attacking the quirk itself."

Huh? What's he talking about?

"A special mechanism, 'plus alpha' is added to a basic human body. That is a quirk", Aizawa started to explain. "Ultimately, I can only temporarily halt that quirk factor. I can't cause damage to it."

"Right after these two got shot we took 'em to the hospital to get a look-see", Fat Gum said. "That quirk factor had taken damage! Luckily, it recovered naturally and has returned to normal now."

"And the analysis of the thing they were shot with?", someone asked.

"There were no other abnormalities in either of their bodies!", Fat Gum answered. "It was only, and I mean only, the quirk that was attacked. Not a peep from the gang that shot 'em. The gun was in pieces too! Plus they didn't have no other bullets in their possession 'sides the one they fired."

He paused.

"However... Thanks to Kirishima riskin' his life to deflect a bullet, we were able ta obtain da contents of dat one shot!"

"Wha- I did?!", Kirishima responded. "That came out of nowhere!"

"You did well that day, Kiri", I smiled as I put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't be so surprised you helped the investigation."

Uraraka, Asui and Nejire also praised him.

"As for what was inside...", Fat Gum continued. "Something sickening came out... It contained human blood, and human cells."

I tensed up.

"In other words... that effect is derived from a person", Ryukyu concluded. "Or a quirk. A quirk to destroy other quirks..."

This is... weird.

"Uhh... I'm afraid I've not been seeing it for a while now, but how does this relate to the cleansers?", another hero I didn't recognize asked.

Fat Gum explained that the distribution web of the drug was extremely complicated, but that they were able to reach the source because of the guy Kirishima arrested. There was no evidence that the Cleansers themselves were dealing, but there had been contact between them and the middle man selling the drug.

Ah, they're talking about the power up drug now, not the one I was shot with... Keep up, (y/n). The man Kirishima fought used a drug to temporarily enhance his quirk. That's the drug they're talking about.

"Recall the clash between a villain group that Ryukyu and her team took care of a few days ago", Sir Nighteye said. "The boss of that gang was with one of those middleman groups."

"One of the villains who gigantified only maintained it for a short while", Ryukyu said. "It must have been the inferior goods."

"I guess the acts of organized crime that have been on the rise lately could be traced back to the Cleansers, if you look at it in that light", someone commented. "The connection's still a little hazy though. It can be construed that we're twisting things to make the Cleansers the culprits at any cost. I wonder if there's anything more conclusive to clinch the link?"

"The quirk of the capo Chisaki is named 'Overhaul'", Sir Nighteye said. "A power that can disassemble and reassemble any target."

Overhaul...? I think I've heard that name before. He leads a yakuza organization. That must be the Eightfold Cleansers.

So... his real name is Chisaki.

"A quirk that can dismantle... to destroy and repair at once", Sir Nighteye continued. "That, along with the bullets that can destroy quirks..."

I was a bit slow in connecting the dots in my head, but I tensed up when I noticed Midoriya and Mirio's expressions. They looked extremely nervous. Devastated, almost. Worse than anyone else in the room.

"Chisaki has a daughter", Sir Nighteye said. "Although one without a birth certificate, so the particulars aren't clear. When these two encountered her, her arms and legs were wrapped in bandages."

He gestured to Midoriya and Mirio.

Oh no...

It's the girl, isn't it? It's her quirk. Chisaki's daughter has the quirk that can destroy other quirks.

But Mirio and Midoriya already encountered her once? No wonder they're so tense. They probably feel bad for letting her go again.

"It can't be...", Ryukyu said. "To do something so hideous..."

"What do you expect of this world of superhumans?", Gran Torino retorted. "All it takes is the thoughts and any son of a bitch can do anything."

"What are you all talking about...?!", Kirishima asked.

I silently shook my head. This was bad. If they were really using the girl to make these bullets, then we had to save her. As soon as possible.

"See? We don't need any kids around", Rock Lock commented. "Slow on the uptake much?"

"To put it simply, we're saying that they're making the bullets out of her body", Ryukyu explained.

I clenched my teeth.

I can't believe anyone could do that...

"We don't know if they're trafficking them for profit", Sir Nighteye continued. "At their current stage of development, they're not very close to completion. Be that as it may... If, hypothetically, they were using them as a testing phase and using them as samples for presentations to gather comrades..."

This is bad. This is seriously really bad.

"There's no definite proof", Sir Nighteye said. "However, say they gathered allies all across the country and amassed the funds... What if the completed bullets could take quirks themselves, and eradicate them completely? Many dark, dark ideas spring to one's mind."

"Just imaginin' it's gonna make seethe with rage!", Fat Gum said. "C'mon, we gotta search their hideout!"

"So you're sayin' that if these two dudes had been able to take the girl under protection, then this whole problem would've been resolved right then and there?!", Rock Lock asked, referring to Mirio and Midoriya.

Like you could have done any better. You don't know the circumstances they were under so keep your damn comments to yourself.

I knew better than to say my thoughts out loud. I'd probably just be dismissed as a short-fused child.

"I take responsibility for all of it, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't put the blame on them", Sir Nighteye replied. "Even though they didn't know about her predicament, they both tried their best to save her. The ones who are most frustrated here and now... are these two."

Midoriya and Mirio jumped up at the same time, looks of determination on their faces.

"We won't fail you this time, Eri!", Midoriya said.

"We'll protect her!", both boys then said at the same time.

"Yes, and that will be our goal", Sir Nighteye replied.

"Tch", Rock Lock said. "It's fine that the kid's alive, but... If one were to guess, the boss would want to hide this girl, who is the core component to his plan, right? And after all that trouble, she somehow makes it outside! And on top of that, to be spotted by these little brat heroes!"

Stop. Calling. Them. brats. You fucking prick!

"Do you think he'd honestly keep her tucked away at the headquarters after all that?", Rock Lock continued. "If it were me, I wouldn't. Because even if we were to attack, as long as the girl isn't there, then it doesn't matter. Have we been able to specify her exact whereabouts?"

"He's right", Ryukyu agreed. "What do you think, Nighteye?"

"That's exactly the problem", Sir Nighteye answered. "We don't know how far ahead he's planned. If we don't finish them with one blow, they'll probably get the chance they need to launch a counterattack. And so, we've looked at groups and organizations that have ties to the Precepts, as well as all of the known locations under the Precepts' control. We've left no stone unturned coming up with this list."

The Eightfold Cleansers, also known as the Eight Precepts, are using a little girl known as Eri to make bullets that can erase quirks...

Geez this is messed up.

"We'd like every hero to assist in searching each of these locations! Let's find the location and wring it out."

"I see, and that's how us minor heroes come into play", a heroine said.

"Look, the heroes who are present are clearly tied to the list somehow!", someone else said. "They've selected people who have familiarity with the area."

"You were All Might's sidekick, weren't you?!", Fat Gum yelled. "You've been awfully thorough tiptoeing about it!! All the while that Eri-chan girl has probably been crying!"

Real subtle, Fat. Nice job.

"We will not become like All Might!", Sir Nighteye replied. "It's for that reason that we've so thoroughly analyzed and predicted the possible scenarios. So that we could bring our chances of saving her as close to 100% as possible!"

"We mustn't lose our cool", Gran Torino interfered. "If we make a misstep trying to capture them, it could just end up fanning the flames. Just how Stain's arrest performance only ended in a giant PR boost for the League of Villains. This time, with a single hoodlum trying to release some kind of quirk-destroying weapon, it's possible that those motives are at play as well."

"You're overthinking it!", Fat Gum objected. "If we spend all our time talking about stuff like that, they're going to slip through our fingers!"

Discussion broke loose in the room. I sighed and looked down.

So the girl's name is Eri? Poor Eri-chan. We have to save her. We just have to.

"Uhm... If I could ask a question...?"

I looked up and saw Aizawa sitting with his hand raised like he was in a classroom. Slowly everyone quieted down.

"I'm not completely knowledgeable about you abilities, Sir Nighteye, but if you have the ability to see the future, then can't you just look ahead and see what our outcome is?", Aizawa asked. "At this rate, we're not going to agree on anything."

"That... I can't do", Nighteye replied.

Aizawa raised his eyebrows in question.

"Once I activate my foresight ability, it needs a 24-hour interval before it can be used again", Sir Nighteye started to explain. "In other words, every day, for one hour, I can see one person's future. When I do, like a series of flashbacks, it plays in my mind frame by frame. Once activated, for an hour's time I can see the film of an individual's life... That's how you can think about it. However, all of that film is from a perspective that very closely follows the person in question. All I can see it their actions and their immediate surroundings."

"Err... But isn't that enough?", Aizawa asked. "You should be able to find out a lot from just that. What do you mean you 'can't do it'?"

"For example, if in that person's immediate future, I see death. A merciless death awaiting them. What could I do?"

Midoriya and I shot each other a look. He was thinking about All Might, and we both knew it.

"This quirk of mine is only supposed to be used when our chances of success have been brought to their highest", Nighteye stated. "It should be used for insurance. When there are too many uncertainties at play, it should not be used recklessly."

"Even death is information, isn't it?", Rock Lock argued. "Then you can put together a plan to avoid it!"

"It's not like telling a fortune", Sir Nighteye countered. "There's no evidence to show that you can avoid the outcome!"

"Nighteye! I really don't know what you're talking about, but it'll be okay!", Rock Lock said. "You can take a look at me! I'll avoid the outcome as many times as you want!"

"I can't", Nighteye replied in a tone that didn't allow any discussion.

I gulped and everyone was silent for a moment.

"In any case, let's proceed with the plan", Ryukyu said. "Don't forget, there's a girl in trouble."

"Locating the girl and securing her rescue", Nighteye said as he stood up. "Our goal is to resolve the situation as quickly and effectively as possible. Thank you all for your cooperation."

The meeting ended and everyone was dismissed. I followed Mirio and Tamaki to a separate room, where all the U.A. students sat down at a table.

Midoriya and Mirio explained what happened the day they saw Eri. She literally ran into Midoriya on the street. They wanted to save her but ran into none other than Chisaki, or Overhaul, himself. Since Mirio knew Sir Nighteye was already investigating him undercover, he didn't want to endanger the investigation and decided it would be best to save Eri later than to cause trouble right then and there.

Now, both Mirio and Midoriya were extremely frustrated that they let it happen.

"So, that's what happened...", Midoriya finished the story.

"So frustrating...", Kirishima muttered and he balled his hands into fists.

"Deku...", Uraraka softly said.

I didn't really know what to say and just remained silent.

I was worried about Midoriya, but Mirio especially. His optimistic demeanor had completely disappeared. He looked incredibly down and frustrated.

I shot Tamaki a worried glance. He silently shook his head. He was also worried about Mirio. I could tell.

The elevator dinged and opened to reveal Aizawa.

"Are you guys holding a wake or something?", he asked as he walked up to the table we were sitting at.

"Sensei", Asui greeted him.

"Ah, just call me Eraser Head outside of class, please", he answered. "Oh, however... I had originally planned to suspend all of your internships today."

"What?!", I said as my head whipped around to look at him.

"Why now of all days?!", Kirishima backed me up.

"You all heard that there's a possibility the League's involved", Aizawa answered. "That changes things."

I clenched my teeth and averted my eyes.

I don't care if the League is involved. I already feel a burning need to save Eri. I can't even imagine how Izuku and Mirio feel.

"But you know, Midoriya...", Aizawa said as he knelt down to be on eye-level with him. "You still haven't restored my trust in you. Unfortunately, I have every reason to believe that if I were to stop you right now, you'd just jump out in the midst of things again."

He paused and let out a small sigh.

"I'm watching you", Aizawa stated. "If you act again, we'll go by the formal procedures this time around. Got it, problem child?"

I averted my eyes and looked at the blonde figure slouched over the table.

"Mirio...", I softly said.

"Could you lift your head up, please?", Tamaki asked.

"Hey, hey, Togata", Nejire said. "Even if you're feeling regret and getting down over it, there's nothing you can do about it. You know that, right?"

"Yeah", Mirio softly answered and he lifted his head up the tiniest bit.

I looked at him with worry, but turned around when Aizawa spoke to Midoriya again.

"Let me tell you something. That hand of yours that barely missed rescuing her...", he said. "I'll bet that she felt something other than despair. So keep looking forward and go on."

"Yes sir!", Midoriya enthusiastically answered.

"I'll follow you forever, Eraser Head!", Kirishima said.

"No, not forever, please...", Aizawa replied.

"S-Sorry!", Kirishima said.

"Kirishima. Your voice is too loud...", Aizawa complained.

He sighed.

"Anyway, what I came here to say was... aside from the Big Three, whose abilities are equivalent to, or even exceed a pro's, I think your roles will be fairly small. And Asui, Uraraka, Kirishima and (y/n), you four aren't even necessarily here out of your own free will. What do you want to do?"

"Eraser Head", I immediately said. "There's no way I'm backing out now! I will do everything in my power to save Eri-chan!"

"After hearing that kind of story, you can't tell me I can't go now!", Uraraka added.

"If you're not going to say I can't, Eraser... I would like to assist", Asui said. "We can't let those who would hurt a small girl get away with it."

"Seeing as they've already let them participate in the meeting, I think the pro's have already recognized these freshmen's abilities", Tamaki said. "Actually, in comparison to someone like me, these freshmen are considerably more brilliant."

"Any opportunity to put yourself down, huh Amajiki?", Nejire said.

"Are you kidding me, Tamaki?", I frowned as I walked up to him. "All I've done so far is getting shot."

"You should stop talking yourself down because of that."

"Listen to your own advice there", I smiled.

"If my strength will help that girl even in the slightest, I'm in!", Kirishima said.

"I just wanted to confirm your convictions", Aizawa said. "As long as you understand, that's fine. This time, our goal is ultimately the liberation and protection of the child, Eri. Don't overstep that boundary. Our greatest concern is the shadow of the villain alliance. From the police's observations as well as those of Nighteye and his staff, they seem to have a particularly cooperative relationship to the Eightfold Cleansers. Judging by the recent search of the premises, it looked like the possibility of them being in the same place is low. However, in the worst case scenario, if they were off the mark and the alliance is also present and we can't complete our objective... You'll stop right there."


I tried not to worry too much when we were told to head back to the campus. I wasn't particularly worried about the mission or myself, but about Midoriya and Mirio.

Midoriya somewhat regained his usual composure, but Mirio was still super down. Tamaki stuck to his side and Nejire chatted his ears off. I knew they'd known each other for a long time, so I decided to leave the Big Three be and stuck by Kirishima's side.

By the time we got back to the dorms it was still early, but I wasn't in the mood to chat with anyone. I immediately went back to my room, where I started training with my punching bag.

During dinner, I unconsciously say down at a table with the intern group. Everybody noticed that we were a little gloomy, so they left us be.

Until Eri whereabouts were determined, we were on standby and completely prohibited from speaking about our internships.

I'll manage... I hope.

So this chapter was pretty long. I just really wanted to go through everything thoroughly, since this pretty much explains why what will happen will happen.

If anything is still unclear, please do ask.

Thank you for reading!!

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